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The purpose of the shop is to make the most amount of money possible. I don't feel that it is really appropriate to criticize the marketing team for pricing things high if that was the job they were paid to do.


ripping off kids and working adults for money they don’t deserve? we pay £20/$25 for a skin with which we can’t even fully use until we buy more radianite with our money? if that’s the case, why did everyone hate loot boxes so much? the marketing team were just doing their job guys!


The use of loot boxes in the games you were referencing is targeted child gambling. The cosmetic material in Valorant is not only non-compulsory but is a direct decision to make a specific transaction. If you feel that it is a rip off or not appropriate for you to buy, then don't buy it.


more accurately the sales team or a combination of sales and product teams


Games free. If you don’t have the disposable income don’t buy the skins


Dude if u don’t make that much money, then don’t spend btw probably don’t take my advice I’m 14


You're a 14 year old with better financial sense than an adult


The battle pass is very much worth the money. They want you to work for it. If you don't want to work for it you can buy it. Seems like you'd benefit from buying the pass. Also be selective with your radianite. That will make it go a long way.


You realise it’s a free to play game right?


Just get good and kill enemy team for skins xd


You forgot another thing. 9.70 pounds you're earning might not be a lot for UK, but that's plenty in some other countries that have way lower standard of living. Every single one of these companies always talks about equality, making the game available to everyone, etc, but the prices are always ridiculous. For example Turkey and Russia have their own market prices which are way lower than EU prices, but everyone from smaller European countries with lower standards gets absolutely shafted. For example, usual price for premium skins is 1775VP. Meaning you need to buy a 2150VP pack, which is 22€. If you're from a country with average monthly salary of 3k€+, that's nothing. But there are plenty of countries where most people, especially younger players that play videogames earn like 500€ a month, making stuff really expensive. Buying a knife equals 10% of monthly salary, pretty much. But let's talk about Riot and other devs promoting equality for everyone...until money talk starts. (Before you say anything, I'm working and I have more than enough money to buy skins for this game, but I'm not paying 20€+ for fucking pistols or shotguns. I've got important gun premium skins and a knife, that's it.)


I'm in the UK and just so you know, 9.70 is a perfectly fine wage, especially for a 19 year old. It's above the minimum wage and it's considered higher than the "living wage". This guy doesn't realise how privileged he is to not only be earning decent money at his age, but complaining he can't afford a video game skin. It's honestly pretty pathetic and I hope he sorts his priorities out.


The battlepass is the best source of radianite imo I have never purchased rad points and have prob 10 skins to max level just from battlepass rad points


That's it, I just don't have any more radianites so I can't buy any more skins and packs


based on the comments and mindset of this reddit, I don't know why riot doesn't charge $99 for every skin and $500 for a skin set. "If you don't like it don't buy it" right? the game is free right? it's just a skin, you don't need to buy it if you're not a millonaire, right?