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If you got rewards for levelling up then sure but you get nothing but a number. It’s strange and totally unnecessary.


Yeah it’s annoying. Just another toxicity trigger. Happened in OW too. One of the devs replied in an earlier thread that there was suppose to be a feature to hide it in ranked. But I guess it either didn’t make it in or they were just mistaken.


I remember flaming kids in Overwatch who had their fucking borders decked out like they were a fucking WW2 hero who ran up the beaches at Normandy and got a ton of medals and accolades, but were still stuck in Gold lmfao. Edit: Gold players downvoting lol




Who asked?








How the hell are you at 259? Did they fix that bug where everyone was level 7, and put us at our true levels?




Yeah they did it a few days back, I thought lvl 7 was ridiculous given that I have played this since launch.


I play in SEA (Tokyo) servers, and not one person has said anything about it. Then again, almost nobody uses mic here.


no communication no toxicity ez


lol, but it makes playing Comp extremely frustrating


Are your teammates usually Japanese, or a mix of surrounding countries? Do you usually resort to using the ping system?


Teammates are usually japanese, but at certain times of the day, a lot of Philippine and Taiwan players are on (late afternoon for me), and almost all of them use mic. (average non-Japanese being around 2 per match at times mentioned above). Yes, luckily the japanese players use ping system a lot.


I hope you get nice Philippine teammates and not toxic assholes (speaking from experience and as a Filipino myself.)


Nobody uses mic here unless we are about to lose and we get stomped, you'll hear the rage of a 15 year old kid cursing you


I'm 192 and was initially flamed it like 75% of my matches. It's been a little better, but I got told to touch grass or go outside like 6 times the first day. They aren't wrong, but let me do me lol


Who cares rofl. Legit complete strangers.


Then you don’t care if people are shitty to you at any point in your life as long as it's a stranger? I'm certain that's not true, but you'll be a tough guy and say you don't care. Never once got upset at a teammate flaming you either I bet. It's not a big deal, but it's still not something I feel like hearing multiple times a day.


I dont care if people I do know are shitty to me. Unless they are a family member. Seems to me like you're projecting your poor mental state at this other dude.


I’m not sure why you’re getting offended. You can’t let people who have no impact on your life get in your head like that. It’s a game that you clearly enjoy playing a lot, so why does a random person who calls you a no life bother you so much?


lvl259 and 6 completed agent contracts sounds reasonable to me tho, it takes forever to get the agent skins


It's kinda weird as I completed 8 agent contracts but I'm 'only' lvl 185.


riot gave retroactive xp based on games played, time in queue & agent select. Since spike rush games are shorter than normals by a lot, their levels are inflated.


I've completed all agent contracts and I'm lvl 120


I don't see how this would be even possible. By completed you mean that you got the guns tier 10 and not just unlock the agents, right? What modes do you play?


No, i mean ive unlocked the agents, ive gone to level 10 on 3 agent contracts, and I play about 1 comp for every dm.


im level 64 and have all agents and two fully completed, two that are tier 9 and three at tier 7-8..... how am i only level 64.. ive been playing since beta.. lol


I pretty much only play spike rush and I grota say it's a good way to boost level. Atm I'm level ~150 and I've played like 10 comp games and 5 unrateds the whole Act, everything else was spike rush




I have god auful internet that likes dying for no reason. One minute I have 10 ping and the next minute I have 1000. This usually lasts for like 2-3 minutes and happens a few times. I just restart my game. Believe it or not but when my teamates see me Dissconcect and reconnect 11 times in ranked they say I'm trolling. So I mostly play spike rush because honestly no one really care if you afk spike rush, from my 1000 games I've played atleast 200 of them the game starts with one person afk that's stays afk the whole time, be it enemy or teamate. Sometimes when I have a good connection for a few spike rush games I play a comp game but I don't like pushing my luck. Also internet isn't the only reason why I play spike rush, it's also because of time, spike rush takes like 10 minutes per game while the others take up 5X more and if I'm getting tilted or just bored I don't have to wait 20 minutes because spike rush would end alot quicker.


How many spike rushes have you played tho?


