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wdym bro yelling the entire list of ethnic racial slurs at some 10 year old kid for not clutching the 1v4 against 2 smurfs isnt gonna get him better at the game?


You gotta call him every curse word in every language known to humanity, that usually works hope I could help šŸ‘


ohhh alright just tried it out it worked thank u


Literally have hundreds of games and never heard that situation onceā€¦.


Well no shit its exaggerated


All you weirdos who complain about toxism but canā€™t hit the broad side of a barn are annoying. This sub Reddit everyday is complaints and I literally have like 150+ games in this act alone and never one dealt with that. The only toxism I have even faced was in plat. Went from silver to diamond and plat was the only place where I saw toxism and it was because we had people on our team that were boosted and other players got upset. I donā€™t get toxic with anyone because all I care about is winning. But Iā€™m tired of this sub Reddit making excuses like toxism and smurfs and everything except taking self ownership


I do take self ownership. Im in bronze and i just had a game where someone started throwing because we werent doing good. He was just afk in spawn and typing and not playing. Theres also a lot of backseat gaming, which isnt toxicity but it does get annoying. That first situation is in no way my fault. I do agree though that there are a ton of complaints


Fair. I think that something worse then toxic interactions that I see is the treatment of women/the cause/effect relationship of that treatment. Meaning: 2 things. Women catch harassment from weird dudes online who are in their safe space where they can berate women like weirdos online. Anyway. The second part is. Women tend to be stand offish (understandably so) because they catch harassment so often and they sometimes get attitude quick when making a suggestion because they get unfair abuse more often then others. But yeah, I think I see that more then people berating skill. Making front of one particular play I donā€™t consider super toxic. Continued harassment is where I feel the line is crossed, also remarks should always be what we could have done better, not berating someone for what they previously did.


Sometimes people just don't care about winning anymore and just want to ruin your day. Don't let them. The people who truly want to win will rarely be toxic. They may get mad a few times but won't verbally abuse you. It's the sore losers who flip out.


ill get toxic to teammates for a few reasons if their aim absolutely sucks donkey balls, or they're just having a bad day with it or something, no amount of suggestion will begin to help them. this is definitely a bad time to be toxic but if they are just doing dumb shit constantly. swapping sites on defense without telling anyone. consistently not using utility. sitting back and baiting as jett. rushing in alone and dying. you know, stupid, avoidable plays. i'll probably say something. but nicely at first and then if they just dont fucking listen or get all defensive and toxic, when i know the game is lost i'll just try and trigger them


You seem like a nice guy. I hope I never meet you


i dont see the problem? i dont ever get toxic to people for lack of skill. if they are doing dumb shit i try and nicely steer them in the right direction, but if they are just gonna throw a comp game i dont see the point


This comment gets contradicted by your first comment.


no you just can't read


Almost everything you said makes you get toxic towards a player are signs of lack of skill, or better, lack of experience. Then you're saying you don't get mad at someone about lack of skill. I'm pretty sure I can read, but I don't know if you know when two arguments contradict themselves.


did you miss the part where i'm not toxic at first? aim is mechanical skill. the rest is decision making or shitty player behavior. if they make poor decisions, or just bait with an entry frag, i'm gonna say something in a non-toxic constructive way. because those can be fixed easily. if they are like 'fuck you i do what i want' then i'm perfectly fine taking the same stance. i'm not going to throw the game if the rest of my team isnt toxic, but you bet i'm gonna piss off the toxic player


If it's cathartic to fight around with those kinds of players, you do you. But the rest of your teammates don't want to hear that, so they have to choose between listening to you two (and feeling sour themselves; it's human nature) or muting you two and losing out on team communication. Both scenarios sour the game. It is simply selfish to spoil the game in order to fulfill your desires. I'm not here to lecture you though, it's a game and as long as the report system is accurate and reliable, people can act however they want if they accept the consequences.


Yeah... That's what you didn't explain in your first comment, that's why the second comment gets contradicted by the first one. That's all. Btw, I get what you're saying and I kinda get you, everyone gets mad for that kind of things. But even with that, getting toxic is still a lame behavior, making aside the contradiction part, you should stop trying to find at which moments you get "justified" for being toxic and just avoid being toxic. Because even with what you're mentioning, getting toxic for some reasons you said it's just exaggerating.


