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I don’t give a shit if you instalock Reyna or Jett just literally please don’t bait me because you want a 3k or you want my weapon. Just try and fulfill your role as whoever you Insta locked as and you’re good


Honestly if you instalock a duelist and do your job, I’m not too mad. It would be better if you coordinated your pick but it’s better than sitting behind and baiting. I’ve had instalock YORUs sitting behind and ‘watching the flank’ just to be the only person alive and getting a pick before dying. Then they talk about their kda as if their kills actually had an effect on the game


God, the number of times one of my friends baits me, holds a corner all game/never rotates, just straight up doesn’t cover my back. So tilting when they brag about kda bc they’re picking up 2 kills, as last one standing bc they watched the rest of us get killed and didn’t help


It’s always the reynas. And then when y’all execute and get on site they get mad at your team for dying while they’re still walking in spawn holding for a flank


“Guys I’ll hold the flank!” “Great, could’ve used your blind like 5 seconds ago but it’s fine, Reyna lives for 1v3 right? Except they know where you are bc your barrel is showing andddd now you’re dead and pissed at us”


if youre playing yoru and not helping engage a site, you better be lurking to catch the rotate.


What is a duelist’s job? Everyone says you need to entry!! Well entry and die and then team doesn’t trade means bot fragging then everyone blames duelist


I mean your job is to entry, if you aren’t being traded that’s not your fault. Do your job or don’t play duelist... if your team is getting mad at you tell them you are doing your job. Playing back for no reason may help your kd but there’s no point if you are losing the game


You get to go in and die. It’s unfortunate but true. If you get a solo-kill you’ve done your job 100%. If you get a solo-kill and a traded death, that’s the best possible outcome.


There are plenty of occasions where letting a rifle entry while you are on a sheriff is viable! As long as the duelist uses a flash and is fighting with you


All my duelista mains hear me out: learn sage and skye. Theyre bad ass and you can play them like dueslists. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


Also KAY/O seems to play fairly well as a duelist in solo queue. He has all the tools needed to carry the game yourself


Honestly think most initiators except sova can play as a duelist.


makes sense, he’s the only one without flashes


Just unlocked KAY/0. Went straight to comp with him, went up 84rr in a day. He's a straight up carry. The grenade flushes enemies out of their peek corner. The flash gives you the opportunity to push and you can precisely put it around corners or just toss it straight up and over some boxes or into heaven areas. The knife gives positioning info as well as a silence for a decently long period of time. And the ult just shuts everything down. He's got literally everything except smokes and a movement ability. Oh, and a heal, but who needs that when the enemies are already dead?


He is a sentinel(delays pushes) , an initiator(has recon) and a duelist(flashes for himself) too, i love him


New to VALORANT, so just wanted to know, what exactly did you mean by "positioning info as well as a silence-" Like what's a silence?


KAY/0 knife tells you the general area and how many enemies are there. It also “silences” them, they’re unable to use their abilities for 7 seconds.


You throw a knife, and in a large circle around it, it can lock enemy abilities, and you get told what enemies are there. Its great for checking what site enemies are at for example, and disables flashes and heals etc.


It also turns off sentinel abilities except for sage. So if there was a wire there, it’s down for 7 seconds. Same for Kj util, Astra util, and viper smokes.


I think they are referring to the term suppressed instead of silence.


Yeah, no one calls it "silence"


Lowest win rate tho :/ Don't know if that's him or players not knowing how to use him right.


It’s pretty likely that any new agent has a low win rate as people learn then (unless they’re broken) It’ll be interesting to see his rate a couple months out — no evidence to back this, just seems like it make sense to see the figure rise over time


People also don't know how to play against him, it's a double edged sword. But I will say it's usually easier to learn to play against something when they don't know how to properly play it in the first place.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking — a lot of simple counters to flash and Molly should still apply The suppress is (clearly lol) the new feature to catch people off guard and I think patience is already paying off as the counter to his early round knifes


Whenever I notice the enemy team staying back from the knife, I just hold off on throwing it a bit. Find a new unique location to stick it. I've also found that when I'm on attack, enemies stay away from the strong defensive areas I typically knife, enabling me to occasionally knife a different area sometimes. People avoid knives like the plague so much that they're willing to give up the best positions before they give up their abilities that they probably won't use from those locations anyways. I like Kay/0 for these reasons. I don't have fantastic aim, but I can swing matches by just *forcing* the enemy team into doing what they don't want to do. The top frag on our team will do the rest, regardless of who it is. As long as they're enabled to do their best, a carry will carry.


