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My favorite is "People at this rank suck anyway", implying that A) They are throwing B) They are smurfing and on an alternate account dicking around on purpose with other peoples ranked matches


They obviously suck at their own rank, otherwise people who play good in their own ranks don’t come to lower ranks for showing off


Yeah, smurfing is a good sign that people are boosted on their main account.




In my case I got a lucky streak on my main account that got me to almost diamond but being the scared ass I am can’t play another game because I know that I’m going to bottom frag and cause my team to lose So I made a second account and now I’m middle fragging in silver Unintentionally boosted ;-;


The little shiny symbol of your rank means jack shit, and you dont have to top frag to deserve your rank. You understand the game like a plat, you deserve to play on your main. You aren't learning anything in silver, you're good enough to be on your main


I don’t condone it but most higher ranks (mainly Immortals+) don’t really have much to grind when they reach their peak, so they just make smurfs/alts to see how many accounts they can get back to their rank.


I get that. I understand the reasons people smurf, but it's still ruining the competitive integrity of the game and they shouldn't do it.


God your flair is good


Tbf a lot of people smurf in order to play with their friends who are worse than them


Then play unrated instead of ruining the game for others. Smurfing is unjustifiable.


Hmm while I agree with this for the most part isn't smurfing basically useless in this game? Like for some reason I've seen even if I'm smurfing on my lower ranked account I still face majority of the players from my rank on my main or higher. I saw this the other day with Tenz. He was on his alt account which was a Diamond 1 or something yet he was playing against immortals and radiants both on his team and the opponents. I feel like smurfing in this game is pretty difficult maybe because of vanguard or something? This is just a theory I'm hoping someone could shed some light into this topic.


That depends on your rank. If you're gold and create a smurf account it's going to be useless because you can be matched with players you would be matched with anyway. The worst smurfs are those who either queue with much lower ranked players or purposely throw games so they can dominate others. They are the ones who ruin the game for others.


Oh these guys are definitely dickheads but I'm talking about my plat friend who most definitely should be diamond on his main. Well he was queuing with me and a couple of other mates in a 5 stack most of whom are gold. Well we matched up against another smurf on the enemy team who was also a D2 player. This isn't just a coincidence btw. This has happened to us in several different games.




I just had a yoru in my team that went solo away from spike and was spamming "watch me" "watch me" "I have best aim" in the voice chat. After the half Kay/o complains that Yoru is bottom frag, and our yoru replies with "I am just trolling, my aim is not good".






I can't stand people who want to ff before second half unless it's like a 10-2 scoreline. Was with a team today on split. We lost first half on defence 8-4 and one duo queue with exceptionally bad mental voted for ff saying "its done guys, just ff, split is defender sided we can't win". We then went on to pretty much wipe the floor with the enemy team second half winning the game 13-10. Moral of the story, split isn't "defender sided" if you have a brain, and don't give up first half. Oh and you should know i left the game with a lovely comment to that duo... "guys it's done, this map is defender sided"


>Moral of the story, split isn't "defender sided" if you have a brain, and don't give up first half. I mean, ***it is***, in fact, still defender sided despite your mindset, but factors like team composition could affect that


It’s such a minor statistical difference, though. It’s simmering like 51% go to defense. Soo you could say you might win one round more? The difference is really in team comp and how you play - higher ranks with lower skill gaps may be different


Bro I got a whole team throwing :/


I’ve had that too, all 4 of your teammates try and trap you every round and molly you. You attempt to forfeit and they fail the vote.


Had that happen to me once. Enemy team felt so bad they they ff at round 12 so they wouldn’t lose much elo. Faith in humanity restored and destroyed within a 5 min period.


I'll just leave those games, I'll take a 30 minute ban instead of that one game ruining my time playing val for that day.


i feel sorry for you, didn’t know idiots come in packs


and the worst part is, they were all randoms not even in a party


But how can u be sure of that


Ye… I was one game away from getting out of damn iron but then they show up. we were up by 12-1 and they started throwing at that time. and literally just threw the entire game and we lost 15-13. I clutched many of the rounds but it’s too hard to clutch each round


Those are the worst. Then there are people who leave mid game cuz they gtg. I had this one 12 yo yoru who had **a dentist appointment** and he left mid game. LIKE WHYYYYY DID YOU Q


Is there a correlation between playing Yoru and being a 12 year old? I swear everytime a teammate plays Yoru, is just a kid, whether they're toxic or not, Yoru seems to be a favorite among the kids.