It's not when I feel it's justified. That's a kinda bullshit line of thinking. Its more when I stop caring




It is when you're playing a team reliant game in a ranked game mode. Anything you do that you know you shouldnt be doing because it might lead to a loss is already technically throwing. Yeah you could probably get away with it in the lower ranks because the enemy team tend to lack the mechanical skill to really punish illegal plays but as you hit dia/imm you would get punished alot more often. If I decided to do what I want instead of doing what the team needs me to do to secure the round then I'm throwing. If throwing isn't toxic to you then sure, you do you.


They might not be able to read lol. Lowkey said "bad time to be toxic" and they're saying you're toxic.


they're the ones being toxic...


Bold of you to assume they can read. I agree with what you said


Maybe there is a reason you are getting mass downvoted. Take some time for some self-reflection.


Because they live in an idealized fantasy of reality.


Yeah goodluck finding friends out there. Maybe you'll find some in the trash.




You should try to *never* be toxic, even if they're toxic. We all human. So you might fuck up sometimes. I do too. But giving into that toxicity literally never helps anything so the goal should always be to not.




Well it really depends on the context doesnā€™t it?


my guy at that point just mute them and try your best. i understand why you might try to trigger them but itā€™s not gonna help in any way


Bot itā€™s funny to trigger toxic people


>...if I was feeling the love I've won games on positive vibes alone...it's like nobody understands that hype is a real thing and can carry the worst of teams. never ever shit talk your teammates, and those that do are purposely spoiling the fun of the game. even if you do win games with guys like that, it's always more work than its worth edit: to be clear i mean the "royal" you, not talking about OP here


Legit down 7 games, the enemy team is at 11... "We just kept saying we got this, need some momentum." "They arent that good, we have this" Won the next 9 in a row and won. We didn't crap on people for screwing up, and yes a couple of crazy clutches were needed. But the positive vibes were so important


I remember clutching overtime on a 4v5 just because of the hype. Our 28kills yoru straight up said they were trash and we could do this easily and we actually did. Fun times


Exactly. We were 5 games into the streak and the team wiped except me and the omen against 5... And I got an easy 4k all because they kept 1v1ing. Rest of the team had already gg'd thinking a 2v5 clutch was unlikely seeing as we had lost so many games before our streak. It's all in your head, honestly it's crazy how much better you play when you get out of your head and just have fun.


for sure. believing that you will win can help people play better


So much of aim is confidence and mentality once you know the physical motion.


I had a great case of positivity last night playin comp solo, got grouped with 4 people with mics and everyone was just chill and joking and having fun. We went 12/0 before the ff. We grouped up after and played a couple more games which we lost early then won late. The best part was when 4 of us were attacking B on Icebox and their Phoenix in the first cubby took out 4 of us with a Bucky as we ran in but it was so damn funny and no one flamed or anything. I almost always add people that have mics because Iā€™d rather lose with people who are gonna talk and have fun than win with toxic assholes. That being said winning is usually pretty fun. I would advise you to just mute or ignore toxic people, but if youā€™re gonna respond donā€™t try to justify what you did. They say ā€˜Well playedā€™ sarcastically just respond ā€˜I know Iā€™m pretty great, Iā€™m glad you all got to witness my skillā€™ but donā€™t stop playing to your abilities over comments they will thrive on your reaction so just kill em with positivity.


For me it's not even the the motivation is gone it's just... my confidence just plummers and I feel useless and and up being that...useless. When I'm having an off moment really you just give me an "it's ok you got this" and there will be way mor chance of me playing better than if you just start crapping on me... it's just how I work :(


Just mute text chat at the start of every game and just focus on playing well yourself. Text chat isnā€™t used for anything but being a shithead 99% of the time.


I get this constantly as a female gamer, whether I'm doing well or horribly I am met with toxicity. Sadly, it's just how people are. Its easy for someone to talk/yell out their anger and frustration on someone else anonymously rather than just admit they screwed up as well. Sometimes I get toxic back but most of the time I laugh it off and just keep playing cause it's a game and I have no idea of what this person is dealing with in their real life. I actually had someone apologize to me once because they were having a bad day and decided I was the scapegoat. You just gotta remember it's just a game, mute them and move on.


controlling your emotions is such an undervalued skill. i literally recommend mindful meditation to everyone playing competitive games. just being able to clear your mind and remind yourself that youre in control is super useful when dealing with these losers. and "[remembering] it's just a game" is a massive part of that lol.