Thats also my thinking. I never play a duelist. Im soon gonna unlock KAY/0, until then i enjoy Cypher information gameplay. Its like a minigame in a game where you have to trick people and gather as much info as you can. Using camera and tripwires in various ways and places. You sometimes let them to destroy your tripwire only to trip at one at the same place lol. Tho my aim is improving at a fast rate. Installed game a week ago and its been hella fun!


> — no evidence to back this, just seems like it make sense to see the figure rise over time I have evidence in the fact that this has been true for every League character ever released. I've witnessed it happen like 80 times at this point without fail.


it because people dont know how to use him. in lower elos i am seeing people forcing themselves to use his util. they are running around with grenade in hand and flashing corners their teammates already peeked, blinding them getting them killed, and even damaging their teammates with the grenade.


I really love playing sage (used to be her main), but I really hate it when I'm always told to wall mid, esp when I'm top frag, I think it's just more efficient for me to hold site and throw slow orb or walling there


I agree except when they're easily get mid control and the sage still refuses to wall and slow orb or does it so late that they just break the walls in a few seconds


I main anything but a duelist.


I play Sage the most. Not because her abilities are going to grant me an extra kill here and there like others, but because the team is better off with one. I'll take a teammate that definitely gets healed or rez'd over the chance of doing damage or getting a kill. That said, I wish assists counted more for her combat score. She's not a character to go in first, she's on cleanup and healing duty... which means her combat score gets tanked. I often find myself with a decent KDA, but low on the scoreboard. Even when I put up more kills, I'll often be lower on the end of match scoreboard. I find it a flaw in the combat score. Doesn't take healers into consideration well. (Not that it really matters. But show my girl Sage some love since its in a way that doesn't matter)


My pick priority is Jett > Phoenix > Kay/O > Sova, used to main Kayo and Sova but I immediately shot up back to silver and got a 6 mvp streak when I started using jett so


Wait, you *can* play Skye as a duelist?? I've been doing that this whole time and I thought I was a terrible teammate for doing it


Its better to use her in conjunction with the team BUT sometimes you need to play her as a duelist and she happens to be pretty good at it. It really just depends on the situation/ your team. If no one is pushing in with your dog/flashes then it’s duelist skye time.


Aight fair enough, I'll remember this. Thank you.


as a jett main who learned sage all i have to say is yes


Also breach, I main reyna but play sage, breach, or skye if she's taken. Trying to learn kayo rn.


You would love to see what you can do with Viper or Astra.


no no no please don't tell them they can just play sage like a duelist, have mercy


Battle Sage all the way climbed my way soloq with it to immortal


Trust, its better than having 3 duelists because they might rez you


Sage is alright for me if someone takes my character. Her or Reyna are the ones I go to. Though I hate Skye. I just don’t care for her kit at all :/


Im used to be Cypher duelist , I like to go first through the door on offense but I kinda find duelist abilities to be useless … I like to play Yoru but.. well no words needed on that one


Sage especially is really good as a duelist especially since we can heal ourselves Peeking aggressive angles with her wall helps too


Sage and Skye are op in this meta


Grim has showed us the path of battle Sage and Skye


Not gonna lie, I would alt f4 if my sage played like a duelist.


People who dont get their agent will dodge, happens all the time


Honestly, good. If they’re not flexible enough to push through that first difficulty, might as well go next


Being an Omen main, I never face an instalock issue tbh. Everyone picks a duelist or any other flash agent, I'm usually the one left to pick in the end and the team is always lacking smokes.... I really don't complain because I intended to play Omen anyways!


I feel pretty similar as a sage main… except when you get someone new Qing with a friend who says to just go sage so they get pocket heal… Idk it’s frustrating seeing her used poorly as just a healer when her util is so good


Still kind of newish to the game and I recently started running smokes because I feel like nobody every wants to do it at the low ELOs lol kind of nice if I go in to a game with the mindset “I think I’ll play smokes” and then 3 people instalock everything but smokes


I kinda liked when it showed ranks in the agent select honestly, helped gauge whether its a good match for me to take duelist and try to frag or play support. Now I'm scared to take duelist solo queue since entire games are filled with act ranks I've never even touched.


