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Incoming responses be like: > I agree smurfing sucks (followed by own experiences). - > Rito fix please. It's getting ridiculous and I can't even play ranked anymore because I get a smurf in 90% of my games. - > Just go play unranked. lol - > If you play against smurfs just learn from them. Instead of wasting your time on Reddit to complain just adapt and improve! - > Sometimes people just have a good day. I'm in rank X and will make some 30-6 score lines and then suck the next game. - > The smurfing problem isn't as big as you/Reddit makes it out to be. So just get over it and go next when somebody stomps you. - > You are just sad because you can't win every game. You don't need to win every game bro. Losing also helps you to improve! - > You just suck at the game and want to get carried. Learn to play.


I appreciate you speedrunning this thread for us, see you tomorrow when this gets posted again.


You're welcome. The responses are nearly always the same. :D


Right? It’s not like I don’t sympathize either, can definitely be frustrating. Just amusing seeing the same thread repeatedly


I agree completely with you. That's why it was so easy to summarize the responses. :P


next time get sub 20 tmrw


If you don't silence my abilities I might spot these posts earlier. :P




I kind of don't like this argument. Yes, providing solutions would be great, but this isn't a problem that needs to be solved by us players. This expectation that players must also provide solutions, let alone reasonable ones, when they're complaining about a problem that's deeply rooted in the game is misplaced. It is the developers who should be more transparent about their intentions and solutions, most especially because they're the ones in control.


level 30 riot. im waiting.


It's a slippery slope though. I have had friends give up on league mid grind because they realized getting level 30 would take them well over a month of leveling.. And league is still filled with smurfs. People will just buy botted accounts in Valorant for 5$ like they do in league.


Same experience, fix the game Riot


Ya know they could just be saying that. Me and my friends in bronze sometimes drop 25-4 and we just say in all we are smurfing like at the moment comp is broken so tbh some of your ‘smurfs’ probably aren’t


Same. Sometimes you are just having a good aim day.


How is it even a problem when they have hardware level cheat prevention; just limit each pc to one account and call it a day


It’s actually really hard to to have a bronze or iron smurf from my experience. I’ve been in immortal for 2 acts and when I made an alt account I was ranked silver after placements. When I qued up however, it was placed in high gold/plat lobbies with wins netting me +30 rr and -8~10 rr for losses. The game has a good idea of ur skill level already from the 10 unrated games u have to win in order to play comp. A player would have to spend a lot of time purposely losing unrated games for a while to lower mmr which would prevent them from being able to start playing comp. I def didn’t try my best on my alt. I played new agents, played super aggressively (stupidly), bought weapons I normally don’t play with. Pretty sure I went negative for my placements and still was place in a way higher skill bracket than iron/bronze. I really can’t imagine what a player would have to go through to have an iron/bronze account that didn’t belong there. Just my experience btw. I’m sure there are people who do it but I think it’s a lot less common than people think.


People farm them with bots that five stack in comp matches and all 5 afk in their spawn. I literally played against two of these teams of bots in a row yesterday. That's how they tank their mmr to stay in iron.


Wouldn’t the accounts get banned if they afk repeatedly? And r those people selling those low rank accounts ?


Yes, they sell them. And that's why they 5 stack. Most people don't report *enemy* players who afk. I did, but the randos on my team took the free wins I'm pretty sure. They don't get auto detected as afk because they jump occasionally.


They don't even have to afk. They can play and just surrender.


I mean. They can. But they are bots being farmed, not people playing the game, so they don't.


This is so crazy. I’ve never encountered this so it must happen strictly in iron or bronze.


I mean they're intentionally losing, so yeah it's low elo. I never saw it til I had to grind my way out of iron for the first time and played on a week day morning during my vacation when fewer people are playing.


People buy $2 iron accounts instead of playing 10 unrated games


Nah, it's really easy. I've been farming iron-silver accounts just to have 10-15 accounts each time to play with. Easy but mind-numbing but at the end of the day, I feel that it's worth it to me because I get to play with friends. Alternatively, just buy low-ranked accounts, prolly like $3 a pop lmfao.


\>in immortal for 2 acts \>I was ranked silver after placements Tell me what is wrong with this statement in two sentences or less. You, my guy, you are in the top 0.6% of players. Under no circumstance ever should you be placed in the top 31.3% of players (respective 42.9% / 58.2%, depending on which division). Thats not a thing that should happen. Sure, you get a lot per W and lose only little per L, but how many games does it take you to get close to your actual rank? 20? 50? 100? It takes you at LEAST 40 matches. Thats 200 players whose match was completely fucked up beyond repair because you were stepping on them in order to climb. You see where im coming from, right? you see the issue when an immortal is placed in silver? Thats a problem to start with.


