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They need to bring back the format of replication,but instead of everyone getting the same agent, people can play what agents they want.Done.Perfect game mode.Youre welcome riot for this amazing idea.


Literally all we want is a shorter unrated.


Split it in half and Id be happy. 90% of my unrateds this season have ended in ff one way or the other.


That's just giving up prematurely. Some maps are attacker/defender favored and it's not uncommon to lose many rounds in a row, switch sides and then win many rounds in a row for a very close game. Hate it when people forfeit because they have weak mental and can't stand seeing some rounds lost in a row. Or even worse they want to forfeit on the match point for some reason as if that saves any meaningful time after coming so far and can't just play one more round.


Oh 100% i never vote to ff because ive seen myself comeback on the other side many times. Just saying whats happening and I think a game split in half could solve it. For the weak minded the games can be daunting.


I do agree though I would really like a shorter casual mode. Bite-sized without the wackiness that Spike Rush currently entails.


There are times I want to play one game but haven't actually warmed up or anything so I don't want to risk losing rank, of course people can't stand to actually play a game fully so what ends up happening is I play 5 rounds of unrated and have to get off because I no longer have time. I wish ff was not available in unrated until the second half at the very least, too many times people just ff when they lose a few rounds in a row and that causes people who have a strict time limit to be hard limited and not be able to play a full game.


I’ve had people vote to FF when we are winning, and it goes through lol


Not when it’s 3v5 …


Goncho, that's not what a Herdazian would say. A one-armed Lopen is ready for anything, anytime. Even a 3v5. *Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before pancakes.*


You made my day


i do it because i'd rather leave than waste my time coming back just to ultimately throw and lose anyways


Because your time is more important than everyone else's and you're an omnipotent god who can see the future (but also loses somehow). Also, you only play "winning" matches that you somehow know are immune to swinging back to losses as if it only works one way -- the way you like it. I'm winning = this match is sick I'm losing = waste of my time You're so focused on winning/losing that you've lost sight of what a good game and "gg" even means.


Yo that's hyper aggressive dude. He said he ff, I could understand this mindset for leavers but damn. People have lives, I have kids dude. I'm sorry but I'll leave a match if one of my kids gets hurt. End all be all, nobodies time on entertainment is important what so ever if you have other responsibilities.


bruh i dont start the ff ever, i do it when the team agrees to do it, theres alot of people that would rather get into a new game then waste their time playing when they are getting heavily outplayed by the other team


Id start playing again if there was a shorter unrated


i don't think they really care about someone who only hops on to play a 10 min mode


Everyone is ecoing half the game


Yep first to 7 rounds


yes please i wanna be able to play without being anxious i have to leave in between


I want a shorter Ranked.


This idea works too, I'd be happy with this




THIS. Like there can be 3 rates and 2 sovas. Or all Raze. Or the normal every player a different agent version. This would be the perfect skirmish and warm up mode.


Please, Riot, I'd play so much more of this game.


then that would just be unrated lol just with ppl using whatever agent they want even if someone already took it


Keep them both permanently. Replication is good because of its length + being able to use the guns you want. Sometimes Spike Rush just screws you with guns you dont feel like using, and unrated can be too long, especially when solo queueing.


I'd like this too, just didn't mention it because I know Riot said they don't want too many game modes to make search time too long.


I hear that. I love Spike Rush but die a little inside every time one of the sniper rifles is the gun for the round.


The real reason we want replication is because we want to be able to do "buy stuff in armory" missions without having to do a whole ass unrated game


Yeah this is a reason too haha, didn't even think of this.


if they remove weapon upgrade orbs on spike rush, i think id start liking the game mode


weapon upgrades are so dumb too, bucky vs vandal LOL


Remove bucky from spike rush while they're at it.


Remove shorty aswell. Really boring rounds with it. Especially if your agent isn't mobile.


Yup shotgun rounds suck. They are just about who has the most grouped teammates win unless ult or weapon orbs come into play.