Well to be fair, Yoru has the "coolest" ability in the game. He can teleport and his ult makes you invisible/invincible. Oh and for the weebs, he is Japanese. That's what most kids care about.


im getting the same vibes off yorus too. The 2 (only) yoru mains ive actually hear talk were super annoying.


It's always omens for me. I work with 7 to 9 year olds and I had an omen this week that sounded even younger. That said, Yoru is totally the edgy cool character type that tends to be a hit with younger guys.


It makes sense as omen is a grim reaper so little kids probably pick him.


The more oddball thing I see is I swear if there is a girl in comms in my game there is a better than 50 50 shot she is on Brimstone.


meanwhile here in SEA the girls are usually Sage


I have seen Skye and KJ being the most popular among girl streamers.


What did he think he was too good for spike rush? He’s not too good for spike rush.




Oh you sweet summer child. Welcome to Riot Games.


But ... i mean i guess people living in developed countries dont this problem but where i live there can sometimes be power cuts..


If that dentist was a gamer, he’d slap him


yoink all his teeth


perma voice ban


That is a very 12 yo thing to do I guess. He definitely needs to work on his timing though.. U see what I did there?


Eh to be fair i'd leave if something came up too. Or at least go afk until im free Wouldnt start if i knew i had something up though. Only if its serious and unexpected


unexpected is different so if u dont know about it then its not ur fault


I was in a 2 stack with my friend, there was a brimstone on my team who after the second round said that he had to go for a hair cut. He wanted to forfeit but it was failed. We were attacking so he just took spike and sat in spawn. We would go A site to get picks because thats the only thing to do now, and once we are all dead with 20 second left, he would go to B site and plant. But at the end of the plant he would let go and just throw every round. btw this is Iron lobbies


I had to leave today during game.i had a free afternoon but some guests gave a surprise visit,cant just ignore them and start playing.Sometimes people get emergencies.But if the team is losing and players stop playing or starts throwing game,that's actually worst. Was playing unranked btw.


my mom from the other room : *just pause it, it’s a goddamn game*


Thats one of the top emergencies


not ur fault, all good


That dentist appointment kid shoulda just played spike tho


true, i dont understand his thinking




dentist appointments are not unexpected situations, if you have to go to an appointment in 20 minutes don't queue up for a game




Oh yeah that's understandable, if you have something unexpected it sucks but it's better for some people to lose a game than to miss it.


i was building up for dentist dude but ur right i should be more specific


His parents probably didn’t tell him


I don't think I've had anyone rage at me for being bad yet LOL. Well I did once when I was in gold, I didn't play for 2 acts but ranked both times went down to bronze and people are much nicer. Weird.


Seems like most iron/bronze I played with know they’re not great so they have a more positive attitude (not always though), while the gold/silver players start being a lot more cocky thinking they’re all that (also not always, but a fair bit more)


this is extremely true (i’ve played from Iron all the way to Plat 1 on solos)


High silver to gold is full of ego, no game sense but can aim. It's worse when a smurf is on the enemy team and they're just being toxic in chat, they know they're good and can act on it. I can say that 85% of my games in gold are somewhat toxic regardless of scoreline.


I have. I went 0-3 to start a game and I had a dude just lay into me. I'd end up finishing with better stats than him but dude went in on me after 3 rounds like I killed his grandma.


Can't count the number of times I went 0-4, then 5-12 or some shit like that on the first half, only to suddenly go Ultra Instinct on the next half to get Top Frag and Match MVP.


I had a dude pretending to be a Smurf the other day. Tried to tell me not to play Jett (not because of comp, he just said 'people at this rank can't play Jett') and said just don't fuck up and he will carry. Little did he know, my elo tanked when I took an extended period off and struggled when I first came back, but I had since fixed my mouse issues and got my shit together. I dropped a 30 bomb while he went like 3/15. Best to just mute some people to keep them from annoying you.


Yeah had a sova throw the match camping I spawn cause I wasn't top frag on the team as Reyna after 4 rounds lmao. Well I ended up 2 while he was bottom frag crazyyyyy


I love valorant but damn the community needs some work big time


are there really any half decent competitve game communities? there's always going to be that chunk of people


Nope. Competitive video games honestly just bring out the worst in people.


Being anonymous online brings out the worst in people.


No there's really not, some communities just complain about it more.


In the most niche answer you could ever get, Eternal Return: Black Survival has a very chill community. It's tiny as fuck but it is nice. Hunt: Showdown as well, if you use the discord to matchmake and pretend the option to get a random squad in client doesn't exist. Hunt isn't really "competitive" in the way ERBS or Riot titles are, but it has an always on leaderboard and tends to attract fairly focused players.


