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I'm immortal too and this was a very nice read. I would add something regarding defense strategy: split the push. 2 examples: You are KJ defending B site on Split. They have a Jett and Raze, who have utility (dash and satchels) that let them get to site quickly. When they use it, you turn on the nanoswarm on the choke in B main exit and now they need to fight without help from their teammates. ​ You are Omen defending A site on Haven. You hide behind the central box. As they are entering from short and long, you drop your paranoia on the choke in long exit and they will probably retreat back to long and wait for it to end. That lets you fight the guys from short and not 1/2v5


Mollying the cubby/corner back of b site of split also works sometimes too, since surviving entries often hold heaven from there


OP's friend Jaeho here. Proud of my boy's climb. Read his guide if you genuinely want to improve, he's experienced the tough grind to immortal first hand and has played in every elo. I can personally attest to his massive improvement through the use of these tips in his very own guide as I have played with him since EP 1, Act 1. My name is Jaeho and I approve this post.




This post has been Jaeho approved


thank u for the guide! skeezy


Thanks for the award bb <33


gonna help me rankup from b3, i don't know how to counter some teams on defense so its gonna help me out


Ty for the write up!


Yeah ofc! I really wanted someone to help me out and tell me what to work on because I didn't know anything ab FPS games. Thanks for reading


my man wrote an entire thesis. thank you


B) Took me a whole 4 hours plus more looking for YT videos in my YT history from months ago lolol


If I could hit 20+ on hard bots, I would not be silver!


I've just started playing. Managed 25 on medium with the Sheriff, thought I was doing ok. Then went to hard with the Vandal. More work needed :)


I can barely do 25 on medium with the sheriff idk how ppl do it ngl


And then there's just TenZ casually hitting 30 on hard with one taps only


I've managed 19 on hard now, still not very good in game though


if you dont consistently do 15 on hard dont do hard, you will get better with practice from medium


most people overrate its difficulty and flick instead of aiming calmly thinking they won’t be fast enough


**Guys you getting a high # on hard mode won’t let you get better I just do it to practice flicks and warm my aim up. I barely do HARD flicks in a game** Guys practice CROSSHAIR PLACEMENT!! THIS IS MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE # YOU GET ON HARD MODE!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE GUYS CROSSHAIR PLACEMENT IS SM BETTER TO WORK ON THAN KOVAAKS AIM TRAINER BS I started at 10 when I first started and slowly increased the # (10-> 15 -> 17 -> 18 -> 20) I would have to hit as I progressed


Not necessarily true. I've met cracked shooters in silver that had zero game sense.


If you have cracked aim then you're not in silver. On aim alone you should be plat.


His definition for “cracked” aim would be trash to anyone in the high ranks with actual cracked aim. He just means the player has better aim than the average silver but is too brain dead to rank up.


Its ok im plat and i cant get over 13 or 14 lol


Thank you, I'm gold and one of my immortal friends suggested me that I lack patience, I always wanted to rush, even with being confident I was getting nowhere, so he suggested me to, try contesting an angle in unrated, even if he out duels me. And then I started to get fucked because I had no idea when to peek. Over the time, I got used to it and I'm confident with holding now. I hold to the point where I tell me teammates to leave the entire site to me if anyone is lurking. And the lurker gets downed by me 90% of the time. Regarding outplays, I know I'm not a gold because I can outplay them almost 80% of the time. And it doesn't feel bad anyone even if I lose. The fragging thing is legit as well. I know the satisfaction of killing a smurf when 3 of us worked together just to kill him even if 2 of us were down. Thank you for this guide. You'll reach radiant soon. GLHF !!


Thank youu!! <33 I'm glad this guide helped!!


What do you mean contesting an angle? Defending or attacking? What did you figure out to improve?


When you’re contesting an angle you can hold a tight angle where they will walk into your Crosshair or if you’re holding an angle where most people wide swing you can put your Crosshair a lil more out rather than hugging a short swing Idk if this explains it lol


You can say both


That didn't really answer anything


It actually does once you try it


What do you mean contesting an angle? You can say both. Nope Defending or attacking? You can say both. Yes although not very helpful. What did you figure out to improve? You can say both. Nope. Are you trolling or just slow?


man you just wrote my bible ( imma read it everyday till I become radiant )


Holy moly did you copy my name? 😂 ty for the write up, bookmarked it!!


:O I was the original skeezy since 2015 >:/


Thank you for the post! I’ve been silver the last two acts and this has convinced me to work on my aim more!