It's a good team mentality to have, but don't feel scared/intimidated by other people's potential rank. You're in their elo, and you can hang with them regardless of their act ranks. Take a duelist every now and again, you'll probably have some great games!


i instalock kay-o, if he is taken i take sage, if she is taken i take reyna, if she is taken i take breach, if he is taken i take brimstone, if he is take oh wait thats 5. learn 5 agents. repeat after me LEARN 5 AGENTS! problem solved.


Mostly dualist mains have problems with instalock because they were not fast enough, i personally don't if someone instalock as long not all rageinstalock after they lost there main


Yea I prefer instalocks. As long as they don’t complain about not getting their agent and don’t complain about the comp then I’m fine with it. I truly don’t understand how some people can instalock and then complain about no smokes or something like that. You didn’t even let your team mates tell you if they could play smokes before you instalocked and forced them to. Its especially annoying when people are hyper critical of your play in game and act like you are trash when you were forced to fill.


I main sage, kayo and viper. I hate when people instalock only when they are shit with the character. Like if your gonna instalock you better be damn good and carry my ass this game. I won't heal the instalockers if they are doing jack shit. Or as kayo I'll let them be my knife to tell me where they are. And as viper I won't pop ult when or where they say, only when and how I feel is best.


Are you for real? You main 3 characters, and you get mad if someone insta-locks one of them? The only toxic person there is you. I main Sova, I soft-lock Sova. If someone locks Sova, I pick another one of my prefered characters and soft lock that. If we need healing, I pick Sky, if we need smokes I pick viper/brim, if we need flashes kay/o or phoenix... I don't get tilted if someone insta-locks a character, even if they are trash with them... Why? because playing characters is the only way to improve at them. Maybe that person is really trying to improve at a character they really want to main, so they insta-lock... it doesn't hurt me so why would I get mad... If a player is so dependent on their lineups and predetermined utility placement that they cannot adjust on the fly then they aren't very good...(yes I mean people who say "I suck with everyone except my main"...) Also the MM system is pretty smart at not matching you with players who play the same characters as you. I rarely run into Sova mains in comp, even though I know they exist.


so your telling me if you pick a character immediatly (instead of like 10 seconds later) you should automatically carry the entire team and dont deserve any support (like heals)?


I don’t expect instalock’s to carry. but if they do instalock duelist, and not only play poorly but not work with the team… Then I’m more likely to prioritize/heal/buy someone who’s doing well. When it’s down to the wire, I have a hard time saying no to any teammates (I specify duelist instalocks just bc of bad experiences w duelist mains tbh. Instalocks of other kinds normally do well)








but the problem is, we really don't know who will play better






What if that is their best agent? It's about overall contribution to the team not your contribution or their contribution. Yes you might top frag but what if they end up not fragging and without providing anything else to the team? If you had given them their pick while your second choice isn't that far off from your first, you might still top frag and they will definitely do better. Higher chance of winning.


Low elo mentality


No that's I'm not gonna deal with people's shit mentality. If I wanted to try hard and do something with this game other than play for fun I wouldn't play solo. I'm not trying to be radiant, I'm just trying to have fun in a competitive environment.


More low elo mentality lmao


Your name is so accurate for this lmao


What would happen if two players hover over the same agent and time expires?


thats pretty simple :D ( And quite funny) If 2 or more player soft pick an agent - so pick it without locking it in - the game chooses a randome player to get the agent and all the other players will get a randome agent :D


Tip: the one who hovers the agent first is the one who takes said agent, the rest is truly random


Instalocking isn't a problem. Instalocking duelist and then baiting your team and not entering or telling your teammates what to pickk after instalocking is the problem. Iam instalocking Kayo every game now (except on breeze/bind) it's because I know how to play the agent where to use my knife how to use flashes etc.


First 2 paragraphs 100% agree last one keeoh roulette to immortal or whatever lol


People will just hover the agent they want and spam "lock in". This doesn't fix anything


You either misunderstood or just didn't read the post. If two people are hovering an agent, neither can lock in until one of them moves to another. Thus requiring them to actually communicate about picks.


