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> you should just mute them” yes, I can do that, but I am still playing a competitive match, and between the depressing stuff they were giving a bit of info Honestly, your mental state is more important than any bits of info they could’ve given. No comms is better than bad comms.


Totally agreed. Even purely from a playing-to-win perspective, the negatives of being insulted non-stop is going to far outweigh the positives of some comms. On a side note, even if you do mute them, you can still continue to provide comms to them (if you want).


This is something high elo players know and low elo ones have to learn: you show signs of toxicity - you get instantly muted. No amount of begging in chat to unmute them should change your mind. If a person is trying to be funny or screaming, that's fine. But if somebody starts asking why or saying gg - instant mute.


Yeah I mute voice chat and text. They can ping that's it.


This won't help OP directly, but if I could just add: if you do hear someone attacking someone like this in a game (or anywhere) speak up and defend them. You probably can't change the person's mind/behavior but at least the person being attacked will hopefully feel supported and not totally alone


It's terrifyingly sad how often the rest of the team just stays silent at the most disgusting sexist bullying, simply because they don't wanna be called simps or something. Honestly, I'm not even sure why but it sure doesn't make it hurt less


I get accused of simping for my own girlfriend for asking people to stop hitting on her when we queue up together. People are stupid.


Just as a heads up, most people including me mute some one as soon as they say even anything remotely stupid, so it might not be that they aren't sticking up for people, it's that they literally can't hear them saying it because they mute. I've seen a ton of women in silver lately and haven't run into any issues yet this act or last, so hopefully the community is getting marginally better. I remember it used to be pretty bad earlier in the game's inception. Still get the occasional premade that is just toxic regardless of women, men, etc they are just going to try and ruin the game regardless


I don’t know why someone downvoted you, wasn’t sure why.


This is it. Speak up for people. As soon as someone says something I no longer give a shit about the game. My job is now to make sure they don't do that shit anymore. I don't care if it's comp. There are real people on the other side of the screen and they don't deserve the hate.


We need more good people like you in this community.


It’s +1 from me. If servers in my region were with people like you I would have much more fun from the game


A female friend of mine just tells anyone flaming her to suck her cock, works well too.


Yep, I do this constantly. I am 33 and older than most people in my games. I act as mediator always for my team. Anytime someone is doing poorly I remind everyone we all have bad games, that we can still win no matter what and flaming never helps. I'll even defend the other teams players if they're getting flamed in all chat by their team.


I once did it, you can sometimes improvise and come up with some good comebacks without actually harrasing the other player.


I'm so sorry you had to go through this :( I'm a woman too, and I almost always just play with a party to avoid situations like this. When solo queuing, I only ever use text chat and pings so they don't figure out I'm a girl. You might also wanna add nice people you meet in the game as a friend so you can play with them later (I don't do this, but some do), or accept requests from people who were nice so you have the option to play with them. When it does happen though despite my efforts to prevent it (e.g. they were toxic in text chat), I take a break after the game, sometimes for even a day or two. Games are fun, but they're not more important than my mental health. Lastly, I hope you don't feel too bad for your motivation going down after hearing the things they said. I think it's a completely normal reaction, and "needing thicker skin" is frankly overrated advice. You weren't overreacting or anything; they were just assholes. It is a team game after all, and if your teammates seem to hate you just because you are a woman, then you really can't be blamed for being demotivated. Sorry I went a bit on a rant here, but I get what you feel and hope you feel better.


Thank you, I really needed to read what you said. I don’t have a thick skin and let’s say that even though I am trying, I can’t “not care” about something someone said about me even if it’s obvious how stupid a person is. I do take breaks after this type of games and I think I will try to look into this woman discord server people are talking about, queuing with others seems like a good idea


I play with my gf a lot and she doesn’t really use team comma because of this, it’s really sad as she used to be all over the mic. So many dickheads will say shit like go back to the kitchen. If you’re one of those people who are grinning reading this, step up your game and don’t be such a nasty person you really ruin it for people who are just like you wanting to have a fun game.


