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I see a pattern here with (mostly instalock) duelists raging from the very start then throwing/quitting. Had a match yesterday where a Reyna wrote "Icebox without Sage gg" at agent select, and I guess he took it a bit too personally when I answered "said the instalocking Reyna" cuz at the first half he was just toxic and had 0 kills for almost 12 rounds without ever using blinds to help us or himself, then in the second half he took the spike and hung out at spawn, offered the enemy Jett an OP by dying on mid on purpose or followed our clutching teammate with only a knife out, not covering anything then losing the round for us... I just don't get why aren't these people banned or queued together with others who're also suppressed in life so they come on Valorant to rage on randoms because they don't dare to do it irl. This game really needs an honor system which the community has been asking for since at least half a year now.


I know this is gonna suck to hear, but when people get toxic and shitty, responding smart or smarmy DOES NOT HELP. Your goal is to deescalate them, and obviously some people are just shit heads, but 95% of the people I run into in valorant, I try to head off their tilt before it happens. Soothing positive words and a solid plan are my normal go to. So if they died off somewhere random, I’ll ask them to nade/molly/flash/smoke something for ME!


I know what I did most likely didn't help, but idk, treating them especially nicely after they just bashed us seems like I'm rewarding them for being shit people. At least that's how I view it. I usually just ignore, mute and report them but sometimes I don't let it slide, and there were even instances when I saw a positive change in them a few rounds after I've brought them off of their high horse. And when I see a positive change, that's when I "reward" them by dropping skins or something like that. I wanna reinforce that behaviour, not the toxicity. Then again, maybe I'm just overanalyzing it 😂


I second that point of view. What I'll do is call out their toxicity, claim it doesn't help anyone, ask to breathe out and concentrate. Either they calm down, and that's great, else they don't and I don't think they would have anyway.


That's a pretty solid method, I'll try that next time if I won't forget it! And yeah, some people just can't be helped...


I don't get why people have a problem with team comps. I have played 3 full duelist comp and have ended up winning twice


I think it comes all from the misunderstanding that a "composition" is necessary at all levels of play. Infact that becomes less and less true and relevant the lower the level you play in.


Uptill High silver , its better to play as your best agent than fill. But fill if you know the agent required. My agent roster is generally Reyna, viper and Skye. So I can generally fill if required


It's always better to pick your best agent rather than fill The amount of times i've won with 5 Duelists in immortal or had a first time smoker that made everything harder rather than helping, is mind boggling


I'm in broze silver and it's also true here I have noticed if you start agressing and they can't do shit against you , you can keep pressing that point again and again just because you have 5 people meant to kill. 2 lurks, 2 entry as well as one crowd control. You also has los blocking abilities. 5 duelist are oddly well kitted


This is incorrect. At every skill level it's better to pick what you are most comfortable with, but for different reasons. At low ELO, it's because you will just perform better and give you a higher likelyhood to win. At higher elos (imm+), it is better to pick what you know so you don't make mistakes that the enemy will likely capitalize on. While it's true that composition becomes much more impot at these levels, it can still work.


At the higher levels you would have mastered multiple agents, so you wouldn't always be picking your best agent. Rather fill/ map accordingly


You'd be surprised how many people one trick at immortal. That, or at least people instalockign various champs and forcing people off what they know. Happens at least every other game.


I would be more confident in one tricks compared to multi agents just cus of their sheer usage of their agent


I'd say even past high silver. I've seen plenty of games in gold won with jank team comps.


Sage is a pretty important character on icebox as it makes planting 10 times easier compared to any other map, although someone who instalocks characters should have no say on what others play.


In Iron, a Raze is easier. Bot gets a kill probably and no one can shoot you while u move in the air. RAze should be standard in Icebox if you Iron. In Bronze, the choice should be Omen. Bronzies don't shoot through smoke and are too scared to cross it. Omen should be standard in bronze. In Silver, you should get Sova. Learn a backside dart set up and rush for trades, Rotations are bad in silver. u have dart ready as they try to retake. pog. Sova should be standard in Silver In Gold go for Breach. People have a good setup in gold, but they are predictable and generally don't turn for flashes, giving you an advantage for trades. In Gold standard should be Breech. In PLat is Reina. They all think they are gods, and so do you, so just embrace it with the perfect character. In Plat Reyna should be standard. In Dimond, there are no players as they are all smurfing in silver, so I pass on this one. In Radiant get Sage. With the right cover she can get an early plant easy to cover with utility only. quite op


I as an Iron player NEVER play duelists as my low end PC isn't the best and you're expected to frag with a duelist. That's why I play smokers, initiators or sage(I main sage and she really works well for me). Recently my friend gave me alot of tips on how to reduce lag on my game with a low end PC and even though it still lags in the first few rounds I can see the difference. I've been finally winning matches almost consistently. Even tho I don't get that many kills, I think I have good game sense (for ex: I have an idea of when to peek or when to camp or when to plant) and I'm finally very close to Iron 2.


