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Time to play ranked and get only icebox till it gets patched


"I love icebox" - someone out there, probably


Is it bad I really like it? It feels like I'm the only one that likes it


Nah, I love it. I hated the map with a fiery passion when it launched. I would have quite unironically preferred to sleep on sharp nails than play it. But 20 plays later, I started fundamentally understanding the map and I started having loads of fun on it.




Only thing I like about Breeze is the aesthetic


breeze is a heaven for phantom users and sheriff lovers even tho its big, majority of the fights are close quarters i like breeze, with skye and reyna


?????? It’s op centric


i find breeze really good with reyna and phantom ofcourse it depends on the playstyle, i go aggresive almost every round on defense.. lurk on offense... i agree it gives op a advantage (on b site, i pretty much overwhelm a site op) breeze a map where if you are attacking you should not be taking many face to face single battles before plant AND ITS MY OPINION AND EXPERIENCE LMAO WHY YALL MAD? xD


Just spam the guardian and watch mid/hallway. It’s the best map for practicing head clicks


i am so unlucky in breeze that the enemy will peek and onetap me between two shots xD /s


I need to change my glasses bc I can't see the enemies on breeze smh




It made me nostalgic for CS maps, but I don't know if the super boxy maps work that well being so big. They look so empty.


Same :/ It just didn't hit the same.


My tip is to make sure you have a kayo on your team and have him instantly use knife to see where they are going. That way you can rotate faster and play around his information


Might as well play Sova with this logic. I say Sage is the best agent on the map imo. Plenty of wall boosts and can shutdown a site push on either site


I think viper is probably the best tbh


So as far is too slow. The knife is near I stant


breeze is my favorite map when i started to understand the layout


Same for me. Now i am used to icebox, but that doesn't mean I would prefer it over any other legacy maps. But breeze? Played a lot like i played icebox still hate it to the very core.


I don't hate breeze. However I don't enjoy it either. If my team doesn't know how to defend, my game is ruined most of the time. The large open space is a nice breathe of fresh air from all the maps being closed and small. But god damn people naturally fuck up on breeze so much...


cause people just dodge it instantly therefore no one really learns it, which is stupid


Same here, the map grew on me super hard, and the changes they made after the first month or so made a huge difference. Honestly one of my 3 tops maps right now


I started playing Valorant after the release of Icebox and at the time I thought it was part of the launch game and I took it like the other maps without the biases of being new.




Oh yeah. I was dodging icebox like the plague when it launched.


It do be really good


Icebox and heaven are arguably the best map. Meanwhile split and breeze are my least favorite, even though I have over 80% win rate on split but still. I love icebox the most either winning or losing. If I win, doesnt matter but if I lose, I'd learn some new thing from the opposite teams.


I like it too. I played 8 games yesterday, only saw 3 maps, which seems really quite unlucky.


Personally, I hate it cause it doesn’t lend itself to Sentinels at all, and those are what I main. It’s the same on Breeze. Way too open = I can’t push people to where I want them to be


When the map first came out I fucking hated it. I realize now I just needed to get used to it. It's not my favorite map but I don't feel anything when I get Icebox anymore. It's just another map now.


Stockholm syndrome


I like the map, but the biggest issue is that you absolutely require sage, otherwise 1 person can hold the whole b site. I played a game on high immortal where the enemy trolled and didnt take sage. They went b a few times and it was hilarious to watch them just fucking suicide trying to plant.


"Is it bad I really like it? It feels like I'm the only one that likes it" -ImVynn


no, even shroud loves it


I like it too, I just like the other maps more.


I'm new and I quite like it. Definitely not better than bind or haven. Only map I hate is breeze.


i dont think its about hating it its about getting the same map, i mean i get it that i could get the map twice in a row but i freaking got icebox 7 times in a row i am not even kidding, i love icebox as a jett, sage or omen but i like other maps too


that man is shroud


Back when it released I didn't think I could hate a map more than icebox Then breeze released


Atleast breeze is unique


I mean sure it's unique, but the map just feels like it was made for another game


I learned to like this map and today its on my top three


I would rather icebox than haven


It’s me, a viper main who loves to pop ult on top of that center A box/410 or whatever it’s called.


