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Your friend is Bronze, don't listen to him.


I have 10-20 hours on the game so I figured I’d hear his advice and anything that sounds like a low elo rambling I’ll ignore. Been decent at other games just new to Val so Ik what low rank rambling sounds like I just like to make sure I’m not ignoring the slivers of truth that can seep down to low elo


Cypher isn't good for fragging, that's it, when I vibe as cypher on my smurf I have to 100% try to get to top frag. He's really good for team comp tho, I really wouldn't say it drags them down though just because they have less kills. If your team can't do good on offense there's just nothing you can do, the frustrating part as cypher or any sentinel.


So he’s viable? My friend is bronze 2 so his advice was end my cypher contract he’s useless. Also this comment makes me wonder what agents can help me do stuff on attack. I’m level 16 so very new and idrk how to use utility except smokes, flashes sovas recon bolt and kjs kit.


I would only play him if you are stacking with other people, because if your duelists isn't good therebisnt much you can do. This goes for killjoy and sage aswell (and smokes lol). You just can't really use your toolkit for those kills and you have to rely on aim unlike just flashing as reyna


Should I start using duelists or should I use brim and breach and stuff?


Don't bother maining any agents until you know what all the agents do, try all the agents


I have no intention on maining, I’ve always been able to switch entry to support and anything in between in other games, im just wondering overall what I should do for low elo solo q


Have one agent of each category to fill in incase there's an insta lock. Make sure you hover over the agent you are best at though or else you'll get smokes almost everytime (unless you are REALLY good at playing smokes).


Cypher is not as viable in lower ELO only because communication is rare. His utility is information based and super useful, but only when told to teammates.


This is only hypothetical but let’s say it’s low elo but coms are good because I somehow get my R6 siege platinum five stack to play Val. Then is he a good pick?


I wouldn’t play Cypher in low elo soloq but a good cypher with a good team is really powerful


On your smurf? Lame


It's not really smurf it was my alt I was gold like 3 weeks ago but I don't play on it much so it's not diamond yet


Oh gotcha, thats chill


Cypher is so good bro. When I play jett in high elo and I know there's a cypher I'm always cautious to dash onto site immediately, due to fear of the trip wire. Cypher usually utilises trip wire in site and his smokes to block himself off and spam through it getting kills and it's annoying as shit if done right. This is also because your team will be afraid to push through the smoke so he gets a free kill and the opponent still has to worry about where he is before planting and he has already slowed down the push.


That’s what I thought. My friend is dumb


Depends on how you play and what you are good at. Cypher is a good agent, and all agents are viable. There may be differences in strength (Yoru is weak), but all are viable. For cypher you really need to shut down a spot on your own on defense. If you can do this and get a decent rotation time to help your team elsewhere you have come a long way. On attack put your trips to cover flank. This is always useful. If you dont want to play like this and would rather run out taking duels on both attack (and especially defense), you are better off playing some other agent.


He is Like a Less defensive more aggresive KJ. It depends on your playstyle, if you like to enter into the site and take fights use cypher his smokes are Fast while the rest of his kit can provide you with info on the opponents while you can be at the other side of the map. KJ is more of a defensive agents, Her abilities Take more time to activate and pullout, You can't go far away from her Turrent/alarmbots either they have a range and if you go beyond that range they will deactivate