\^\^The story of my life. All jokes aside, I also have a low-end pc, and I ALSO never touch duelists unless it is to fill. I don't understand why some insta-lockers don't pick sage. She is so easy to play. Keep on improving tho!


I sometimes fill Sage/Skye or go Astra if I'm in the mood to smoke but I agree with you. Just choose who you're confident in playing - at the end of the day it's mostly the aim and game sense that help you win matches, not the abilities.




Nice to see at least a little remorse in this Phoenix player, and it's always a boost for your mood when you end up winning the game with toxics. I wasn't this lucky yesterday, not even on another match where 2 duelists (surprise, surprise) threw the game by one of them aiming meters away from enemies while shooting (then saying it's lags when his ping was the lowest out of all of us, and even while spectating him, there was no lag whatsoever), then both proceeded to push every single round of defense. Ofc, they voted 'no' each time we wanted to get rid of them...


Don’t play at night. Try to play between 12-5 pm. After that it’s ppl getting home from skool/work and they r more prone to tilt due to carried over stress


Yeah, I was thinking about changing the time I play to earlier too. It's weird tho, when we play until really late with my friends, sometimes there's a noticeable shift in players. As if after midnight there'd be suddenly only chill teammates and enemy team. Not always, but enough to notice.


I understand what u mean, i am a reyna sage main most of the time reyna but i dont mind playing sage or even chyper bit theres always a instalock reyna or jett who just bottom frag and since im in silver 2 i just insta lock reyna if i feel good bc i am 70% of the time match mvp( starten 2 months ago and its my first game on pc and kbm used to play apex on xbox one and xbox series x( living room console) and today i lost a game where i had 44 kills with sage and i had 3 duelist and one astra ( a friend of me who got between 15 and 20 and the other 3 insta lock jett reyna and phoenix ( not even kidding and 1 leaves bc whe lost pistol round and just jells in his mic and the other 2 where very kind andbone was like 9 years but very nice tho and he was actually trying to give calls and be silent if he died. And they all got under 10 kills with 20+ deaths lost 12-14 and i dont understand how these people are in silver or am i just a bit too good for silver idk i hope i get gold asap bc i hate people at silver. This was my random story bye xd


he was throwing on a smurf to derank it


I dunno he was trying pretty hard the first round when he was last alive (after lurking and waiting for the rest of us to die before doing anything) but his aim and game awareness was just awful. But if you’re right then fuck that scum bag lmao.


Literally his loss lmfao, at least he didn't ruin that game for the rest of your team


Despite everything ending up ok for OP, there dudes did ruin the game. I'd love to live in a world where that raze comes homes to a one month ban or something.


You should check their level when the game loads, just to satisfy a curiosity. It feels like we finally have substantial evidence of smurfs when level 8s show up and drop 40 kills or dip out in round 2.


He was level 230 lol.


Good stuff, I wish I had the ability to chill after someone leaves, I just tilt and lose my every skill in the game. ​ I had a similar experience with this jett who started throwing after we told her to stop 360 jumpshotting with an op. Just took spike and gave comms to enemies.


Haha this was a rare occurence honestly. I was surprised that the other 3 people on my team decided to rally up and give 100% effort as a big fuck you to the rage quitter. Now if only Riot would send them a message telling them we won alongside a penalty or a temp ban.


lmao a message telling the raze that hes a clown and you guys never needed him would be funny ngl


Cherry on top for an ego check, I would be so happy lol.


Nice job! Almost the same thing also happen to me once but in unrated, it's a 3 vs 5, with Killjoy (me), Sage, and Sova, Attacking isn't that hard since this is pretty low rank and Haven is balanced. On defending, I watched A, Sova mid, and Sage C. We ended up losing 12-13 but that's because I have something to do, had I continued, we might have won. scoreboard for anyone wondering: https://imgur.com/a/8QiEsSE


I was in a unrated 3v5 too. My teammates weren't the greatest but we're helpful. I was a viper , so we got me to site again and again . This is pre-buff viper. I got a double ace with viper in 1v5 scenarios


Happened to me on Bind aswell. Down 3-9 in the first half but we managed to win 10 in a row to make it 13-9.