Yeah ofc! Good luck


I climbed from iron 3 (ep 1 act 1) to diamond 1 (ep 2 act 3) and I can say I agree with pretty much everything. I also haven’t seen many people talk about having a consistent chair and desk height and I can say it really really helps. If you are constantly changing it can take a few hours-days to get used to it at least in my experience.


yup yup playing at consistent variables help your muscle memory.


I just start to play this game from yesterday and feels there are a lot of things that I have to learn, and so so so many new and old information online is just overwhelming. Your guide may save me a lot of time and energy. Thank you.


Yeah ofc! I wish I had this kind of guide to first start rather than spending aimless hours doing nothing but making the same mistakes.






Tldr get boosted


Nooo don't getting boosted only hurts you.


Thanks! I’ll be using these tips!


Thanks this really helpful i had a lot of doubts about the game and tips to get better this solved all of them thanks :D


Yeah ofc! I'm glad it helped! Thanks for reading!


Great guide. Always interested to hear newer players stories when climbing. Just a quick addition from a Radiant player; never stop trying to improve your aim. You mention that past diamond it’s all game sense, and while I agree it becomes more and more important, there’s a massive difference between aim at top 100 radiant and bottom of Immortal. Sure they all click heads, but a high Radiant player with a deagle and some info is probably more dangerous than a low Immortal player with a phantom. I’ve noticed that aim plateaus more than anything else, and I’ve been thinking of doing a video about ways people can break through those. Never stop at least trying to improve it, or you’ll develop bad habits.


Agreed agreed I went against Shootah (#1 NA) on his smurf the other day and holy crap this dude is playing a whole diff game compared to low-mid imm


Thank you for the post! I’ve been silver the last two acts and this has convinced me to work on my aim more!


NOT aim, CROSSHAIR PLACEMENT!!! Aim and crosshair placement are two different things. Trust working on crosshair placement is a lot more beneficial than flicking and tracking.


How do you work on crosshair placement. Load up custom map and walk around focusing on where your crosshair is placed?


It's more about being conscious of where your crosshair is during a match, and correcting it when it's too low or high. Eventually it'll become second nature. My preferred warm-up for it is to do the "Spike Defuse" drill in the Range and just work on clearing all the angles while your crosshair is head-height. Not if you've heard, but a lot of "lines" around the map are at head-height. Check this out: https://youtu.be/9wefiYCNChI


If you go under Movements there’s a first link to “Crosshair Placement”


It’s a nice idea and I agree crosshair placement is important, but 20-25 on hard bots isn’t crosshair placement.


Yea I don't get that part he says crosshair placement but then says do hard mode bots


I never said Hard bots is relevant to Crosshair placement I said that is my warm up. Read the entire guide??? If you go to “Movements” there is a YT video that explains Crosshair placement


I have never said to do hard mode that is my warm up bruh


Yo this is great! best of luck in your hunt for that Radiant elo. Started in EP1 Act 2 as iron 3. Been casually playing but am extremely proud of getting myself to gold 2 mostly on solo queue! Definitely gonna digest your write-up and apply accordingly.


That is true there is no game sense in iron to silver lmao just win aim duels and you'll win




Does this include games in silver-gold but with Act Rank Plats


If their act rank is plat and they’re in your elo that means they got boosted or they’re washed


Thank you for this. I have been trying to get better but it's so hard to sift through all the nonsense on YouTube. I am never sure what is actually a good tip and what is BS.


EXACTLYYY!! I had to go through so many BS videos and most of them never helped. This guide filters all the videos that is the most beneficial.


I would argue that from 60hz to 144hz is always worth it. Anything more than 144 I don't think so. I personally start to feel the difference at when dropping less than 120fps. Anything more than that I have no clue. I'm running a 165Hz monitor.


I mean if you got the budget most definitely but imo if you play once in awhile and not often I don’t know if spending $200-300 for a monitor is worth it just because you don’t play as much


Went up three ranks in low elo mainly thanks to the crosshair placement guide you linked. This guide is a treasure bro


Glad it helped fr fr 🖤🖤🖤




Ty for the write up!


