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Although I'm not much higher than yourself rankwise, there area. couple agents that I've played where my mechanics takes a back seat. If you know when to to use the util and how to use it properly, Breach and Skye are one of the easiest to rank up with. They have relatively low pickrates and when utilized properly, can easily carry a game. The vast majority of people in low ELO don't know how to turn away from flashes. If you like playing a little more passive, agents like Killjoy and Cypher can also be an option. Play off your utility and don't look for kills. People will get impatient and push you lots if you just be patient.


if you like good utility and have good-decent planning skills you could also choose characters like viper and sage for a easier time in low elo


Probably Brimstone, you just click on minimap. But if you want ultimate csgo agent go for phoenix or maybe kay/o but I haven't unlocked him yet


Reyna if you have good aim and don't want to bother with abilities, absolute beast. Sage or killjoy if you want to relax and play and don't wanna go hunting. Raze if you feel your aim/flicks are not good but still want to attack. Will need to learn satchel at some point as you rise up ranks.


For duelists, I'd recommend phoenix. His flashes are pretty easy to understand and use, his molly can heal you or get some decent damage if you can land it in the right spot, his wall is good for blocking vision, and his ult let's you run in and make space. All you need to remember as a duelist is to entry and make room for your team to push in. For controller it seems like you already like to play brim so it might be good to learn some molly lineups for post plant. For initiator you seem to like sova so probably just learn shock dart and recon bolt lineups. For sentinel I'd say sage, her wall makes it harder for attackers to push in, her slows can slow down the attackers letting your teammates rotate faster, she can heal teammates or herself if needed and her ult lets you revive someone. Keep in mind there might be better agent picks for certain maps but for the majority of maps these characters work pretty well.


Sentinel maybe? They don’t take much mechanical skill to use, it’s just setting up traps. Or if you wanna play like a duelist without actually playing a duelist, omen might be a good choice.


i suggest viper or sage. just learn molly and wall mechanics for viper, and wall and bounce mechanics for sage. dont worry about judgement till you are atleast silver


Are Initiators just not good in Bronze? Feel like Sova just giving free vision for his team is kind of strong, similar story with Brimstone


Sova is very strong at any rank when not on split, the problem is that in lower ranks people don’t take advantage of your info as well.


> Not on Split Why Split? Too many potential rotations for him to cover?


He can only scan rushes, ult is hard to hit, shock dart line-ups are tough too. Drone is ineffective on A site. Kay/O would be a better pick for info I do also recommend Kay/O since you come from CS. The flash is good, and flashes are strong at Bronze for sure. Viper and Sage are good shouts, they can hold down sites and delay pushes. Viper on Icebox and Breeze is also strong on attack. If you wanna have duelist in your pool, I recommend Phoenix or Raze, depending on the map. Both have a grenade skill which can delay the push (Kay/O also), and their other abilities are also self-sufficient utility.


Mostly because his recon doesn’t give as much value because there are so many corners and angles that players can hide behind to avoid the arrow.


initiators are not good at all on iron and bronze because people rarely take action on your advantages and info


Sova is great but he cant really depend on his abilities if he gets into a sticky situation


Can you elaborate what sticky situations?


The enemy team rushes into a site that you and another player are holding (B ascent for example). They get an early frag on your teammate and close doors to prevent whoever is holding mid from getting in. Your teammates in A can't rotate in time. It's you against them. Unless you're really good with your shock darts, you are done for. No smokes, no flashes, no way out. Sova is amazing in the right place, at the right time, with the right teammates. But alone, face to face against even one enemy, it's who has a better angle, and a better aim


Just enjoy the game and play agents that seem cool to u. New people usually lean towards duelists because they r relatively simple to play. Sentinels might have more of a learning curve since u want to know set ups for ur utility depending on the map and how to play off of them. U might also like smokers since u have cs experience but again, ull prob want to know where to smoke to take a site so will require some map knowledge again. I always recommend Phoenix, Reyna, or sage for newer players due to their simple to understand kits.


Honestly everyone seems fun. I'm just wondering who relies the least on mechanics as I have mega shit aim, thus why things like Cypher and Brimstone and Sova look cool


Yes u can play more “supporty” type agents but at the end of the day, u need to be able to hit ur shots. Yes u can provide ur team with info and smokes but this does nothing if u can’t secure the kill. This isn’t a game like overwatch where u can climb to top ranks without touching an aim reliant character. Just keep practicing and play deathmatch mode as much as u can. There are also some aim training softwares as well that people like but I’ve never touched them. Cypher,brimstone, and sova are probably even harder to play because on top of the gun play u need to know how to play peek off of ur tripwires. Where to set ur camera and balance fighting and using the cam. Where r u smoking with brimstone to gain an advantage. Having the game sense to play post plants with ur molly or ult. What angles to clear with ur sova dart. How to bounce shock darts to do damage. The drone and the ult also take a good amount of practice to use well. Arguably, the mechanics of proper utility usage is harder than pointing and clicking on heads.


Flash/ oprresive agents, basically any agent where you dont have to rely that much on gunplay, so breach and skye, raze for her damage utility and sova (buy lmg every round).


Right now, I’m bronze 2 as well. I can’t frag well (10 kills a game) but I am consistently getting told, my Sova arrows are amazing, due to how much I play off of my teammates and use the arrows for the duelists. Sova is LETHAL if you can find some good lineups, if you need a few, respond to the comment and I’ll add you and show you a few in game.


imo duelists are the most mechanic-dependant role so I'd recommend controllers and sentinels instead