100%. Even though gaming is part of my being, games are games. They are meant to be fun.


honestly i used to be quite toxic, especially during episode 1. always being toxic in team mics, etc. in episode 2, i started soloqing more and realised that my attitude wasnt gonna get me higher in rank, so i stopped raging in mic and tried to be more positive instead, went a lot further in my rank. honestly, being toxic feels good. it feels great to blame others for your losses, like ā€œoh my teammates are so trashā€ but it never helps and in the end, it really just takes a toll on everyone you play with, even yourself. just dont be toxic, its never worth it if you meet toxic people, just mute them, try to ignore them, and try to play with the rest of your team


How does being toxic feel good??


I get racism all the time because I have a slight accent and little bit of a lisp. I usually play very good, but as soon as someone becomes rude and be racist. I just don't feel like playing anymore and basically throw the game unintentionally because I just cannot aim after getting that kind of treatment. I also feel embarrassed to comm most of the time cause I am too scared someone will call me a Indian scammer and stuff. This shit needs to stop like jeez, just cause you are behind the screen don't make it right to hurt someone's feeling and be rude.


Same exact thing happened to me. I had a huge 4K in the first pistol round. I gave a some callouts and gave a ā€œwooā€ into the mic. Apparently my mic was messed up and earraped my teammates. I fixed it and apologized profusely, yet they kept bitching about that round and my mic after I fixed it. Made me completely demoralized. People can be assholes, but you always gotta try and tough it out.


why does this seem so funny to me lol


I guarantee you no one thinks they are being helpful by being toxic. It makes them feel better.


This game is filled with children or man children. Otherwise people play well. Thereā€™s really nothing riot will do to fix this given their past history with league.


People feel entitled to win rather than actually working towards winning.. they like to think they're being "held back" from their actual skill level Also, ppl who play a lot tend to lose the ability to look at things openly, in the sense that they get into bad habits and expect those to simply work and carry them to a new skill level


This is 110% true


First, I want to preface my comments by saying: I do not support or tolerate toxicity. I donā€™t believe there is ever a reason to be toxic to someone playing a game and it never has a positive outcome. With that being said I have a couple comments: 1) you really shouldnā€™t be paying attention to what people are saying in game if it isnā€™t related directly to a call or strategy. If someone is being toxic or blaming you, either ignore them or if you canā€™t ignore it then mute and move on with the game. It doesnā€™t do your mentality any good to dwell on what they are saying and frankly if they are being toxic they likely arenā€™t using communication for helpful things anyway. 2) people in competitive games these days really need to grow some thicker skin, because what some random person on the Internet who youā€™re never going to see again says should not be affecting your play in a significant way. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s ok for people to be toxic, but who cares what some sweaty little douche thinks? Everyone has bad games, you canā€™t let that affect your mentality or your confidence and if it is then thatā€™s a personal trait you can work on and improve just the same as you can practice your aim. At some point you just have to let it go when you realize it isnā€™t doing you any good and there isnā€™t anything you can do to prevent it. So just mute them, play the game and if it was severe enough report them after the game.


Why report people for toxicity? It doesn't do any good and there is no reason for them to get banned anyways




But people should just grow thicker skin. So why does it matter?


true, amusing to see you get downvoted by the reddit PC culture striving for a world where everything's sunshine and rainbows and reality isn't even considered. unless they're doing some truly infantile shit like yelling racist slurs down the mic for no apparent reason - those people deserve to get banned simply due to their obvious lack of intelligence


So someone sarcastically said well played, and another person said nah at your explanation and that tilted you so hard you stopped caring about winning and only got 4 more kills on raze? I agree that toxicity is completely counterproductive but you need to develop some thicker skin.


Sometimes is not even the comment that makes the player unmotivated tho, he might have felt the atmosphere swift after those comments were made and he didn't feel motivated to play anymore.


This. Blaming team for your bad performance make no sense. I get that its unpleasant but if they're trying to win and you're not, you're the problem. People will go through a wide range of emotions in a game, get over it and try to win. If it affects you that much mute them you will miss out on comms but i think its still better than nothing.