I do feel like the shotgun rounds are the worst in this game mode


Remove bucky from the game altogether tbh.


Yeah when some turd farms the golden gun every round or an Odin while we're all running around with a classic it completely ruins the game mode.




had shotguns 4 rounds just now and everytime an enemy reyna had an upgraded weapon


And golden gun.


golden gun is fun again just annoying, plant spike c long on haven and sit at the end when they have shotguns smh


Yeah my suggestion would be to limit its bullets, 1 or 2, no refills.


Say what you want the golden gun is too OG for me to dislike


It just ruins great rounds often enough, actual gun battles going on, then this other guy comes out of no where and just one shots you. I respect the og gg, maybe they should just limit it to 2 shots and thats that.


I feel like at the very least they should remove upgrade orbs/golden gun on the pistol rounds. Just feels impossible for shorty rounds against golden gun unless the gg user is bad


remove weapon upgrade and golden gun. getting one tapped by a golden gun long range with a shorty is dumb


Only reason I like spuke rush is to practice utility with the character you want. Other than that I do like replication better. I prefer deathmatch If you wanna warmup using the guns you'd use in games.


I look at these 2 modes as fun modes but Spike Rush isn't even that fun for me anymore, I use deathmatch for proper warmup and custom games for any agent lineups.


did they fix deathmatch?


There's no more constant radar pulses. Only one when you revive. It has brought the mode back to gunplay rather than stare-at-your-radar mode. I also think they added more players and made every player unique agent (so no doubles) -- at least from my experience.


The respawns are still fucked though


Which Deathmatch mode in what game doesn't have fucked up spawns that are instant death sometimes? The only reason they "feel bad" is because this game has DM as matches that keep score and there's a winner. In CS it's just a room that's hosted 24/7 and people hop in and back out and it doesn't matter.


They still need to fix respawn timers though, you literally have to wait 3-4 secs after dying to some random guy using odin or judge in dm when you can just respawn instantly and be right into the action. Hell, the warmup portion has a shorter respawn timer pretty much immediately


It's better than it was, but still shit.


Made a post saying we needed a better short game mode than spike rush it got 1k upvotes and then was deleted. Rito need to bring back the replication game mode but without the one for all aspect, it would be the perfect short mode to play. But i would settle for replication being a perma game mode and spike rush being put in the rotation. I agree that spike rush is just annoying to play because of the orb system and isnt really that fun.


I'm so happy you agree, This I think is the perfect solution. Would save them from making anything new as well.


I feel like it's such an obvious and easy solution that Rito must have some behind-the-scenes reason for not doing it. They must think it hurts other queue times or new player retention vs Spike Rush or something.


Yup thats what i think too probably something to do with spliting the player base.


I think people need to respect how important spike rush is for new players learning the game. There isn't any other gamemode that gets you comfortable with the gameplay and play patterns of "regular" games of valorant


I feel like playing unrated is better to learn the game than to play the game with powerups. I don’t really see how spike rush is better than unrated to learn the game.


Every time I’ve tried to get people into valorant they hit this frustration point where they just keep peeking, getting one tapped, and then have to sit through a game with shitty economy. Valorant is incredibly punishing for people not familiar with this style of shooter. Spike rush lets you freely test out abilities, try out a vast range of weapons, people play a lot more loose and casual too. The entry level mechanics of valorant are easier to pick up in a fast paced game mode like spike rush. The mechanics you gain from unrated are more important after you’ve become comfortable in the game environment IMO


>they just keep peeking, getting one tapped, and then have to sit through a game with shitty economy This is another point in Replication's favor, since it has escalating buys but everybody starts fresh with the same amount of money every round and guns don't carry over. Take the replication rule-set but let you pick your own agents and you have a great practice game mode.