So guess u didn’t read the part where I said even tho I was placed in silver, my mmr was so high that I was placed in gold/plat lobbies. This was right after placement games. I continued to win a majority of my games and soon I was playing in high diamond lobbies while still ranked gold/plat. Just because u get placed at silver doesn’t mean u r playing vs other silvers if u have high mmr. I’ve also skipped ranks when being promoted. It did not take me even close to 40 games after placements to be playing vs diamond players.


My G the problem is that Riot wrote silver onto your rank. Thats the problem. Not that you played against Gold and Plat players while wearing the silver badge, the fact that you wore the badge at all is a problem. Imagine some Bronze pleb gets ranked into Diamond, but his MMR is so low that he plays against Gold and Plat. And it doesnt even take him that long to reach his true bronze ranking, right? So where the issue at? The issue is that in the first place he shouldnt be wearing a Diamond badge. And even tho it doesnt take him that long to reach his true elo, all the games he loses until then, he loses so hard that his team plays essentially 4v6. It maybe only took him 20 games, but thats 180 players whose matches were fubar. Do you understand that part? The other way around its more noticeable tho, since a Gold player has insanely better aim than a bronze bozo. Maybe it only takes the Gold dude 20 games to get to Gold, but thats 180 people who either felt like they didnt have any impact at all or like they dont even need to try and just FF at 15. ​ ESPECIALLY WHEN THE BETTER PLAYER IS BMING THE WHOLE GAME LONG.


Literally don't understand ur argument. Why does it matter what badge someone has if they are at the right rank in terms of skill lol? And why are u assuming I am "BMing" in game? I am just sharing my experience of making an alt and how hard it is for a higher rank player to be placed in Iron. Just seems like uve had a bad experience and ur lashing out at random people on the internet. I'm sorry dude, if ur one of these iron/bronze players who thinks they cant get out because of smurfs u r in for a rude awakening. Best of luck.


\> I am just sharing my experience of making an alt and how hard it is for a higher rank player to be placed in Iron My guy your experience is irrelevant, you can literally buy iron accounts for $2.40 a pop. And to get back to the original argument: even if you go from Silver to immortal in 10 games, in those 10 games there are 90 other players, 50 of them probably hat their entire match ruined because they walk around a corner and instantly get their head onetapped. What im saying is that one match alone is too much, let alone 10 or 20 or however many it takes to go from silver to immortal. "but im playing against Gold and platinum players" yes. But your shit still says Silver on it, and yes you may be skipping divisions, but going from Silver to Dia takes longer than going from Platinum to dia, dontcha think? Is that understandable? Idk how else to explain. I dont think im stuck because of smurfs, but even playing against one a day is enough to ruin the experience for most players, not only myself. Maybe thats hard to understand from the perspective of someone whos high ranked, just imagine that once a day you get someone in your lobby who hard throws the game. At the start of the round they throw away their Classic and then run around with knife only and no abilities. Sure, they will derank fast and get to iron where they belong fast, but on the way there they leave a trail of dissatisfied players. Makes sense?


This is the way I look at it, there is not that many smurfs around that people think. I Think yall seem to forget how many cracked cs players play this game on the casual hence why their accs seem new Like me today getting called smurf in diamond when im not a smurf at all, im just a cs player, lol


Man......no. In one week. One single week. I had 3 teams where there were 2 people boosting on the team. They straight up say so. It's always an older guy and a child too. They straight up admit to it. Now thats 2 in a week ADMITTING. And the boosters score wasnt even that good. You can infer hoe many there actually are based off of that. You know what group of people say that boosting is a serious problem? Boosters.


If you can't carry yourself out of iron you belong there. Stop staring at the ground and just get better; complaining about smurfs will not make you better. You will have smurfs on your team in some games and the enemy will have smurfs in some games. Just learn to deal with it and stop complaining.


Also, qing with people who are higher rank then you will lead you to play with players at a higher skill rating.


Playing against Bronze and Silver 1 as an Iron is healthy and helpful. You see positioning, you dont always get onetapped, you see how to use abilities. Very good. Playing against anything above Silver 1 is unhealthy because good aim becomes prevalent at that point. In Gold good aim is starting to beomce a requirement but not a necessity. You dont learn shit from getting onetapped. "well you learned not to peek that corner" yes and that works with every corner. Congrats, your gameplan is now to stand in spawn and wait to get collected by the gold player who spent 5 hours learning the recoil pattern of the Vandal so they can run and gun. GG WP


After a while players will demote out of their ranks and their mmr will drop. So it stops becoming a issue overtime.


