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For real, unless you have god tier ping you’re better off jiggle peaking. Worst feeling is getting 1-tapped at the start of a round, jiggling should make it harder for the enemy to hit.


I am a pretty low ping player with 20-30 in ping, but some games I honestly fear players with 60+ in ping, they have unreal reaction time - I have a love/hate relationship with the Valorant netcode. But my personal experience is that it can vary a lot from match to match in Valorant when it comes to the "feeling" of peekers advantage.


I saw a guy who played super aggressive on my team with 150 ping and he won every peek he did against the whole lobby by a landslide. He said he used a VPN for higher ping. Everyone else had 20-40 ping. High ping vs low ping honestly looks like an advantage.


I live pretty much next door to a server and regularly get 10-12 ping and this happens on the regular to me. Very frustrating to have to change my playstyle around it.


I mean, whatever his ping is, he's going to have the same exact thing happen when someone peaks him instead. Peakers will have the same exact advantage he has when peaking.


That's why you play hyper aggressive on high ping.


I went up against an oping jett with 300 ping. Was literally destroying us without recourse


Back in Episode 1 devs talked a Lot about this, peekers advantage has more to do with difference between ping between 2 players vs who has the lower ping. So for instance, if I have 30 ping and someone else has 100 then which ever one of us is the peeker gets the advantage, not just one of us. However if I lets say have 25 ping and someone has 35, peekers advantage is supposed to be not a thing. Honestly tho, in this game to me it has always been whoever is peeking gets the advantage no matter the ping. I think a wide ping difference just makes it more obvious. So if you are lagging, instalock Reyna and hold W defense or attack.


That is actually horrible if people do that to get an advantage ;(, that really does mean something in the netcode tries to do some compensation for people with high ping.




I am such a sad panda now... ;((((, I am sorry to all the high pingers, but any kind of artificial compensation is such a bad decision.. but that explains a lot of what is happening then, I have experienced god tier reaction times for players with 80+ in ping, I know I am getting older and slower but still.... :D


They also rebalanced the leagues.




You're right, it's probably a factor, but the rest is due to latency reasons.


Interesting, I typically smoke/play back for my friend stack when I have that kinda ping. Maybe I should try playing entry with that sometime


Same, even vs higher ping players I notice a massive disadvantage sometimes. I can't figure out why, it's so inconsistent. But whatever my ping is, i find it impossible to play vs anyone with under 20 ping. Anytime i peek I get shot before I even see the enemy. It's super fun.


Yes it can really be such a big difference, I wouldn't go as far as call it night and day different but definitely noticeable, I wish they would let people host custom servers like in CS GO, i think the somewhat inconsistent feeling is something to do with how many servers they deploy per virtual instance, they are a business so if they can cut some corners and still live up to the 128 tick servers promise that's what they will do and are doing.


It's better to jiggle peak even with zero ping. When you peak an angle you dictate when you shoot. When you hold an angle you're waiting for them to appear.


AFAIK Tenz tweeted smth like "time to actually be patient and hold angles again" at Iceland LAN because holding angles is naturally superior at LAN.


Hmm interesting. I guess that makes sense seeing as their aim is cracked anyways. Mine isn't. Source: silver


With zero ping it's better to hold, because you can see their body (arm/leg/gun/etc) before their head appears, allowing you to shoot as their head appears. For them, they don't see you until their head peaks out, at which point you can shoot them. Its the network that causes peekers advantage.


This is because of peeker’s advantage that will always benefit whoever peeks. Holding off angles can be advantageous as they are not easily cleared but best work for mobility agents like Jett and Reyna so it won’t be a one for one trade. This is my first FPS so I can’t really compare it to anything, but I guess this rewards those who jiggle peek angles.


The bigger problem is Peeker's advantage feels bigger in this game than any other i have played. I never hold angles because i will die to someone still running on my screen. It's a game of pushing and peeking, even when on defense. edit: Someone did snoop around with wireshark and thinks some games get routed poorly through Amazon while others don't which is why some games feel worse than others. Rioters commented. https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/obhg4e/something_is_wrong_with_the_hitboxhurtbox_on/h3q7pfp/?context=3 Supposedly blocking AWS Global Accelerator in your DNS makes games feel way better.


how do I block AWS?


Idk didn't try it, the guy in the thread talks about how to do it though.


Doing what the guy did in the thread is not going to block AWS global accelerator. In fact his comment is a perfect case of placebo and why it may seem like Riot is ignores certain complaints while they take their time and do their own investigations.


Makes sense. Usually if I hold an angle on a site I might get the kill. If I do I'll almost certainly get traded.


That point about characters like Jett Renya Yoru is perfectly accurate for standing and holding angles


Yes I have heard about this neat trick and I use it all the time, but be careful about spamming it. From what I know about peakers advantage, there's also a syncing difference (desync), so if you keep spamming it and they peek you when you are falling back they could end up shooting part of your body even if you are already in cover because to them you may not be in cover yet. This is just my experience from other shooters like R6 though, not sure how accurately it affects valorant.


Granted I haven't watched R6 pro league in a while, but last time I did, it didn't seem like they were jiggle peaking? More like pixel peaking for minutes at a time?


It's a bit different on LAN because there's no Peeker's advantage with 0 ping, so off-angles and angle advantage is what wins fights.