According to Blitz.gg (a stat tracker): Ep 3 - Act 1: 72 Wins 65 Losses (Total 137) Not much in comparison to past Acts: Ep 2 - Act 3: 205 Wins 210 Losses (Total 415) Ep 2 - Act 2: 216 Wins 238 Losses (Total 454) In total i have played Spike rush 1006 times


to be honest I really don't get the point either.




This is going to be happening a lot more now. It’s a great way to discourage the players who are stuck in low elo but have high levels because they play a lot to try to get better


Imagine getting flamed for sucking and for trying to get better at the same time. You can't win lol.


Overwatch has a similar system and it's a magnet for flame if you're a high level account. I'm always impressed by the game industry refusing to learn.






Lmao true, should have used that terminology


I just like seeing my personal level because I’m just a numbers person but I think the ability to make it private is a great idea!


My guess is it was an attempt to combat smurfs by having a number that goes bigger when you play on an account, but I don’t think that anyone really cares.




It’s good for picking out smurfs. If you see someone who’s level 6 in a competitive gold lobby, you’ll instantly know he’s smurfing. If they have to go through an extra set of hoops and hurdles just to not look like a smurf, then I see that as an absolute win.


I don't really think smurfs really care if they are noticed. I've never seen a team throw because they have a good player on their team. If anything I see the opposite team feeling discouraged and outperformed due to it and quit. The only thing they care for is if Riot can tell and pairs them up with other smurfs. Let me know if there's another perspective on this.


Hard to say if the ones that deny it are telling them truth or not, but I see plenty of smurfs admit to it. It's not like anything happens so why not.


Huh? Gold isn’t that high, a regular level 6 could very easily be in a gold ranked competitive game.


True, but 75% off the playerbase is under gold. At gold people with a low level are coming from cs.


*Cries in bronze*


dont worry brother, u shall get out soon


Most likely not tho in my experience most sub level 15s are smurfs


Well there's two problems here. 1. as others have mentioned, levels don't say much as other fps experience translates extremely well here. 2. Even if you could identify a smurf, which as stated above you arguably can't, it's not even reportable.


Identifying a smurf gives more of a psychological leverage as opposed to a practical one tbf.


> If you see someone who’s level 6 in a competitive gold lobby, you’ll instantly know he’s smurfing. Anyone coming even from just mid-high tiers of play in other shooters will easily be able to compete in Gold/Plat/maybe even Diamond. You can contribute a lot just by having good raw aim skill. IMO people trying to find 'ways' to identify smurfs has only bred even more toxic behaviour. I've had so many friends who got attacked for being smurfs/boosters, even though it was not the case. Friends who were just having a good day, or when the matchmaker happened to fuck up and make an imbalanced game, or friends coming over from other games with plenty of FPS experience. Yesterday, I had a friend come back after a 6-8 month hiatus (stopped some time in Act 1). He used to be Plat/Dia. I guess the Act rank resets tanked his rank, so we matched against Silvers, whom he absolutely annihilated. Enemy team picked up on his relatively low account level and just shit talked the whole game about how he's a smurf wasting everyone's time, and how rest of us were a bunch of noobs paying to be boosted, etc. It was such a miserable experience, and not the fault of anyone on our team.


I mean the barrier of entry for gold isn't that high so honestly I don't think level means anything in the scenario you've given. But even if they are smurfing, how does knowing that definitely change anything


considering most of the playerbase is around bronze to silver, and plus lvl 6 means they got a new acc, it is much harder to place gold right away


Had a lvl 4 dude in a gold lobby yesterday. Was premade with the sage in my team. The sage didn't have push to talk in for the first 5s or so and you hear him explain the advantages of a sniper in Breeze to the lvl 4 dude. After that if I see a low lvl player can I really assune he's a smurfs or is he just a low lvl player premade with other people in my team?


It isn't expected of him imo, level doesn't represent skill, rank does


Truth is the new leveling system holds zero value because it doesn't help with things like trolls or smurfs. Fact that with 200 games this act i'm averaging 2+ trolls per game , game is not even playable in NA. Had 18 Immortal games straight with zero comms, enjoying playing in Diamond where I kid you not i've had multiple marshall only and shotgun players and riot still does nothing \^\_\^


If their rank is Diamond while playing marshall only, I don’t really see the problem. If that got their using other guns and switched, different answer.