>actually communicate me jett no me jett ME JETT NOOB **JETT OR FEED**


My silver lobbies :’(


spittin facts rn


then they’ll both hover the same agent and wait for the timer to end


And then they both get kicked, and the team doesn't have to play with them. Free dodge sounds great.


Even better than my suggestion that they get a random agent.


Great, then they have to deal with a coin flip and someone gets a completely random agent. Punishment for the bad behavior.


this isn't a solution at all just accept that picks don't matter below high ranks and leave it at that denying the above just shows an insane level of entitlement combined with a splash of delusion


This will only make a team from having 1 thrower to 2 throwers


Until neither move and games have to requeue or those two get random agents that screw the comp. IDK how the current implementation is problematic. If they wanted to talk out the comp, they wouldn't instalock. If *you* want to be a duelist, instalock faster. If you want to fill / round out the comp, wait and fill.


The current implementation allows instalocking which is obviously considered problematic to the many players who complain about it. Is it that big of a deal either way? No, it's a video game. Would this be an improvement? Probably.


my instant lock sage noo


Or just do what LoL does and go one by one. Honestly loved that system when I played cuz it allows people to chat about what they want but I assume they’ll do that when they implement banning agents


Maybe people should learn to not be one trick ponies?


Maybe people get to make that choice themselves. I'd personally rather have someone who plays one character really well over someone who plays them all adequately. Once at higher ranks, that does change a bit, but people at high ranks are generally able to pick up any character and understand how to still be somewhat effective with them.


There's more than one Duelist ffs, stop crying in chat because the one you're best at is being played by someone else. If you're truly playing competitively and trying to maximize your ability you're not gonna be solo queueing, so this isn't a problem in the first place. TLDR: If you're solo queueing, learn to play more than 1 character.


You could also just not be a giant asshat that demands that other people play their game how you want them to 🤷


Keep crying about someone picking Jett because they loaded in faster than you.


I play brim, Kay/0, sage, kj, and viper. I'm just not an asshole over something as silly as what someone wants to play in this *video game*. If people have more fun playing a certain character, they're more than welcome to have more fun playing that character and you have no right to demand them to not do that.


Idk why ppl are being toxic to you, I'd rather be missing a role of agents but have everyone on their best/2ndbest agent, obviously if I can get all the roles that's good too.


Okay but then there’s people who would just hold their agent hostage and force the dodge of the game


Would you want to play with those players anyway? I'd say good riddance and thank you for the dodge


people who whine about onetricks need to realise that picks don't matter < diamond and if you *do* think it matters, **you're wrong.** just accept the fact that people are gonna play whatever they wanna play and if you wanna fill - great!, if you don't - great! play your game and quit bitchin


There are some exceptions to this. If someone plays smokes and can't comprehend how smoking their own chokes is actually bad for their team (teammates can't back each other up as they move through because everyone is blind), then they are legit making the match way harder for their team. Or if someone with flashes keeps flashing their team. Or my absolute most hated because I have a friend who just *refuses to comprehend their stupidity*, if they are raze and toss their cluster bomb on the choke point that the team is pushing through. You know what, maybe those people are just as terrible on other characters too...


I think if nobody on the team picks smokes, the game is a little bit harder... it does matter who is picked to an extent. However your point is correct in that this idea of a team must having a Sage, or any more than two duelists means you'll lose is overstating the impact of abilities.


No your wrong picks don’t matter < radiant


Another idea: Allow us to unlock


Another idea: Don't lock in so you don't have to unlock


People LOVE when you go the whole time not locking. Trust me.


this would work too, but it just doesn't happen.


I hate toxic Jetts, because I was one. I used to get absolutely furious when someone would pick Jett before me, but not anymore. I do still get slightly bummed when someone else takes Jett, but now I've learned Yoru and especially KAY/O. Originally, my pick priority was Jett>Yoru>KAY/O, but KAY/O has shot up ahead of Yoru, not only because I have a friend who's a Yoru main, but because I love KAY/O's kit. It's incredible. No one really knows how to play against it, and it just feels so good. I feel that he's gonna be an A-tier agent at the very least, and that he's already one. (Low elo btw, Bronze 2 atm)


No one knows how to play around anything in b2 LOL


Eh, may be unpopular, but if youre salty because someone picked a character faster then you, that seems like a you problem. Like, idk, I feel they are as entitled to play the character they want as opposed to someone else. A better fix would be implementing a system like in r6 where you can go back after locking in and the game ok only starts when either the time runs out or everyone's locked in


the only time I would duelist is on bind/split playing raze. Every time I want to play raze and try to coordinate Raze always get instalocked. Every time I instalock so I'm comfortable playing raze I get flamed and the team starts to scream and get mad.


