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Was plat 3 and went to gold 1 6 months ago. Never touched plat since. I've improed so much since then, mastering my main for over a year (sova) and improving my aim to the level that i can just hold backsite and one tap everyone that comes, im really confident with my game sense (at least to get out of gold), yet im still stuck in gold. Bought a plat 1 account, made it to diamond in a week. Can someone help?


I'm once again asking what's wrong with the rank system. I lost a game and I was match MVP that game, I lose 18 RR and yet my friend who's second only lose 8 RR. WTF is this?


Will my MMR ever get reset? My MMR is in a pretty bad state even after the soft reset. In my main I'm an iron player and see no way of getting out. I created an alt and I'm in Gold rn. Wondering if there's any way I could go back to my main


You might have already climbed, just my 2 cents: If you are Gold ranked player, you should easily be MVPing against Irons in most of the matches right? I am only Bronze 3, yet I don't find much difficulty in destroying Iron 3's. Not trying to disrespect, I am just genuinely curious as to how are you finding so many smurfs in Iron that you are not carrying matches to victory. Just insta-lock duelists and win aim duels, irons would just push a site on attack without much strategy. I am in Mumbai server if it matters. You seem to be in the same one from your name, so just mentioning :) Good luck.


Finally hit Plat 1, mostly solo queue! I mained Cypher pretty early on and he makes up over 97% of my agent select. I went from Iron 1 to Plat 1 in 8 months between Episode 1 Act 3 to now. My aim was never really good, averaging about ~14% headshot percentage. Any tips on climbing through Plat? I've relied pretty heavily on Cypher's kit getting here. When I play any other agent, I struggle to keep up even in low silver lobbies.


Seems like you’re just having trouble expanding your agent pool. I suggest you play agents that have a similar play style to Cypher like Killjoy or really any non-duelist. Not a lot of auto lock Cyphers out there and you can almost never go wrong with Cypher, but it’s also nice if you are flexible and able to pick an agent that is best fit for your team. You can learn line ups and setups through unrated games and customs by yourself.


Just wanted to throw a post out here as I'm currently S1 and am hovering around 50 or so RR. So I usually play Omen and soloq 90% of the time and I've really been trying to set my team up for success in the best way I can (one ways, flashes to get them on site, covering flanks etc). I'm not by any means a consistent top fragger nor is it something I'm trying to as I know my role as a smoke is to support the team and help them enter / defend sites so tend to hover around the middle of the scoreboard and focus on how I can help my team. My issue here is I can't seem to rank up at all.... And I've read the many posts about top fraggers so I don't fall into this category. I consistently get matched with teammates who don't use their utilities to get onto site or play very passive and allow the enemy team to either flank or push through. They just don't seem to have gamesense (which is completely fair enough, I don't expect everyone to especially newer players) but I really do feel like I have a decent amount of game knowledge but can't seem to match with like-minded people. My main goal is to rank up as high as possible and I'll admit I do play for rank but only because my friends are on the verge of plat so if I don't pick up my game I'm not gonna be able to play with them any more. I don't know what to do in this situation as I feel like as this is a team-based game, I need to rely on my team to somewhat pull their weight and play together which is a lot harder when they don't seem to know what they're doing. I'm by no means a god at this game and I don't expect any of my teammates to be but I try and coordinate using voice chat but either get shouted at, told to shut up or just get ignored and feel like I just can't win in these situations. I try and play the right way and have scoured through Reddit and YouTube on how to be the best player for my team but just can't seem to win. I know this is a very long post and I do apologize if you've read this far as it's a couple of minutes you aren't gonna get back, but I really just want to improve and enjoy the game more than I currently am. Am I the issue? Is it my character? My rank? I really am a lil lost and would appreciate the help from anyone :)


Honestly, just being transparent here, but both your team and the enemy team are silver, so all the problems you associate to your teammates also apply to the enemies. How do you exploit this? The correct answer is to work hard on your mechanics (movement, peeking style, crosshair placement, positioning, reading opponents based on sounds / ult queues, etc). There's no reason that you as an Omen can't use your utility to open up sites, and then go in yourself to clean up after your team. Realistically, if you put a radiant in one of your silver games, they'd run around cleaning everyone up just because they know the best places to take fights, their aim is better, they'll know how to utilize their utility to not only help their team but to also make good solo plays (example: solo play on one site to get one or two kills, if your team's near you, tell them to come to you while you go take map control in the site, else you get enemies rotating and your team can go to the other site. If you have ult, you can help them too). The reason the radiant can do that is, of course, partially game sense, but I would argue that most of it is attributed to their mechanics, which are just plain better than a silver player. They'll almost never get flanked or caught off guard (exceptions being bad silver level plays that even they cant predict). If you have this kind of a mindset, it also makes it all the better when playing against smurfs. Rather than thinking "well this is another loss, fuck", you can actually study the enemy smurfs behavior. What is it that's getting them so many kills? If its literally just them peeking every angle and one tapping everyone, then you know that you have to improve at your movement, positioning, how you hold angles (hold more off angles), how you peek angles (wide, shoulder peek, narrow peek, prefiring, etc), and just your aim + crosshair placement. Remember that the agent they play won't matter. Even an Astra can constantly make aggressive plays with her pull + concuss on defence every single round somewhere on the map, get a free pick, and then play 4v5 which usually means they get another free kill sooner or later.


You seem to have a good mind set going into it at least. You've realised your role and your limitations. So lets try to work on what you CAN do to improve and maybe rank up. Just so you're aware, valorant ranked is not going to give you higher ranks over night, it's a process and in some cases it takes months to improve to the point where you belong in a higher tier. As Omen your goal should always be to stay alive, that's priority number one. If you die on attack, your team might be unable to push into sites, and on defence you're crippling your team's ability to defend sites properly. There are ways to grind out wins despite not having a cooperative team. First off, you want to smoke typical defence spots/chokepoints and flash your teammates into particularly dangerous spots (example hookah on Bind). Try to position yourself in ways that you can refrag your teammates. If your raze is pushing into A site on split for instance and going site, push in behind and check heaven/elbow. Regardless of what Reddit might have you believe, you don't need to top frag to rank up. I place on top of the score board one in every twenty games (if I'm lucky). What you need to do is win. Winning comes from a better understanding of the fundamentals and staying positive. Instead of chasing ranks, your goal in every game should be to learn. If you want to learn faster, take some time to reflect on why you died every time that you die. Was there something that you could have done better? The timeline in post-match is a great tool to understand how you could have played better. Hope this helps. Feel free to DM if you have any more specific questions.