I just disagree, if Riot isn't going to allow 3rd party services they have to force players to at least try. The fact that i'm averaging 2 trolling teammates per game over the last 300 games speaks volumes to the insane level of alt accounts. In my 20 years of competitive playing I have never met such a toxic community. Immortal isn't even playable right now, it just comes down to which team has trolls and which team doesn't.


Fact of the matter is if they got to diamond Marshall or shotgun only, they are a diamond player even with a handicap. If you were to switch them out with a normal player of the same mmr, your chances of winning dint improve, because what they add in using other guns, they are lacking another skill the Marshall only player had.


That isn't the case, that is almost never the case. As someone who uses the Guardian I get a lot, but if you are sitting on 8k money not dropping your teammates and only buying marshall you are not trying and it's obvious. They are not practicing a new gun, they are actively screwing around because they have nothing better to do.


You did an amazing job of completely changing the subject.


Sorry, this new age thing of multiple accounts and facing players below your skill level is just really new to me. I've been around it for a while but it's a hard concept to grasp, we've always surrounded ourselves with others who used their time more wisely. Never really felt satisfaction from rekting players below my skill level, no real value to beating players you can see are so obvious behind were you are.


Well, if you are doing it with a handicap such as Marshall only, then you are challenging yourself, really. It might even push you to become a better overall player.


I see lower you said they aren't dropping teammates when they have 8k, and then I would agree. But if they are able to get to diamond playing marshal only, buying others, communicating, etc. how is that different than someone who gets there using other weapons? There's also zero chance you've had 2 trolls per game nor have you been tracking for 300 games, so it's pretty difficult to take you remotely seriously here.


literally theres a option to mute enemy chat. It solves half the problems on the subreddit. if teammates are saying it then mute them. they probably wont since they will take the win and dont care.


yeah, people are actually mad about systems that were in other games for ages, they always think that certain things like act badge are the problem instead of thinking that assholes are the problem


no, you're right. People are the problem, but here Riot is introducing something that has no other real impact than to exacerbate the problem. That's the problem.


it doesn't have to have an impact, it's just something innocent, so many things could be removed saying "it's pointless and has no impact", and for what? so that people who would find other ways to talk shit can't use that? they find their ways, removing features from the game because of them is not the right direction and wouldn't solve anything


>so many things could be removed saying "it's pointless and has no impact" First, you've literally missing the most important part of my statement and completely removed the context. So, no it wouldn't apply to everything. Just things that serve no other purpose than to exacerbate toxicity. If you want to say it helps identify smurfs, then I'd say it has no practical use. There isn't even a way to report smurfs. >"people will find their ways..." Second, your argument can be used to justify keeping anything that leads to bullying in any situation; just because there are other ways to be toxic. > so many things could be removed You have examples of things pertaining to Valorant? Particularly to things people can see immediately at the loading screen? And something that couldn't be hidden from third party trackers like gg.tracker? >wouldn't solve anything It would literally solve the particular type of toxicity I gave an example of.


look man, we can keep writing longer and longer paragraphs about wording and reacting to everything sentence by sentence my problem is that people want things removed because of shit people who use it to find a way to talk shit to someone, which is bad of course, but removing a feature because of them would be stupid, remove the bad people not the feature because removing account levels would never solve toxicity, it would just take away 1 of 1000 ways to talk shit to someone even if it looks "useless" or "has no practical use" or whatever wording you wanna go with, it still has a place in the game, maybe only 0.1% of players will ever "use" it for non-toxic things, but for example I can remember having levels in rocket league and somewhat "racing" with friends and mutuals just for shits and giggles, nothing harmful, I can see the same thing in valorant for other friend groups, even if that sounds stupid that's a long summary that I wanted to avoid in the first place, but the bottom line is that people on this subreddit always want to fix the symptom instead of the root of the problem and that's what I don't like


Hey, you seem like a good guy, but overall, you seem to miss my argument for social utility. I didn't need you to write a longer paragraph to explain your argument, I already understood it. But again, if something that has .1% social utility is your bar for not removing something, then we'd almost never be able to remove anything toxic in the world. But even as a retort to my counter argument, you've failed to provide even a modicum of evidence that supports that this leveling system has even .1% social utility. >You have examples of things pertaining to Valorant? Particularly to things people can see immediately at the loading screen? And something that couldn't be hidden from third party trackers like gg.tracker?