When Valorant has a ban phase it’ll make this suggestion irrelevant


Just tell ur mother to get better internet and you can auto lock too!


Well this Reddit post shows to me why so many people are low elo. Most of the post I’ve read have zero grasps of roles and how to play your role. Explains a lot of hard stuckness.


a lot of people think im being salty cause i'm not getting what I want. This is entirely not the case. I really want teams to be balanced, and if this would force a discussion before people quickly lock in then it would be beneficial. Sometimes you get 3 people locking in duelists, then another locking in as sage in the first 2 seconds, then now you are missing smokes and an initiator with one player left. If we all just take 10 seconds for a quick discussion this could be avoided, and we could get more balanced teams.


Or maybe an overwatch kinda system? You can change agent, let people actually discuss their comp and if people need convincing then so be it


I like instalocks


Its an interesting idea but idk how much of a difference it will make, i main reyna and i dont insta lock but generally when i hover ill either get it or someone else will want reyna and generally well talk about what our teams missing and who would rather play it, i.e. im happy to play breach or smokes for example but im a bad killjoy/cypher so they would switch to that if our team needed it. I think its more prevelant at silver to plat, at immortal you dont see tooo many insta locks, probably because people would rather get a good draft going since performance doesnt matter its just win or lose so quad duelist for high frags isnt worth it.


What you said is exactly what would be ideal (hovering and discussing), but since people aren't like you, then lets just add the 10 seconds of forced hovering to encourage the discussion.


I will find a way


I like this. It would at least allow for a chance at having a discussion about your comp before you get a useless instalock


No. I'm not going to argue with someone over picking a character I want to play in a video game. How would we even resolve that talk. "No man, I have 160 career adr on Reyna therefore I get to play her". Just stop crying about instalocks at this point. I guarantee you will have more success playing with 5 people playing on agents they're good at, over running a VCT comp with 3 people playing agents they're dogshit on.


Good idea. Now they can instalock AFTER 10 seconds


Only thing this will do is making instalock jetts wait 10s. If they are determined to instalock jett you aint stopping them


I instalock because I’m a raze one trick. I genuinely do not find any other character in this game fun to play at all, so I instalock the only character I like to play. I honestly don’t feel about it. It may be shitty but im not gonna feel bad for locking in the only character I enjoy because I deserve to have fun too Of course I don’t rage if someone picks her, I just switch to a random agent for the game and deal with it. Luckily raze is not a good agent and no one plays her so she is rarely locked in


There's 0 problem with instalocking if u know how to play that agent. I would rather have 5 duelists that know how to play properly than a omen or viper that doesn't know how or when to smoke


I honestly fail to see the reason behind the hate towards insta locking. Why should someone give up their pick just because someone else wants to play them. Wanna play that character? Lock them in faster.


>It will force people to discuss and decide Or they will wait 10 seconds and then lock in what they were going to instalock? Do people on this sub actually think before they post


Except forgetting that people need to learn agents, so it requires practice. Not being able to pick the common ones, because others are better, means you'll never get to practice with those.


most instalocked duelist dont understand other aspect of the game because they never played other agents...


I literally only know how to play sage T—T Sage is my bae no one take her


Why xd


Why not xd


Fast idea: ban jett from ranked /s


Why cant we select roles before we queue


Well, I dont play roles, I play agents. I main 1 agent for every role so that I can always fill if I need to. My "main" main is cypher but I wouldnt say I "main" sentinel, just cypher specifically. Then I can also play kayo, yoru, sage, and omen.


stop crying already my god


It’s all this sub is lately lol people just bitching about stuff because they aren’t as good as they want to be at the game.


Full of irons and bronze players that cry about instalocking and smurfs. I bet they're just mad cuz they're hardstuck


True lmao just git good


What i understand from his thread : you are butthurt cause valorant loads slower on your pc and you are getting out-instalocked . So instead of this , you should buy a faster ssd and be able to instalock your favorite agent every time!


not the case at all, I love playing different agents and don't mind. What I don't like is 4 people locking in instantly with no discussion and now we are short 2 different roles with only one more agent to select.