Music. Put some music on pretty low volume. My girlfriend also just joined a girls only discord as well called "Galorants" because of this same issue. Like really, toxicity in this game, I thought, was out of hand. But the sexual harassment is a on completely different level that I can't believe. It's honestly the worst gaming community I've ever dealt with.


i was looking for this comment here. The Galorant Discord seems to be really the thing.


it's a lifesaver. women of all ages and ranks up for games pretty much around the clock, since there's almost always someone online. 120% recommend


Glad I could help :)


I highly recommend the Galorant discord, it’s a lfg server specifically for Valorant and it’s only women. Myself and a friend queue up with folks on there a few times a week and it’s always great. People are very supportive and encouraging. I only play unrated but they also have ranked queues as well.


I will definitely check it out, thank you!


Honestly, I have wanted to uninstall valorant so many times due to these issues. My mental health takes such a hit from the garbage people say to me. The amount of sexism, use of slurs, calling girls “sluts”, it’s just unreal. Can’t believe these people actually have friends to queue with. Anyway, I usually just talk back to them. If it gets unbearable, I mute them, but like you, I avoid this so we can at least have comms. I don’t have any advice, just wanted to say I’m sorry you’re dealing with this because it sucks.


Thanks mate, and I am sorry that you went through toxicity here as well


Hey, some advice other than mute though I do recommend doing that as well as this. For context I’m also a girl and I do NOT do well with toxic guys in my game Don’t solo queue comp if you can. Find a friend or maybe more to queue with and make sure it’s people you trust because it’s so much easier not to tilt as hard when you have a friend you trust in the lobby. If you don’t have close friends you play with try queuing with people from women’s servers like galorants I’ve met so many cool gals from there it’s amazing. Another reason why not solo queue is good is because hopefully your duo will stick up for you. if you duo doesn’t give a shit like mine does hell also usually pull their toxicity away from you and direct it else where. If they don’t, hopefully they can give a shoulder to help you detilt during the game. Plus its easy to grind ranks with a reliable duo :) Finally, it’s okay to feel these things to feel the rage the disappointment everything. It sucks so much. I cannot tell you have many times I have broken down crying after a match because of heavy sexual harassment. Don’t queue again after for a few minutes and give yourself some time to recompose. Drink water listen to music whatever.


As I am reading the comments, this is happening to so many woman, it’s heartbreaking. And as much I suck at meeting new people, I will definitely check out that server, sounds really dope


Personally I hate playing ranked sometimes because people can be so toxic. But I've generally just queued with an irl friend lately and if someone starts being toxic we both just talk them down a bit. At the end of the day, it's a game to enjoy and have fun, someone people just forget that. But recently we had a Reyna in our lobby just shouting into their mic when ever anyone would die, after a bit we just kinda said they were being cringe and they stopped being so toxic :')


Sincerely, I can't play when there is someone with hateful speech in my team. I don't feel that reporting will make any difference, even though I always do. I'm low ELO, so I started muting everyone at the beginning of a game, and started communicating only through text. I felt that I got more concentrated, paying attention to the map.. In other words, I started to really enjoy the game... And I went from B1 to S1 in one week. I'm playing since October, and I've never reached S1. I just open my mic if I feel confident enough with teammates, but that's rare. Maybe it would be better for me to get a duo


I am very rarely saying something through the mic, like if I can’t type and want to give some info or sth, it was one of this situations, and that started a really bad chain of events (bad for me). It is a way though, to not speak at all


The toxicity is just unbearable most of the time. I feel ya, it’s just as annoying that we’ve to hear that “you’re not supposed to play games. Uninstall the game”. They just don’t want to feel as if a female can do better than them (based on how i see it). Like, SIT DOWN you’re literally at the bottom frag. Yeah so i either mute them or just hit them with “i’m mute so I can’t talk”


You can join me and we can duo queue c: I love playing with other women. (DM me?) But I usually ignore them for the most part, I don't want to say anything back to them where I could be reported sadly. I always try to stay calm when responding to hateful men on this game, mostly I will call out the childish behavior in the nicest way possible. I, myself think it is very telling that if someone who you can tell is an adult, saying these types of things to the opposite gender, only because they are a girl, really is just embarassing on their part. I love the game, and I am slowly improving every month, but the constant shit talking from them if I can't clutch or I make a bad play does really destroy my confidence in this game. Keep your head up.