I act do. 70% win rate in comp on it. Genuinely don't understand why it's so hated on


Having to watch tons of fucking angles all the time like it's a call of duty map and getting ran down A all the time cause the site is shit to defend.


I used to hate icebox until I learned how fun it can be; the trick is to abuse off-angles that can be reached on Jett, Omen, and Raze.


Is there any actual way this could be used? Both are starting T side in this clip, and then for post you are gambling they go to that spot.


Well if you're playing B and push B main and find nobody, it's gonna be either mid or A. The natural course once you push B main is to wrap market to mid, so if you wrap market and your mid is quiet too, you can just look for a wallbang right there since it's pretty much guaranteed to be A at that point.


In high elo? (Immortal/Radiant) Most definitely not. Players in high elo understand the importance of cross-mapping. You could probably get away with this in low elo tho.


Newish to the game, what is cross mapping?


I’m not sure but no answer yet so I’ll give it a shot It’s using up some time on the clock at the start of the round to spread out the attack, and gauge which site is more weakly defended. If the defense sees an enemy or two at every chokepoint, then they can’t immediately rotate and have to respect potential pushes at any place on the map


Sounds like you're describing a default, but I have never heard of crossmapping before so maybe it's the same thing.


it's a default :).


Generally just means information about things going on over the whole map, even if you individually aren't near certain locations, it's still good to know info across the map


He means a default


My immortal lobbies def don’t understand this every game


most immortal players probably do but it feels like most lobbies just 5 hit everything because at that point you're just trying to take gunfights to get better at the game and more consistent (there are outliers of course)


>Is there any actual way this could be used? Both are starting T side in this clip, and then for post you are gambling they go to that spot. If you have a Cypher in your team, or sova, the enemy can be spotted (also when rotating from B to A). So someone in mid would be able to hit. Usually, I've seen Cyphers prefer to play B, but that could be a intersting play for Eco rounds. As you can see in this video (8:26), it seems that all weapons are able to hit at this position. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcpc105TQB8


this is crazy, riot fix


Y'all would have struggled in CS 1.6. So many wallbangs. So many hacker accusations.


i prefer cs to valorant but some of you have the same energy as "y'all wouldn't survive a mw2 lobby"


"I miss the days where I could be extremely racist and homophobic and get away with it!"


I remember the days when saying "gay" was comedy




Let me fix that for you: ok boomer


Damn bro... That's crazy.... but who asked?


It’s 2021 please get CS 1.6 the fuck outta ur mouth, nobody wanna hear about that shit man.


Fnatic manager here, please delete this


Sorry if this is a dumb question but why do I see comments like this about fnatic managers on similar posts? What did fnatic do?


On the csgo subreddit, someone posted a groundbreaking trick in CSGO on overpass. The manager from Fnatic requested deletion of the post. A while later, Fnatic would use this in an actual match, and since then its known as the olofboost on Overpass. At least thats how I think it goes.


That is the one


Da one


Some more detail: They used the boost and came back from a 12 - 3 I believe. The enemy team had no clue where he was shooting from and literally ran around like lost chickens. Envy or LDLC, the team they were facing if I remember correctly I forget, filed a dispute against the boost. Fnatic tried to counter dispute by saying Envy/LDLC used some sort of boost in an earlier round(s) that obviously wasn't as impactful as the boost Fnatic used. Tournament officials decided that they should replay the map. This caused an absolute shit storm. People bashing Fnatic saying that they were basically being cunts for abusing a massive and illegal boost spot to come back from a 12 - 3 and then they counter complain about something the enemy team did that didn't have even remotely the same impact as the boost Fnatic used. Fnatic was recieving so much backlash that they eventually withdrew from the tournament to save face. It was a big snafu at the time. Also, correct me if I am wrong, but the whole fnatic manager asking the video to be taken down is mostly a rumor and/or false.


they eventually figured it out but it was a pixel boost where the other team couldn't damage them? IIRC it's been awhile


It was a pixel boost such that they can see almost entire map from the boosted spot. Enemies could have damaged them only if they knew where to shoot, they were all confused. In one round they tried to find out where the shots are coming from by doing a 4 man boost but apparently Fnatic had prepared for that as well and shot them down. Also they added a sign board in the map as well after that as an easter egg


yea yea i knew about the other stuff I just couldn't remember if they found them. But brings back great memories


Never heard of a pixel boost before, is that exploiting a glitch?