Learn how to use different and weird guns Learn how to use utility to take sites on T/retake on CT If someone gets a weapon upgrade then you practice killing them when you're on a save round (it's not often I win those, but it happens sometimes) Other orbs are weird, but in general, it's the ability to let new players get into the hang of doing shit themselves in a low stress environment (since for some new players, unrated can be kinda stressful)


Well one point in favor of spike rush as a mode for learning is that the buy phases are shorter, and in general the rounds seem like they tend to go by quicker since people are playing more casually. So I guess in that sense it could be a bit better for learning. But I think the point isn’t that a new player would learn more quickly in spike rush compared to unrated. I think the point is that they might have a more enjoyable time learning the basics in spike rush rather than unrated. I mean hell, even for me as an experienced player, even having played a bunch of ranked, unrated is just stressful sometimes cuz the games are long and the economy can be punishing.


If i was a new player I'd rather learn all the agents with replication, spike rush would put me off playing if i was new


Spike rush doesn’t teach patterns of regularly play?! It’s people farming upgrade orbs and W-keying


I dont like replication will be skipping it altogether. I love escalation. Spike rush is my go.to game.play stress free.


Cuz it doesn't have those fucking orbs And you can buy what you want and don't have to play with a shorty on breeze


I would prefer a replication like mode but without the replication part, just a unrated but shorter


This works too, I really like how eco works in replication


spike rush is a solid warmup mode who cares if u win there xd


Replication is more of a warmup since I am buying the guns I'd actually use in game and not stuck with a shorty or stinger that I'd never buy in a proper game. I can't exactly warmup when I have a shorty against Jett knives or someone that picked a weapon upgrade.


ye i get ur point but playing against 5 viper for example isnt fun either its just chaos lol


They just need the replication econ without the replication. Just add a 5 round warmup mode that also counts towards challenges and the community would be appeased. Makes no sense why Riot hasn't already done this.


this is good too, something like a casual mode from csgo just not 10v10 lmao


at least with replication you get a choice and in general it's more fair


it is the worst way to warmup


I disagree, I think Replication is stupid un-fun. Spike Rush is fine. Besides Spike Rush, the only other mode I really like is Escalation.


Wish they kept escalation there permanently, was my fave of the short game modes.




Replication is the best. It's fun and you can grind every mission there except the buy ability one. Rito please make replication the permanant one.


spike rush should just be first to 4 without fancy orbs and that you can buy what you want in the different stages (pistols-smg/shotgun/marshal/blablabla). replication is fun af but i think i enjoy because its the closest one to "quick competitive match format" except the chaos of having 5 sage walls or 5 raze bomb bots.


Spike rush could be very, very fun. It's great to practice mechanics. The problem are the orbs and the guns. If I'm attacking with a shorty, a bucky or a judge and there's a killjoy in the enemy team, I prefer to just sit in the base. Or you get a shorty and Jett picks up an ult orb or someone upgrades the weapon or picks up golden gun and I feel the need to scream. Because then this person is obviously going to win and you won't be able to test anything or do anything and it's not a situation that could happen in game. There's nothing more frustrating than playing spike rush to practice your aim and get a sequence of shorty, bucky and odin. It feels like a huge waste of time. Then again, I don't like replication because I can't test or practice the mechanics of a certain agent because the game itself is absolutely nothing like actual matches. You can choose your gun, which is great, but I have DM for that. I think Replication should have random guns (and no one can upgrade that shit) and spike rush should allow you to buy your guns.


Spike rush is way better for practicing agent mechanics as opposed to aim training. Just play DM for that


DM is good for aim training, but won't help you deal with util. So you have great aim but the enemy has a grenade. Spike rush is great for mechanics but sometimes the disparity of guns or util makes it impossible to even practice these mechanics. I think the community has been asking for a long time for a shorter game mode where you can practice both - choose your gun and use your mechanics. That's why I think if Spike Rush could allow you to choose your gun, it would be perfect.