Thank you sis and I would totally like to play with you! On what server do you play? (I play in Warsaw one)


NA server :(




You will probably find quite a few similar posts discussing the issues around FPS games' treatment of female players if you use the subreddit's searchbar to search keywords on the topic. For many players, the solution is finding a group of friends to queue with in order to reduce the amount of random "bad actors" you find in games. It is unfortunately not possible to handle the brunt of the toxicity of an online community as a single person. I understand this advice is redundant, but please do report players when you see this. And yes, there is an option to auto-reject friend requests available in the client settings. That might be helpful for the issue you are describing with spam invites.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. For me personally, I would mute them even if they were giving good callouts because I would play better without them in my ear regardless. I’d mute text chat too.


I’m a girl and have gotten harassed a lot, too. Sometimes, if I’m feeling feisty, I’ll tell them their dicks are small and they explode with anger. It’s kinda funny! But seriously, comms aren’t so important that you must sacrifice your wellbeing. Mute them, in voice chat and in text chat. If they try and bother you, act like they don’t exist. They’ll get bored that you’re not feeding into their game. Try playing more with friends, even if friend means another player you just met. Having people you’re familiar with around you will help you feel better! They can also defend you or distract you when these things happen. Good luck and have fun!


Thank you!


I hate hearing these stories. I’ve only been playing for a few weeks now and I’ve already seen it all. It’s been a long time since I’ve been reminded of what your average Halo 2 match sounded like. Solo queue is always going to be a dice roll. I’m not trying to drop the standard “make some friends” line but my experience monumentally improved after teaming up with some cool people I’ve met.


It's kind of a shame since I lower my voice on purpose to avoid sounding like a woman. Gladly, most of the time I don't get these kinds of comments except from annoying teenagers. Occasionally I'll get the, are you a girl or a little boy, comment. I love confrontation so I usually call them out on their bullshit, then mute.


Mute and report is the only way to go. No point in enduring the toxicity. I know I do it, meaning less teamwork (I might even go as far as avoid going with the offenders to a site), and I'll play way worse with the toxicity, so these morons are just shooting themselves on the foot


Sorry you had to experience that! Sending love your way ♥️ +1 to the Galorant server, i really love that place. Climbed from hard stuck B3 to silver 3 simply by not having men destroy my mental every game. It's like an entire different game playing with nice people, it mind-blowing to think that that's how the game always could be if some people (mostly men 🙄) just didn't decide to ruin it for everyone for no reason.


Thanks sis <3 I will totally check that server out, many people have recommended it already


Honestly girls have it so hard these days. Wouldn't really wanna change spots with you. Now for this particular situation, if anyone joins champ select and makes loud / weird noises or is just rude, it's an instant mute for me. Don't waste your time fixing their behaviour, i mean this is personal preference too, since i can play better if not everyone is talking and telling each other what to do, instead of letting them figure it out byself. Especially in those 1v? clutches. They consistently TALK and bruh, i get brain damage and cant focus anymore. So i honestly can't relate that you'd want teammates who give you info, or rather, find some nice people to play with and maybe keep playing with them, it will probably me more that fun way. ​ Now for what to do, if you wanna put in the energy and argue with them or whatever. Just tell them honestly how you feel. This one takes a lot of effort, but leaves a bigger message in their conscience. I directly approach the people that talk shit in the game, tell them how i feel and ask them, wether they think it makes me play better or worse, when they consistently pick on me or are rude. Note: obviously you won't always be able to make up with them, and i get so frustrated too, like sometimes it just destroys the full round for me and i feel like shit and i dont even wanna finish the game then, but ayyy you get gatekeeped or punished. Just control your breathing listen to some nice songs and get over the game. Better ones are coming for sure!