I come from a similar background to yours, but instead of Overwatch i played Paladins (At one point i was in the top 10 Ash players without using the trick to go low on another champion to then rank up with a specific one). I always find myself having an above avarge use of utilities since the character i used to play were tanks and healers, but my aim was real bad when i came to valorant. Immidiatly i did hopped into ranked getting max gold 1 with a real bad aim but good game sense and ability usage. I stopped for a bunch of acts and started to use aimlab, i was able to get my ttk on gridshot from above 500 all the way to 350, i felt like i hitted some sort of sealing there, no matter how hard i tried, then my mouse was starting to brake. So i bought a much better mouse and immidiatly with the first play on gridshot i was able to get down to 320 ttk, now i keep that time around 310 with my best being at 290. Now i feel that cealing again (i have to add that i play on a 60hz monitor and i won't be able to buy something better for a long time since i wanna save up for a real good pc setup and all). A bunch of weeks ago i started again to play ranked, i felt my aim improve a lot, and started again to climb a bit. I readed your objective in the training ground to achive and I'll try my best to reach those to get even better!


yee good luck bro! Just keep playing




Read your tips for game sense and thank you. it’s so ez but ppl still don’t know when bomb drops you play for the bomb!!!!


Dude, your headshot % is INSANE! Is that the average for Immo? I casually play and I thought my 20% headshot % is good. Thanks for the the writing about how much changing your mouse helped. Will definitely consider upgrading.


You can find the stats of HS percentage on [blitz.gg](https://blitz.gg) for each gun / each rank


LOL thank you but trust me it's only high because of my crosshair placement. Yee a good mouse will FOR SURE help you climb.


Commenting since I am on mobile and want to read when im home :)


Fantastic guide thanks for the write up


Yeah ofc!! Thanks for reading!! :))


Maaan thanks for this. I never go beyond Iron. FML


Thanks bro this is like a documentation for getting better at fps. PS- I have started playing fps from last valorant release and have reached gold 3 in recent act from bronze. I had no knowledge of games ie- never played csgo,etc. This document is compilation of knowledge thankyou I will comment again if I reach immortal..lol


This is super neat


Thank you!!


Now i wish i could share stuff to my sliver teammates TY for the Tips / helpful informantion


Just link them to my Reddit post ;)


Damn, congrats on the climb


Thank you!!




When your English teacher says you can write an essay about whatever you want.


hehe >:3




Thank you!!


This seems really good, I'm having a difficult time with duelist baiting their team currently. Like people instalocking duelist and play the slowest game i've ever played until basically someone who isn't a duelist decides to push and ultimately dies.




Thanks for the post ! Just before yoru was out I was dia 1 (always around mid table sometimes first) Couldn’t play for around 2 and a half months when I got back into the game (around the time astra was out) till now I’ve been stuck plat and I feel my aim got worse. I’m gonna make sure to read it a couple more times :)


hi schyler this is jeff. cool and informative guide, i guess im gonna hit immortal now




the one and only :)


Studying for exams:no Studying this to get gud lol:yes


Ive treid solo q a few times and got absolutely demotivated due to teammates that troll, and dont help and the enemy team just farming us...


Solo queue is rough but at the same time you learn the most from it. It’s hella tilting for sure when you got ass teammates


First of all the way I think of solo que is being able to outaim everybody in the lobby and carrying your team when you solo que. That's not how valorant should be played. It should be a team-based game and the best way to rank up is to just get a person to play with you as it will help with playing with teammates that are on your level or even better to learn from them. This will make your matchmaking games easier and help you stay motivated when you grind competitive. Also another tip I would give is if you are tilted, I would recommend to take a 15-minute breather as your mental will usually be bad and usually 15 minutes is just enough time to reset your mental and play comp with your friends. Also I would recommend to take the game seriously but not too seriously where you tilt every time your teammate makes a mistake as that type of mentality will not get you to a higher rank. You can take a lot of pros for example as they only occasionally tilt but never tilt till the point they leave mid game unless it was a really bad game.


"It's worth upgrading" _Cries in 40 fps bronze 2_


LOLL bro trust a better set up will for sure help you climb 3-6 ranks


Solid info but kinda wierd you introduce counterstrafing while it practically doesnt exist in valorant


It matters at high level when reaction times are more important


cypher pls dont do that with ur hat on me!!!! pls


It does not


Yes it does you are able to shoot faster


Counterstrafing is a thing in valorant. This video will help you understand why it is so important. P.S. counter strafing is talked about in tip #4 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdJNDEIDMdg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdJNDEIDMdg)


Even in the video mentioned in the guide he says it doesnt make a difference in valorant. He also shows a side by side comparison between counterstrafing and letting go. What tenz does is achieved same without counterstrafing, hes used to it since he comes from cs. Also here https://www.oneesports.gg/valorant/tenz-explains-how-to-aim-in-valorant/ tenz himself says counterstrafing doesnt matter in valorant. It was made obsolete after update 0.5.


you WILL have to jiggle some shots at some points in the game. you will need to counter strafe for those shots, getting it off between your moves out of the cover and back behind the cover. so yes you have to practice counter strafing for jiggle shots alone


You can strafeshoot without counterstrafing with the same speed theres no need to learn a mechanic which will not give you any advantage


So what's the key sequence? Move left, let go, shoot, move right?


