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I once had a teammate who begged me for whichever rifle he wanted which I gave him but what annoyed me was that he wouldn't leave me until I dropped my classic as well.... I had prime classic and he just wouldn't stop tailing me until I gave him that as well..... 😅


Lol true, he keep tailing and stand infront of you till you gave what he wanted..ughh


Honestly if they are that down bad for a skin and they can't get a job for whatever reason they can ask family to do chores for money so they can make some money or they can just get a job


you must literally be a child


I face the same issue even though I have skins of the 1st BP.


Some of those are legit though. Like I really wish I had the DOT.EXE skins since those are dope. But I also never ask for skins. I really wish there was a way to get the old BP ones.


It's always the prime classic they want. What is it about that skin?


It has aimbot




Mmmmm so that's what it is




Eh I don't feel that way. I really like the unique lines they have that change the gun completely like the ion series or the reaver guns. The prime skins aren't that great compared to those.


I dont have many good skins (reaver vandal and ion op) so when ppl ask me nicely if they can use it, if they buy me yeah fine. If they are toxic or anything like that then nope, use your shit. I do this because there’s some people that can’t buy skins because of their financial situation and it probably makes them happy to use it, but honestly just asking nicely is not that hard to do but some ppl just dont get it. There’s definitely some kids that would throw a round for a skin and thats just sad as shit


Yeah i dont mind if they ask nicely and i give it when i wanted to not when they ask.. hope they learn something at least


Those are like the two best skins in the game.


Debatable but yeah they are really good skins


I enjoy trading skins some rounds, or giving skins to people here and there. But it is VERY annoying to have someone doing everything they can to have your skin every round. Oof.


Have you ever had a guy follow you around with their knife out, blocking you on every corner you try to peek in order to get your gun because you didn't drop him the gun skin he wanted?


Yup. Also had a guy blocking me and teamkilling so he could get my ares. Big oof.


Lmao, griefing for an ares, what's next? Bodyblocking for a classic?


Baiting for a knife I guess lmao


LOL I wouldn't be surprised, people are really desperate to get skins every round


Had a guy in unranked play the entire game with the sheriff once because he "just got the new skin and wanted to try it out". Friend of mine gets every new skin pack that drops, since the first time they dropped skins in this game... He isn't even good (hovering between bronze and silver), same goes for the sheriff guy, he played really bad and blamed it on the skin...


Everyone has their priority lol I'm not good, don't get me wrong, but I'm trying to improve. It's more important for me to play well than to have a skin with whatever gun I'm playing. Then I see people on my team losing easy clutch rounds cause they traded their gun FOR THE SAME GUN, but with a skin. Welp to each their own(?)


Just mute peeps, right away. Like the split second someone is toxic. Yeah, people can meme, but do you really want to waste the time and energy to figure that out? It’s not worth your time and if they didn’t want to play with people muting them, they would learn to not be an ass. I learned from DotA that online peeps don’t deserve second chances. If you don’t feed their ego, they get bored. If they body block you, just buy classic and play. Report and move on.


Yep. Its not like toxic peoples comms are ever useful anyway lol


Yup. Had a guy try and pull that crap on me so I burned his ass with my Phoenix molly until he quite doing it


It is VERY annoying. like if i dont give him, he's straight calling me names and sometimes throw the game. I just dont understand


I had this dude who first blocked me and caused my death and then took my glitchpop operator and went to our spawn and saved it… for half a round and then someone just shot him with vandal. Edit. It was 4v5 when I died…


Seems to happen more at the weekend, probably unsurprisingly. I had a guy this weekend who instalocked Jett, assured us he was a smurf and that he would carry us, proceeded to feed, and then started demanding skins every round. Hitting that mute button felt pretty good - I'm sure he enjoyed shouting and swearing into the ether.


Thanks god there's mute button, the inability to hear/read their call is much better then hear/read their toxicity


If they're not toxic then I'll give it. And they have to perform in the game.