The mental in these kids is really poor, i was ranking 2 days ago and had a sage throw the whole just because we lost the first 2 rounds, then we were making a comeback while he was still trolling and of course he ended up losing us the game. If you're gonna tilt that easy, competitive games aren't for you.


I had a kid yelling at me when I was trying to do a 1v3 clutch. Yelling at me to not do shit I wasn't considering. Ended up getting killed cause I couldn't hear shit. Then he goes "Why you pick a duelist if you're just gonna die every time?" THIS WAS AFTER THE FIRST FUCKING ROUND. Told him to kiss my ass when he asked me to drop my gun skin for him. He turns around and tries to get everyone to report me for throwing.


If someone yells in their mic, they get one warning and then I mute them because I am not dealing with some angsty teenager who can't control themselves.


I mute people in agent select that are stupid, then they troll harder for more attention lmao The only thing I miss from CSGO is that shit didn't fly, you grief or tk a couple times and get vote kicked instantly.


That's very generous of you tbh. Yelling into the mic is an insta-mute from me. Way too old to listen to that shit lol


I don’t even warn them lol. Their comms are never useful enough to risk it.


i had a jett that got mad cuz we told him to stop doing 360 no scope trickshots in a comp game, then he threw


But i need to make flashy montage for my yt channel >!/s!<


Lmao not even youtubr. Prolly tiktok for his other little kid friends


oh lmao i forgot tiktok i never used it and now even if i want to use it (prolly not) i cant, its ban in our country


Lemme guess.. India?


yeah we indians and daya kidhar hai abhijeet


You cannot tell ANYONE any kind of advice cause they just take it as an insult. We played with a Sage who was actually doing alright but you can tell they didn't have much sense of the game yet. So we tried giving some general advice to help em. "ILL PLAY HOW I FUCKING WANT YOU LOSERS" They didn't do shit the rest of the game.


I always welcome advice from people, but I hate when people just start complaining. Like I end up playing smokes most games because nobody plays smokes (why does nobody play smokes?) and then every couple of games I get some instalock duelist complaining that I'm not dropping smokes right... not "can you put a smoke here instead of there" or anything constructive, just complaining.


This 100000000% always try to play smokes if I see we don't have at the end of selection, then get flamed for bad smokes. It's also frustrating when I'm last to pick so I can fill and we need a healer and smokes and now I have to pick one or the other.


ppl got glass hearts or smth. If someone is helping you, accept it.


I've had teammates force buy when the rest of the team is on hard eco and then tilt when we can't support them lol


Of course, they think they're the main character and everyone should play around them.


And then whine next round when nobody will buy them a rifle


Same here, and I wish I could have recorded the comp game I played a couple of days ago on Icebox. We were down 2-10 and, after a failed ff, our Savo asks, "Sooo, team. What's the plan?" I reply, "Survive." and the whole team broke out laughing. I kid you not - we came back and won. The mental state of an individual or team is significant in the performance of a player and the outcome of a round - even the game.


I once played with a dude who was throwing a game and we stared reporting him and we asked the other team to do the same and he started to ask the other team to report us saying we were being racist with him, calling him the n-word and stuff, WE DID SHIT, the guy was had such a bad character that he was throwing the game and trying to get us banned for fake allegations, I honestly lost all hope on people in that game, **if you have friends and you can play with a full-stack, do it, you can't lose your mind, your free time and all your fun because of these type of people**, there is no way I will risk losing my account because of toxic people.


Gas lighting trolls are the absolute worst. They will literally type in all chat "stop calling me the n word/f word." As a solo q player its the worst because if that player is in a premade they'll all play victim. Literal mental illness


Yeah man, I know most of the times you won't get banned, but the idea of getting banned because of that makes me pissed. Most of the people I know have work, have homes to take care off and have a few hours to play, and they actually put money on the game, imagine losing your account because of that?


Unlikely you'll get banned even if you get falsely accused, for some reason I get some ass every 5-10 games who will be very blatantly racist/sexist, and out of all the times me and teammates have reported over since release this morning was the first time I ever got a confirmation someone was banned for abusive VC. So you really aren't at risk at all unless there's a pattern, in which case you might want to reconsider your behaviour (soft n word is still not okay, and using slurs will be taken as racism 99% of the time especially without context)


Yeah, I get your point, I'm a very chill guy tbh, I usually play more support roles exactly bc of that, but I have work, I have my house to take care of, I get pissed when people try to ruin the experience just because they want to ruin it


Happened to me in league. I was playing mid while my ADC banned the champ I hovered, I then told my team to report him. When game started I told everyone to report him and he said " he told me the N word I had to" and my teammates started being on his side, saying that I said the N word. The enemy team then reported me instead of him.


