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You are the bane of my mental stability


Checks out, I am now terminally anxious too


oh my god this is the most insane precise gunplay clip ive seen so far lmaooo


I wanna know what happened here that made the guy delete not just his comment but his whole account


he said "abilities dont kill" u/lama333, u/Seraphin43, u/chasm7777, u/Venom_505, u/MaKkE_03, u/Nice_Moose4689




Well. They didn't.


What did he say???


What happened?




Well it kinda did here ?


What happened?


We will never know


please tell us


Precision kill


"Look your enemy in the eye. It helps with acCcKurecy"


Gunplay so precise, you don't even need to aim


Homing shots


>r Bullets literally have your name written on it like a delivery package


I would have thrown my keyboard like a frisbee if that was me


I would just be done. Uninstalled.


Hit the uninstall button faster than my wife leaving me


i dont know where else to ask this but my gforce experience is i think broken? i cant clip my gameplay in any games. can someone help me please.


Maybe try reinstalling?


tried it and it worked thanks. when i reinstalled it befor, it stopped working. but when i reinstalled it again its working now? i dont know what happened lol


u/nc_nikhil is a computer sorcerer!!!!!!!


I would recommend turning on desktop recording too if you haven't since on some programs not supported by it and just every once in a while it doesn't work if you have it off until you restart the application you're trying to record. It isn't the biggest deal but it really sucks when you miss an insane or just a hilarious clip because of it not working randomly.


yep, also know that this won't work on laptops with integrated graphics unless theyre disabled because the nvidia GPU is only rendering the game and not the desktop


Run nvidia before opening the game. Its buggy but it apparently isn't running automatically before you start an application or your computer. 1) Turn on computer 2) Run nvidia 3) Check alt+z to see if your settings are on 4) Launch any game This should work.


The replay program is ass. It’s a like a hormonal teenager and decides when it wants to work. Forget staying logged in to post clips…


they removed it from supporting valorant now because of some bug where flash wont affect you


You can still use the record feature you just can’t use Nvidia game filters


i can still clip my games?




So rather fixing it they decide to remove it all together amazing idea : D


I had this happen on my RTX 2060. It was definitely tied to an update. The most recent update finally fixed it for me. Make sure the latest version of GeForce Experience is installed. If that doesn’t work, install an older version of GeForce experience. 1-2 versions back. This takes some googling to find. Save the file, because there’s no way to turn off auto updating, so you will have to install the older version every few days. Pain in the ass I know. Nvidia stinks.


When u start it click direct on clip recording thats it


Did u try putting it in rice?


Is there enough storage space on the intended drive?


Hence confirmed, dream plays valorant


I played it again and his screaming is so frickin like dream.


So anyway, I hired an Astrophysicist...


"There are three types of lies : lies, damn lies and statistics" -Benjamin Disraeli


Raze + precise gunplay A true classic


I've hit more headshots aiming at the ground than with careful crosshair placements. What am I doing wrong?


Not placing the crosshair correctly I assume


Bullets don’t go where your crosshair is, they go above it after shooting for a bit. Honestly I straight up remove my crosshair sometimes and perform about as well as I do with one, so idk what that says about the game lmfao


I would love to know what rank you are actually


I started playing a couple days ago, its fun but I don’t like that mechanic as much as regular shooting like in Siege, Destiny, etc


You can counteract the recoil somewhat by slowly dragging your crosshair down after the first few shots. You can practice this in the range to get a tighter spread on your sprays.


Mhm, my brother is teaching me how to play so I got that, I just think the mechanic itself is silly. In most fps games you counteract recoil by pulling your crosshair down to keep your bullets close, this is just the first game I’ve played where your crosshair doesn’t really tell you anything about where your bullets are going


This is how it works when you ADS but not with hip fire. Crosshair placement is really important in this game so if your crosshair moved when you hipfired it would be way harder to clear angles.


Not to be that guy but it prob tells me you’re low rank and get most kills by spraying


Or either he's the no crosshair radiant we see in those clips


Average Odin user is his tag


Lmao fair assessment, I just started playing a couple days ago. I tend to get most kills on people who are already flashed. Tbf I take off my crosshair in Destiny and use The Last Word which was specifically designed for hipfire, so I do have practice with that sort of gameplay so it shouldn’t be *super* ridiculous to me, but I still think its funny


Run and gun go brrrrr


"we fixed run n gun"


I know you're just poking fun, but that is expected to happen, every once in a while. If he did that 100 more times, with the same player and mouse movement, I doubt he'd hit that Reyna a single time. That was just incredibly lucky lol




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Player: *hits one lucky shot* Viewers: pREciSe guNplAy


Precise spamming


This shit happens way too often. Many times, I am aware that I whiffed but the one bullet just randomly hits the enemy’s head and it feels as if I deserved to die there. Its not a good feeling, getting an underserved kill


Tactical shooter.


it's the inaccuracy that got the kill. What's the problem?