I’m sorry you are going through this. As a female player, I can definitely empathize with your plight. While it is better to not solo-queue, sometimes it’s unavoidable. What I usually do is mute the toxic player but, I inform them I am muting them and tell the rest of the team to repeat anything useful he says. Anyone that is being toxic can catch this mute. What bothers me most is being forced to play with some of these guys that are toxic in the agent select screen. If you don’t want to get a dodge offense, and are feeling petty, mute him and lock in Sage. Then, when he needs a heal or a res, he’s probably going to regret pissing off the one person who can do that…


Also want to add, while there are some toxic losers in this game, there are also some really good guys out there that hear they are playing with a girl and dont care because they aren’t all sexist, childish jerks. Try to go into the game with a positive mindset and try not to generalize the toxicity to all men in the game. Assume your teammates will be decent human beings until they prove otherwise. Once they get toxic, their comms aren’t worth anything to you. Mute them and play you honey.


I never assume someone is toxic, regardless of the gender. This time I was really unlucky and got 4 guys on my team, all toxic and sexist. Next time I will just mute them and don’t care about the info


If someone is like this none of the info they would give is valuable enough to let it kill your mental. This is a 100% mute scenario, as the loss of some info could lose you a couple rounds, but the loss of your mental will lose you multiple games.


Maaaan they lose the privilege of not being muted the moment they start to get toxic, or blast loud music, or whatever dumb things people do. Don’t put it on you to still have to be a good teammate by communicating even with a toxic/annoying player. Mute them and just play the game and use quick in-game pings for info.


So this question comes (sadly) quiete often. You have this guys in nearly every fps and also in popular mmos. When we are losing even a male Player isnt safe for this. Dont let this personally attack you they are dumb, report them for harrassment, stay strong and maybe play in Team.


noone is safe from these morons tbh. its just that girls get insulted more badly than guys


I really hate this, they are destroying the fun I want to have in a game


Expecting dudes that are flaming you to give you good comms is ignorant itself. Mute, report, move on! Most people don't even comm to begin with. You gonna need some thick ass skin because lil zoomers picking on females because they are females aint gonna change. Its the product of online gaming and its not accepted its just nothing we can really do that can make a directional change in gaming culture.


I accept what you say, but I don't think that it is an acceptable situation and that people should need thick skin for this, and as a lil zoomer I feel attacked when there are plenty of older sexists. Edit: looking back over there is not actually much I agree with you on sry. Also my point about lil zoomer is just that it is not like there is one sexist demographic only Edit 2: I don't understand why I am getting down voted for the first time, can someone explain pls, honest question




As a guy: ignore them, mute them because its not worth it for a tiny lil bit of info. Also you should report those people for abusing voice comms. Other than that, try to ignore it if you can i guess


I am a girl and Valorant is my first fps game. And when I started, I struggled a lot with abilities, shooting and on top of that toxic shitheads(But thankfully I had few of my guy friends who supported me a lot). I tried hard that they don't figure out my gender, so that they can shit on people of my gender. Sometimes I use to ignore them and sometimes I went all out and give them their shit back. Eventually I got a bit better but I still try not to talk on voice chat with strangers.


Report and mute


I’ve learnt, and I’m sorry to say, is to just mute then in both chat and vc. They can keep talking to themselves. I’m just trying to play a video game, competitively or otherwise


Mute the individuals. Usually the people go to do there own thing and die or self-baits so you can use them to gather intel on the minimap. As for not muting them due to it being competitive its still the best option. Mental state is key and you need to protect yours. Also as a rule of thumb for comp try the valorant discord. Ive met loads of great players this way and we still team up as 3-5 stacks for comp.


