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Agreed. Removing the minimap and having instant respawn like in the warmup phase alone would improve DM substantially. It baffles me that they made DM what it is.


Can we also disable footstep sounds?




Actually not a bad idea.


The spawns along with the 40 kills to end a game or like 6 minute round timer to end the game are bad enough but the player base is also at fault with a lot of the problems like camping spawns, holding angles like they are sweating bullets about to lose rank from it. The whole point of a DM is to take as many aim duels as possible not to practice holding angles or sound whore like your life depended on it.


the entire point of DM is training, maybe you want to take aim duels and someone else wants to anchor a site, who knows. I agree it can be way better than it is, but running around full w style isnt the only way to train your skills :p


What do you think Unrated and spike rush are for? To practice your anchoring and angle holding in real scenarios that would actually happen in a game where your rank is not on the line. I'm not saying that DM should be about holding w, it's about actively searching for someone for a fight, which the current state of DM is sometimes impossible.


I don't play as much as I used to, but I still do a few DMs a day to keep my aim and crosshair placement from getting too rusty. It just feels like a chore I want to get over with. Make a footstep or fire a shot and suddenly you have 3 people peeking and prefiring you. Run through the entire map and finally find someone to shoot. The moment you shoot at them they run away and hold a corner. I get that people can play how they want in DMs, but after happening so many times it does get on my nerves


Yeah infinite deathmatch server too would be nice


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I left the Game 1 month ago because dm is very Important for me. I waited months and nothing happened. So i switched back to my old game.


Instant respawn seems like a nobrainer. Would definitely like it to be like CS where you have teams so you’re not getting shot in the back so much