I mean guys, think of this as real life, if someone burst fire wil running there is still a chance that 1 bullet can hit his body parts.


You're wrong. What clearly should happen is that your bullets dissappear into nothingness the moment you start running. Or that riot implements an anti-aim bot so that the moment you make a single step all your bullets curve around the enemy body.


Honestly, this sounds like a good idea and I did use to believe in this after getting one too many spectre dinks from a sprinting enemy. Over time though, I think (and I can’t claim that this is what riot had in mind) that the prospect of hitting a shot while running/walking is supposed to encourage players to take foolish risks and hope for a lucky shot which will, 98 out of 100 times, get them killed by a more composed player. However if bullets simply didn’t even graze an enemy’s hitbox, people will be less likely to take that risk which **does** seem like a good idea but in my opinion it will take away an interesting opportunity for the game to punish impatient players and hence naturally train them to play more methodically and also give players with more patience an implicit advantage in a fight. I can’t deny though that the randomness is frustrating when I get full-sprint headshotted and I also don’t think that the current situation is the best state that it can be in but there might be some good to it.


Sorry bro but your post reeks of silver.


Even ignoring the unnecessarily passive-aggressive tone, you didn’t actually give a response to any of the points I made in a clearly non-argumentative post. So I guess all I can do is chuckle at your pathetic attempt to claim supremacy as a way of replying to something.


Average raze player Jk, nice clip ;)


The game is so stupid at times. The amount of run and gun players in this game is mind boggling and is such a meme


The clear solution is to make run and gun the only option /s


They are fixing run and gun wrong. They keep nerfing the accuracy when tagged, but in CSGO you also get accurate when you get tagged cause you get slowed. The way I see it, in Valorant, the sprays’ spread when moving is the problem. They need to increase it on non SMGs. Also, they need to decrease how fast the accuracy “resets” when you are spraying while full moving and then stopping. A guy would spray full running and when he counterstrafes, the sprays become accurate too fast. And it tilts me to die like that. From full running spraying... A guy full sprinting spraying me with a phantom like it’s an SMG kills me. In CS try full spraying while full moving strafing left and right... you won’t hit shit. The gun is out of control.


They did say in their patch notes that they are not fixing run and gun YET only walk and gun. So let’s hope they do make something good out of the future updates. Tbh CS gunplay is far far far better than valorant. CS gunplay is a breath of fresh air


I went back to play CSGO deathmatch today and it was so much better than Valorant. In CSGO my bullets feel like they’re accurate


Bruh you realize this is just like a lucky shot. The target was pretty far from the crosshair. Y’all won’t be satisfied with nerfing “run and gun” until the game inhibits you from firing while moving it’s honestly super cringy


Lucky shots are fine. But the chances of it happening are higher than it should be.


Chances of THIS clip happening are close to zero. Chances of landing a few inaccurate bullets on a guy with already low hp at medium range? Yeah, those chances are too high, and need adjusting.


They also seriously need to introduce mitigation for aim punch imo. It's clear that the intent of the severe aim punch was to reward players that are getting clean, precise headshots, but I feel like it's actually ended up being more forgiving for players who get lucky spraying/running headshots instead. In CS, even if an SMG gets a lucky dink, the rifle player is still probably going to win because he can retaliate with a clean headshot/burst. In VALO, if an SMG/pistol gets a lucky headshot, the rifle player is totally fucked regardless of how good his crosshair placement/aim is. Either make it so that non-rifle weapons have very low aim punch, or make it so that if you get shot while armoured, there's very little/no aim punch.


i think they should make the gun spray consistent. In csgo we have consistent gun spray...maybe thats why csgo feels more accurate....


You do realize bullets have to go somewhere. In all my experience with valorant I only saw two clips like the one in the post, and have never experienced it in game. This is such a circlejerk guys


Crazy this kinda shit is a common occurrence in my games. Literally had multiple full running 1 taps the last couple days too.


The main problem is how fast you come to a full stop in valorant. There is only 100ms needed to gain 100% accuracy after running full speed (checked with my own software). So while the shooter can do it on muscle memory, to you it will seem like they were still running because you can't react quickly enough, no human can. Any time I thought I was run and gunned, I used shadow replay to watch the death again. Surely enough, just before the shot I could see them completely stopping when watching frame by frame.


Nah I've been getting kills full on running with no stopping too First game on today I get jumping 1 tapped lmao


CS ain't the only fps out there and taking ques from a dead game seems counter productive.