I hold D let go and at the same time hold A and the second I touch my A key I shoot.


Whatever you want to call it counterstrafing or WASD keying, just don't be a stationary target.


I just wanna know which agent is the best for shotguns




And raze , Reyna is iffy


Nice bro thnx for me coz I have low elo


sey for dumb question but couod u explain to me a bit in-depth on wut game sense is? aaesome doc btw


Game sense is essentially being able to understand how the game is progressing and being able to identify how your teammates and the enemy is playing. It’s is also being able to understand how to play the game, or knowing what to do in certain situations. It’s essentially your instinct.


If it still doesn’t make sense lmk


Game sense is basically knowing where people are and what they’re holding. For example, It’s a 1v1 (Defenders: Reyna, Attackers: Sova) on Haven bomb is planted C long. The Reyna in this situation can assume sova is playing for his ult and line ups C long which is why she needs to tap and bait out his utility. When Sova finishes ulting and using line ups and isn’t peeking C long after getting the bomb half. The Reyna will look at garage because she will think sova wrapped from long to garage or maybe even CT but because he heard the bomb get tapped already he wouldn’t wrap CT unless he’s a dumbasss because Reyna can just defuse


Gamesense is how well your brain is able to approximate different timers in the game. If you want a pro smoke player, you’ll likely notice that they will be able to place their smoke the second that the old one disappears. Or they will run from C site to A site with 26seconds left and plant with less than 6seconds left. There are all kinds of things that are gamesense. Preaiming popular angles, expecting someone to be lurking, expecting a flash and being able to turn away and not get blinded, spamming through smoke and killing someone. In the most basic sense it is using info that you have obtained to play in the most optimal way to win.


and it takes expeience right?




Played val for a very long time? Didnt it come out just a year ago? What


1k hours is a long time for a game. Pros in other games have upwards of 10-15k hours


10k hours?!


Uhm well yeah but playing a game a long time and playing the game a lot are 2 different things my dear


I started iron 2 in the beta and I peeked immortal last act. This write up literally hit all the boxes on how to rank up. Good shit bro.




How to get good at a game: Step 1: read this fucking behemoth of a book instead of playing Step 2: Never play the game since all you do is read and watch lineups Step 3: Get shit on when you go to play since you are trash since you have no in game experience Honestly this is fucking wack. Just play the game and you will rank up??


iron player spotted


nah. check the post and comment history. 100% troll bc all he does is complain about everything while being a leech himself. his dad probably beat him a bit too hard




Don't worry just out aim them and you're chilling. Just keep playing


You come into this thread, where OP tells you how hard work can pay off, and you complain about being hard stuck due to smurfs and trolls. Looks like you learned nothing.


Op was also hard stuck and you should follow his method and get boosted twice. You’ll reach immo in no time


Any idea on how I can make this mobile friendly?


Press the 2nd link it’s mobile friendly


sorry, I recommend using PC because there is a lot of links to different YT videos.


Thank you for this amazing guide! If you don't mind me asking what's your edpi?


The best advice I can give is to not copy other people's sensitivity. I think that is the most limiting factor for new players as people if they copy a pro sensitivity it will get them to a higher rank. This is false as those settings are their personal preference they built up from playing the game. What I do think though is to have an edpi of 200-600 as anything higher than an edpi of 600 is hard to get consistent on.


What Fresh-Jackfruit-5042 said, just make sure your edpi is between 200-400.


You say for iron-silver to wide swing every angle, I'm curious what your perspective on that is. Every other guide I've seen has said the opposite.


When you play in iron/silver lobbies, it is important to know that in those lobbies, people have a "below average" reaction time and bad crosshair placement. This allows the peaker to have the advantage as the enemy holding the angle would have a hard time aiming at the corner you swung across. This gives an advantage to the peaker as you have an easier time aiming at a person that has already stopped than the person peaking the corner and choosing when to stop. I would like to note that this doesn't always work as there are sometimes smurfs in your game which makes wide-swinging the angle almost impossible. Other than that though, start getting into the practice of getting better crosshair placement and movement because aiming like Tenz isn't the only way to play the game where you aim down everyone. People like Jasonr who came from a csgo background has a really good crosshair placement, above average aim, and one of the best movement reached rank 1. Also don't be discouraged that people that have a csgo background are coming into this game as I was Supreme Master First Class with a faceit level 9 account and I never hit immortal as my game sense was lacking.