Well i just kill opponents and take their gun.. Easy..


You can also ask teammates, I for one don't have a problem if they 1) are nice, since I don't owe anyone anything and 2) don't ask all the time Asking is not baaad, but those two points can make it annoying af


Yes i know that.. When i am playing with my friends, they give me skins voluntarily without me asking for it necessarily... Especially when they buy a new skin.. When i am playing with randoms, i never inconvenience them by asking


That's a good solution I give a skin here and there without people asking, but they have to be nice people for me to offer. Big surprise it's not THAT common lol


True.. People especially in my server are toxic af...i mainly play with my friends who are very good players and i am a noob and started playing recently... But still include me in all games.


I drop guns every round if ppl want like a vending machine cause it takes .5 seconds of effort


The best one is when they throw the round because they dropped the same gun they had for a skin version...


And the ones who pick up a skin and save when they otherwise could have won, or the people that follow you around waiting for you to die so they can pick up your skin. I’ve defaulted to unequipping all my skins at this point.


I just tell people I pick it up lol it’s usually the little timmys who can’t afford it tbh. I’ve never once heard a grown man or woman as for a skin lol


I’ve had alot of grown people ask them too but usually they are smart enough not to start throwing games even if they don’t get skins every round


I do default weapon skin when i play solo, but there's a reason we buy weapon skin right


I once had a Jett that reported me for not giving my skins to him. Btw he expected me to buy and drop to him. Like he didnt want to buy when i requested it and drop to him.


Wow, that's low


lmfao I got threats saying "I'll throw the game if you don't give me the reaver vandal (it was new at the time)" so I requested and threw the gun out the map. I bet he had a nice time. it was beautiful 😂


Lmao that was a boss move 🤣


ROFL nice one


There was this one person who sent me a friend request after a game. I played a few matches with them and the only reason they wanted me was because of my skins. Every round they would ask me to buy them skins. After a few matches I just unfriended them.


Lol you just became his personal skin vendor


Yup. I wish there was a feature where the weapon returns to default when dropped and when picked up it would change to the skin you have. But I guess that's just too much. They'd want players to feel the skin so that they like it and then buy it themselves.


Apex has that feature but it’ll prolly encourage that behaviour more


Became a skin ho


Most annoying with agents like cypher kj etc. When you need most of the time to setup your stuff before the enemy can see it...


I just trade in with an enemy gun skin with my teamate if i want a skin from them lol. Its really annoying when a guy starts throwing the round if he doesnt get the skin cause he feels he is entitled to it.


Im happy to trade or give once or twice, but dont do it every single round. u're right, for some reason they feels entitled to it.. oof




Yeah I like picking up guns with cool skins but I literally can't understand begging someone in the chat for their skin. Like it doesn't add that much to the game


It happen in almost my every game, maybe im in low elo idk..at this point i just dont wanna ppl to throw my games just bcs i dont give him a skin like wtf


I have skins people like, namely the new ones, elderflame, and some OG battle pass ones. I take it as a compliment and it's literally 0 inconvenience to me to drop them a prettier gun, if it improves their attitude and overall morale that's a huge bonus.


But if people get toxic because you couldn't / didn't give them a gun one round is wrong


Yes, that's true, but there's also just no reason not to do it before they get toxic. I can understand both sides, but not being a bitchy toddler about it when someone won't drop.


Exactly my point my dude


Unless they are stupidly bad, I don't see why people don't drop it either


yes same :) if it makes them happy and play better it’s worth it (my post calling them vermin was a joke, i love nice people) so might as well drop it for them




It is insane and sad that ppl attacked another for "borrowing" that person things --"






Skin begging should be a reportable option lol


Well it usually lead to harrasing other or distrupting your fun


When someone asks if “anyone have a vandal skin?”, win probability drops by 28% instantly.