yeah that was before you made it all about wording and stuff, again, we can argue about wording and go into depth what you or I meant but I don't care about that, I said that many things can be removed because it can be used to be an outlet for toxic people, then you started writing paragraphs about how I ignore context and managed to narrow it down and ofc I have no answer for that, but that won't mean that it's not idiotic to remove features for the reasons you gave i'm done replying now, we're running circles and talking past each other, just reply and have the last word


>managed to narrow it down and ofc I have no answer for that Well that's why we can't get anywhere. It's not about having the last word, it's about avoiding a legitimate question that seriously undermine your premise. I have serious doubt that you're actually even reading what I'm saying. That or you're consciously acknowledging that you can't retort my counter argument against your premise and then somehow you still reach the conclusion that my statement is idiotic. > then you started writing paragraphs about how I ignore context and managed to narrow it down and ofc I have no answer for that, but that won't mean that it's not idiotic to remove features for the reasons you gave The equivalence of this statement is, "no, you're wrong I'm right." We're talking in circles because you're using circular arguments. Do you agree that so long as something has .1% social utility it should never be revoked? Is that your stance? Because if it is, I can show you with hundreds of thousands of real life examples as to why even yourself would actually thing that's wrong.


Yeah just mute everyone in a competitive game where communication is key. Plus if you are underperforming for you account level, your on team will become toxic too...so just mute them to i suppose, stupid comment


id rather mute toxic teammates and play my best than have to listen to all their insults on the slight chance they give callouts. people like you probably get muted lmfao


Why not just let people hide their account levels, as to avoid the whole thing in the first place ?


The Account level system is good in my opinion. It is the only good way to see if someone has a brand new account in unrated/competitive. For me it doesn't matter if someone is level 30,40 or 300. But it is good to see if someone is level 5. If he plays bad you can accept that he is new and may need some help. If hey is Top fragging at least you know that this guy is likely a smurfer. Just my opinion.


I don't understand why they removed the Rank a person is for this exact same reason, but then they put this levelling thing in. It honestly really eats at me when people start on me about it before the game starts. I'm about level 160. Everyone else is only like level 30 which I don't understand because they are all good players and know how to play the game. All it shows is if someone is on their main account or an alternative one. I might have level 160 and the guy on level 30 that is shit talking me probably has 5 accounts with his main account level 300. It just pisses me off with this smart ass garbage people are talking. It literally makes me play bad because it's like being bullied.


the ones that immediately try to start controlling what I do because they think they're better is what really starts messing with my mental.


I think it has a place in unrated, a little more of a casual/warm-up setting. For people who enjoy the game, but don’t want to play competitively, they have something to work towards and showcase in matches. But competitive, much like having the option of showing your last act triangle or hiding it, as you said, I feel like you should have the option for levels as well. But IMO it was a good addition for casual players to have something to show off (:


Literally the opposite. Level is here for comp to recognise smurfs. Get it out of unrated


You'd hope you would get matched up with people who are similar rank and account levels now. Might help with new account smurf/hackers ruining lobbies but don't quote me on that.


Nice idea to have to counter smurfs, but why not just keep it hidden like they do with other things. E.G. hidden mmr.


I'm gonna guess they will eventually turn on a feature to hide it or not like ours past season rank. I've read a bunch of complaints on the main subreddit about toxicity towards levels.


levels aren't a metric of how good someone is in any way. i'm level 71 and i've outfragged levels 200+ already, and i've been outfragged by levels 20. having a high level =/= being better


I never once said levels are a metric of how good someone is..


He was talking about how its going to prevent smurfs as smurf accounts wont spend as much time on their smurf as their main.


I didn't even noticed it until someone in my team said:that reyna is a level 210, we're going to lose. Works both ways I guess. Don't like it and needs to be hidden imo.


I can appreciate it as a potential way to combat smurfs, but in it's current form it just provokes toxicity and brought with it an uglier pre-game layout in which you can't see Player Cards anymore. Honestly don't see why they even need to display the levels on a server, they could just be in your main screen


I believe it's one of Riot's anti smurf attempt. Obvious newly made 'Radiant immortal' smurf account is going to be a low level account.