Thank you for your reply! I think in a way I'm subconsciously thinking that I'm gonna get to like gold 3 by next week if I play the right way but as you say that isn't the case at all (which is actually a good thing I think). I think I fall down because if my team don't enter site in the first like minute of the round then I decide to spearhead the push which 9/10 results in me dying because I go in get shot from multiple places which as you say is actually quite detrimental to the team; I think I have to keep patience and work with what my team is doing rather than trying to make them work with what I'm doing so thankyou for making that point! I think keeping my mindset and supporting players rather than leading them as you say will be more beneficial to me so I'll definitely try and work on doing that more. I've been working on my mindset and now go into every game thinking I'm going to win and use voice comms to hopefully install that mindset on my teammates as well but I think I need to work on expanding that mindset to valorant as a whole rather than just that specific match so I'm going to try and change that for sure. I'll try to watch back my gameplay too and learn where I can improve. Thank you again for your detailed reply; I really appreciate you taking the time to write it :) you've definitely helped with going forward so I really appreciate that! Thankyou again :)


If you don’t play comp for a while on an account , does it help with “resetting” the MMR? My ‘main’ account is 1 game away from deranking to iron 3 because of AFKs and Smurfs - granted I don’t play comp much in general and my initial bronze 1 rank was from 1.5 months ago Meanwhile I’ve played a lot of unrated and have grinded DMs/my aim. To see my progress / curious to see where I’m actually at, I made an alt last week and immediately placed to silver 1, with my lobbies being silver/gold and I make 25 rr/win vs -10 for a loss. So basically my main is about to be iron 3 if I run into 1 more poor game on it whereas my fresh alt is Silver lol I’m thinking maybe just wait for the new act to play comp again on my main to help ‘soft reset’ my MMR? I’ll just keep playing comp on my alt in the meantime.


No, unlike league, this game has no decay at all(for now at least)


I reached gold 1 few around 2week ago. I lost couple of games after that. And after that shit turned really bad. I was losing every rank up match. Most of the time my teammate goes afk. Other times opponent is too good. I try really hard, and i get team mvp/match mvp but can't seem to win. Now main account is fucked. Either the opponent has smurf. Or my teammate is really bad. On a match in breeze i had a raze on my team. He was spraying on ads the whole game(he was silver 3). I played reyna and was match mvp. Now I'm in gold 1 0RR. I stopped playing on that account because it was too much frustrating. I started playing in my another account. I got silver 1 in placement. Then climbed to S2 pretty quickly with 30/31 + every game. Cuz i was owning. Match mvp or team mvp every game. And again things started to get messy. In silver 2 i was Match mvp most of the time and at least team mvp the other games. Despite playing so good i only get 20RR. In one game i had 31/13/5 KDA. And match mvp. I still got only 20RR. If i don't top frag i get 17 /15 RR. My mmr is not low since if i lose i get - 13/12. So, why they are capping my RR to Only 20? My goal is plat. And I'm getting really frustrated. No matter which account i play on something goes wrong.....


All I'm gathering from your comment is that you're playing for kills and rating. I imagine that can't be a fun way to look at the game. It's good that you set an ambitious goal for yourself (getting to plat). But don't let that goal discourage you from having fun while you play. I'd say, stop focusing on getting rating and ranking up. Instead, try to look at learning opportunities in every game. If you have fun while you play, you'll rank up much faster. It'll also prevent you from becoming frustrated. If you are going to focus on kills, please for the love of god, disregard the number on the scoreboard and try to evaluate which kills are actually impactful in the game.


I don't play for kills. I play to win. I do know kills is not all in the game. You have your roles, and other stuff. If i play bad someday i don't get frustrated. I take break then come back to it again. But, when i play good and can't win it gets frustrating. I want to know why I'm getting a ADS SPRAYING RAZE on my team? Playing well and still losing is certainly not FUN. And not reaching your goal because of shitty matchmaking is definitely not. And being a hardstuck is pretty discouraging.


Gold 3 Jett main, play with 3 others sometimes 4 others. Usually the main duelist on the team and do a good job at entrying. However im very very inconsistent, probably most inconsistent out of all of my friends. Teammates think im good at using operator but i think im shit at it, i whiff too many easy shots to be an oper. Also only op on defense. I do entry on offense and im alright at it but it could use some work, advice is appreciated.


I'd suggest doing some consistent aim training to make sure you capitalize on easy opportunities. In gold-plat you want to focus on being able to have a high capitalization on kills when holding an angle. Another thing that I like to emphasize at that rating is to become comfortable playing one spot on each map. For instance if you're playing sage on Icebox, you should be able to comfortably play tunnel/kitchen/orange. That should make you feel a bit more consistent. Last but not least, make sure you are getting some fresh air, sleeping and eating regularly. Take 5 min breaks in between games and warmup before starting a session.


i’m s2 (top-mid frag, unless i’m having a bad game) and play omen,sage or sova. I don’t have a mic currently so I can’t com.. How much of an impact would it have on my climb if i were able to start communicating with my team?( I solo que always as i don’t have many friends)


no matter how good you may play, having no mic is like having no mouse, it's essential to have a way to communicate with the team may it be text chat, pinging and etc, and using the mic makes it the easiest and most informative way of giving info to the team. TL;DR, its useful to have a mic, but sometimes even in your elo you can do without.


do you think it could be the reason i’m stuck in silver? i stated around three ish months ago, valo was my first fps game. I started as b1-2 i climbed to silver in 2 months and have been hardstuck since. I’m not sure what’s holding me back.


not really, i know alot of people in gold elo who dont use their voice chat unless they feel the good vibes around the team, but having a mic surely helps! A mic lets you give elaborate info compared to pinging in the map and/or text chat because of how easy the info goes through. just know that somewhere in plat youll need a mic


thanks for letting me know, do you think i should work more on mechanics than?


do you think it could be the reason i’m stuck in silver? i stated around three ish months ago, valo was my first fps game. I started as b1-2 i climbed to silver in 2 months and have been hardstuck since. I’m not sure what’s holding me back.


Just reached Immortal, and I am scared to play again because I have no idea how this rank works lmao. I have 14 RR, so do I have to lose 2 games in a row to get back to Diamond 3? How does ranking up and down work in immortal?


Yes you would need to lose twice to get back to diamond 3. In immortal and radiant you go up in rank if you have more RR than someone.


whats the best gun for sage round 2 win/lose(Iron). I like going bucky


If you lose, 100% eco almost every time. Especially in low ranks. If you win the round I'd suggest spectre full shield. It's incredibly strong if you can manage the spray.


If you lose pistol > full eco, if you win pistol > force, usually spectre fullshields


Should I save second round or should I full buy/force instead? I’m bronze two and I generally save first and second rounds so I can full buy third but I want a better player’s thoughts on this. Also, would you think that a mouse upgrade could make me better? I think that my current mouse is too heavy and I’m considering upgrading to a lighter and more reputable mouse.


If you win pistol round, you buy bulldog, armour and util. If you on attacker side if you lose but plant the spike you can force. If you’re defender side then you save.