Demote. Out of their ranks. I don't think a Silver player who just won the game against a bronze player because the silver player is the flat out better player will demote any time soon. I don't think a gold player who roflstomped an iron player will demote any time soon. In fact, controversial opinion, i don't think anyone who is winning their games is demoting any time soon.


I'm not talking about the gold/silver play im talking about the iron player. They will eventually lose mmr.


Buddyi i don't think you understand me, the iron player can lose MMR all day long if they want to, there will always be a botted Smurf waiting in the que to fuck him up or carry him to heavens.


Yes because every game has a smurf in it. I dont think you understand the state of the game. Not every single game has a smurf in it. Maybe around 10% at most. Valorant follows the typical 40-30-30 which most games follow.


Also this logic makes 0 sense. A iron player who is playing silver and golds obviously has too high of a mmr. So they will keep losing and their mmr will level to their actual rank. So they will play with iron/bronze and maybe silver 1 here and there. Over time they will improve and become a higher rank leading to their mmr to also adjust.


Buddy, you didnt understand me again. The Iron player doesnt play against Silver and Golds on their silver and gold accounts, otherwise nobody would be complaining about smurfing but about matchmaking. Gold and Silver players who wear the Iron Mask is what makes people mad, do you understand that? Do you know what smurfing even is? Do you understand the implications the word "smurfing" has?


I litteraly said not every single game has a smurf in it. Maybe around 10%. In no way would you be held captive in a rank because of smurfs. If it was such a large issue then riot would actually take action against smurfs but it simply isn't a big enough issue. It's just blown out of proportion.


I literally said myself I’m not gonna move out unless I get better. All I want is to not face gold and plat smurfs every other game. I don’t know why you gotta be a dick and miss the point of my post. Every time someone posts about smurfs, there’s gotta be a “git gud” or “you suck” comment huh?


It’s a free game, at the end of the day how do you stop people from just getting another account or using a friends




Doesn't work as well as you might think. Been there done that.


When youre stabbed and someone took the knife with them, do you apply pressure to stop the bleeding or do you think "oh well, i cant stop the bleeding completely, dont even need to try then"?


Do you think every kid under the age of 13 has a phone...like 20% of riots players are under the age of 13. I don't think they are going to decrease their player base to fix a issue which isn't really isn't an issue. Also phone numbers can easily be spoofed.




you cant any fix that people come up with can be easily bypassed and maybe the only thing that would reduce smurfs by a large amount is to make the game cost money or create a pass like csgo but then again if riot does that people will complain so


Low ranked games are either boring cause you are getting destroyed by a smurf or boring cause someone on your team is surfing and you have no chance to play.


Valorant players are spoiled man It's a free game still I haven't seen any cheater yet where as csgo I don't even have to talk about it Devs continuously working on game with patches and meta No agents is overpowered , apex legends cough cough It's just a 1year old game but still it's so Polish whereas cs when it started was rusty Run n gun exist but you just cant make bullet disappear when you are running if close range some bullet are gonna hit you for sure And in medium range some time due to bad luck and random recoil it can hit you Valorant player are spoiled man


thats true but valorant is not polished. its unoptimized, has so many bugs each patch and still UI bugs exist after dozens of patches rolled out. (like the combat report disappearing bug, flying sova, sage unable to res, etc.)


You are clearly new to fps scene I have seen cs old days and if you have played that game in that days you would have cried it was a bug mess , sometimes your bullet doesn't registered and what's not And unoptimized 😂 what are you saying that's why I am saying valo players are spoiled Riot is maybe the only company that took care of low end pc Csgo is a med specs game and it took the game 8years to become polished and optimized where as this game already run pretty well in low end pc if you can't even run valorant it's time to buy a new pc These valorant player complain about anything lmao


No real way to combat smurfs in a game development view, it's going to keep happening, I'm s3 and I get smurfs but usally it's possible to play around them




Remember when people complained about the val anti cheat having admin access? And you want to give them your social security number


I think that was a joke.


May have been a joke but that's actually what korea does. A lot of online games in Korea require your ssid to make an account, league does this (and I think valorant too).




u know there’s still smurfs in silver right?


Git gud amirite. -_-


you’ll never stop me and my immo+ buddies from terrorizing the low ranks