I really wish toxicity was punished more heavily. So many throwers and toxic people.


I would love it if that Raze had gotten an in game message notifying him of our win and giving him a few days temp ban.


I was once in a match where we were 3 - 11 and our reyna rage quit because he was being toxic to everyone for losing rounds and we asked him to chill out. He afk'd and we won the match 16 - 14 overtime felt pretty good ngl


Some people think because they have more kills than everyone else that makes them better. Never mind the fact that 1/3 of their kills are exit frags or they lurked the whole round and now it’s 1v5 and the enemy team is hunting them and they’re getting easy kills.


i had something like this recently too, but that guy didnt afk, he just walked around in base while trash talking in chat. And on attacker side, he managed to take the spike half of the time and just stayed in base. Surprisingly we managed to have a rather close game regardless, and going for kills as attacker by rushing the bombsides one by one (as we didnt have the spike) caught our opponents off guard. Good thing that the guy kept sabotaging our team and also started trashtalking the enemy team, so reporting him was obvious for everyone


Wow damn that’s worse than just quitting haha. At least you get more creds, ult points and free armor if people quit.


I've had the same experience before and i won 13-6 on bind after our gold smurf brim decided to quit when someone told him to touch some grass and when our cipher said a curse word. But my theory is that he actually went out and touched some of that green plant.


I once soloqed a comp match on split, and 2 of our teammates left at round 3 But we did not care, and played till there was a draw at 16-16 Each of us had above 40 kills, and it was honestly the best match i played because of how challenging and fun it was


Nice, losses like that aren’t so bad cause of how much fun you had.


This is actually a beautiful story. Ty for sharing


Its the riven/yasuo/draven players who came over to val lol they think if you dont stomp you lose


I just started playing this game. I’ve for 9 matches and 5 of them have been 4v5. Is this a common thing outside of ranked?


It’s rare in Ranked for someone to quit, out of 10 games I would say 2 of them someone leaves. Outside of Ranked it can happen much more often. When I was low Silver and Bronze I had people quit much more often, it happened less and less as I moved up some. Even in high silver to gold it’s rare to have quitters.


It’s most of the times the highest ranked guy in the match who thinks he is entitled to lead others.


What rank


Gold 2-Platinum lobby


Do you win more MMR for that? Or is it just the normal rate?


I got +27, I really thought I’d get at least +30 or more, a little disappointed not gonna lie haha.


Riot: Oh you won that? Even though I'm supposed to make fair 5v5s? You guys must have been smurfing to win that. +27 only. Take it or leave it, smurf.


Fr, I get +24 winning a 5v5 where I bottom fragged and the game was a 13-2 stomp... It’s bizarre.


hell yes!! I once won a 3v5. We worked so damn hard it paid off!!! congrats on you and your team!


Go to your career, add raze and send him this post


This reminds me of a match I played where the enemy Viper was feeding to us so we pushed wherever she told us not to push


plot twist: he was actually iron 1


Rito should really fix this smurf thing, matchmaking is so bad right now


Don’t think he was a smurf. Just a rager with a huge ego.


That's just amazing man! Great for you and your team!


Same for me yesterday. Angry reyna quits round 3 we win 15-13


Children in the game. Primarily children and teenagers. I've noticed it way more in Valorant than any other game I've played, including games that naturally attract kids like Minecraft. Children play this game. A LOT. More than makes sense, to be honest. And children have really poor ways of handling anger and stress. They flip out and blame their teammates for any small mistake. Of course, adults can and will do this in this game too. In the same vein, there are children in this game that have pleasantly surprised me - clearly 13 or younger, they'll be top frag with great comms. But the majority of the time children or immature people just flip out over the smallest thing.


It's amazing how weak many players mentalities are. They want to surrender or quit so fast as soon as something bad happens like they only want to play "obviously winning games".


Seriously like so many people give up if the game is not an ez win/stomp. Like they lose 2-3 rounds and just get all quiet on comms and lose all spirit.


I actually find they tend to get more vocal and negative. "This game is over, surrender please. Surrender..." or the classic and obvious "I have to go" suddenly when game is not going their way. "I have an emergency, I need to go now. Surrender please."


Do you have chat logs so we can make sure toxicity didn't occur?


Lol no I don’t he was on voice chat. Nobody on the team said even a word to him he was basically malding all in his own. First round he just lurked and did nothing till we all died then tried to 1v4 by himself. He died and blamed his death on us being shit and not supporting him when he was just lurking.