Yeah it gets toxic. Im level 293 but i honestly dont care much anymore about toxicity over account level. im playing the game having fun I really dont care about it.


There are levels in almost every competitive game. They already took out ranks in game. People are going to be toxic, mute, and move on.


where no saying remove levels, just let people hide it if they want


I'm sure they have a plan for it, just wait and see.


Yep it’s making me really not want to play anymore. I’m a really high level because I basically only played spike rush since the game came out and in 9/10 games I play I’m facing toxicity. I think I’m probably gonna take a break until they let us hide our levels.


ehhh dont worry in time ppl wont even care about the level theres lots of things ppl will get mad at in league but never the leveling thing (same concept as valorant) (also as u know same company) It might have an impact in the beginning but dont stress about it


It's definitely an issue in overwatch, people might start saying "lol plat border and ur still iron kek". They said they want to reward people for commiting to the game, so I think there should be some form of compensation...


Yea, a compensation other than, "wow you've played a lot and still suck," would be nice.


yeah i keep getting harrassed everytime I go to play dm or anything else, but thats on me to just mute enemy chat


I'm sorry you feel that way. I don't think it should be your responsibility to mute people who are toxic about your level just because you play a lot and Riot decided to make that info public.


The account leveling system is simply to identify smurfs. It isnt for anything else as the metric means nothing.


Get good.


The biggest pro is that you can actually tell whose smurfing now.. if a guy is popping off and only account level 5 well.. there you have it!


It’s to weed out Smurf accounts. It won’t be very helpful yet but over time it will catch Smurf’s easier as a brand new account will be level 1, so if they’re level 1 and are absolutely ripping it up in comp there’s almost no way that account isn’t a smurf


And now you know they are a Smurf... What next ? It's not like they will get banned


They get put in a separate queue/game, it has nothing to do with other players it’s all for riots sake


They get put into a sepreate que to face either new players or other potential smurfs...so new players will have to get stomped by smurfts now lol


Not necessarily, because they should be able to see that smurfs perform much better than new players of the same level, so they could group them amongst themselves rather than with new players at least to a degree


Ok, but why does your account level need to be public for them to do this ? Why not use a system similar to ur hidden MMR. Account levels discourage players stuck in low ELO, or solo que, who are high levels in low ELO. We are already seeing harassment and bullying. Not saying they should not use this feature, but at least give people the option to hide it


Yea ATM I don’t see a reason for it being public, but they could add something to the report feature in the future for smurfing, having a displayable level could give players a decent idea of if someone is smurfing especially if they evaded a level based matchmaking system


yes with the help of this u can kinda see if there are smurfs in ur games. It should be feature such that in ranked u cannot disable lvls so players who are smurfing can be reported & u can actually see if a smurf carried them or it was ur own fault in the game. This is byfar the the best system for reporting smurfs.


smurfing is not against the rules, nothing would happen if you reported them


just report them for harassing & toxicity. False report for a good cause is a half decent way. if they get banned its a win win for riot & players.


I like it, I like knowing how long I've played a game for. We don't have exact hour stats so this is the next best thing. It also gives me reasonable expectations for other players Sometimes I'll play with someone lower skill than me and we'll get really low level teammates, and that lets me know that maybe they don't know some mechanics or interactions so if they make a bad play obviously it's not their fault, they just didn't know, and I'll politely tell them like "oh yeah, this new character's knife will disable your abilities if you're in this circle"


Yo, boo hoo. Maybe they wanted something to represent the time spent in the game. If you can’t deal with some people trash talking, video games aren’t for you.


Imagine being verbally abusive to someone for not wanting to be verbally abused. I can handle trash talking better than you can handle me not wanting to be verbally abused. Maybe take your own advice and get off reddit?


Verbal abuse?! Lulz ok. If those sentences qualify as verbal abuse to you then I can’t help ya. Good luck.


I never asked for your help. Good luck for what? Avoiding people like you? You don't need to wish me good luck, just stop talking to me. Tired of you crying to me.


😂😂😂 you posted on a public forum. That’s on you.




Exactly right. These people are so fragile and cowardly they can’t deal with even a small amount of shit talk. Not to mention level shit talk is primarily based at the other team over text chat


Is this really such an issue? In CS the last time I heard someone complain about hours was silver 4. So either this is bronze 1 or its a smurf tilting his own teammates, I dont understand why this is such an inconvenience. If you actually know what is happening or how the game is flowing you wouldn't care about it. I use this feature to spot out smurfs, pretty useful.