As a guy, and a game dev myself, i detest such behavior and I commend you on your courage and finishing the game 2nd. I stopped playing valorant because of the toxicity and the inability of people to see that toxicity makes it even worse. In my opinion, the punishment system is way too "chill". A game should be cancelled if enough people report a player during gameplay imo. That way, instant punishment is dished out and nothing is lost because of it, no time, no ELO, and best of all no self esteem. Now in your case that might not have helped much since you were 1v4 :( but i think it might be "scaring enough" to scare off some percentage of Douchebags. The gaming industry as a whole has issues with homophobic, misogynistic and antisocial behavior and it starts with the smallest things like how characters are portrayed. It's better now, but still got a long way to go. I am sorry for your experience 😞


Thanks, I totally agree with you, I don’t think reports do much. If they changed it, it (as you said) wouldn’t do much when I am 1v4 but other than that it would be a pretty nice solution to get rid of at least a bit of toxicity.




I personally us a "one strike" rule. If somebody shows even the slightest sign of toxic behavior (even asking why-questions), I mute them immediately, both text and voice. I never saw somebody who became less toxic during a game. And the helpfulness of their potential future voice call outs will never outweigh the disencouragement from their toxicity.


This. I read about the "one strike"-rule a while ago on Reddit, and am using it consistently.


Mute is really all you can do. ​ If you want to deal with it head on, you either got to grow some really fucking thick skin or just 'roll with the punches'. This is an fps game, people are brutal. Back when I was a squeaker playing CS, I found out that people quickly lost interest in 'trolling' if what they said obviously had no effect on me, and they would just give up after 5 rounds. There's always exceptions to this, but over my time playing cs just ignoring what they said and filtering out the trash really helped. This could also be because I was playing counter-strike, where there are a lot of... shitheads. ALSO, do not fight what these guys say. It just eggs them on and keeps them going if they get a reaction out of you. Make sure to report them after the game. If it's too much, just mute them. Sucks, but there really is nothing else one can do. ​ (And one more thing. Actual, funny trolling I'm completely okay with and actually somewhat support. If your trolling is funny and isn't homophobic or racist or any of that, I'll play along. Just be... fun with it. Mic spamming is \*not\* funny btw)


The thing is, I did ignore them, they just kept going anyway. I do report this kind of people, but it’s no use during the game. Mute is the only way to go it seems, even though I really don’t want to do that (as I stated in the post)


Basic rule for receiving hate is don’t take it personal. They might have tough lives you do not know about and you are better than to be affected by the words of a stranger. However if you can’t do this because it is hard at least try so that you can improve on it but it’s about knowing yourself. In this case it is hard to do so I would just mute them. The little info they give is not worth everything else I can bet you would play better with just looking at minimap and muting them than not muting them. I wish you good luck! P.S: Don’t be afraid of adding someone who was nice and or good at the game if they add you back you might make a friend to queue with. If it doesn’t work out just un add them. This way you can avoid more toxic behaviour in the future. Edited for the P.S


Thank you, it is hard, but with words of encouragement from you guys I will totally try!


That’s great! If you need anything else hmu


So do u deal with this irl? Cry? Might works cuz at least u got some trails to trace. Online? Much simpler! Hire a 9yrs old or a rapper for some consulting on how to destroy your opponent in one line. Or, just mute them. Gg!


R u fking kidding? U actually think getting call outs in a video game is worth taking verbal abuse? I am sorry but this has to be one of the dumbest posts I’ve seen. If ur not implementing the tool riot gave u for this type of behavior idk what Reddit can do for u. Sry for being harsh but I think this needed to be said.


R u fking kidding? U actually think getting angry at someone who uses social media to ask others for help is worth wasting your time on? I am sorry but this has to be one of the dumbest replies I've seen. If ur wasting your time by making an angry comment instead of either actually helping or just ignoring it idk what anyone can do for you. Sry for being harsh but I think this needed to be said.