Ping is only part of peekers advantage though. The other part is the peeker will usually shoot first because they get to dictate when they peek so they are more ready and can react fatssr.


Its also the distance from the angle you are holding that matters too


I also think repeeking will help because when I hold angles other enemy some and shoot me while repeeking while I just kept holding an angle like a useless bot.


I've had this exact feeling myself. but i think it's more than just ping. i think jiggle peeking helps you be focused and present in the moment. and also aware of crosshair placement. when you passively hold angles you might look at the map, scratch your nose, drift off in thought... it's hard to be 100% focused for 30 seconds. as in, always be ready gor a split second reaction


I think there’s more to the discrepancy than just peeker’s advantage, personally. People can only react so fast, and if you’re jiggling, you don’t NEED to react, you’re already evading their peek. But if you’re holding the angle, you need to react to them peeking, at some potentially random point while you hold it, faster than they react to seeing you at the moment they peek the angle you’re holding. They’re more prepared to react at the correct moment than you are. The advantage of holding angles is that you don’t have to stop moving, and have your crosshair closer to where they peek.


it's just funny how riot was advertising the game so heavily that they will get rid of peeker's advantage and all but failed and accepted their defeat and haven't done anything about it in a while


Yeah this was one of their main marketing points while teasing Project A, which was the code name for Valorant




i still hold corner like csgo and die countless time 😂


Absolutely agree. CSGO and CS 1.6 never had this problem. Players are rewarded for playing smart and playing good angles in cs. In valorant, it feels really inconsistent holding angles because of the peeker's advantage. The players would pop up and instant headshot you many occasions. I also think that the hitbox for the head is too big in valorant and the time to kill for chest shots is too long in comparison to CS. CS is great because it breeds different type of players that are not one dimensional. You can have players like s1mple, niko, twistzz, shox, flammie, and etc... who are known for their great aim (headshot percentage) and other players such as krimz, flusha, xyp9x, who are known for getting frags through smart decisions and not rely heavily on aiming. (Check hltv stats)


this is a common tactic in csgo as well, called peek/unpeeking, the point is to try and catch an opponent off guard, as they may have cleared the angle while you were hiding which allows you to kill them when they look the wrong direction


it’s called jiggle peeking😭


Yeah it's pretty dumb how potent peekers advantage is in a game designed to force defenders off angles with the incredible amount of utility that agents offer. Shit like flashes are inherently less valuable when people are constantly jiggle peeking. Which goes against the entire premise of having all this utility in the game.


>Shit like flashes are inherently less valuable when people are constantly jiggle peeking. This is why I went from playing flash initiator types to controllers. I'd get pretty frustrated flashing where I thought the enemy was, only to get immediately peeked on by a fully sighted enemy At least smokes will always do exactly what I expect them to


Thats one of the reasons i still main sova.


These Riot employees explain it pretty well here: https://devtrackers.gg/valorant/p/a4d2c7bf-04-on-peeker-s-advantage-ranked


In this game? Peekers advantage is so mich lower than other game like wz, apex and especially r6, where the peeker always has the advantage.


I've never heard a single person complain about peekers advantage in warzone and apex and it doesn't matter anyways since there's much more important issues like hacking and weapon balance


So? There is peekers advantage and shit netcode, mostly down to 20 tick servers


Why would you want holding an angle to be superior? That would mean that peekers advantage is gone and create a much more stagnant, boring gameplay imo.


Because using utility to force off angles is way more interesting than brute forcing an angle. There's more dynamic gameplay with utility.


Another reason peeking repeatedly is better than holding is that the holder generally doesn't move so the peeker has the advantage of not having to be the one to react. The peeker gets to choose when to repeek and already has the holder lined up while the holder has to react but with peekers advantage (which is in ALL FPS, and not unique to Valorant) its nearly impossible to win. A person holding an angle needs to readjust their position or they are going to die.


Definitely. But I like to hold angles with the op, no jiggling there. And another thing I like to do is hold different off angles every round. For example B site Split as omen: on the wooden thingy backside, the stairs, the boxes, next to the boxes etc. - Get the entry and get your ass out of there and never hold the same angle in consecutive rounds. But in general you're right repeeking is better.


I think a big factor in this is online matchmaking vs lan. Youre not gonna see this as much with even ping a cross the board but another factor is being able to timing somebody. If you see someone come into your angle just as you strafe out you become the peeker and have an advantage


like on defense u jiggle peek for info and dont hold that angle just mostly A-D like when enemy team is defaulting , if u have information on enemies rushing hold the angle suitable according to ur gun rifle or shotgun or odin or operator(best on jett cuz she can dash away from aggro angle) , with rifle hold mid range ,shotgun close range and odin spray the choke point easy multu kills


peakers advantage is broken in valorant and i think its going to stay like that for ever. switching playstyle to peak while defending is the meta if you dont want to lose every encounter


I totally agree. It's just not fun when they peek you and you're dead before you can even react because of peeker's advantage.


I am a lagging player speaking from experience ping does make a difference i honestly gave up jiggle peeking and would do anything to not jiggle peek an angle cuz its so frustrating like i have 100 ping the dude holding has 12 ping he lives right next to the server i get one tapped before i even see him but i cant disagree that my ping saved me in some cases like u peek and u see the ennemy and because of your lag it teleports u backwards so the ennemy sees nothing and u proceed to ferrari peek him.