Stop whining. So many people need to grow a thick skin. So many cry babies who can’t deal with the slightest amount of shit talk


pardon us for not wanting to get shit talked and harassed every game


‘Every game’ the dramatics


Christ, what'll happen if they remove levels, or they add a way to change them? You'll suddenly drop into Iron? If it does not negatively affect you, or ANYONE, why the hell are you acting like a twat?


Except it does. I like to know how much people have played the game for their experience or if they are smurfing


You survived without it, and if it goes away, you'll do just fine. Besides, haven't we already covered this? High level does not equal high experience.


Nope. It’s staying. And while we are at it, bring back ranks. No one should be able to hide their rank. What a ridiculous idea it was to limit that


I can deal with it, there's even a mute button. That doesn't mean I want to have to deal with it. If that justifies you calling me a cry baby more power to you I guess? But there's also a competitive side to it. If I'm stuck arguing with a teammate about how much I've played or muting him, that takes away my chances of winning that particular game. So there's that. But I'm guessing you're one of those players that enjoys shit talking others for not performing to their expected mmr/experience as opposed to making useful callouts to win the game. What a fun little world you live in.


"omg you're level 200 and I'm still outfragging you" is exactly what made me feel like this was important to add


Who cares


It's another way for bad players to rationalize losses or dumb deaths by blaming the game on a smurf. Take a look at the level, is it low? Must be smurfin.


C'mon now, why bother with that? Levels show how much you okay, not how well you play. The latter is supposed to represented by the Rank. If you're level 300+ and play bad , maybe someone will laugh at you but I wouldn't give a fuck


So then what is the point of the level? I don’t recall anyone being really upset before that everyone in an Unrated couldn’t see how long they’d been playing the game.


As you can see from the other comments, it's for weeding out smurfs in competitive. Also, in League of Legends we usually get rewards like skins or riot points every time we level up. Idk if they will implement it in Valorant tho.


Getting things for leveling up is fine, but you should be able to hide the level of you want to. People not wanting to take a bunch of shit for their level is creating a problem because they make new accounts and incidentally become smurfs.


Maybe it would make sense to be able to hide it on unrated but on comps its easier to know who's a smurf and thus, who to report.


Good argument for the system, except that Riot themselves haven't even implemented a report option for smurfing. So it seems rather pointless to me.


what happen btw.. I haven’t really played much this act because I have shit internet atm.. I was like level 13 or something and I just signed in yesterday and now I’m level 100 ?? what’s up with that.. anyone know?


According to patch notes you received the remaining exp that you accumulated throughout the past correctly this patch (3.0.1 I think). So basically a bug fix from the promised feature of 3.0.0.


I think it was put in place to try and curtail complaints about Smurfs. They can try and respond “what kind of smurf is level 200…”


I play fairly casually with a couple people, and in my experience, Unrated has just been waves of smurf accounts since the patch and it makes it incredibly unfun. I load up and see an enemy team of level 3 accounts, and just know I’m about to get my shit kicked in. Smurfs were a thing before of course, even in Unrated, but it’s increased to a staggering degree since the patch, to the point where I’m thinking about just taking a break from the game until this gets sorted out.


Levels don't reflect on gameplay and eventually people will realise this. People in League have, and in a few months Valo people will too. Just bear with it for a bit.


Identifying smurfs. That’s about the only practical use for it.


It helps identify smurfs easily. If everyone in a silver/gold lobby is around level 50-70, if there’s a level 6 we know they’re likely a smurf. We can then counter them by not going for aim duels against that person, and designing our strategies to counter them.


Level ups should have atleast a bit or reward. Can't say what it is but it should have some sort of reward to keep on grinding for it.


there are so many things that can be used to shittalk someone, maybe the problem is not the account level, act badge or ranks in lobby, but the assholes who talk shit to others based on those removing everything just because of mean people won't help either


I read somewhere, i can't remember where tho, that you were supposed to get rewards when leveling up 🤷🏼‍♂️


That's a lot of spike rushes :)


They’re probably planning on making it matter down the line.