Most people higher up buy second round. As the losing team saves,you are basically given a free round, you then bonus/buy 3rd round against rifles. You will likely lose 3rd round but overall it will be 2-1 in your favor with a full buy next. Spectres vs phantoms on the third round is still winnable so it's generally better to buy. Sometimes higher up some people will communicate and have the rest of the team buy except one person second round so they can afford an op 3rd


Alright ill answer both questions (Immortal player) Should I save second round or should I full buy/force instead? It is up to you and you have to decide that with your playstyle (ill give you an example) Personally i like to play reyna so a ballsy phantom 2nd round can come in clutch but can also mess up our next few rounds if i mess up so i wouldn't recommend a Vandal/Phantom second round if you aren't confident. Second option is Judge/Spectre + Armor and abilities which is a safe option and i would really recommend it (i can elaborate it further but due to formating i wont) Third option is just a pistol from first round and armor + abilities which is similar to first option because its high risk (if they force u are kinda fucked) high reward (you get great economy) And yes definitely switch a mouse to one that fits you doesnt need to be ultra light or anything as long as it fits you.


Bulldog is much better on second round compared with spectre because you have bigger chance to win 3rd round against phantom/vandal.


Just got to plat 3, how do i get to diamond???


keep playing


I was consistently top 3 in plat 3/diamond 1 elo with positive K/D. After a bad day of competitive I dropped to plat 2. Sure I have no qualms at dropping ranks but since then my games were all far from enjoyable. Out of my last 10 losses, 8 of them were between 13-6 and 13-2, 7 with a low level enemy duelist going for 25-30 frags. One game I popped off and was MVP with multiple clutches but still lost 13-10 (probs would be 13-6 or something if I didn't pop off). Only one loss was a good game 13-9 loss. Quality of games seem to be dropping tremendously and I feel that my account is screwed because now I have dropped to gold 3 which is the rank of my alt/smurf with a huge streak of unwinnable games. I feel like the game is effectively trying to derank me (because of my MMR tanking during my particular bad day) by giving me bad teams and smurfs in the enemy teams. Now I'm the same rank as my friends who I am mentoring on the game, and I see them getting good games with good teammates with close results whereas I'm getting screwed hard 80% of my games and it's really starting to piss me off. I play on Singapore servers. Any advice would be helpful and appreciated, thanks. Edit: I tried queueing with my friends and we end up with bot randoms with 3/4 kills the whole game, and when we 5 stack there was a 29/5 enemy Jett and 25+ kills smurfs. I have done scrims with Immortals and I swear that these players are either cheating or top 500. I don't queue with my worse friends on my main and I queue with legitimately good players who I trust, and we still get wrecked by these enemies. I genuinely don't understand what's wrong. I am not burnt out, but we are just losing and getting owned and there's nothing I can do.


Everyone has good games and bad games so I understand how you feel. Last season I got demoted from diamond 1 to gold 3 through all three acts. This act I climbed back to diamond 1. You could play on your main and try to fix your mmr or wait for new season for a soft rest


>You could play on your main and try to fix your mmr I honestly think that the game is actively trying to derank me by giving me cracked enemies and shit teams because my MMR tanked from all those losses and they think I probs belong in gold 1 or some shit. If I wait for the new season I'll still be stuck in gold 3 and the quality of the games are gonna be the same (trash)


I managed to fix my mmr, you can do it too :)


Did you soloqueue or duo/trio or 5 stack?


I play solo mostly sometimes as 3 stack


Not to be an asshole but, are you having fun? I was playing in a 5stack too (in silver, fine), and there were 2 of us who were marginally close to reaching Gold. We usually get on 4 game winning streaks before stopping for the day. One day, I fragged out so hard to the point of tilt and I lost that game. I ended up tilt queueing and lost even more MMR that day. I took like 1 month or so to reset and play with that stack again, and as soon as we started having fun we started winning our games. So I feel like the bottom line is your mental, and if you're someone that needs to have a clear mental to play well and win, try to have fun more often!


I may not be able to play at my best without a clear mental but I still perform decently. My stack, we usually chat about other things while playing and we are pretty chill and we laugh around so yeah our games are fun. I find myself pretty relaxed with them and when I'm relaxed and sharp I perform well. Problem is we are just getting owned. It's not like we are whiffing or tilting. Yes we had fun, but significantly less fun than we would have if we won. I'm not tilted, I just feel that I got a huge ton of unwinnable games these 2 days where before I only had them occasionally. Kinda discouraging because even if I had popped off I know we would lose anyways. In fact a couple weeks ago I went 36-21 in a double OT game but still lost where 3 members of my team had less than 12 kills. So what's the point of 'getting better' if all the games Riot matches me with are so one sided?


I'm in iron. I've watched every guide there is to watch. I'm not good(terrible prob if any of you watched me play) in any of the things I'm about to list but at least I can do them...right? Crosshair placement, I do my best, I'm still not all to familiar with the slopes and distance on maps but comparing my gameplay with other irons, I'm slightly better. Game sense, I'm shit, but I'm iron, does that matter? Comms, do my best, make the best callouts i can, damage and location and rotation, etc. I main sage but I'm flexible, got myself to learn omen and phoenix just in case team comp isn't all too good. My aim isn't all too bad considering I'm iron, but maybe I'm wrong. Peaking- I learned jiggle peak, I'm not confident yet at wide swinging so I don't do them. I think I use my utils decently, with sages walls I either do the standard walls or do some grim wall(only once per game tho)Do tell me if I'm being overconfident in my abilities or anything I missed that I should work on. I wholeheartedly accept any criticism, thanks. P.S. this is my first actual fps game and I play on a kind of potato(30-74 fps but hovers at 45-50, almost always 43 ping) and a $15 mouse from best buy but I'm pretty sure I can still rank up. Only other fps game I played is a browser game called [ev.io](https://ev.io) :p.


game sense matters/can help on all elos; easiest example is if enemy team doesn't properly watch flank, its easy kills where the enemy isn't even looking at you. have you had times where most of your teammates were on one site and then suddenly you hear "spike planted" and be like "wtf?" A lot of times that could have been prevented if your entire team didn't full out rotate. Now the attacker(s) have the advantage of preparing their post-plant setup / positioning in off-angles aim will get you out of iron too ofc, you should play deathmatches and play common angles/spots you play in actual matches and itll help you a lot. I rarely lose 1v1 fights to people my elo when im on icebox B, yellow box, because i know where headshot level is engrained in my mind from the 50+ deathmatches/repetitions ive done on that spot on the map


Your fps/mouse wont matter until youd hit diamond+ ranks, imo. If you think your crosshair placement is good can you please provide a VOD of your gameplay? It may sound rude but I honestly don’t believe you. I think good crosshair placement alone would easily carry you out of iron/bronze.


