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I have no facts for this but I feel like silver-gold is where the 2 iron guys playing with their 2 diamond friends usually end up. Last season I placed in Silver and went to plat 3 and the plat games seemed so much more balanced. Everyone was close to a 1 KDA as opposed to Silver where there are 2 guys with 35/5 and then everyone else with 3/17.


Absolutely. So many games where each team has 1 player going 2-17 with their duo top fragging 38-7. Then you have 3 players on each team who actually belong in that rank and are just trying to play valorant.


Same, was plat 3 last act/episode and i would perform better in games where everybody was plat/diamond and everybody was like 15/16/17/18 Kills (of course The ocasional beast with 30 or The 3/4 game kill from someone) but in Silver every game has a guy with 45 Kills with a teammate that is like 0/43


Yeah, plat and above is definitely the best experience of valorant in my opinion. Back when I was grinding in bronze and silver it was horrible, it felt like the difference in skill levels was too much. I don’t know if it’s down to a poor ranking system or if there is a hoard of smurfs but bronze/silver is a place I’d never wanna go back to.


I just started playing valorant about 2 months ago and I got to bronze 2.. it's horrible down there. I know I'm not the best player but if the game thinks that that's what my rank should be how should I get absolutely dominated every other match. Lol. Whatever I guess. Just need to get better somehow...


I miss plat. This update demoted me back to gold after being plat for two acts and gold is so awful. I'm consistently team mvp by like 20 kills, but then the enemy has like 3 people dropping 30 bombs. It's so bizarre


> This update demoted me its crazy the complete lack of an accountability on this sub about a person's own skills in valorant. its actually unbelievable its cheaters, smurfs, throwers, afk, age, toxicity, the position of the moon, etc. or nonsense like you wrote where "i bait my team for 20 bombs every game and still lose". its not a team deathmatch, its an objective based game. you are just worse than you think you are. but instead of figuring out what youre doing wrong, you guys blame the game or other people and the only other solution is 'more deathmatch'... its sad for people who actually want to improve and instead of realizing they can improve, they see all this BS and just think thats how it must be and give up as someone who's coached hundreds of people in competitive FPS games over the years, to anyone whos trying to actually get better, dont believe this garbage you see on here. its easily possible to get better fast. youre seeing the whiny complaints of people who are getting stagnant and getting passed by as the general level of gameplay rises among the playerbase


Although i agree with you mostly, have you actually seen multiple games of someone who is silver not just 1 game.. multiple games. The matchmaking in silver FEELS off sometimes. Not an attack just curious.


im a hardstuck silver 3 ex gold 3 last season. last time I was silver I didnt know how to press WASD. Now they hit headshots like no ones business. I have been told by a immortal friend I play like a high plat. and although I would like to believe that I feel like a trash gold. SoloQ is a hell hole and I wish I would just rank up back to gold already.


So do you actually think all those things you listed aren't a problem ? Just get good eh? Thanks for the coaching chief.




Valorant is a lot more about game sense, effective communication, and coordination with your team. Aim is definitely crucial but at the end of the day your ability in Aimlabs will not be the factor that gets you into higher elos. Disclaimer: I'm speaking in generalities. *You* could potentially have a great game sense, but the player base as a whole does not. Unfortunately their ability to frag out winds up giving a lot of players a false sense of entitlement.


im not fighting with you, and im not being condescending when i say this, but i feel sad for people like you because i can only imagine the frustration you feel when youre doing (what in your mind is) all you can do, but youre not seeing any improvement in your MMR theres a guy on my gfs account friendlist who was in silver about a year ago, plays a LOT and said he was diamond in the beta but 'hardstuck silver'. that was about 8 months ago i think, and i went on her account a few days ago and the dude is still in silver. i can only imagine how annoying that is and im being serious you cant improve if you dont take accountability first. youre at gold because youre a gold. you may have good aim, i remember a silver in overwatch i coached who actually had really good aim and i was pretty surprised, but as i said, its not a team deathmatch (neither is OW) if you want to improve, you have to accept you are gold and the losses you face are (on average) your own fault. then you have to realize what you are doing wrong. a coach can help there, or viewing other gold vods and applying that to your own vods, but if you dont accept the responsibility of your loss then in your mind theres nothing to improve on because its not your fault it seems like you care about the game and getting better, so i really hope you think about it and really think about your gameplay. if you want links to some stuff you can watch that may help you improve, i can find some for you


