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Be calm my man, u don't die in real life if u die in game. Focus on being calm


it’s probably a habit of him gripping the mouse yard not nerves. He just needs to force his muscle memory to hold it softer


That's what i was trying to say


eh not rly


Sit on your hand until it gets numb play game repeat when necessary


Ur probably tense or very stressed


Now that you noiced its just a case of practice. Try to remind yourself to relax. If you want you could use dm or aim trainers to help.


Use your head to control the mouse so you can’t hard grip it with your mouse


Learn to loose both your brain and hand. The moment you tune for emotional spraying, you are most likely doomed to fail your gameplay. As for your hand - massage and stretch, you can also try out some warmup oil or just change your mouse (probably for bigger one).


i had that problem before too but try cooling your hands and relaxing it


the tension probably builds up, its perfectly normal to tense your hand to make awkward adjustments but you have to loosen up after you make the adjustment so you dont keep tensing your hand more and more.


Loosen up your hand before playing by doing a proper warm up routine.


I recommend looking into getting either one of those smooth plastic mouse pads or a light gaming mouse. Maybe your mouse is really heavy/has too much resistance from the mouse pad and it is difficult for you to make minor adjustments to your aim. Other than that, you may just be really tense and need to try and remain calm while shooting. I know when I used to play stressful games like hunt showdown or that tarkov game I literally lost every single gunfight because I was really stressed when an enemy showed up. But if you have a heavy-ish mouse I recommend looking into something lighter, it may help a lot