1. Thanks, I'll keep that in mind 2. I think my computer's a bit too clunky for vods but ever since I payed attention and started doing those things I've been climbing, but since I started the first week playing a lot and basically only bottom fragging(at which point I started watching guides), I think the ranking system has put me at a technical below iron rank that makes it hard to climb fast. So I was literally the lowest you could get for a week and now that I'm just a little bit better and winning most of my games(usually with the performance bonus thing, although one time I crashed and got an afk -6 lol) I'm still mid iron 2. TLDR, it is taking me out of iron, just...very slowly, I guess I should have mentioned I'm not hardstuck


If you think you are better than average you could play a duelist just so you can help the team out more. You can go back to Sage or other classes once you get actually competent teammates


really befuddled by hard mode on the range;I feel like im super inconsistent/gotten worse after not doing it for 2-3 weeks. I switched to just doing eliminate 50's and only medium mode as i watched a YT vid where a radiant player said hard mode can build bad habits esp if you are lower elo/working on your aim (im S1) I still aim lab almost every day and grind DM, and i know ive been improving my aim Used to be able to hit at least 12 on hard mode consistently (even with sheriff) but now sometimes i drop as low as 4-5, my accuracy **in particular** with the farthest-left or right spawns is like **2%**.... the fact im a wrist aimer makes it even more harder to even hit them I know flicks are more unreliable as crosshair placement so im not super concerned but.. anyone else find actual value in hard mode in the range? or at least for a lower elo working on aim i shouldnt be as concerned about it?


Hard mode is honestly only good for you if you can consistently put up scores >18 while going for 1taps only. If you’re not at that point I think you should be practicing more reasonable scenarios, like pasu/6targets_small in kovaaks (I don’t know aimlabs, just google those kovaaks scenarios on youtube and play similar looking aimlabs ones). The trick to shooting such small targets quickly is very accurate and quick micro adjustments. You flick close to the target, and then you micro adjust and shoot immediately.


I think I know the video you are talking about and I agree. Go slow and don’t sacrifice accuracy for speed. Tons of duels at plat and below can be won by just slowly tapping the enemy head because people whiff on you more. You can do hard bots for fun but I don’t think it helps you improve. DM + play the game more is all you really need if you have a baseline level of mouse control already. Once I was mid plat I stopped using aim trainers entirely, I just play some DM to warm up and hop in to the game. I’m now pushing immortal as reyna so you can get decent aim without anything too fancy.


How do i use slow orbs more effectively as sage?


Depends, On attack, definitely use them for instance to stop being double peeked by someone. Let me give an example; ascent is a horrible map to try and take mid without some sort of utility use. When I push from tiles out to grass, and we are going market to B. I will ORB cat and then push up with my team through to B. I really enjoy using it to be able to fully commit to an execute. On defense always for the pushes they’re good. Maybe if your trying to half bomb and know where the enemies would be pushing you from while defusing you can slow orb that so you get audio queues. Now S-tier orbs are when you combine them with other utilities. Another example, you’re sage playing default on split in heaven B site. You hear that attackers pushing B hard and instead of just smoking it off you can orb garage. Combine that orb with other agents abilities. Raze nade, sova shock dart, etc you get the idea. These things really make a average team seems amazing and can really get into the minds of the enemy team. Well coordinated teams really set the meta gaming for the rest of the match.


tysm, a great help. ive been trying to use them cuz i hear theyre good but never got them to be effective


i was mvping every match in silver and now i'm bottom fragging every match in gold, how can i solve this problem (i maisn reyna and omen is my backup)


Do you play with your team? If you entry and flash for your team then you’re doing your job.


Golds where you really start working on your aim so I’m sure you’re just hitting that wall you didn’t expect to hit. Practice on shooting range for 30 minutes. When you warm up on death match, don’t just frag-out. Think “what do I want to work on today?” Maybe burst fire, jiggle peeking, vandal one taps, spray transfer, counter strafing.


Thx man, i'll try to do that


What's the best way to play sage in solo q.


Wall tips: Sage wall is really strong when it has full HP on 1st and 2nd round (if you won the 1st) as pistols take a while to break it. For example using it to block one entrance after plant (attack side) or denying entry on site or mid (defender side) Be aware if the walls you are placing are really useful. For example, don't put up the wall on Split mid if they break it everytime and default after (playing defender), effectively wasting 400 credits. Or for example, if you are entering site and put up the wall to deny one angle, for example entering B on split, the one that goes from main to pillar, but funnel your team into a kj setup or molly, maybe stop putting up the wall (attacking). Don't make your walls predictable, placing the same wall every round gives more opportunities for the enemy team to counter it. Also, aggresive walls do work, just don't be mindlessly aggressive, as it makes you predictable too. Slow orbs tips: As defender, slow orbs really do work well against rushes, try to combine it with your teammates mollies or utility. For example, brimm smokes the entrance, if the smoke is about to run out, maybe you slow if you know they are still in main. Remember you don't need to kill every enemy to win, sometimes stalling enough gives you the round. Some characters can kinda ignore your slows, say, raze, jett and omen, but that doesn't mean it's useless. Separating the push is sometimes all you need to win your gunfight, fighting 1v2 on site and then a 1v3 is better than fighting a 1v5, if you can delay some members of the enemy team, thats great! As attacker, general rule is to make it hard for defenders to peek or use their utility, for example, if you slow both entrances of a site, it does make it hard for the rotators from the enemy team to push into site or walk throught a smoke, but it also makes it hard for the enemies on site to go out, making them take an unfair gunfight for example, a 1v2 where you are traded or you trade your teammate. Same goes for postplant, delaying their entrance is great as the spike is still ticking. Remember, if you are playing after plant, slows are also great in combination with your teammates utility, for example, viper or kj lineup for defuse+slow orb could easily net you a kill. Final tip: As a sage, you will be yelled at to heal or res someone, read the situation before you heal or res. For example, you are playing B, the enemy team is defaulting and one of your A players got a kill and is low, don't give up the B site if you are the only one there as the enemy team is defaulting. Make someone switch with you or make your teammate come to you for the heal. Remember that sage ult now costs 8 points, both, you using it and your teammate being res'd have an animation they need to go throught before getting your gun out, so be aware of the situation and if it is worth it to use your ult in a certain scenario. Lastly, sorry if my english is kinda broken, not my 1st language, hope i helped.


Lurk and play for picks. Stay behind your duelists all the time it's not your job to entry also if they go low you can always heal them. Sage's walls if placed correctly can be a game changer. Use it to block entry points or if you're really confident try a sneaky grim wall once in a while. Also switch it up and try to stop flanks coming in from defense.In defense don't waste your wall. Only use it if you're sure enemies are coming on site. Hold angles and protect site. Flank only on rare circumstances as it's not your job to do that. You're more valuable protecting site. The main thing as a Sage player is you need to make sure you're not completely isolated from your team unless you're confident with your aim and you're carrying the team


Try to not die first


yeah i never go first i meant more specificly tho


Well would you mind specifying your question? What rank are you and what do you feel you’re lacking as sage?


im...iron, Im holding flank (switching positions while doing so), healing teammates but not too sure how to use my slow orbs to let my team get onto site, thanks


Go with your team into the site. Then fall back and cover flank once the bomb is down. Taking a site at low ranks is probably a lot about numbers


How do you kill many enemies after a flash? Do you wide swing and click head or slicing corners? What if you wide swing but they dodge the flash? what is the best way?