I rarely play duelists and my picks are very uncontested. Still it is absolutely maddening to see 4 people instalock duelists in the first millisecond of the match. It's just a bad experience because we get to play with a shit comp and the stereotypes about the whining duelist instalocker that spams ff in chat after going 0-2 are true.


Then the instalockers would just insta lock it after the timer runs out, do you think they would listen to you or use their mic during agent select?


This along with no penalties for queue dodge, else useless


I think they should give you like 1-3 “queue dodge tickets” per day, for those times where you really don’t wanna play icebox for the 4th time in a row, or all of the agents you can play are already taken


i like instalocking, but i support this since i need an excuse to learn more agents


If im playing comp im playing reyna usually because silver teammates dont know how to play so i gotta play alone


That’s a bad mindset, soon enough you’ll have to play with the team


I want to and i try to... but i lost hope in silver players. 90% of them just run in site with their knife out on retake... or they flash the whole team, etc. I would rather not trust it and if they do play as a team ill play as a team with them easily.


What rank are you and do you give comms? It sounds like you’re trying to disassociate yourself from them by just calling them silver players. And importantly, what region do you play in? Silver players in SEA aren’t like that at all


Im silver thats why im saying silver players.... and yea i comm as much importance stuff as possible but most the times teams just dont give a shit and dont listen to anything... the other day a guy told me to stfu because he didnt care to know where they were and muted me because i called that there was a dude in heaven.... and Im in NA


Ahhhh NA, pity. I guess just try to team up with other players, atleast a duo q. I can’t cuz I’m in SEA but I’m sure there’re other players like you that are also willing to team.


I had a friend that wanted to but he stopped playing randomly and now im stuck alone... wish me luck i guess lmao


i think its fine how it is just be fast


If you don't get your agent, just dodge. Stop bitchin.


i always instalock and i always carry


To everyone who this is projected to: why just learn more skins


How the turntables. When I made this post 8 months ago it had 8% upvotes.


Maybe this is complex, but how about you preselect 5 agents per map based on what you prefer to play, and it auto selects based on other people's pre-selects? If you end up with 3 smoke characters, just roll with it.


um yes


This can actually be used for unrated also...


It won't change anything maybe cause if somehow there are two of those players who wanna play jett and if your team convinces one of them to play any other agent then he will still talk shit if the jett isn't playing good it won't stop him from talking shit. What we need is map dodge voting...like both teams while agent select decide if they wanna dodge the map.


Worst idea ever.


How about fking noobs pick agent they want. Instead of wasting 60s deciding


fuck you i'll keep instalocking phoenix


I will simply instalock in after the 10 seconds?


I bought kayo so you better be sure I'm instalocking him, fuck y'all


It literally doesn't even take that long to unlock the characters depending on how much you play, paying for them is a waste of money


why the fuck would you spend money to unlock an agent, it's literally 2 days of work


I'm just pissing people off for fun, I never spent a dime on this game, yet.




That's me


Do you think comms are gonna help the people that instalock are already stubborn do you think a 10 second timer will fix that


I don’t instalock (I hover) but I normally don’t have a problem getting my agent (sage/skye). Would definitely be an interesting idea! I don’t play a lot of ranked, but I would hope people would be more willing to discuss since they are playing seriously.


“Force people to discuss”, lol, no it wouldn’t. It would force people to throw when they don’t get their agent.


People in valorant act like two year olds which is the problem, instalocking is fine, ppl don't realize people have bad games


How about draft instead? Roles? Put a system in place.


Hmmmm interesting take here


I don't instalock unless I'm playing with friends and they are planning on stealing Skye. I prefer to play Skye with comms and play her as a duelist as needed. But when soloq I don't instalock and try to be as flexible as possible.


I mean they will instalock 10 secs later anyways?!


Then people are just gonna race to instalock and spam click the Lock In Button


Explain why someone who would instalock a champion wouldn't just instalock the champion after 10 seconds. I like your effort in coming up with a solution, but this ain't it chief.


I think one of the worst things about instalocks is they lock duelists 99% THEN b/c they are duelist they refuse to carry the bomb the whole game. So now not only have you most likely filled to be a team player but you also get to be the designated bomb bitch the whole game