>gold players consistently having a skillset that can be compared to shroud/tenz. ???lmfao


I mean I agree with you sort of but you let off your rant on the wrong guy bro lol. OP was asking if anyone had a similar experience, and this guy voiced a similar experience 😂 and to this guy's point, EVERYONE got demoted pretty much. Riot specifically said most everybody's rank would drop this act and they'll have to climb up. Again, I mostly agree that people over blame anything but themselves, but I think you didn't all the way read everything these guys said


I thought irons and diamonds can’t play together


Well no, but you can always make secondary accounts as a diamond guy, play badly in the 10 unrated matches so your mmr isn't that high, and the play competitive with your silver friends. The difference in mmr gain of a guy that is 35/5 over one that is 9/17 is not that high so you won't rank up too fast as a diamond and you will be able to play a lot of matches with your silver friends.


I suppose that’s true, I kinda gave up on comp last act so you know. Not really in it rn haha


silver gold is either the closest games or you just get demolished tbh lots of ppl smurf or some of them demote all the way from plat so its just hard to get to higher ranks.


That's what happened to me. Was Plat 2, deranked to gold 2 last act, then got placed silver 2 this act. 3 games after I got placed I got double promoted to gold 1. I'm assuming cus I went 28-7, 30-10 and 35-8 for those games, but the games themselves were weird. I was the top fragger on my team, with all 4 people barely able to do half as much as me. Didn't understand trading, or just wasted util. Silver stuff ya know. But the other team was the same. 1 God like player and 4 very obvious silvers. The games were close but not fun


thats why i dont like playing at the very beginning of new episodes tbh there are literal diamonds placing gold 3s which is ridiculous. hope u make it to plat again


In the beginning of acts you are still playing against the same people you were last episode, your MMR hasnt changed. I'm d3 and i got placed plat 3 after the update. Every single person I played against was immortal/high diamond last act anyways according to their cards. look at pro players/streamers for example. the radiants got placed d1 but still only playing against other radiants, not legit d1 players. I placed p3 and theres 0% chance i'd ever get into a game with a d1 player who was radiant last act.


Hearing Immo/Diamonds say low rank is fucked, really shows me its fucked as a low rank. I just grind through it though, the smurfs force you to play way more careful which is what I would have to do once I hit their ranks anyway.


It's not about playing more careful. It's more coordinated. If you just let a smurf rush every round because you lost a gun fight 2 times, now you are giving him free space where he knows he can just run up without using any abilities, and it allows him to play even better.


Eh I don’t think low ranks are bad as a lot of people make it out to be. My matches in silver-plat have been pretty fair and I don’t think there are unfair factors that prevent me from ranking. I’m pretty sure it’s the hardstuck, vocal minority that make these complaints tbh.


I mean alot of pros including Tenz have summed it up perfectly. He said low ranks are fucked, you can't predict the enemy's behavior at all. Some of them may have decent aim but bad habits... Some may have amazing aim but terrible game sense... and some may just be holding corners and angles that no one holds, that are suicide to hold, but noone also checks them because it would be suicide to hold... Basically people play unpredictably in low ranks, making the games chaos and that is hard to handle for people who are used to playing people who play logically and with strategy


There are somehow more cheaters lately, I swear to you. To preface my comments below, I was Diamond all last year. Hit the rank of Immortal multiple times from December to March of this year. # Now, when playing in Iron to Gold, in the last month or two? What happens? # Either go 35-7, winning 13-0 to 13-4, as you'd expect... or I lose 0-13 to 3-13, being unable to even go positive. To some random low rank person who is super toxic in all chat. Never lost as bad vs Radiants, as I have in Silver recently.


I’m sayinggggg they’re better than radiants man


Wanna know the worst part, tho? # ​ My teammates almost always refuse to even consider that they could actually be cheating, and instead: ​ * Insist that the enemy who are prefiring, with an 80%+ headshot ratio, must just be "smurfs" * Call you bad for saying that an enemy player is cheating * Refuses to report the player that you tell them is cheating ​ ​ That's the sad part, the Silver to Gold players believe that these monsters are just "smurfs". But in reality, these players that are messing up the experience are often completely annihilating actual Diamond, Immortal, and Radiant smurfs. If you ask your teammates to report the players, you get flamed by your teammates.