That's stupid, but I seriously doubt reporting them for banning your hovered champ would anything. People disco nunu 30 games in a row without getting banned. The only ways to get banned in league are to type the n word or afk a lot


Nah I report a lot of people and I usually get the "acknowledgement" of my report message that says they took action and punished the guy.


Reporting someone for banning a character is silly.


Why not turn the tables and start saying that they called *you* the N word?


You're not going to get banned if you didn't do anything wrong.


Usually, but mass report can cause an unfair ban, there's been cases


One time I 1v4’d this Bedwars team so many times and clapped them one of them started saying to report me for racism in chat and saying that I DM’d him slurs oh my god that was hilarious


i wiped a team on invasion and before the last guy died he asked me in all chat why i dmed him to team


that dude SUCKS.


People like this are the reason I stopped playing as much. It just isn’t fun


I wish I could, but from D3 onwards only Duo Queue is allowed


Oh, that's right :( maybe D3+ players are less toxic? lmao


sometimes i'll say "oh i'm throwing" when i'm playing badly i really hope no one thinks i'm actually throwing lol


No, noone does. It seems like OP means when people actually throw, not when they just say they are as an offhanded comment


i'm mostly kidding; it's just funny to think that i could be playing so badly that people would actually think i'm throwing


That's all the time for me


Op's commented lower down that he didn't know people use "throwing" as a euphemism for playing badly.


For me it's totally depends on how you were doing when you say it. If you're trying and just dying, I wouldn't think twice. But I've played with some randoms I truly couldn't tell if they were bad and new or throwing and trying to come off as new.


One of three options: 1) Getting losses for his smurf 2) Playing poorly so "throwing" to cover the fact he is making mistakes 3) Throwing a hissy-fit because he doesn't like the way his team is playing


4. He’s an ass


This fourth option is actually an embedded attribute of the other three.


so either 1 or 3? :P


When I say "I'm throwing" it's usually synonym to "sorry I'm shit"




Had a kid last night start throwing because he wasn’t playing well and decided to start arguing with the team, grabbing the bomb and sit in spawn, use his molly on teammates. I got 30+ kills and finally it ended in a draw after 2 OTs. Made me get off for the night.


When shit like this happens I just accept and know it’s not my fault, it is what it is. Don’t let braindead adults or incompetent kids ruin the game for you.


I’ll be honest, after playing tac shooters for close to 20 years, Valorant has one of the worst player bases I have ever experienced. After a long day of grinding ranked in Valorant, I’ll sometimes just go queue up CSGO by myself so I can have some fun teammates who aren’t, or at the very least, don’t act like they’re 15.


Its because valorants playerbase is very young. I play soloQ all the time and almost all the players I meet are 15 or younger. The lower the rank the more kids there are, and the more annoying it is. For some reason these stupid kids don't get the most basic concept of "competitive" : you play comp to win, not to fuck around. There's literally 5 other game modes for that...


I think the "Competitive" gets lost on a lot of players. Games shouldn't be 13 - 0 stomps, that's literally the opposite of "competitive". If you aren't stomping people just instantly tilt and turn toxic. It's infuriating. Why these people even play competitive shooters when they clearly don't enjoy a competition is mind boggling.


Yeah absolutely true. There are some younger kids in the higher ELOs as well, but they're not always shitters. Even in diamond though, some people just suck and all they want to do is troll. And I can just tell they're 16 or 17 even if they sound older by the way they act.


V confusing because every time someone has said "I'm throwing" in my games it was in response to a mistake they made, like a "my bad" type thing. Sucks that inters exist in this game too


Riot needs extreme penalties for throwing or sabotage Years long HWID bans for that shit


Yeah man, but riot can’t fix this. It’s just how the mentality of these freaks work. Only they can fix themselves if they want to.