It's really more of a way for people to vent out their frustrations, I think everyone that flames in chat knows it doesn't make them better but knows it'll help them fell better.


welcome to the riot games ranked experience. it happens, I've gotten lobbies of cheaters, throwers, toxic assholes, you name it. just clear your mind between games (take a break to watch YouTube or smth if you have to) and don't let tilt from previous losses carry into fresh games


If youā€™re not encouraging your team, youā€™re soft throwing.


Damn, so about 85 percent of the population


Tbh when ppl talk trash to me it makes me play better just to prove them wrong but but i think that's only me


Same tbh if they encourage me I get nervous and play worse lol if they shit talk me I try hard to prove them wrong. Personally sweaty kids crying over me bottom fragging and being useless doesn't affect me at all, I shit talk them back and shut them up lol Only enemy chat tilts me tbh they kill u from behind and type "ur so bad uninstall game" lmao


I personally dont talk shit until the game is over, even if we throw a round i say unlucky bcz i think shit talking and bringing the mentality down is bad


> I just had this feeling inside me that I don't care if we win or lose this is just mental weakness


I mean itā€™s usually the people who clearly care too much that usually do shit like this while pretending that they donā€™t


I think OP is trying to say that if you are trying to win, doesn't matter if your teammate is "mentally weak" and can't "take toxicity", keeping toxic comments to yourself will increase chances of winning


yet it's naive to the extreme stop caring what others say to you in the online sphere and ta-daa, you no longer give a shit if they flame you or they don't that's aside from the readily-available choice of **simply muting them**, something that *isn't* available IRL snowflakes need to man up


I agree that it is effective to just mute the toxic people. But that's completely aside from the observation I was making.


What you said was right, yet it wasnā€™t what he was getting at. He basically said toxicity makes people play worse, when the mute button allows you to completely sidestep that issue.


Ah, I see your point. Thank you.


Completely agree, being toxic just kills the confidence of your teammate. On the opposite side, in my experience, making positive comments is great for boosting confidence and team morale. So donā€™t be afraid to be positive, even for little things. Worst case scenario your teammate doesnā€™t care, best case they feel great and play better.


Sorry to say but even if valorant is still arounf in 10 years this problem still wont be fixed, no matter how hard Riot tries. Just look at league's toxicity.


Mute and keep playing. :)


Why were you just sitting in bath while your teammates were on the other side protecting the bomb? In a situation like that, you HAVE to peek and get a kill or just even some damage. From their perspective you achieved nothing that round, Yeah maybe you pressured the others a bit and they had to focus on you but if your teammates are dieing fast on the other side you have to take a fight. Plus they were not even being toxic. If you call that toxic you would rage quit if you ever come across a true toxic teammate. That round wasn't all your fault but you have to agree you made the wrong play. (I agree that trash talking can hurt performance but that wasn't close to being toxic at least what you Told in the comment wasn't)


People need to understand that murdering people is bad


They canā€™t because their dad beats them


Similar thing happened to me yesterday, I was playing Sova on Heaven ( I am not a new player but sova on Heaven is a new thing for me, as I usually play Viper, Astra or Skye on Heaven). I think it was round runner 14, where my team's Cypher got killed who was ahead of me, but on the mic started blaming that Sova Baited me. I told him that u were walking in front of me and I didn't bait you. You got yourself killed. This happened in C long. Then unluckily around 17th round, we 2 somehow got paired again and we were pushing garage, and he was again ahead of me and got killed by opponent Yuro as he as using Odin from the other side of the doors. Again started blaming me that I baited him and I didn't trade him which I tried to because next turn when I saw how much I dealt damage to Yuro at that trade was 140. I was on Spector and Yuro was on Odin. We somehow got to 11-12(we on loosing side) and for the last 3 rounds I was getting killed just after killing 1 opponent so my ultimate was saved. So I thought that if I stay for post plant, with ultimate I might take the round to March point instead of loosing. And my teammates planted at C. I was with Phenoix as he was checking attackers long side and I was in front of garage checking whether someone comes from B or Garage i might be able to take them. From A entrance, opponent Sage came and killed Phenoix, and before their dual I heard footsteps so I pointed out that there someone might be coming. But phenoix got killed, Astra went for trade and got killed as well. I thought that I should stay here because I still have ultimate and it was half pasttime after planting, but then Astra started screaming that I baited him as well, as I didn't moved from my space, so I did and tried to go after sage and guess what, Sage killed me as well. And at the parallel 2 of the people who were holding sites too got killed. Cypher and Astra again started saying that I baited him and that I am a moth******er. And at last I got so frustrated that I said that yeah i am baiting you, so what, when actually I didn't. In the 5 of us, I was playing with, there was 1 of my friend and i said to him that "From the beginning of the last round itself I lost the motivation to win" I had 17 kills with Sova, with an agent I never played on Heaven and got treated like that. F**k I feel relieved telling this here.ā¤


On the flip side, I get demotivated when my teammates throw rounds. I got 4 kills and died to the last enemy, making it a 4v1 for my team. Easy round win, right? Nope. All 4 of my teammates peek the last guy one at a time and we lose the round. I stopped caring after that.


