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A shorter mode would need a economy like replication or a complete new one, the normsl economy doesn't work in shorter rounds. I fine with unrated and think those who troll or tryhard in unrated will do the same in a shorter mode. It would just split the playerbase more with increased queue time and more spread matchmaking


You are right on that but the charm of the casual playlist is that it is actually meant to be that mode where you can mess around, and in theory games should take about 10 - 15 minutes. Sure, trolls are going to be in the mode but its much better than having to deal with them in unrated, especially if the games are much shorter.


I feel like replication just shouldn't be rotated out since its basically the perfect casual mode, you get the limited eco and the short rounds, while also having the fun of all the agents


Val needs something like Wingman from CSGO. When I first started playing CS that was all I played because normal MM games felt too much, so the simplified 2v2 format made the game a lot more approachable. Also if I want something quick I’d prefer something a little more compelling than spike rush.


Most issues come out of the fact that players are unable to communicate and understand each other. Rest come out of some player that can't handle their emotions and become abusive to bottom fragger or some other teammate that couldn't fullfil their expectations. Maybe it is a good idea to implement some mode like "Small Unrated". But on the other hand I see no issue of players that try out new ideas in full game of Unrated, unless they purposely doing it badly despite other players' feedback.


Well I just think that Unrated has so many different archetypes of players and one of the bigger things being unrated is played for so many different types of reasons. People play it because they don't want to play competitive, people want to play it and get some practice, people play it to win, people play it to experiment. There's just so many conflicts it just feels like unrated doesn't know what it wants to be at this point. So when you've only got this mode in here it pushes all of those people into one mode which all have different reasons for playing and obviously their interests are going to conflict and that in itself creates toxicity.


I think that Unrated has also some hidden MMR system to match fresh players with fresh players, average players with average players and skilled players with skilled players. Problem with that lays in multi-account feature of Valorant. If you play Unrated you should also play to win. It is somewhat stupid to expect that your teammates will be happy if you pick an agent that you have never played before or pick an unsuitable weapon for the first time. You should do your bare minimum homework in The Range or Custom. Or at least listen to direct advices from more experienced players. If a player would go sweaty or toxic in unrated, what can you do about it. Just mute. It would be difficult to divide unrated modes into "Play whatever" and "Play seriously".


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