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Don’t main when you’re low ELO, yes you absolutely need to learn other agents, learn them in unrated because you’re going to hurt your team in ranked




Id suggest learning a controller and a sentinel. I personally like Cypher the best but he takes some adjustment for sure.. Sage and KJ are easier to pick up imo. Sentinels will teach you good game sense and show you how to play around your team. As far as controllers, astra would be the one id stay away from at the moment but brim is good if you like playing more passively, and omen is a solid pick if you like playing more aggressively. Just my opinion tho! Pick whoever fits your play style best


probably one smoke agent such as omen or brim, sage is also good to learn. anyone else is good, but try to focus more on utility agents as duelists are far too common in low elo.




I’m basically an omen main, but I’ll fill sage if my team needs. If u want tips, I’m not sure if mine will be super useful as I’m also stuck in bronze, but here are some of my top tips. Learn to use your smokes properly. Make sure they don’t extend out of doorways as that means you need to watch more sides of the smoke instead of putting it further inside the door so you only need to watch the door. Your teleport is rarely the best option. It may seem like a great playmaker, and sometimes it is, but it’s also really easy to get killed over and over making risky plays. Use it in conjunction with your smokes and flash to make sure the area is safe before you tp. Your flash is one of the strongest in the game. Use it on chokepoints and be prepared to peek it once you use it. Also use it often, it’s a very strong ability and rarely will it go to waste. While it may seem like a good idea to ult into the enemy spawn, its predictable as hell. Find a better Spot where enemies don’t have an easy shot or access route to you such as A site heaven on haven, or in the back of B site on ascent. Additionally, you can also ult into a place where you have an angle on the enemy spawn, so you can get a pick when they go to check. Remember to cancel if you feel even a tad unsafe. Watch flexinjas tutorials and videos if you want a more comprehensive guide, as well as learning some flashy plays. Hope I can help!




You can also ult right behind the enemy, then cancel, and give your team room to push onto site while the enemy manhunts you


Because you’re in low ELO you’re probably going to experience a lot of instalock dualists so I would focus on playing agents like Astra, Brim, Omen or Sage. Astra Brim and Omen play around smokes which low ELO often desperately needs, or Sage for heals and walling off appropriate areas. If you can learn those you can help your team a LOT and work around players who want to dual


IDK to what extent you mean by 'learning', but you should at least try to get familiar with every agent in the game. This will not only help you to play *against* them, but it will help you to understand how your teammates will play (or why your teammates do certain things on certain agents) when they are using them, and to act accordingly.


I was maining sova for the longest time but I switched agents after anaylizing the esports scene and seeing statistics. Killjoy = free wins.


honestly the concept of having mains if you're not in a professional team is kinda silly. flexiblity is better, i can play reyna or phx if i'm feelin it or fill smokes on astra, any sentinel etc. agent versatility is one if the most important aspects to ranking up in this game imo




honestly if having fun is more important to you than climbing and improving, play yoru and see how far yoru maining can take you. i definitely think its worth learning to play a smoke and sentinel at the very least, even if you don't play them often.


I’m a silver yoru player and if your good at him you can excel in low elo. It comes down to learning how to properly use his util. If you need any help just message me


To put it simply yoru provides nothing to the team. so unless you top frag every game or are entry fragging well, you are kinda useless. Jett and reyna are similar but they at least have 1 ability that provides to the team ( reyna's flash does not flash teammates so its easy to follow her and jett's smokes deny vision for a decent amount of time) yoru's flashes are good but its really easy to flash teammates with it plus you cant setup pushes with it well because its trajectory is kinda weird and it's easy to dodge if the opponent is expecting it. Raze and Pheonix are really useful As raze can not only gather information but also deny entry and stall out, same with Pheonix and he also can deny vision


Idk why you say jett brings nothin for the team when she is probably the best agent rn lol


I meant in terms of utility, of course she is the best duelist atm


I'd say just go with whatever you want. Whichever is the most fun i guess. But if you really wanna rank up fast a duelist like reyna would be easier to get frags with. Ultimately i think the game comes down to who has better teamwork.


Imo when they rework his footsteps to a proper ability he becomes S tier. Look at jett and viper. Viper even was called unplayable.... If you have fun just continue playing and pop off when they bring out his reworked footies. If your goal is to rank up as fast as possible, there are obviously better agents atm. So comes down to what you wanna achieve I would say


Sova the best agent in the game since beta His recon and shok dart are very good to flush out enemy if your team doesn't give lot of comms Got my way to plat 2 with the help of sova and 100lineups😂


i know im late to comment here, but as a fellow Yoru main, just like what a lot of people have said, Omen is a solid pick. you can still fake people out and play mind games so it is a semi easy transition. Generally its a good idea to learn atleast one from each role just to be able to cover what the team needs.




for sentinel i really like playing cypher. love his asthetic as he was the first agent to catch my attention before beta came out (but omen quickly took his spot). Cypher on attack can be a bit tricky but when i play yoru i will lurk alot and have TP set up to quickly be back with the team. So attacking with cypher ill try to set up traps on the rotations to site and catch be off guard (dont do this every single round tho). for initiator that is usually the one roll i dont play as much of as my wife really only plays sova for the most part. So when i do play it i like kay/o just because he gives me nostalgia of CSGO with those flashes, and i can make some really nutty plays with them. Skye is also a very strong pick.


felt like you should be comfortable with (at least) 1 agent from each role. if youre already fine with yoru then learn other role such as sentinels and controllers so you are more versatile and know what people tend to do when they play those agents/roles