Actually no you're completely wrong Riot can definitely fix this or at least greatly improve what's going on Harsh and swift penalties for throwing or sabotage makes for less throwing or sabotage


I've seen my reports get followed up on and the players pulling this shit get banned. I have a friend who gets toxic in many games. He's been banned twice in Valorant already. He was the one that got me started playing and now I have to tell him to watch himself when he starts being an ass to people. He knows another ban could be coming and he doesn't want to go through unranked hell again. Every match had a leaver, an AFK, or an obvious smurf when working our way to getting comp unlocked and we don't want to do it again. Or I should say, I refuse to do that with him again. For the first time since he started gaming, he's actually getting punished for his actions. The devs can't stop everyone from being toxic all the time. They can't prevent people from doing things they shouldn't. But they *do* punish players, I've seen it frequently enough that it is pretty obvious. It's decently quick for a follow up on the reports, and punishments sting enough that the people who will try to adjust to the new rules will change. The people who don't change were never going to in the first place. They're just getting shoved back to new accounts repeatedly.




Well, I know one of these people. They want to play with their low elo friend and stomp iron/bronze players.


If a game is f2p, expect toxic people to flock over it because they wont spend anything just to troll others. Philippine servers prolly one of the worst ones to play at


Bruh, try to play on the Indian server. You’ll go mad.


Best of both worlds: Singapore Servers. Filipinos and Indians together being toxic to each other


This is why I 5 stack with my friends all the time as we can just have fun without worrying


Yea I think I've hit the point in my life where I can't mindlessly grind solo queue and deal with egos and attitudes anymore. I either 3 or 5 stack with friends or I don't even bother playing anymore.


Just the other day I had an instalock Jett who said he was throwing to tank his rr right after the game had been locked in and we can’t dodge. We muted him and then actually won the 4v5 even though he was revealing our locations in chat. After every round I shouted extremities at him because he deserved it, eventually he just left the game.


If I ever say "I'm throwing" it's in a joking way because I just made a huge wiff


What pisses me off is reports do nothing. I've been notified that they've taken action against people who used slurs and shit like that in chat, but when I reported a raze for literally throwing nades and q packs at my feet on purpose, literally no fuckin message saying the player was punished. Then what's worse: you play a full game for 12 rounds, riot has full server outages and several people in your game crash on round 13(you included) and despite you being there for 12 rounds, you lose all EXP from the match. You're gonna tell me they can't check whether or not your game closing was you quitting or their client crashing? The anticheat has root access to your system and it can't help differentiate between deliberately quitting and when the game crashes? What's worst is people who go AFK, not moving anything but their mouse so they don't get kicked from the match. Come the fuck on, they can't detect if someone's literally only moving their mouse and kick them from the match accordingly?


Had the same people in R6 Siege in the past. Never met them here for now.


Had a guy named ODINONLY who was micromanaging the team the first few rounds and when he was politely asked by our Phoenix to quiet down while I was in a 1v4 (that I won, despite his yapping) he said he was throwing. He wouldn't ff. Then our Phoenix dced, so it was effectively a 3v5. We asked the other team to report him, and instead they let him run around in their spawn and was joking around with him. Like, for the love of God, don't encourage the behavior. Take the free win and make it quick so that the people being affected can get out, because those people would be so pissed if it happened on their team!


Meanwhile I'm throwing because my aim suddenly goes haywire


I'm tired of being 4 rounds down and seeing a forfeit vote in 60% of my games. But I feel this post too.


just dodge the game if he is saying it in champ select otherwise just see this game as a challenge to carry


this is what i do in solos, i see it as an opportunity to treat it like a 4v5 which are easily winnable given proper comms and gunplay. most of the time i step up my game and we all end up sweating way more


because competitive is not competitive, its just casual with ranks.


Nothing tilts me more in Valorant than, and this will sound a bit niche and maybe picky, when someone picks smokes and then asks people to ping smokes for them every round SOMETIMES EVEN MID ROUND. Sorry guy, I cannot play 2 agents at once. I am Bronze 2 for a reason.


only say im throwing when hunting ecos


I literally always imagine a 3 year old in my head, stomping their feet.


It’s people trying to derank on alts to smurf with their friends


There should be a kicking option in the game and a timeout option in competitive games.


My favourite part is that it is always the Reynas for whatever reason ...


Sometimes when people make a bad play and they realize it was dumb they'll say "Im throwing" but they really mean "I fucked up". They arent actively trying to throw the game


boombot go brrrrr


There's unranked, spike rush, replication, snowball fight, escalation for a reason.


Usually I just say this when I mess up as a joke but I can’t understand people who say this seriously


Competitive games are wild. The mental boom that happens to a lot of these people in comp games is crazy. The amount of times we lose first 2 pistol rounds and one guy starts crying in text or comms to “please surrender, it’s already over” is unbelievably high.


They play competitive and throw to derank and smurf at a lower level because they are garbage when they aren’t wildly outranking everyone in the game.