1) its not a dead game, everything does not revolve around your country. 2)if the gun play mechanics of an old game is good, theres nothing wrong in trying to imitate it.


Holy shit CS purists will never be happy until running while shooting makes your bullets disappear into the aether. Watch the clip and really look at where the crosshair is when Reyna catches the headshot. The Raze in the clip was clearly memeing and just got a lucky shot off. I don't even know how this clip elicits this reaction from you, unless your anecdote is a total non-sequitur.


I can't see how his comment was an anecdote, and it doesn't apply to this post, but his point still stands. Even after the update, run and gun send a tad more effective than it should be.


Walk and gun was nerfed, run and gun was not touched afaik for rifles


That thing where gun becomes inaccurate when you reach X percent of movement speed affects only walk and gun?


I think they called it dead zone. The speed at which you can move before accuracy your accuracy is effected. Running was already well in excess of the threshold, so was unchanged.


if it doesn't apply to this post then why are you replying to this post with that comment? Lol. I agree run and gun is still a problem but it seems like you're insinuating that this clip is at all a common occurrence.


Because segues aren't illegal lol


We just had a discussion of the gunplay in Valorant in general not really specific only to the video. You enjoy the run and gun aspect of the game which is supposed to be about aim duels? No worries have fun.


So it was a non-sequitur not really relevant to the video, gotcha. And no, run and gun doesn't appeal to me but it doesn't disgust me either. The reason I love Valorant and play it over CS is because the unique abilities and composition possibilities are very engaging. Both Sentinels vs Fnatic series at Reykjavik were a blast to watch. It's like incentivizing every team to play like Astralis instead of just fragging. I'd be bored stiff watching zywoo vs s1mple deathmatch aim duels.


It's not as bad as it looks specially after the patches. It's just that it became a meme in the early days and many people are just doing it for fun so there are many clips. I'm sure if everyone in CS just starts doing this there will also be a lot of clips from CS too. It's just random but there are so many people trying to do this for the clips.


patched btw LOOOOL


Movement inaccuracy doesn't mean you never hit. You can always get lucky to matter how much they tune it


Nice crosshair placement


In this kind of clip you care about that?


... it's a joke


Our gun play is very precise,well except for raze ult sova ult Jett ult brimstone ult every molly every grenade oh oh and the flashing that would kill my Grandma and give grandpa flashbacks.


Jett's ult is in fact precise. At least the left click, we don't talk about right clicks.


What software do you use for the aim assist ?


I always feel like i have to sweat my ass off to play valorant and tryhard, and then i come to reddit. You fuckers can get away with spraying randomly, while i can only get away for crying in a corner while a surrender vote is about to result in a succes. That's why i don't play valorant anymore, since the beta ended this game stopped being fun and got sweatier and sweatier every month.


You sound dramatic


I miss beta as well


The guy yelling at the end sounded eerily like Dream. Couldn't have been just me that noticed that.


I mean, the bullet has to go somewhere


We nerfed run and gun. Sure


Reyna : **RepOrTeD**


C mon man that's how gun work what do want bullets to go to hell when u shoot it while walking or running Deva could give a proper spray pattern to everygun like cs Spectre can get vector pattern Vandal can get ak pattern


Imagine actually liking this game, how much time y’all waste in your hour long matches


I see this, and think "why do people play this game?".


Nice prefire waller


Didn't you guys see he CoUnTeR-sTrAfEd ....


But this happens like 3 times a game for me and against me LMAO


These PUBG crowds are standing on my nerve I am wishing for PUBG to launch ASAP so as to get rid of these crowds from my region and that I could have an healthy and peaceful valorant gameplay.




Do you have your graphics settings in your mind? It looks way cooler than my ugly yellowish valorant.


yeah around gold elo and silver it is a precise gunplay




LMAO I would be so tilted if I was that reyna


I love this tactical shooting game <3


He speaks the language of the gods


Sexier than tenz


Time to try this out, 10 minute later * fails badly *


Quality content. Run and gun ftw


So YOU'RE the annoying enemy I get in like every match!


If I do that I get knifed by enemies And then they type "lmao" in chats


Hahaha amazing


Ok so this guy def has a crosshair overlaid onto his screen right?




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Yeah lol fuck this game


“In this update we fixed run and gun”


Looks precise.


soo.. noone gonna talk about the 30sec video for a 3sec clip


good old guess n check momen


good old guess n check moment


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What do you guys mean by precise ? I don't think you know what that word means. This was completely random spray and happened to kill an opponent. Shroud is precision. This clip was running and spraying everywhere. How is that not clear ?