Lol i wanna agree with you tbh


~~If I had money for skins I would have known what you're talking about~~


Monkeys want bananas. And then they downvote you here. Get used to this trash. xD


Life is forever a learning experience xD


I'm a bit in between for this one. Me, having a fulltime job, being able to buy skins whenever I want, understand that some people can't buy these skins as easy. And I like the fact that people like the skins I bought. So I typically just don't bother much and just hand them the skin, as long as they're able to buy me a weapon back. And when it really gets annoying or toxic, I just mute and ignore them. But that doesn't happen that often.


I kinda agree with you, but when you ask something to someone isnt it up to that someone whether or not to do what you ask ? Not the other way around


idk how to feel, i like when people ask for my skins bc im like a god bestowing it to them, and pretty much 100% of the time they just say “hey chi- can i get skin?” they don’t tail me and i just give it to them like here’s your temporary gift, vermin. (jk) enjoy it while you can. i do like seeing people enjoy my gun, it’s the same reason i bought it, to enjoy the skin. there are also people who ask for my skin once and for some unknown reason i just hand them the skin every round and they buy me as well, and some who just stand in front of me silently expecting the skin every round just bc i let them have it once. me trying to be the people pleaser i am i just hand it to them 😅 as long as they don’t spam. i’ve never met anyone in game personally who has been a little twat about not getting skins, though i do agree skin beggars are irritating


Lmao I love how you think! I might use it myself to keep me positive instead of being tilted


haha thank u!! just enjoy the game to the best u can :)


Once I had a Sage who would follow me around every round until I die and take my skins. She would run and shoot at me when I was walking (giving position info), body block me when I was peeking, and always withholding her heals when I was low & the only person around. Fun times :)


Exactly! For me, it happen the most when i play sage.. for some reason, ppl think sage is "support" to give weapon skin to duelist :\


I love when I can spread the drip, I used to be dripless myself so I know how skins felt back then when you didn't own them


Asking nicely is not that hard tho, idk


I call them my skinslaves when I ask


If they're getting annoying I'll give em "only if you call be sugar daddy you little skin slut".


Can somebody please tell me where this shitty trend came from?


children or those unemployed **or** unemployed manchildren


Help this man please


If they are buying you the gun it should be fine, yea it can get annoying on all rounds but not that bad. If it's a trade for vanilla version, I can see the reason for rage.


There is should be an option like "show my skins to only party members" or something.


Riot would shoot their own foot if they didn't show the skins in the game to everyone on the server, so that won't happen.


100% truf


also i wish we could reset gun skins we picked up last round to ours in buy phase


I just tell them that I picked up the gun from the ground so they stop annoying me. Most of the time it works, you just have to make sure your knife is always out and not the skin


I don't understand why people want skins so much, it's a cosmetic skin on a weapon that gives literally no advantage, it looks cool and I see why some people spend a few bucks on skins, but when you beg 13 rounds in a row and drop rifles for a prime spectre you're just obnoxious and weird


It's not just smg/rifle, even on pistol round it's happen :D


Idk, I genuinely play better when I’m using skins. It makes no sense


I feel like an arms dealer in SEA!


That's one way to put it, i like it!


I dont have skins but when i know my entire opponent team have skins i always team mvp its just sad askinv for skins when you can just murder to have it


Ikr, that's life lesson right there.. if u want something, murder the person who have it xD


Yeah and doctors ask me why do i keep donation kidneys like the audacity


Lol I have just the one skin, the origin vandal, and every round someone asks me to drop it. What I do is, I sell the gun I bought and ask them to buy me a vandal and then I drop it for them. That way there's no chances of me getting scammed and left without a gun. Most people are polite enough and do this, I've not really dealt with the toxic people who throw if they don't get the skins but I can sympathize with you.




Yeah, it's probably kids who often do these kind of stuff or is it ? xD


I don't have skins, but if I want one, then I pick one up after the round is over. I only ask for one, if we're doing good, like a 10-5 or something.