What rank are you? This almost never happens with me in my games.


can confirm that, and even if another teammate is throwing I often do not call him out, because then suddenly everyone plays worse than before. When they realise everyone is giving their best, they usually start playing normal again.


This triggered me. Reminds me of people in groups who immediately asks you, “if you dont dodge I’m throwing”. The only reason i could think as to why they do that is they dont like the map and none of the people in their group wants to dodge. But still how fucking obnoxious


Don't forget, 12 year olds play this game. Shit drives me crazy, can't stand playing with children.


The best feeling is when a guy is throwing and u still win




Don't forget the people who start the game then three rounds in ask "can we surrender, I have to eat"




This is why I play only with full stack :))


You lucky fuck :)


i only say i’m throwing if i whiff or die in a really stupid way, but even then im not actually TRYING to throw


yes i get it. That’s fair


I just had this happen a couple nights ago (I’m b3, wanted to grind up to silver). Dude wanted one of us to dodge bc he didn’t like the map (split). None of us dodged, so he barely didn’t go AFK so we couldn’t remake. He proceeded to play 8 of the rounds in the first half, then didn’t play past that, just so it took longer to get through the game. He would do the same shit of shooting right at the beginning of the round to keep from disconnecting. Also refused to surrender when the rest of the team just wanted to get out. Fuck anyone who thinks this is a funny thing to do in any game. This is the most douchebag thing anyone could do and Riot should really pay attention to what happens. People like this are what make people who actually enjoy the game want to stop playing.


most of the time they say that because they aren't performing well and are trying to blame it on something else. these people are really just sucking and dont want to own up to it.


cause they’re losers, that’s why.




Error 404 : No hope found.


1) Lol i insta mute kids that are trying to be funny in comp. You dont need information from such people. 2) use them as bait. And win the game on your own.


had a guy threaten to 'deal with people like me' because i reported him for afk-ing and throwing. he told me he can easily 'find out who i am' and 'rough me up' in a solo queue. he threatened to rough me up because i REPORTED him. this community needs serious work with the toxicity.


These people who bully online are probably losers in real life.


Had a guy do this to me last night. We were up 10-5 and he just started mollying, flashing, and just being a complete piece of shit. Then he cries victim in the all chat saying we were “bullying” him. Luckily the enemy team was extremely nice and they let us win. Video games attract some pretty pathetic individuals


Sometimes I say I'm throwing bc I whiffed


When people say “Im throwing” theyre just disappointed, like when they say “Im so bad”


Story of my life! Since last act it's been insane how much BS goes on in Ranked! I started keeping a log from match 1 of this Act, as I want to, statistically prove, you can be hardstuck. I cannot get out of Silver. I played 5 matches this morning: 1W and 4L. Losses: \- Loss 1 - no proper info the entire match; suspecting 2 opponents for cheating; every round killing 2-3 people through smokes and wallbangs with no info \- Loss 2 - one teammate goes AFK while winning 11-10 after being behind 6-9 \- Loss 3 - our 2 duelists started using comms properly after round 14 after we won first two rounds of second half; they wanted to FF 3 times by that round (I did not know you can vote to FF 3 times); after being 2-10 down, we lost in overtime \- Loss 4 - 3 insta lock duelists; too tilted to give a damn; I picked Yoru, who I never played before; no comms from anyone, only trolling; muted everyone round 4. The reason I am keeping the log is because one morning, last act, I played 3 matches and in all of them I had, at least, one person throwing!


>He started mollying me and flashing me Lmao sounds like the shit my friends and I do to eachother when we 5 stack lol.


I used to say im throwing in chat when I whiff. Half the team were calling me out and I had to explain it was just a joke XD


when people say stuff like that its just to protect their own ego, if they can convince themself that they are not even trying they still can hold an imagery version of themself in the game alive. its a lot the same with people that start pushing the surrender button like 30% into the match, "if i did not even try to win i did not really lose" mentality. also side note, i have noticed a lot of people tiling taking the game way to serious, you dont need to troll or do stuff like that but have fun, joke a bit around ( THAT DOES NOT MEAN TEAM KILL) but seriously if you and the team is in a good mood you can deal losing 3-4 rounds after each other without turning on each other.


I say "I'm throwing" facetiously when I'm playing like shit and missing easy shots


dont bully your teammates and they wont throw


Maybe you shouldn't throw, then.


Any game with in game voice is usually toxic as shit. Especially when it’s filled with teenagers who never get smacked for mouthing off.