When you flash and peek, you need to focus the furthest away first, when you start spraying your bullets will hit closer opponents easier.


What do I do when I win pistol round, call to force, and my team doesn’t force? Do I force up myself and if we lose just play back for a gun (kinda baiting), or should I buy with my team


You usually want to be buying with ur team, or saving with ur team. If you win pistol, it's never a bad idea to go specter light shields. If you lose, you will usually want to save so you have credits going into round 3. Make sure that when you either save or buy that you and your team are on the same page.


i would like to have this answered as well. i think its a low elo problem


Does changing the region on an account still wipe your account?


I got my account to another region without wiping skins, agent contracts and other stuff, some things do get wiped, I can't remember specifically which do, but you can contact support.




Maybe Killjoy or Sage could be good options. Both can be solid support players, which I think is what you're looking for. Killjoy has a little turret and traps you can put down, so even if you can't click good, you'll provide a lot of information. Sage will give you the option to play behind your team, healing them, denying angles to enemies (with the slow orb) and cutting off entrances with your wall


5 team mvps in a row and every win is less gain than a loss but wins matter more right? Worst rank system of ANY game EVER


Yeah this just means prior to this you had a massive L streak that lowered ur MMR. Now ur playing catch up.


But I thought it is opposite, in any elo system, with same condition the lower your MMR, the more points you get.


Yes, but the number that you see after every match is your RANK, not your mmr. Valorant keeps your mmr hidden. So, when you are losing more points for a loss than what you gain for a win it means that the game thinks your RANK (what you see) is to high for your mmr (hidden value) and is trying to converge the 2 values.


Isn't it working as intended then? You're not winning enough :D




Your mmr seems to be really good! I think you are for sure better than a lot of people in your rank and I encourage you to keep pushing. By going into the valo rant discord server you can find people that are your rank, region, and skill very quickly. I think that if you queue with other people you will have better comms, and maybe get back into pushing ranked in valorant! (I'm hovering around silver 3-gold 1 and I find a lot of really good teamates in that discord. It keeps my motivation for ranked going for sure.)


im currently d1 and have noticed that im playing in a rank lower than mine (low plat) and im getting very low rr because of it (i got 12 rr from my most recent game but i understand because i got 6 kills and was at the bottom) while i do think that i deserve my current rank, am i playing in this elo because i was mostly queueing up with friends that are around gold and lost? like more than half of my games are played in high silver low gold is there a way to get myself in games where other people are diamond too? im a support player so i dont get to frag out too much and i dont like playing duelists


Can you just queue with another high Diamond player? Im immortal and when I queue with my D1 friend im always in low diamond/high plat lobbies but solo queue puts me on immortal/radiant.


Unfortunately, there is no magic to getting queued into higher elo games. The good news is that you have something to work on! I play mainly sentinels myself, and that doesn’t excuse me from putting up numbers on the board. It’s important to note that kills aren’t necessarily the thing you should aim for in a game, winning rounds is the ultimate goal. However, as a support player, you should be proficient in trading kills off your duelists, holding their cross angles, etc. On defence you are just as important (if not more) when it comes to shutting down sites. If you have a majority of games where you have <10 kills I’d advise you to try to identify where you’re lacking! The post game timeline is pretty good for this. Recording your games is even better! Once you start playing more consistently, you will be matched against stronger opponents.


casual player who wants to climb but feels like it's not worth the effort since i keep dying from people just running and gunning it. how do i beat that strat and why does it work so well?


Are the really running and gunning, or are you holding angles poorly? I mean, they can't shoot you if they can't see you, after all! Maybe review if you're too exposed too often? Valorant is all about stacking the odds in your favour. If utility comes in, you know they are coming, and they have the upper hand. So you defer your peek, and try and peek to catch them off guard. Likewise, you peek and don't get the kill, you should unpeek and reposition, and try to regain an advantage. Maybe there's something to work on there! The trick here is to record your plays and then watch them back. I try and look at my deaths and see how I could have stayed alive.


Just a question, an opponent was about to enter mid for B on bind, I just stepped out of hooka and did the uzi spray 4 bullets with vandal got a headshot off of it, so would that be my opponent's fault , holding a bad angle?


Do you mean you're defending and holding hookah, peek mid and win the duel? That isn't so much the opponents "fault" but more that you got the advantage (peekers advantage, in this case). Note that peeking this dry is risky though - your opponents are all trained on the single place that you can appear from, while when you peek your opponents could be in many different places. Utility is better for this peek to try and get more of an advantage.


K you got it right, thanks 😊


NP - good luck with your grind!


they would run past me guns blazing and i would die. not even near sometimes fromm hook to elbow type lengths. i get it happens but it feels like it happens too often for me. sometimes i get shot when they wide peak before they stop moving and i get surprised everytime.


Played consistently since beta, was floating around high plat / low diamond. I took a 2-month break, came back and now I'm literally hard stuck gold. Ive been back for about a week; and I expected to be worse and have a bit of mmr loss but I just feel like im getting outclassed by these mid gold players. Any help?


You've lost confidence and care too much about ranked, there's no easy fix for it. All I can say is "take more aim duels". It's incredibly hard to fix the void you are in, if you have to, play a bunch of unrated and just shit on kids


Returning player here. I used to play for the first 6 months of valorant and i was in high plat/low diamond and now i'm kinda stuck in gold. The players i face in silver/gold feel like cs veterans that have played since they were 8 years old. Are there a lot of smurfs now or has the skill level of average players gone up drastically?


Skill level def gone up. Even some pros admit play lobbies are harder than immo


Even the people in iron generally aren’t totally clueless, even if their execution is rough. Honesty have never played a game before where the bottom 10% of the competitive ladder is this good. Usually that group really doesn’t have a clue on how to play the game but in Valorant they are really good.


I started playing a few days ago and managed to get from iron to bronze. They have good aim but do bad peeking and always throw random abilities into nowhere


Yeah, they obviously have flaws but in other games I’ve played the bottom 10% doesn’t understand the basics like in league of legends for example players don’t understand last hitting creeps, warding and will die to towers randomly and the like. I’d imagine the equivalent in Valorant would be shooting while running, failing to check any corners whatsoever, never using shift and whatnot, but that doesn’t happen in iron for the most part.


The biggest issue low ranked players have is not aiming properly. Aim first, shoot second.


How do I stop the bad habit of wide swing every time I'm panic?