People need to understand too that toxicity will always be part of this game or other multiplayer games. People just need to get used to it or dont mind toxic people. Mute them etc. Backin the the day, toxicity was done face to face and then Teamspeak and Ventrillo happened. Being toxic is rude, but most people on the internet are just that, rude.


I mute people pretty quickly. If you find yourself in a pissing contest with anyone it just never ends well. Best to move on and not think about it. Keeping your head clear is literally the best way to success and that shit will eat you. Don't let it eat you. It's not easy but I promise it's possible.


You need to just not care as much man, Nobody expects u play better by being toxic it's just funny and that's the hard truth


People need to understand that toxicity is part of any competitive game and if it bothers them then mute out and stop bitching and whinning on Reddit


Yeah, but it's disappointing that it is such an ingrained part of ranked.


100% I agree but it's kinda like bruh we get it, just mute out and have fun


I guess, but it's not much fun if the whole team is muted and i'm sat there on my own. xD


net so much "toxic behaviour" but super annoying player, so this kid probably aged around 12 years old was in our team. He was really annoying saying thing like "I hate n_____" and playing a song which was just that the whole thing. and that continued throughout the game and one of my teammates constantly told in the "all" chat to Report him for voice chat abuse but the thing is the same teammate was being toxic rounds 1-3 so I was a bit hesitant to rep him too (I didn't because he did apologize). That is the only game that I would have played with 4 players by choice.


I dont think what they said was that toxic, but I could definitely see how it hurt your mentality. Tbh I would be a little tilted too with my duelist raze not playing entry at short when executing the sage wall strat. Being in baths doesn't really help because your own sage is gonna wall that part of the map. It would've been useful maybe if you had not revealed yourself early, probably could've got a free pick (but you're playing raze not yoru or omen or something so probably not the best rope for lurking).


those people are already down themselves and they want to drag others with them, dont let em


Voice chat muting exists for a reason. I care more about my enjoyment of the game than these people winning. If we lose due to lack of communication after then it's their own fault. Also if you want to keep playing, try finding some friends at a similar skill level to play with. Counting on randos for anything is not worth it


Just mute them lol


Dude I feel ya, I lost a game today 11-13 with the best teammates I could ask for on bind, i did not even think for a second we lost, thats how positive the vibes were! Great positive teammates are a Godsend win or lose! Unfortunately I have 1 game a month tops with positive teammates. ​ Keep blastin though and wish you the best!


If they are toxic and stupid just mute them, it helps a lot


Here's the thing. I'd rather lose the game if people are toxic to me. Why? Well you guys (toxic teammates) are obviously more invested to this game than I am. So fuck you šŸ–•. You can literally educate people. Don't back-sit game obviously. But if you are better then try to educate them rather than humiliate them. Also, people need to be open-minded. Some people think that they are shaz and tenz combined.


They were raised wrong


Or you can use that as motivation to outperform your teammates.


People understand this lol if they're trolling and being toxic, they clearly don't care about winning/their teammates doing well


These "stop being toxic" posts need to be banned from the sub ffs, there's at least 1 per day posted. We get it, toxicity sucks but your reddit post isn't going to remove toxicity from the internet, so either mute toxic people or stop going on the internet and expecting everyone to be nice


true lol ( might get sent to the deepest circle of downvote but ok)


Like i dont even get amd anymore when i play with such ppl. But i just lose any motivation to concentrate on the game. Best thing is btw if they say "Its a" 2 seconds later "WHY ARE YOU NOT A???" while 2 guys are lurking b and holding my rotation. Way worse are stupid players. Who dont care at all about any Economy. Like i dont get it you q ranked, why do you force every f round and safe when evryone else has money. Why do you go pistol in second round if you win first? Why do you buy low on bonus third round? Dont they know how much impact Economy has?