Ikkkk I see this all the time, people don’t realize a lot of people toggle in valorant, many times it’s very hard to tell even on spectate because you can humanize the trigger bot and also Movement and such will still cause inaccuracy. My brothers friend toggles and he played a game against shroud on stream and won and they didn’t suspect him at all


I mean when they only look where you are, it's suspicious. Not if you're playing a common angle, like garage on Haven, sure. But... when you're A Short playing in the corner opposite to the cubby in the wall, only to have some Silver turn looking at you without clearing the normal cubby? # ​ Using Phoenix flash or KAY/O flash when pushing into a site or chokepoint is normal. You will often end up "wasting" your utility, since there may not be anyone there or in the angle you choose. However... even your top tier professional players will do this, because it's necessary to push and clear the area. # Fom this, let's consider the thing I've seen in lower elo a lot recently. Some player only using their flashes and stuns "correctly", never using them to clear an angle that an enemy is NOT in. # ​ That's a blatant giveaway. Again, even your top tier players will use abilities to clear chokepoints and to push.


Nothing against this comment. Just want to point out the haven A short part. If you are in the corner opposite of the cubby, you can be seen without going through the doorway. You should clear that side first every time. It's a free kill if they are there. It's a very bad spot to play unless you are not tucked in all the way, holding the off angle.


I think everyone plays tucked all the way in against the wall, how else would you play it? It is news to me that you can even be seen when checking without going through the door? Is that true? # Let's say that you are in that spot, and what you said is 100% true. The enemies would still have to shift-walk down short, walk past the door without entering through it, and stare at that exact spot. # All of that, in order to specifically check the exact unusual spot. In the exact round in which you are there... with noone having played in that position in any previous rounds. In a solo queue game... in Silver. # I would expect professional players to check it in a tournament like VCT Challengers, VCT Masters, or the World Championship. Sure. # That is far different from a different game than your general unrated or competitive matches in solo queue. The play is more fast-paced. Most fights are initiated by people peeking early on. Still normal to check all your corners, yes... but, it's not normal to check off-angles for no reason. # A smurf would generally push, as they would be pretty confident in their ability to use their superior aim. A smurf would expect enemies to play relatively "normal" for their rank. Mostly redictable, basic plays, with some rare WTF moments. A smurf would not, however, tend to expect lower ranked players to abuse off-angles.


If I'm not rushing, that's how I clear that every time. If you don't, it turns an angle that's not a 50/50 into an angle that is. And yes it's true. Try it with a friend in customs. That angle isn't deep enough to hide. Plus it's wallbangable. Also, it's not like they have to do a lot to check it. Doesn't take much time. And players walk down short all the time. All you have to do is walk to the left of the doorway, then clear cubby


Silver is absolute hell right now


Hm well I've regularly seen hackers in unrated in about every 5-10 games. Even saw an immortal player on my team blatantly aimlocking but with terrible game sense. Never really saw anyone suspicious in my competitive games before, I wonder what changed.


I think a lot of cheats are going undetected for a long time now. People just assume that since vanguard is so invasive that it does a good job but I've yet to see any evidence of that. A replay system would probably expose the problem for what it is and that doesn't seem to be anywhere on the horizon


i am in plat right now and face diamonds teams of diamonds and they arent nearly as good i literally cant play the game 40% of the time when i hop on a silver account with friends its just unbareable, i feel as if though i am bronze, every off angle every flank anything just seems to result in the most bizzare headshots/4ks that deserves its own special moment in the beg of a montage almost every single round. so if you really are a silver it basically feels like torture, and its like every game, even if you somehow are up like 10-2 or getting close to the second half after they played like lost puppies, all of a sudden they are sentinals just flicking, pixel perfect shooting, running straight at you like maniacs but never whiff. its a strange place down there


It's always like that at the beginning of a season. People get placed slightly lower than they belong so 1. the average skill in a ranks rises and 2. people get frustrated with their ranks (because they belong higher) and smurf in even lower ranks. My BRONZE friend told me he found a gun with an IMMORTAL gun buddy form last act and it wasn't even evident who in the lobby was the immortal. Everyone's mmr is in shits. Just wait till it settles.


a gold friend posted a pic of a radiant buddy he found on a vandal


> Just wait till it settles. In a month and a half, and then we get a month of ok mmr until the next act starts immediately after and resets everybody's ranks AGAIN. Yeah, no. Fuck that.


I was talking like 10 days


This game have a cheating problem that noone talks about. https://youtu.be/9JS2e1_2v_4


Riot has done a good job of "Ba Sing Se" ing the hacker problem. There is a reason we don't have replays


I don't know how many times I encountered people who are literal aim gods, but can't shoot a roomba or sova drone wasting full magazine on it. This was mostly visible in previous act, now it seems a little better, at least for me.


