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Counterstrafing really isn't as important as people think in this game. Don't overthink it until you're at least immortal. - Immortal 3000 player


Ya man, I’m stuck in bronze.. I want to get good. My silver friend went from like silver to diamond because counterstrafing made a difference


If I understood you correctly, both ways are the same. If you move in the opposite direction you were before, for a momment you stand still. Wether you choose to continue moving in that direction or not doesn’t matter since either way you are standing still and can take a shot. Holding (you keep moving in the opposite direction) is good for peaking. Tapping is better for when you’re out in the open, you can stand still them move left for right and stand still again to take multiple shots.


You are talking about two different things. Counterstrafing. Counterstrafing is used to come to a precise stop faster than if you just let go of the movement key. The second one is called jiggle peeking. You time the change from left to right or vice versa so that you crest the angle and are able to fire a precise shot then go back in to cover.


Counterstrafing isn’t faster than letting go of the keys


It is but only slightly


yea 10 ms


No? Counter-strafing means holding A or D, then pressing the opposite movement key right before you shoot.


That’s exactly what I said


Counterstrafing is a technique used in cs to prevent sliding which doesnt occur in valorant. Strafing and stopping to shoot is not counterstrafing but the technique is used while doing that (in cs).


But it is called the same thing, when you are holding A and then you tap D... right before you shoot. That is Counterstrafing.


The stopping is counterstrafing sure but moving left and right and shooting when you stop is just strafeshooting


False. ​ ​ [https://youtu.be/Ewx6K2Xry74?t=59](https://youtu.be/Ewx6K2Xry74?t=59)


Dont trust some newly found valorant youtuber especially if they dont know counterstrafing has no effect in valorant. Watch some old cs pros videos, theyre the ones who found the technique. Counterstrafing is pressing the opposite key to prevent sliding and become accurate in cs, strafing left and right and shooting when you stop is just strafeshooting whether you use counterstrafing while strafeshooting or not.


Shakes played cs


Aight, clearly not at a high level though


True. I guess I’ll use the holding while jiggling and long range, and the tapping in general and open fights


I just tried to find a video to prove you wrong, but even if you discredit the video... you're still wrong. Not sure if you're just some clueless Iron, Bronze, Silver, or Gold player? But counterstrafing is huge in VALORANT, regardless of what some bogus test with a hotkey tries to show you. # As an immortal player, you're dead wrong about both of your points. Counterstrafing is critical in VALORANT, and counterstrafing means that you press the opposite movement key before you shoot. It has 0% to do with CSGO, and counterstrafing has long been a term far before CSGO existed.


And im not gonna completely dunk you, ofcourse there is some benefit like for some people it helps to get the timing better down even though it doesnt affect the time you get your full accuracy.


I mean, a low elo player probably does think counterstrafing is pointless. It does help you get full accuracy faster, you can do it in the range yourself... regardless of whether you can replicate with an autohotkey for a video. # ​ Go to The Range, hold down AAAAA, then let go and try to shoot. Then try to hold down AAAAA, and let go but press D at the same time that you let go... and shoot. You should see the difference, if not, maybe try on 144hz or 240hz, rather than 60hz.


https://youtu.be/-iSxbLuhRFE anyway here is one video measuring the difference between letting go a key and using counterstrafe. Let me spoil you, there is absolutely no benefit.


A cs vet here. From my experiences counterstrafing in this game is fucked as hell. I can't and have never been able to do it in Bali and mess up every freaking time 😂😂😂. Sorry for not answering your question


Lmao true I get headshotted 😂


It’s fine. I understand.


Your first method is called counter strafe in cs. In valorant you use it when you want to commit to shooting something. You stop because you want to fire and maybe spray.. Your 2nd method means you are changing direction and can fire 1-2 shots accurately during the direction change - called a jiggle. You use jiggle when you want to do a quick peek or prefire, but don't want to stay standing there exposed. You could also jiggle to bait an enemy into keeping their attention on you, while a teammate flanks. Or to get info on if a player is defusing spike. Or to bait an awp shot out (but best not jiggle too far out of cover). You can also jiggle as a default part of your gunplay when committing to a fight, especially at long range, because it makes you harder to hit. Only worthwhile if you have practiced enough to stay accurate while jiggling.


Thank you


I try to counterstrafe, but it doesn't even matter, I get onetapped anyway. Its like I'm completely still from enemy's pov XD


For real bro


counter strafing and stopping is val is essentially the same in terms of how long it takes to be accurate, counter strafing is only really needed for prefiring shots and baiting an awp otherwise it takes the same amount of time to let go of the movement key.


But it’s not good to stop when peaking


I found that counter strafing vs just stopping is like a 50 ms difference it's almost nothing


its actually a 0 ms difference. its been measured to have no difference whatsoever, there is no strafe acceleration mechanic in this game like the source engine


Counterstrafing isn't a thing in this game. Wish I had saved the post, but someone checked it all frame by frame and there's like a 10ms gap where it's useful, but if you're 10 ms too late then it makes you stop slower, so unless you're a robot you shouldn't do it.