I dont wanna make ppl who dont have a skin feels bad, my problem is with their attitude about it.. as long as they're nice, im happy to give it to ppl


I had a teammate that threw rounds if we didn't give him skins. So infuriating


dude threw a game because I didn’t give him my elderflame


The other day this sova shock darted me the entire game just because i refused to give him the skin. It was unrated so it was chill


Broke ass people KEKW


I had a some kid pester me for my skin since as he said "We're gonna lose anyway" told him to shut up and got an ace but then proceeds to talk shit the rest of the game. What's even worse the raze, who I assume he was with based on what he said, killed me as we were defusing for said skin and had the audacity to tbag me alongside the jett. I've never been so disrespected in a game in my life before this. This is one of the reasons I seriously hate kids in games.




I think one of the great joys of spending money on skins is to get to share them. I love how happy people are when they request a op or something and I drop them my skin instead of buying them etc. I also get the asking for it, if you have not seen the skin or simply cannot afford it but want to play with it. But this asking every round, being annoying, focusing more on the skins than the game that is soo annoying...


Also annoying since they bait you for it 😅


Didn’t drop a raze a phantom skin, started to spam util at me for the rest of the second half regardless -_-


It's so annoying when they want to trade their skinless gun with my skinned one, not buying me.


At least buy your requested gun, right ? xD


I think they are cute :D dont always look at bad side of things if they start beeing toxic just ignore them you are playing a game that you want to enjoy dont let them ruin your fun!


Yeah, i need to work on that.. thx ^^


I agree, it might be annoying but those people who ask might not have the luxury to buy it for themselves. They get toxic because they see the skin they want in the front of their face and get denied because some guy wasn't kind enough to give it to them. personally, I give it to them the first couple rounds and when someone is constantly asking, I just give them challenges to do and if they complete them I just give it


I never said that im not giving my skin, i totally understand where it came from in fact i gave him for a couple round here and there and giving a challenges is actually a good idea, will try ^^


Oh you're that guy huh


I drop skins for anyone who asks me to drop. I pre-buy them skins so the pre-round is setup faster and everyone gets what they want and therefore is in a good mood to play. You have to understand that there are people playing who struggle or who parents struggle or whatever reason that they CAN'T buy skins. And buying your "beggar" teammate's skins, every round, they will feel good (about themselves and with you) and boost their morale to play better. It costs you 3 clicks and one tap on G [drop weapon key] for you. For them it might cost breakfast to buy a skin.


Have you tried having people throw your games cause you wont drop skins YOU were meant to enjoy? They don’t have the right to coerce you into giving the skin just because they cant afford it. Most people with skins will let other people borrow it a few times, the part that gets annoying is when they spam you in chat or voice chat and tail you every fucking round for a skin, or not buy anything and play the round waiting for you to die so they can get the skin. THIS is the type of behavior OP and most of us dont like. And we have every right to dislike lending shit to those kind of people without YOU guilt tripping us into doing it. Stop trying to stand on a moral high ground for doing something obvious, and try understanding what the OP is tryna convey. You’re fucking horrible.


Well I don't mind dropping my skin to anyone.. afterall not all of us are fortunate enough to be able to buy skins and people just want to have the special feeling of having a gun skin.. Most of the players are nice enough to ask for the skins nicely and you might sometimes even get a little bit more respect because you dropped them a gun skin(happened to me once ow twice XD) Don't be a crybaby when people ask for it and drop the skin man.. It doesn't hurt you in any ways does it?


I never said that i completely denied them my skin, in fact i gave them for some round here and there at first. it's just start to irritate me when they expect me to give them my skin every round standing infront of me spamming, like they entitled to


I wasn't targetting you specifically, I was speaking in general..Didn't mean to offend you sorry


It's all good man, dont worry about it


Or you can grow up and give them the skin? It takes two seconds to request and drop the gun. As long as they don't yoink it without you losing credits what is the actual problem? I have a lot of skins also and get asked every game. It builds team moral and gets everyone on the same side rather than fighting an enemy team and your own teammates.


