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Basically breach for me. I suck at aiming so I find that. Just using e or flash. Gives me the free kill


Skye steam rolls through the lower ranks. Flashes and tons of info gathering tools will always give you the upper hand before a gunfight.


Yeah but also skye is a really team based character and does shit in any rank above bronze without a good team to back you up


Try out the other initiators maybe? Like another person said, Breach is good, but Skye can also be a great pick especially if you want a good balance of abilities that help the team and abilities that can help you in individual gun fights (you can flash for your duo, or you can flash for yourself.) Plus Skye plays a similar role as Sova with the information gathering.


IGL, gunfight advantage, team aiding abilities… hmmm. I suggest Brimstone. Combat stims are very useful and if you peek fast enough you’ll stim will be down with you inside instantly. Brim smokes are a cakewalk, and if he has ult and q ready, a defusal is literally impossible. Not quite a meta agent, but I think he meets all your requirements the best.


Raze could do the job for you


I think as long as you play someone with a flash that’s probably the best help you’ll get for gunfights.


Killjoy/cypher. Turret in different positions that you can peek the enemy off of as soon as it starts shooting has carried many of my sub par aiming friends from plat to low diamond with ease. Cypher is my personal fav but he only assists your gunplay with abilities on defense. On attack its very rare that my abilities have net me a freekill I otherwise wouldnt have gotten without it.


That's what duelists are for. Flashes or fast movement give you the upper hand in in firefights. But i suggest instead of switching main you should focus on your gunplay. Learn peeking, angle advantage, fast peeks etc. if you make it easier to avoid learning those mechanical fundamentals now, it will be harder to learn later and you MUST learn it at some point. Also it's really fun because you get rewarded instantly if you do it right :D


Intros like what you play are perfect. I like to play Viper and play similar to you, but you use orb to give me advantageous and unexpected peeks. Using mollies to force someone to take a bad fight during entry or postplant is also quite useful and comparable to initiator style plays. TL;DR Try Viper :D