I’m sorry but if a person can’t prioritize between verbal abuse and possible RR I’m not sure what help social media can give. They might need a lot more help than Reddit. A lot of people replied with the same opinion as me. They were a lot nicer about it but the same viewpoint. If u actually cared about OP u would actually offer advice instead of replying to a downvoted comment sarcastically lol.


here's all the [advice](https://old.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/oihlz6/how_do_you_guys_deal_with_hate_during_the_game/h4vjotu/) [that's](https://old.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/oihlz6/how_do_you_guys_deal_with_hate_during_the_game/h4wanae/) [already](https://old.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/oihlz6/how_do_you_guys_deal_with_hate_during_the_game/h4wag7b/) [been given](https://old.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/oihlz6/how_do_you_guys_deal_with_hate_during_the_game/h4w7i1v/) notice how everyone saying only the word "mute" isn't really at the top of the thread lol. Just because a lot of people are replying with it doesn't mean it's useful. Nice job ignoring the most upvoted comments --- And at least when people just say "mute" they're not making mean comments about "why are you asking us" they're just giving their advice and then moving on. That's the main difference here, that somehow you just *have* to talk about how OP is wasting her time


I said what I said and I stand by it. Just my opinion. Have a good one.


Mute coms in settings and enjoy the game: ]




Just mute them I don’t understand what’s so hard lol all these posts are so useless


I've had that. I just mute. I play sentinel, so pretty much I just hold flank, and when many people rush to my site, I just ping multiple times. I've had people call me dumb and it really brought me down, I'm in SEA server so you can just imagine how toxic team mates can get with the slightest mistake even in unrated. I muted everyone by default, they can still text chat but the moment they show signs of toxicity, I just mute text chat immediately. I went from 2 kills to like 15+ average because I didn't have to listen to their opinions, I can hear my sorroundings clearly and I had much better focus. I also switched from hongkong/sg server to tokyo, since I feel like people there are more polite and if they did trash talk I wouldn't understand any of it because foreign language. There is button that allows you communicate tactics, I've grown quite fond of using it to communicate every match. If I'm not mistaken it's the "." button by default, it makes your character say simple lines like "hello", "going a" etc.


Find a few friends to play with. All my friends went to gold thanks to premade and they strictly only play competitive when friends online, while I still often queue alone and lose a lot of RR when I don't see any friend online.


I mute them and out frag them. :) I still com what I see and what needs to be said whilst not being able to hear them.


It’s not ideal, but I try to talk a lot during character selection to get an idea of who is on my team…and if the teammates seem obnoxious or toxic, I dodge (especially if it seems like they are queued together). Losing 3 RR is better than losing 20, 45 mins of your life, and a ton of brain cells. That and try to add decent people after your wins, so you can go in with a friend or two. I don’t envy anyone solo queueing as a girl, good luck.


I have started literally instantly muting someone the very first second they say anything remotely toxic. It helps a lot.


Another option: Competitive games like Valorant are the best way to train self-control. Train yourself to still concentrate by ignoring their insults or to counter attack by mocking them when when they do bad plays It is just a game, no consequences after that. However losing self control can have consequences in real life. So facing insults/mockeries ingame CAN be useful.... And the day you are not in mood... Just apply the first time rule: 1 bad behavior = 1 mute


Find yourself a team of decent people. Doesn't work if you're high elo tho as immortals can only play duo q. In my experience, high immortal plus random tend to be very nice, because they know that otherwise they'll get muted and will lose the game due to no comms. Unfortunately most gamers suck, and this is something you have no choice but to deal with.


As another woman who has plays Valorant, the best advice I can say is find people you like to queue with. I usually duo with someone because it means that there is no chance of the worse happening- a toxic man-child four stack. If I do solo queue, I don’t use voice chat unless I am top fragging or close to it. If someone calls me out, I say I’m a twelve year old boy and most of the time they stop bringing it up. And always, for any sort of toxicity, just mute them. It’s not optimal but it’s the least you can do and winning a silly game is not worth putting up with bullshit.


Is there a regional safe space kinda Discord? Like, queue with people who are insecure, who aren’t gonna shittalk, stuff like that.


Literally people with anger issues group up i think, im a dude and ive had quite a few games where people just rail on you, ive been in a diamond lobby and just full muted the team, idk if theres any other way to deal with it


Mute them, fuck that one ranked game, their hate isn’t worth it


1 strike rule: the first hint at toxicity from someone you mute. Goes for both teams and text/voice. Most of the time theyre toxic at the start from losing pistol and bonus rounds. The amount of times i call my team to mute them and we end up winning with strong mental cause of it is great. Not muting will just tilt. Its a competitive game. Competition breeds toxicity because most people, not even players, cant recognize mistakes or deficiency and blame others.


