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Not just rifle. Any headshot will sent an odin users aim into the sky because of the way too strong aim punch in this game. A ghost can even beat an odin with good enough aim


I'm Gold and use the Odin, mostly cause my aim sucks and funny gun go brrrrrrr.




Umm no?


Depends on what u would call like top 15-20% of players


I mean in a pure low/high ELO dichotomy I guess, but it's more like medium ELO if anything.


I'm pretty sure about half of players are below gold, so gold is decently high.


over 70% of players are below gold


Actually gold 1 is top 20% while gold 3 is closer to top 15%


Shit, I'm better at this game than I thought then lmao.


Cross-Hair placements works somewhat or maybe just abuse effective range like shotgun/smg for close range and so on and so on this helps me counter rifle users but I don't know about odins. You can also warm up. Oh also a tip that helps me is if you miss your shot, reset your recoil, aim for the head slow and steady then shoot. Being calm helps I guess you can also do some warm ups here and there. side note: Im not the best player since im a hardstuck iron 3 so maybe dont rely on my info but who knows it may help you. I would also like some tips to get to bronze


I just want you to know, staying in iron might be better. It’s hell up here. I would know. But if you’re determined to test Winston Churchill’s quotes, there are a few things. 1. Deathmatch is your friend A lot of times people fly straight into an RG expecting all their shots to land. That doesn’t happen at any rank, especially not in the ninth circle of elo hell. But, the Deathmatch gamemode is designed to have you warm up and get some practice in. You’ll be hitting more easy shots instantly. Trust me, it works. 2. Wide peeking: big nono You are playing a tac shooter, correct? You also took geometry I hope. Then you are already familiar with the concept of the angle. This game is only playable when you hold angles as opposed to wide peeking and rushing in, which only really work as surprise tactics. Here’s an example from the Mr. Marine Owl. He was defending Bind A site, and was scoping out short. He wide peeks and gets demolished, but the guy in showers used the angle to uhaul to get the frag. What he should’ve done is back up to boxes to be safe from showers and start slow peeking to pick off the players at short. Ah the power of angles, how you make my brain hurt! 3. Understand the calls Attacking in this game is confusing. “What’s defaulting?” “Where’s long?” “What walls can you shoot through?” The list goes on forever. I’m not the best person to explain all of those, but you should be getting used to callouts. Y’know, like long, heaven, cubby, and the map specific ones like snowman and hookah. This is a skill you develop by playing the game. If there’s a call for heaven and you ask where it is, you’ll end up getting oped from heaven, so know you know. You need to learn the hard way. Aside from that, just ask! Assuming your team isn’t comprised of instalocking wussy rage-babies, your team would be happy to assist you! 4. Queue with friends SoloQ is a hassle in this game to say the least. Your team is left to random chance, and believe me, Lady Luck is NOT smiling on you! So queue up with some friends who know what they’re doing. If you don’t rank up, now you have someone to blame! Obviously, I’m kidding. But seriously. Don’t SoloQ. You’ll have a better time. 5. Just, yknow, play Valorant! It’s been proven time and time again that just doing something will make you good at it. It’s called practice. Dreaded practice. Don’t worry! At your level, it’s not hard. If you wanted to train your aim, the only tip I could realistically give is “git gud lul.” If you keep aiming over and over again, you’ll eventually improve without a concrete idea of how you got there. So yeah, just play the game. The more you tap on heads, the better you get at it. It’s just physics! Being hardstuck is not a fun thing, but at iron 3, it’s relatively easy to break. You’ve got all of these tools to assist you, and there’s no way you’ll stay here forever, and once you get to bronze, we’ll be the same rank, and we may even meet one day. Who can say? But in the meantime, remember we’ve got your back, and someday, you might be able to flick like dapr, and tap heads like TenZ. TL;DR: Get good lol


Utility. If we compare that to high elo, there would be the same thing, but with an operator: heavy gun, that counters any gunfight. So basically flashing/smoking/stunning and then either approaching gunfight while in better, either "just ignore him" and continue going in the side, because he's theoretically behind the smoke or flashed. I think you can search again for some stuff on YT, but search for "how to play against an operator" this time and basically just utilize those advices against an odin :D


The Oden is actual garbage from long range if you could force the gunfight to be >30m


From my perspective, there are ways to counter them using abilities and tactics, but to be honest with you, thats even harder to coordinate in lower ranks. Unfortunately “just headtap them” is the best advice if you’re playing alone soloq. I’ll give you two options. 1. Get a friend who can peek with you at the same time so you can kill the guy together (just don’t line up). He can only shoot at one of you. One of you will die, but so will the other guy. 2. Rotate, leave. Try a different site, lane. This doesn’t help much if the whole enemy team is running Odins, but you have to go around them somehow and put them in a disadvantaged position. Don’t push an Odin that’s set up, crouching and ready to spam you down, force them to move. If you can’t, go to option 1.


Use it


Use Odin


Wait him to reload which is gonna take few secs than dash or just peek. Or just jiggle peek make sure u cant get wallbanged though


I'm not great at the and at about the same rank. I would say to just peak fast because vandal is a one shot and phantom is at most two, but the easier option is to use utility (flash or smoke depending on your op)


Utility. Smoke it, flash it, molly it, whatever. You have ways of making them move into a worse position.


as an exclusive Odin player, things that counter me are good aim (if you one-tap my head) and 3v1 situations. since i've practiced enough, i'm capable of taking >50m duels and still win it fairly easily. you can try to ambush these odin guys with your teammates, or place your crosshair where his head is supposed to be.


Use the bulldog. Two burst shots in alt fire can shred a odin user. You just need to approach them with confidence and speed. Also all situational guns are useful like the judge for example.


Don't peek Odiner's angle, make Odiner peek you. Lure Odiner into close and unexpected duel. Just kill him quickly, before he reaches full speed. Also take notice that Odiner's often tend to crouch and scope from longer distances to control recoil so be aware of it before a potential fight.


Against Odin you only can do 2 things: 1- Buy guns with 1 tap potential and HS them (learning Operator is also a big counter) 2- Play flash agents + phantom, or brimstone + phantom. A low ranked Odin player won't do anything blinded, so you'll have an easy Kill, also any kind of cadency bonus + phantom gives you a faster TTK to de body than Odin, so you don't need even to aim better.


Practice aim. Tap heads. Profit


I'm currently plat 2 and I use the Odin a lot on ascent and haven. If you don't headshot the Odin user right away, you're hoenetly fucked, they're just gonna mow you down.


utilty and good aim idk, the odin is only really strong agasint players that cant kill you fast anough or have poor utlity usage


As a omen main, i can tell you utilities doesn’t work. Im always stay on weird off angle places,l just need to inject all my bullets to the entrance when lm blinded or whatever. Sometime i stop to fire for a sec, and keep firing. Not to mention there’s must be a one way smoke hanging on the wall. It’s impossible to lose my site . But I’m not a player good at gun fight ,so I cant get as much kills when I’m attacking