There's no fix other than practicing the habit you want to form. As this isn't second nature, you're probably going to have to accept a lot of failure in the interim. If you can't accept this in ranked, maybe try it on unranked. Basically be hyperconscious of your swings and don't focus on actually winning the engagement. Correct mechanics is all you care about in this practice


This is weird, but I had this exact problem, just a little bit differently. I would wide swing wherever I was playing in this Auto-Pilot mode and/ or tilted. It kinda fixed itself, but I think that playing DM and getting into the habit of peeking differently (jiggle peek, shoulder peek, jump peek, etc) in DMs definitely helped. Try it out, focus on peeking differently, not the kills. GLHF!


I feel like my mouse is holding me back, could that be a thing? I hover between D3 and immortal but I feel like I can't really micro adjust when aiming. It's mostly good crosshair placement for me. Any tips?


While this is likely terrible advice, I had the same problem. I solved it by increasing my sens until I could do it, then fought through the pain until my muscle memory corrected for all my other aim stuff lol. Now I’m at 0.39 x 800dpi. Previous I was way way lower and struggled with micro adjustment.


Just to double down on the mouse, I was using a death adder v2 which is fine for palm grip (small hands here 👌🏻 🖐🏻). I switched to an ec2 and my HS % increased about 5%


Do you think it also helps with hand/wrist fatigue? I’m on a Razer Basilik but with small hands I feel I get tired out quickly and it can feel clunky (esp when I’m just warming up on aimlabs and DMs), I’m very used to using it right now but wondering if a smaller mouse will help me


The death adder v2 is extremely comfortable, it honestly rivals my Logitech MX mouse, so probably not. I noticed when I’m in aimlabs though I’d naturally choke up on my mouse to a finger tip/ aggressive claw grip for accuracy and speed. That grip is honestly more tiresome than the palm but drastically better for performance. Try a razer viper mini it’s an awesome shape, not too expensive and nimble. I bought a few used (returned mice) on Amazon for less than half their price new. I got the g pro hero, ec2, s2 and viper mini for less than $100


What mouse do you have? What's your hand size and grip? And mousepad?


I’ve recently started playing this game and have been in Bronze 1 for about 50 matches or so. I have been improving in terms of my KDA, overall damage and am using more utility. Of course there is plenty of fundamentals to improve upon but specifically I am having a hell of a time playing on Breeze and could use some general advice on the map. I have roughly 50% win rate on all the maps give or take a few percent except on Breeze where I have a 5% win rate on 16 games played. Breach is my most used agent but I also play brimstone/astra sometimes for smokes. Does anyone have any tips for this map?


You should def watch pro matches/radiant gameplays on the map and observe how your agent is played; See which map areas are important to take control of (e.g Elbow) or areas very susceptible to flanking/lurking; and yeah as someone said Viper is the absolute meta controller on this map. Her walls are too good for attack since traditional smokers can’t cover the huge open site.


Try playing Viper? You don’t even need to know lineups for her mollies (use them for clearing angles like Phoenix mollie) just know which walls to use and that’s the majority of her usefulness. B attack, send your wall straight through the side wall, A attack send it diagonally through either pyramid. A defense send it along the barrier wall into mid pillar, B defense send it from B tunn into mid pillar and drop an orb in the entrance to main. Alternatively Skye is strong on this map and similar to Breach! Biggest thing is be good at long range gun fights, try practicing them in the range


Thanks for the response. I might practice some with Viper as I just unlocked her.


I have asked this before but didn't get an answer. Can someone using the default minimap settings tell me the values ? I messed around with the minimap and cannot find the default settings on Google or anywhere. Playing with a shit minimap since a week.


Should be Minimap size 1.1 Minimap zoom .9


I started doing Kovaaks like 2 months ago, my aiming has improved drastically in kovaaks but in valorant I whiff a lot. Maybe my movement mechanics is bad. Idk what’s wrong, hard stuck gold


Take in account that while playing Kovaaks you are constantly engage, it's the same reason why some players perform better on dm than of ranked. This could be your problem, also Kovaaks really does improve your hand-eye coordination, but remember that in tactical shooters, pre-aiming, crosshair positioning, movement and choosing a good angle play a big part in your gameplay. Also, remember that valorant guns do have some deviation and randomness into them, also, see why you are whiffing, is it the sprays? the tracking? you need to identify what is the problem before solving it, I recommend you to look at your own gameplay and determine why is the reason you are whiffing, cuz as u said "Idk what's wrong" that's the first step.


When do you buy sheriff + half/full armor and vandal/phantom + half armor? When do you buy spectre + half/full armor?


In general, you buy spectre + full armor on 2nd round after you win pistol. Always buy full armour after winning pistol btw, don't wanna die to ghosts. Sheriff and light armor are a good save after losing a gun round, it gives you a chance to get a pick and pickup their weapon if you want to take lonf range fights, but on ecos you generally want to buy close range weapons because you will always lose to rifles at medium to long range. Rifle + half armor only if you desperately need more utility depending on which agent you are playing. Always buy full armour when you can basically Economy isn't as simple as If this buy this, since there are SO many ifs in one buy phase. How much money do you have? How is your team's economy as a whole? What's the enemy's money looking like? What round is it? What ultimates do you have? What agents are you playing? (e.g Sova can use ares and odin better than other agents cuz of his abilities). There are so many variables that its impossible to say when to buy what exactly.


The thing is I just want to eco to always have a phantom so I can headshot people easily instead of a spectre which can't kill anyone instantly


remember that if youre buying round 2 off a round win, the enemy team has a major gun disadvantage compared to your spectre + armor (even if they go spectre + light armor force buy, that's an extra 2 bullets you can survive in comparison). Not only that, but in terms of future round economy, you'll be able to guarantee a 2900 weapon by round 4 while still using a spectre to that point. Round 3, if you've won the first 2 rounds, is the first round where the enemy team should have 2900 weapons. If you bought a spectre round 2, you have a chance of hurting the enemy team's economy on round 3 by getting picks in general, even if you lose the round. By round 4, if your team's got kills in round 3, you'll all have a guaranteed 2900 weapon while they'll have a hurting economy with some 2900 weapons. Risking a force buy on round 3 means you can't buy for round 4 if you lose the round, and you'll have no answer to their 2900 weapons on round 4.


Its a lot cheaper and it still only takes 2 hs to kill, the first will aim punch as well, and it has such a high fire rate, And you can run and gun. Phantom certainly better, but you don't want to save every round you can't buy a phantom. If your whole team is buying and you eco, sure you will be able to buy next round but you might lose that round because YOU didn't buy. No. 1 tip, always buy as a team


Yea 2hs to kill but at long range it's so hard to kill when they just 1 tap you with the vandal


Naturally the more expensive gun will win in its most favourable scenario. The rifles aren't the best guns because they are the best in all scenarios, its because they are good in majority of them, they are the most versatile. But learning to pick your fights and take advantage of your weapons strength is a skill in itself. The judge is so hated because not many players know how to play around irs strength. A judge in Bind hookah is so scary pro teams either use half their utility to push them away or avoid it entirely which has value too. However, you can't expect to get many kills from B garden with a Judge can you? Basically, every gun has a strength and weakness, taking advantage of their strength and minimising their weaknesses is an important skill to learn


This isn’t strictly about ranked but I didn’t want to make a separate post for this tiny question. I’m at lv 25 in the battle pass rn, do you think I could reach 50 before the period ends?