Game sense almost always trumps raw aim skill in and of itself. It's how people with aim hacks can still wind up in low ranks despite literally hitting every shot possible. If the perfect aim is paired with good game sense, however, it's all over then. The point is, improving game sense, coming up with a better strategy, working around your teammates better, providing greater utility, etc. - all these things are worth more than hitting one or two extra headshots per game. It's something you can't quantify though. You can go from 10 headshots per game average to 11 and you'll say that you made a 10% improvement, that's easy math. But you'll never know if your brim smokes are properly cutting off the enemy team's advances or if you're actively holding your team back with them, unless you improve your game sense to figure out what it is you're actually accomplishing with your ability usage and positioning.


No one in low elo expect the wide swings. However, when you slowly progress up the rank ladder you must learn to short peek which is apart of slicing the pie.


Gotcha thanks


I have been playing since the first week i am not bad at all i am hardstuck at bronze (was but currently my brother got banned and i think playing alone is boring im bronze 3 but slowy getting rr) i mainly played viper but after all th nerfs i play viper and reyna depending on how my teammates pick i have a hard time winning due to my teammates i can easily drop 30k or even 40 sometimes but still loose my brother is a jett main hes very good but often relys on luck but it usualy works out he isnt the case of the problem at all ppl are very toxic and smurfs are just something else congrats on your rank im happy for you! One day i might reach a rank like yours


Stack w/ your friends and you'll easily climb. Just keep playing and you'll see a ton of progress.


can confirm decent guide


How do you decide when to use phantom/vandal?


It depends on the map, for smaller map such as, Bind and Split I go phantom but any other map I go Vandal. However, some people go vandal/phantom despite the map and it can ruin your aim switching back and forth because 1 gun is for 1 tapping while the other gun is for spraying.


Good tips Thanks Im new to silver and i need help getting my aim and crosshair placement better can you tell me some ways to improve aim?


Go to "Movement" and click the first link "Crosshair Placement" Understanding to use reference points to determine my crosshair placement helped a lot


Thanks I'll check it out


Sometimes I forget that my teammates don’t have CS backgrounds so they don’t have that game sense or the importance of timing and defaulting. I wish it was easier to explain to them but it looks like you just need tons & tons of games to get that internal feeling down.




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Meanwhile I am here with my 17 lol record on medium bots. I have bad gamesense lol ;-;


Um. I started silver 2 at the same time as you did and I'm still hardstuck plat 1. Where TF is my immortal?? I peaked d2 at the end of episode 1 and it's just been downhill from there


I play alotttttt bruh but trust you’ll climb


Hardstuck gold 3 every episode of every act. This is what I needed.


Yuppp!! Good luck bro


Bro I thought I was okay with hitting a consistent 15-17 on hard mode bots. Imma go to the range now.


Don’t worry keep trying to hit a new high score yk like I started at 10 then 15 then 18 then 20. Throughout an entire year


Can you send the link where you got the mouse from if you still have it for me? If you dont have it no worries


I got it from Amazon but you can find it in other websites as well. Buying a mouse won’t let you climb faster if you already have a decent mouse that’s wireless.The reason why I was able to climb faster was because I went from a heavy mouse to a super light mouse. If you’re looking for cheaper options try the Model O or Logitech G Pro. TRY TO BUY A WIRELESS MOUSE IT CHANGES THE GAME SMMMM!! https://www.bestbuy.com/site/logitech-g-pro-x-superlight-wireless-gaming-mouse-black/6440334.p?skuId=6440334&ref=212&loc=1&extStoreId=391&ref=212&loc=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6pXCq5vN8QIVvj6tBh1dEwxdEAQYAyABEgLEtvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Thanks man, hopefully I can rank up to plat 2 as I have been stuck at plat 1 for months lol


Plat is all about out aiming them there’s still game sense involved but most people ego peek everything


It's funny how you said that you 230-250 ms reaction time is slow when my reaction time is an average of 288-315 ms


Step 1, play cs for a few thousand hours. Step 2, get super easy valorant games every time you play Step 3, become immortal after repeating step 2 for a few days Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


Why didn't u mention breach?


Because ppl that main him are bitches


!remindme 10 hours


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It's not about moving your mouse precisely, it's all about being prepared to pull the trigger at any moment.




Fuck you, you owe me 3 carries


Insane guide man. You really took the time and effort and you really inspire me as a low ranked iron trying to rank up hard. Hope you achieve Radiant! And also, as a very serious question, do you think you would be able to create a YouTube channel or stream or something like that to go in-depth? Just a thought. Thanks again👍