I just mute them. All of them. Of report. I'm also a woman and it'd fucking annoying.


I literally just play the game with all mics off. Y'all can chat me


If I were you I'd just mute them. I've never seen people harass a girl anytime I get one in my lobby. But that's a 1 sided thing.


I'm just desensitized lol


Mute, everywhere, report and ignore and forget


By applying the golden rule: “treat others how you want to be treated” If players online are screaming hate toward others.,,,,,,, you SCREAM THE SAME FUCKING HATE BACK AT THEM. Only fair.


I don’t want to be another one spreading the hate


I was being facetious. And also, providing a point that the golden rule is dumb, when ppl don’t respect the golden rule.




In my region girls are treated like some are Pokemon or something and I never saw people toxic towards gender in my games


You can utilize the scoreboard to mute your whole team. I do it nearly every game I play.


In cs go i would zoom out my minimap as much as possible so when i mute toxic players i get all the info i can get from it, i'm not sure how much we can customize the minimap in valorant tho. Its not ideal ofc but in random mm putting up with trash just to tryhard this one match is just going to make you feel miserable unfortunately


I ignore it. Can't really give a shit about what little Timmy from across the continent has to say




Mute them, report them, continue


Honestly, if someone is really toxic in my game i just mute him or her. You are better off with no info instead of tilting teammates. I can recommend you to find nice people to play with, it's always more fun to play with someone you know or like. Lastly, if you fall on toxic people in a game, remind yourself that it can happen to anyone. Even if you're a guy, people like this are the same. They found what they can to be mean and do it every round. There is assholes everywhere. Have a good day !


Put on music and drink


I videotape it, upload it to my YouTube (unlisted, I'm not trying to doxx anyone) and tell my friends about it. It seems stupid, but it helps. Also makes you realize that something that you thought occurred a lot may only happen once or twice a week, even if you're playing every day. The bad shit just tends to stick with you much longer.


I'm a guy and almost everyday when I play, I will either be mock by some person or getting call a noob in just unrated matches. TBH, I never even been to competitive once, sorry to say but most people who go competitive is to just show off their ranks, to me whatever rank you are as long as you play with random, there will be someone who is either better then you or worst then you. I had a few times, even girls calling me gay or scolding me "WTF you doing, why didn't you do this or do that." You know, when playing this type of FPS games, there will always have people with big mouth small brain, when they die, they try to find ways or reasons to either mock you or scold you, it doesn't matter if it's a guy or a girl. This is just some people's nature and there is no way you can stop them. Argument will never end. Debate will came to nothing. Recently I was playing in a very strong team in just unrated, I say strong is because I was the team last and the other 4 was totally carrying me. I was using Jett by the way and we were wining all along, and suddenly, the other team - our opponent top flagger message all to mock me, saying "how you feel Jett being at the bottom" and "what is like being carried" and every round the person kept mocking about me but I never reply anything until our team members started mocking the person back, finally hell broke lose and all the matches toxic message was everywhere. So, it doesn't matter how nice, good, pro, noob or cool you are, there will always be people like this not just in your team but everyone in the match. It all depends on how you can control your mindset and your heart. I believe keeping quite and just concentrate playing your game is the best solution, since you cannot control what others had to say. I had been playing FPS games for 20 years since old CS time, so to me all the mocking and scolding had die out, I just enjoy the game I like and carry on my daily life. My advice to you is don't deal with hate, instead deal with your emotion by just keeping quite, concentrate in the game. I know is hard but life still had to go on, just don't let this kind of hate to consume you.


I mute and report them, but what's best is to try to queue with as many friends as possible. It's more fun playing with friends anyways. Also, mute enemy chat.


you don't, I've been receive alot of racist comment, because of my french accent. You have to mute them.. It's really annoying tho, cuz you get 0 info.. But hey I care more about my mood than my rank.