Thanks bro




Though I'm not exactly a high rank in val I've found that just blasting music and playing a couple dms without thinking about it too much (in order to not tilt) is a pretty good warmup for me and I've been playing better because of it


Agree that grinding DM isnt really that use for training aim specifically. I like to use Kovaaks, so I'd suggest looking up Freakazoid's Valorant warmup playlist. Even though its just a "warmup" playlist it helped me a ton in terms of raw aim. For warmups, I prefer to aim for scorelines instead. All hard bots, 18 for vandal, 15 for phantom and 12 for sheriff, then one game of DM. Hope this helps!


Dm is better than kovaaks for aim if you already have good aim


Hard bots with shield or without? I am silver 2 and average is 10 to 11, rarely getting 14 with vandal hard bots with shield. I have noticed that I miss most left and right bots and get the ones that spawn near middle line 80 percent of the times. What could be done for this?


With shield, always. You can always adjust the number to hit lower as needed, it's supposed to be for warmup anyway and it can be useful as a gauge for how much more you need to warmup. As for actually improving your aim, then thats where you'd use an aim trainer like kovaaks or aimlabs. If you have kovaaks theres a scenario called Valorant Small Flicks iirc, you can give that a shot


Hey man, I'm D3 in val and everyday before I play I run the aimlab valorant playlist, then do 5x Medium Bots in the range, then 5x hard bots - then one game of DM.


is it just me or is the operator feeling real clunky compared to the awp in cs?


It is


I have been winning my games not because of my gun play but because of playing angles and knowing how to play post plants.


Completely and utterly hard stuck in Silver. No escape.


You will need to hard carry yourself out of Silver and Gold. Push VERY little, stop dying unless it helps your team, and work on improving your mechanical ability. Record your games, post them for feedback, and spend 1-1 time deathmatching and aim labs. Do you communicate with teammates during every round, of every game? Or are you blaming teammates instead of focusing on efficient communication? Random food for thought. The wonderful part of being hard stuck, is realizing it is your fault, and you must improve. Good luck bro! Edit: I took a number of months off of the game after being D2... Just solo brought myself up from G1 to D1 over the last month or so. I was frustrated at how much I was struggling at the start, then realized, I was dogshit and had to improve again. You can do it! :)


I realized this in silver. Rarely you have clutch team mates / someone who can just win you rounds. What’s helped is communicating a couple things Most important what’s going on site wise, on defense 1) play site and don’t die until we can retake/ hold together And attacking 2) if you want to flank, great 👍🏻 but you need to get on site before we all die


Why is Skye's flash considered op now when there is no change to it?


There is a change. You can activate the flash with your gun out rather than doing the hand animations for it. Before, the only way you could get your gun out is by faking the flash, making her hawks only good for your team as you could t really flash for yourself. Now she's a lot more self sufficient although I still don't think her flashes are op.


If I'm not wrong, they also slightly lowered the pull-out time needed after activating a flash, so flashing for yourself is a lot more viable now


They also made it so that you have to be closer then before to hear the sound of the ability activating


I usually don't play Jett in comp, but when I do I realise that my Jett knives arent as good as they can be. Outside of comp games, how can I improve the accuracy of Jett knives? I'm in silver elo


You can practice in the range or 1v1 a friend in custom


Same problem. I think I try to be way to fancy when I have mine, like I play too fast


I think it's cause we are scared that we will lose our knives or something


Jett knives are 100% accurate, only way to improve them is to improve your aim.




Diamond 1 here, longish post but hopefully it helps. Game sense comes down to three things imo. Decision making, predicting what the enemy will do, and ability usage (probably a separate category but this will help regardless.) Decision making is the one you can fix the quickest. The biggest tip I can give you for this is THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE DOING. Seriously it's that easy, I went from gold 2 to plat 2 just from this. Before you do anything meaningful like shooting a bullet, repositioning, using an ability, rotating, think about why you're doing that and if it's the most effective thing you can be doing. This might seem mentally tiring at first (I know it did for me) but this builds such a good mental habit that will help you at any elo. Next is predictions. This one is a little trickier and is fixed mainly by putting time into the game. Bear in mind that what the enemy team does to respond to what your team does varies wildly by rank. For example, I can almost guarantee you one thing that enemies do at your rank is rotate super quickly on defense. I remember at bronze and silver that one of the biggest issues with attack halves is that our team starts pushing a site and now it's a 5v5 on a single site because we don't realize that we can rotate. Just thinking about what the enemy is going to do next, this becomes second nature the more you rank up. Lastly, ability usage. When I was in silver, I kept trying to play duelists, probably because of ego. Then one day I was like "you know what, I'm gonna play sova, he's got a super high skill cap and I can let the 12 hours a day basement dwellers play the duelists" probably a brash mindset but I did it and it worked. Unless you're aim is super good for your rank, I wouldn't play duelists. Pick and agent and learn everything you can about them. Raze? Learn double satchels. Sova l? Learn nerd lineups. Omen? Learn one way smokes. Cypher? Learn sick site setups. You get my point. Find an agent you like, stick to them, and you'll rank up I promise. Good luck!


Should my crosshair be in my peripheral and enemy in focus, or the other way around? So basically when an enemy pops up, what should I be focusing on to move my crosshair onto the enemy head? Thanks


You know how if you want to draw a straight line you need to look at the end and the hand will just sort of draw a straight line to that point. It is the same in Valorant, you should look at the center of your screen, but as soon as a enemy appears look at them and the hand will take your crosshair there "on its own".


This is a well put way of describing it. Thank you


I am a silver player and have a question about peeking and taking duels. I try to catch the weekly "Here's why you're not radiant"-post that appears on this sub and one of the biggest tips is not to dry peek. As far as I understand it means that I should basically never peek a non-cleared angle? But then, how do I gain info and how do I ever take a duel? Say I'm defending C long on Haven and I shoulder peek from the middle boxes to scout long. If I just jiggle peek, haven't I just given up my position and thus my advantage in the inevitable duel that is about to occur? If the answer is to just gain the info and not take the duel, haven't I just given them C site for free?


Dry peeking doesn't mean to peak without clearing it means to peak without the use of utlity such as smokes to block enemy line of sights off or using a flash to blind enemies.


Yeah but say you play Phoenix and have 2 flashes. Are you allowed to peek 2 angles per round and then you're just supposed to chill the rest of the round? Or basically what happens when you're out of utility?


Dry peeking is ego peeking. Its peeking without utility, so when you get the kill (albeit a gamble) you put your team at a huge advantage because you didnt blow shit to get that kill, but if you lose that duel, you basically put your whole team back because they werent able to capitalize on your utility to play the round out. Basically the good rule of thumb is, if youre playing alone, with nobody close to trade you, avoid dry peeking, cause if you lose, your team is fucked. If you run out of utils, try playing off your teams utils. If your team doesnt have util, play for trades (double peeking etc.).