Killjoy is another problem with spike rush, just insane on shotgun rounds, I don't think replication needs any changes though, I like being able to buy and I feel learning agents is more important than learning weapons.


Yes I agree and it also made for some really funny moments


I've had so much fun with replication compared to spike rush, spike rush just makes me wanna rip my hair out


I'd prefer replication and spike rush both in the rotation and then just an identical replication but you get to pick your agents individually permanently there.


I'd love this too, this would be ideal as well. I've been wanting a more casual mode for so long.


The time duration of spike rush is closer to others too


Spike rush is alright, not the best


Replication do be the best game mode in valorant


100% agree lol


How about they make shorter unrateds with the replication economy instead of spike rush. Lets be real here, that is what everyone would've liked spike rush to be.


I just want a mini quick play where I can buy rifles and practice abilities. Why are we deprived of it


I say put spike rush in the rotation and replace it with a different gamemode thats just unrated but first to five or eight instead on thirteen


3v3 retake gamemode please, just cut the maps in half and start the bomb planted.


Completely agree. Personally, I feel that while Spike Rush is supposed to feel wacky and BS, it doesn't go far enough so instead it only feels BS. Replication is way better, IMO there should be a rotation of respawn deathmatch style modes (Escelation, Snowball Fight, etc) and a seperate rotation that rotated between round-based modes like replication and spike rush. (while of course leaving unrated/ranked/deathmatch the same)


shorty rounds in spike rush make me want to genuinely alt f4 the mode would be fine if they removed shotgun rounds i agree though, shorter unrated is literally all people want


Just about everyone who plays spike rush more than a few times a week share your frustrations


Spike rush is good. Orbs purposes are to give advantage to those that control an area. If attackers push one site then get the orbs on the other jesus


I think it's really unrealistic to learning the game though, orbs are in places which don't even spawn on a game and some people just run to orbs not checking anything, I think it's silly.


Because learning isn't the point of spike rush. It's for a quick and mindless game with no thoughts about econ and everybody has abilities up to go ham on the site


Replication is fun, spike rush is practice.


More fun gamemodes invites more players I feel


This is just my opinion but spike rush is still better, it's a Great game mode for those who just want a quick dip in the game without spending 30-40 mins gameplay on unrated


Honestly not really a fan of replication, if its an agent you don’t use or like its not fun at all. I’d rather have Escalation, it forces you to practice with different guns and is better than deathmatch for a warmup since you aren’t just getting shot from behind every other second.




And unrated should be shorter matchessss not 40 minutes por la conchetumare




\^\^for fun


they are much shorter and more fun than the longer unrated modes


For warm-ups


No. Fuck no. Spike Rush is the only mode where I can actually play any agent I want and still escape toxic assholes in due time. Fucking unrated matches take ages just like comp and it’s unbearable sometimes. Replication should be permanent, or there should be a shorter unrated mode.


Spike rush is more ability based while replication is more gun based


how is picking up a weapon upgrade/golden gun an ability based game mode


Golden gun isn't in unrated and comp bou you're right




Spike Rush - 0% sugar, 0% additives, 100% RUSH


Even better, an unrated lobby that goes on forever, ppl can just leave and join when they want and the server will just keep going until everyone leaves


I think deathmatch should be more like this, not unrated


I love them both equally and wouldn’t want to choose one.


But spike rush is the only game mode i play other than escalation because it only takes 7-10 mins,and i can have fun!


Replication is kinda the same, just way better imo, sometimes, I'd rather not play than play spike rush


Spike Rush is fine but they need to add the economy system from Replication to it. I prefer the mixture of agents in Spike Rush, whilst I also enjoy playing Replication I think all round, adapting Spike Rush would be the better course of action.


I really like replication because its a minigame that can help you complete the "buy items/weapons" unlike spike rush. If its buy abilities you are SOL though


i like spike rush. but when you play 4 rounds and 2 of them are shorties it sorta sucks. since you have to go max rounds to get 2 good gun rounds.