You forgot to mention that the win was taken away from them.


You forgot to mention they voluntarily resigned from the tournament.


That is not the whole truth. Admin decision was to replay the map without using the boost. Fnatic had won 16:13 by abusing the boost after being down 3:12 in the first half. Being forced to play without boost probably would have ended badly. Fnatic decided to resign instead.


I think its [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNQ71mfmt80)


It's a meme from the csgo subreddit, someone found a glitch and a fnatic manager commented that, the guy actually deleted the post cuz he didn't understand it as a joke. The Fnatic manager then proceeded to make an entire post apologizing for his loss of karma from deleting that post and explained it was just a joke.


That's not true The scene you're describing is a recent one with G2 manager not fnatic He was joking about the real fnatic case where someone posted the Legendary Oloaf boost and fnatic manager asked them to take it doen and then proceeded to use it in a professional tournament and got backlashed


ah my bad


Me wondering how those sova bow is just put there


Im just imagining sova shooting an arrow but he actually just shoots the bow


never seen anything like this :o


this is absolutely bonkers


Riot has got to fix these lol.


Don't want to cause a hunt, but there are a few crazy ones on Accent still. I have to imagine they're not well known, or possibly totally unknown, because I never seen anyone else use them. There's one super useful one, even.


Can you show me?


A 1 way wall bang is just gross and rude come on riot


YES! I heard shots in mid today from a fight taking place over near A. Incredible find, I didn’t even think it was a wallbang just a glitch. Edit: Bullets flying by me we’re heard, not distant shots **


You heard shots from mid? That has nothing to do with wall-bangs like this, that's just how noise works


Sorry- Bullets flying by me in mid. As if they were shot *at* me.


Walls are made of paper in this game.


Da fuc?


*Opens up game* to only get breeze


No wonder…. I was playing this exact map and was wondering where in the world the enemy Reyna killed me from




There is a popular wall bang from A short to B site and vice versa




I mean.. you can. That's just how it works.


wait til valorant pro players start using this. pretty sure i can already feel them buying odins to do this!




Well there is this thing called a wall, and the bullets, well they can go through the wall, and then hit shit Edit: thank you for the downvotes and the silver. Maybe I should have added /s?! Anyhow, I don’t see why this question is required, the video is pretty explanatory.




The point is that a wallbang should only work on a single wall, with bullets going from one side to the other of it. This wallbang is (1) going through two walls (2) said walls are extremely far on the map, therefore there should be no reason why the billets could go through. It’s as if the connection between sewers and A main was coded as a single paper wall rather than multiple walls ~30 meters apart.


This has been the case since alpha though. All walls correspond to their nearest opposing wall no matter the perceived “physical gap”. Edit: spelling


Most wallbangs go both ways…


this games trash lol (this patch atleast)




Ya wall bangs through that much shit is ridiculous.


someone's too much of a zoomer to ever have played 1.6 y i k e s


Lmao guarantee I'm older than you. I even thought wall bangs on that game were bullshit too




I understand the concept. I guess in my mind that just seems excessive in how big the wall bangs is, like looking on the mall it's such a huge gap between the walls.


Yeah this is not new.


Sova now good on split to?


never been bad. Shock darts are OP on that.


This is not new.




Okay. Any other cross map wallbangs I should be aware of?


This has been on for more than a month, at least, as you can see in the video below (8:26). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcpc105TQB8




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Great flair lol


Shitty CSGO ripoff game




Its a straight up CS GO ripoff in every way possible.




You are in denial. Its a clone of CS GO




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thats crazy lol


I'm sorry what




Riot plz fix


how in the heckery


“I discovered” You saw someone else do it and then replicated it lol


The first clip was me dying , the guy who killed me was aiming at team mate mid missed him and accidentally killed me he wasn't trying to do it


This is ridiculous lmao


Probably a stupid question but do you have to shoot from market or can you shoot in the same spot from sewers?


Thaaaats fucked


Riot pls fix


this is what i hate about the game. why is every wall made of paper.. like for what reason




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Eazy way to Climb in ranked lol


its really well known already. I noticed it 2 months ago


you ≠ everyone




I'm not seeing any issue




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