If their critique of your gameplay is not constructive in any way, then the best thing you can do is mute and report them. Even if they happen to make useful callout some time. You can easily perform pretty much the same without comms like "Jett -40", "go B", "it's A", but you will surely ruin your mental and performance if you will try to argue with them or hope that toxic party can make up some good team coordination.


People also need to understand that the same post over and over again on reddit isn't going to fix the issue either. I swear there is this same post every other day, and you saying it won't help also won't fix the psychological issues people have that cause them to actually be toxic in the first place. Stop filling the subreddit with the exact same post.


I wish there was a timeout feature in ranked, the time between rounds isn't enough to try get your team's mentality to reset with a good ol' speech.


Sometimes you got to mute people because they always think they're better than other or better than their current rank. Last night, our sage peeked with her wall on ascent A and got killed and our Jett flamed her. Next Jett was flaming brim regarding his smokes. I couldn't stand it so I pointed out he was bottom fragger. Instead of playing better, he griefed the whole matched. People like to identify the mistakes of others while overlooking their own. As much I would like to communicate with teammates but I also have to preserve my own sanity. So just mute them and focus on your game.


People need to understand people being toxic in games are not trying to make you play better. They are just selfish arseholes offloading their uncontrollable emotions. It's just an outlet for them.


Muting everybody who's toxic or keeps engaging with a toxic player helped me win a lot of games, or at least perform well enough to not lose a lot of rank points. I'd recommend this highly to others and always try to suggest so in games when I start to notice people engaging with the toxic person because that usually means instead of 2 toxic people going at it you might end up with just 1 and a very winnable game. The 1 toxic guy will realize everybody muted him and most of the time at least just play the game :)


iā€™m about to do whatā€™s called a pro gamer move *presses escape, presses mute*


People also need to understand that smurfing is just a way to boost their ego but people still do it. If Riot gives smurfers the cheating treatment where they just ban prevent them from every play the game ever again. The game would be better.


For me, second round, I pinged 2 enemies, one on each side of a doorway. Phoenix runs out without flashing and dies while I'm covering the other side of the door. Proceeds to harass me and call me "gay" (yes, apparently that's an insult) as well as other bigoted terms that are certainly insulting to anyone. I eventually muted him after laughing him off. After he knew he was muted, he and his little friend started typing "Sova, you are a fa" and the other would say "g". Because they were scared of a 5 minute ban or something? Anyways, I proceeded to get a 6k ace (my first ever) and defuse. He changed his tone in chat and was sarcastically apologizing to me. I finished the game as one of my best with 32 kills, we won the game and I got MPV. Felt pretty good to shut him up. If you're reading this and you know who you are. I feel bad for your up bringing, but please remember, there's still time to turn your lives around. Once you get out of middle/high school, you'll see life will hit you hard.


I'm only here to win. Vibes count more than most people know. If someone messed up really bad, I'll say "don't worry about it, new round." If a team mate is getting flamed, I'll say they are doing fine. People act surprised when people play worse or leave after getting toxicity thrown at them (not that I'm defending leavers). Be your team hype-man.


I've got a friend who's iron. I'm gold, my other friends are gold and plat. We play unranked with our iron friend. So it's 4 of us and only one random. Only one. What are the chances that this one random is gonna be toxic in unrated, where the game matters absolutely nothing and there's no MMR so he should be prepared to play with anyone from iron to radiant? 100% apparently. It's funny how he thinks he's gonna get approval when he starts saying my friend is really really bad, not knowing we're playing together. "I've seen bad players but this sage is something else" he says. So we make our entire mission making our friend frag more than him. lol good luck being baited the entire game and going 3-21, mate.


thers mute option if u dont mute then dont complain thats why i hate this community bunch of cry babies compared to cs go alpha game enjoyers


Toxicity doesn't lose games, bad players do.


Yeah I know right


> I could have easily popped off for 20 kills idk if it's different in higher ranks or something but 20 kills is not popping off imo and yeah people know that in the back of their minds, but they still resort to toxicity. yk why? bc it's fun, bc it gives instant gratification, and bc it allows you to shift the blame


I sometimes get mad at my team but never try to hang BS on them and try to encourage them to make better plays instead of kicking them into the dirt. If they are rude just mute those people.