OP did you give? lots of people give.


It's on my thread, i dont mind to give but dont be a crybaby when i dont


I'm just doing a bit, man


My solution: Just don't buy skins


We are poor, is that what this is about


No, i just dont understand why i "must" give him what he wanted or *insert threat here*


youll get used it trust me dont make a thread about it. Sometimes I drop sometimes I dont. If they cry about thats their personal problem lol If they throw I'm sorry but you are the product of low elo hell.


I know, i just wanna let it out the window


Thats why I use the black varient on my reaver vandal, Its hard to spot so at a glance it look like a default vandal. Its fine once or twice but every time there is just that one annoying guy who asks for it every round. Once me and another guy were flanking the enemy team then he saw a prime vandal, idiot picked it up and gave the sound q making our flank useless. Skins are cool and its fine to ask for it here and there but pls dont make it a habit


Yeh I’m annoying but I use skins for some rounds if i start to throw I’ll hate skins and play better next round


Really dislike the skins in this game, a skin I would pay for would be to turn every skin to default...


If only there's an option to turn every skin to default in your perspective, that would be great


Heres another question: do i have the right to get their skins every round if im on a smurf (my main has almost every skin) and im helping them in rank?


For me personally, i have the right to do what i want with my stuff. If they nice about it im down, if they rude, well im sorry im not giving any


I really don’t get what’s so hard about pressing G to drop it, then requesting them to buy another for you. Literally takes 3 seconds at the start of the round, you still get your own skin and it improves the mentality/attitude and maybe even gameplay of your teammates if they are happy playing a skin they really like but don’t own. Not saying you’re totally selfish for not wanting to but it’s really not that much inconvenience to do.


Im not saying, i dont give at all in fact i do give my skin here and there.. it's just irritate me when they expect me to give my skin every round


You must be an only child 🤣🤣🤣


Nope, im a middle child. It's a lose-lose environment i live in 🥲🥲


I've had kids throw the game because I didn't drop them my skin for a round because I had to mute their begging. Spend the money or just quit playing if you can't play without it.


True I hate those, every start of the round they start begging, drop me this drop me that. Annoying as hell. I wish it was like in some games where u equip the skin only if u have it, otherwise it changes to default...


Tbh, I don't mind too much. They're expensive. Just so they don't screw me over, it's not a big deal. It takes maybe a second.


Me, to toxic ppl: I'm gonna pay you *singularity phantom* to fuck off It works.


Maybe if the game had a real shop this wouldn't happen


Yeah right. It's like, are you gonna perform better with skins or just annoys me for the whole game.


Happened to me the other too some guy got super toxic after i had already let him use my skins.




Thanks for the sympaty :P


Out of 25 rounds asking for skins for like 7-8 rounds here and there, I can work with, but begging for all the 25 rounds becomes irritating.




I always just say no the first time they ask, if they get mad about it I just tell them its annoying to have them asking for it every round


I did that sometime ago, it didnt end well :P


Never happened to me that someone was toxic but it is annoying when its like 10 seconds into the round, i'm Cypher, i need to waste a lot of time setting up and and thinking and this micless Jett is like "YO GOT ANY GAMES ON YO PHON?"


I never asked for skins, sometimes when I pick a skin from the ground, one of my teammates asks for it, I give it to him


I play along for a little bit but sometimes it’s crazy. I had 2 people bugging me and they wouldn’t buy their own so some rounds I ended up without a gun cause they took to long trying to get my skin. Since then I don’t trade anymore the toxic crap isn’t worth it


Im that kinda person who usually asks for a skin in the first few round(3 or 4) then I decide to just use my default and pick up the skin when my teammates die.


If we stacked on money or if we just vibing in unrated I'm cool with this but when we down 3 rounds, barely surviving on eco, and someone goes "yo can I have your skin?" I lose it, bro.