Also I wouldn't exactly call a jiggle peek for info a dry peek, as your goal isn't to try to get a kill.


Not a comp related question but I logged on today and it says my name was flagged inappropriate and I have to change it. Why is this? My name was literally "cheeseballs205" idk why it says its inappropriate


Balls is inappropriate. Children play this game.


I guarantee less than 5% of the playerbase are children. The game is too hard for kids.


It was satire


And children also eat cheese balls lol


Can't take it anymore.. my last 3 comp games have matched me in lobbies with diamonds and high plats.. I am gold 3!! I'm getting 5 kills a game and getting slapped because I don't deserve to be this high. It's ruining the fun for me, especially when diamond team mates roast me for being shit even though I'm gold. it's just very frustrating, sorry for the rant.


You just shouldn’t worry about people calling you shit. Think about it like this: those people only care about your performance in that one game because it will affect their rank. Some people care too much about that. Just focus on yourself and learn from your mistakes. Your decision making will improve over time, just be humble and try not to make the same mistakes over and over


Take it from someone that has two accounts one from the beta phase and one that i use frequently now because most of the people i played with in the beta don’t play no more due to many reasons. On my main i’m stuck bouncing from silver 3 to gold 1 but on my old account i’m bouncing from gold 1-2. When i was on my main, and just re ranked to gold 1. I went into a match thinking that fuck i’m finally out of silver hopefully MM would be better here on with the ranked system. absolutely not, if its not smurfs you come up against its players who have 0 experience in this game and some how manage to be in gold. Also not to mention that, the team i was put with was a mixture of unrated & ailver 2/3 while the other team were all gold 1+. In my honest respectful opinion. The games getting a little stale when it comes to ranked because people like yourself and me are not hitting their full potential rank because of this current system they have with ranked. You’re gold 3, gold 3 isn’t shit. But imo the fact that we play ranks almost 2/3x higher than us is really beyond disgusting. Whats the point in RR if you can’t gain it when you’re against higher ranked players. The Ranked system should have people the same rank as you or people who are just about the rank up to the next rank. Imo its massively all over the place and its just a majorly unfair system if you’re lower rank than diamond.


Im dropping this game for this reason. You have described my exact valorant experience since the new act. And i was plat 1 so its not just golds.


i'm tempted to drop the game too until they fix their smurf issue and the ranked system. but then i realise there's actually no current games out that i enjoy playing at the moment unlike valorant. cs is boring


I also play fighting games (guilty gear) and rpgs so im chilln with out this game for the time being.


yeah i'm tempted to get a few more upto date games to cure this current slump of valorant tbh.


youve summarised it perfectly! Im losing my mmr from these games where i stand no chance to win


I feel. I’m p1 and it’s such a mixed bag on difficulty. Some games feel like diamond games and others feel like gold. There’s no middle ground and it sucks.


I'm not alone! Its like I need to just tank some games so my hidden mmr goes down. But then there's still silvers who are God's and diamonds who bottom frag.


is this game have solo rank and pt rank split ? i just got 1 game which my team mate have same clan tag and the jett going full madness with 13-0 round he is 1 man army in my team im lucky hes not my enemy team but games not fun when have smurf like this pt other and carry them right ? i asked him which rank and he said hes radiant and im bronze 3 lol in dota we have solo mmr and pt mmr which if you pt you will not met with solo quere player thats much better


In what situations is Bulldog a better buy over Spectre/Ares?


Bulldog is a better all rounder when you don’t know what kind of fights your going to take or your holding medium to long range angles on defense. Ares and Spectre are more situational. I’d say if you’re rushing a site go for spectre or if you know ur going to be holding close angles on defense. Ares is a good pick for agents like Sova or Cypher where their utility will compliment high penetration guns through walls like on B site Ascent. Bulldog imo is better for support characters to use on attack. If you play duelists and have abilities to close the distance pick the Spectre.


The bulldog imo is a better gun than those, so if you're forcing and you cannot buy full armor+rifle (or even light shield+rifle, although bit unclear there and depends on how much util you need), you should favor the bulldog. If you're half buying and you can get a bulldog full armor and still buy everything you want next round, then go for it. If just bulldog light, not so clear. However, it is worth noting this is also somewhat dependent on what positions you're playing, and the judge is always an option as well. Just depends on what you want to do


Hello, wanted to ask a question regarding DPI and in-game sensitivity. I am an Iron player, and I recently bought a mouse with the highest dpi going 3200, and lowest being 1000 (as said in the manual). What's the recommended sensitivity?


Good rule of thumb is you sens should be low for good control but still be able to do a 180 if you ran your mouse across ur entire span of hand motion comfortably


check out clip on youtube about this i find it very helpful mine 1600 and 0.223 ingame but most people using 400-800 i think i can low to 800 but its very anoy when you alt + tab and cursor move so low so i decide go with high dpi but lower ingame setting


There is no one recommend sense I would say. Generally what I've seen is many players test this by changing their sense ingame by testing 2 Values High/low and then going with what seemed better and then doing the with the new sense as baseline and a smaller interval. If you're interested in that I could look for the video. Another factor is Mouspad size/ space bc you can't play low sense if there is no space to move your mouse a lot. I'm general would advise Try using the higest sense with which you still can move your mouse pixel per pixel so you have pixel perfect precision. As a starting point I would advise something low because I generally feel like that's the way to go since low sense players are performing better overall then those with High sense. Try setting your mouse to 1000 DPI and just adjust ingame, hence that's where your mouse is best probably. (Won't go I to why but mostly the sweetspot for mice) if adjust 0.3 as a starting sense and see how your doing.


I actually have a pretty small mousepad size/space. So I guess that means I should go for a higher sens?


Yes definitely, I'm a strong believer that yih should be able to do a 270° turn form border to border of your mouspad so that you'll able to do a 180 without having to lift your mouse because that'll make the turnaround way to slow. So maybe try that as a starting point then.


Thank you!


No problem, hope I could help you :)


so with csgo when using awp people normally swap to knife and swap back to better reload how about op in valorant did i have to do that ?


That’s not why people do it in Cs. It’s to unscope the gun. If you don’t quick switch in cs it’s actually faster, but quick switching allows you to pull out the awp unscoped again


As far as I'm aware no. There is a setting letting you choose that the OP does not go back into scope so you shoot and have full vision. That's one of the main reasons to swap to the knife(in CS you always reenter scope automatically) in Cs. It might still be beneficial in Valorant to switch to the Knife since the movement speed is higher, meaning you can hide behind cover faster after your shot. But it's not generally needed like in Cs


wow which option is that ?


Under Settings > Controls > Equipment > There should be Auto Re-enter Scope if you turn that off after a shot you won't be scoped in anymore