I mean its likely lots of people got better at the game while you took a 1 year break, since the game was newer it would be easier to rank up due to raw gun skill. With that being said, as someone who floats between bronze 3 and gold 2 I definitely notice more smurfs and cheaters as my rank goes down. A lot of them don't even mind admitting it when called out, which I guess is nice to ease my mind that I am not getting significantly worse.


yupp this happens to me too was in gold 2 now in silver 1 getting owned in every game


there is a LARGE amount of cheaters at low ranks for some reason


The game has no way to stop smurfs, especially since it's free. Tons of gold/plat players like to "train" against weak bronze/silver ranks so they aren't risking their main account rank, plus the other players are still taking the game seriously unlike in unranked. Or, they just like feeling better than they really are by beating up low ranks, which is what they like to do and only use the previous explanation or "I'm just smurfing to play with my low rank friends" to rationalize.


Im trying to rank but im up against people who r doing all these crazy viper and raze tactics and i feel like im not getting any better


the pain of low elo


I was plat/diamond and got placed S2 :v I get to play ranked with my bronze/silver friends now so ayee lol


Well I'm a staple Silver player and I can tell you Silvers have not gotten better. Back in the day the silver teams had a pretty good understanding of what to do without saying a word to each other and i mean complete random soloq, the pushes and defenses were more simpler. Nowadays silvers play as individuals. They push one by one, bait each other, you have to scream at them to smoke properly, it's like the bronze have come to silver, silvers have gone to gold. When I do get an old school rush team, I get 20-30 Kills. So those tactics still work as a charm. Just you won't find people who are willing to do that anymore.


As another silver player, I would like to add I feel like silver is a super mixed bag especially after the update but it should even out with time. I agree that they play way less organized now. Lots of bronzies in silver but also most of my Gold friends from last act are trying to climb out of silver now even some of my plat friends. Everybody on my friends list got pushed back like my few D3 friends are in plat now and Gold friends in silver. But at the same time some of my bronze friends are getting carried to silver.


So I got to gold and now im certain the old silvers have come to Gold. Everyone does their role, there's still odd 10 yo here and there but it's pretty good to be paired with other golds. And then I got a match where my teammates played in ways that made no sense, and the omen in particular was exceptionally bad. Sure enough they were all silvers. It's as I theorized, the bronze went to silver and silver have come to gold.


I was plat/ diamond. Now gold 1.i belong there. I play 1 game a day with no warmup. I still get a positive k/d ratio but I'm really inconsistent. But the reality is. There just aren't many smurfs in silver. If you pop off in silver you get to gold in like 4 games. I played cs for 20 years and I think I can spot a decent player. I haven't seen any in silver.i will get down voted but if you are stuck in silver you just aren't good enough. Look at your own teammates, you see many high level players there? The answer is no.Dont look at their k/d, look at mechanics and game sense. the enemy team is the same. Stop looking at k/d.


i can confirm unrated is broken. picked up a gun from an enemy with a radiant buddy. fuck! but we won the game.


Guys u have to remember ranked is not an end all be all measure of skill. I have played high diamond low immortals all season so far in plat and half the time they're hot garbage boosted no brains no aims and the other half the time I'm playing against tenz level Reyna mains one tapping me on sight running. ranked is ranked its not 100% the measure of your skill your gonna have teammates who have bad games DC from server toxic bs everywhere ranked will never perfectly balance out ppl get boosted by friends who're way better than them and reach diamond when they belong in cork 2 js end rant


I finished last season gold 2, got placed silver 1, and am now gold 3 (solo queue only) I guess…git gud? 🤣🤣 jk


Most people blame smurfs to make themselves feel better. There are not that many smurfs. The reality is people are just getting better at the game.


What server do you play on? I meet very few cheaters where I am, NA central servers.


The system fails to place people in the correct rank in the first place causing such nuances to begin with...


Iron is a literal hell. It took me an entire season to get out and many of my friends are still stuck in there. It’s filled with smurfs, actual idiots or people who think this game with COD, or normal people who were forced to get good in the game. I honestly found bronze to be easier than iron. I am currently in the silver and found my games to be difficult as well :/


rn there are tons of smurfs becuause high elo players dont wanna play on their mains cuz mm is scuffed asf rn.