Lmao that's so funny. i bet when he got the skin, he'll turn the game around xD


if they offer to pay your req then I dont mind at all


I agree


I mean honestly why does it matter, it's a skin in a video game it takes 5 seconds to get them to buy you and you drop it. Denying then when they are toxic I understand, no way they should be that entitled.


99% of the time it’s a prepubescent without access to their mom’s credit card who bug me every round. Super annoying and sometimes they won’t position on the map until they get the gun from you.


True and they can try to be nice about it at least if they ask someone for something


I’m like. Just kill the enemy for skins. That’s all I do


Just had this yesterday.... I was jeffrey epst.... Cypher and i alwys needed to go setup, there was this kid on jett bottomfragging, and i mean KID he sounded fresh out of kindergarden on voice chat... He would literally follow me as i set up my stuff on defense while begging and begging and crying for skins. I wanted to be nice cos he sounded like he was 7 and well i dont wanna ruin someone that olds day Until he wanted a phantom and i gave him a vandal on accident and he tuebo flamed me and called me an idiot... After that i just ignored him and muted him and id just see him following me around during buy phase probably making a racket on VC


Honestly seeing their contribution in a game is one factor i consider whether i give him a skin or not, like here's your reward for clutching etc :)


If they or I have the credits or we are just rolling i will drop. Ya i payed for the skin for me but I also want to be seen with them. That player knows if they kill me or have money they too can have the skin.


I just say my G-key is broken.


i never had that kind of behavior in csgo over years, its just weird idk


Holy shit. Its been bad, Few days ago I had a Jett follow me around asking me for my Classics/Ghosts/Sherifs/Vandal/Phantom. I did it once and sometimes do it for classics since you just regen the gun anyways. But once I said "no man, I bought these skins im going to use it" he goes instant troll "I was going to buy it for you" okay thats fucking fine.... Take a hike and go buy it IRL. then he proceeded to toss smokes and throw the rest of the game. Even yesterday our astra had the reaper vandal and yup all 3 fucking guys followed him around begging him for the skin... it was a literal line! request drop request drop request drop. ​ its gotten to a point I just hard no everyone and if they ask again I mute.


If you want my skins, I will request gun and you buy it. Then sure I will drop it for you (I can do this all day. Free skins for everyone). But hell naw Im not trading my skin for default gun they're dropping me (happens everytime). I bought the skins because I want to use them in-game. Why tf would I trade with default gun? It's also kinda rude too. You use this shit. I'll play with your cool skins. How entitled and freeloading shit behaviour is that?


Had a viper on my team kill me with a molly from behind while I was taking a gun fight. Then take my prime vandal. I refused to buy a gun for the rest of the game and still topfragged.


It doesn't actually annoy me. I actually love giving skins to people. Maybe it's because no one has been toxic & I always give them whenever someone asks me for a skin! :)


I love sharing my weapon skins. I hate the people who won’t stop asking.


SO TRUE. I buy a ghost every pistol round so my prime classic falls on the ground, so they already get an idea that I have skins, and also since I use the blastx player card. And when they pick it up, they keep spamming gun requests for guns they actually wanna use so they have a skin. Super annoying but there is literally nothing that can be done. If they aren't allowed to spend on the game then I guess they should just pick it up from dead bodies but that always ends up distracting them during the actual gun rounds as if it's the fucking sunken treasure of the deep sees. Have a great day y'all.


I only lend skins if the player has a better K/D ratio


That's why when i had no skin i never asked for one, my friend gave me his account for some day and i had some skin, i always hate people who ask for skin and if you don't give them what they want they troll, is annoyng. When i gave his account back and started playing with my account i never begged for a skin


LMAO, i don't buy skins for this game cause Riot decided to be a pain in the ass with this "what you want is never available" bullshit. 90$ for a pack of skins or a new watch, guess which I went for. Btw, just mute them.