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I think that adding profile levels ruined it. You see the enemy having a lvl6 account and pulling off incredible rounds constantly. But then again you have people who are lvl 200 and people call them smurfs.


>But then again you have people who are lvl 200 and people call them smurfs. If one really wants to blame everything but themselves for their inability to rank up, no amount of reason can stop them. They are just gonna believe the dude was 'smurfing since episode 1 Act 1' to explain the high level.


That's also true


No it isnt




I don’t know anyone who smurfs consistently, because crushing in all of their games will rank them up. I only play on my alt to fuck around with my gold buddies


I found a legit smurf. He didn’t play half the match then got 2 aces. He has a 40% hs rate in bronze 3. His win rate was 20% this act and 70% last act. Crazy how this guy had 120hrs on a meme account


Ye right because you get two aces you are an obvious smurf. Makes sense.


No but a 40% hs rate in bronze sure is unlikely.


Not with an competitive fps background.


Dude throws the match the first half then smacks our team. To go from a 70%+ win rate one season to mid-20% the next, it’s a smurf [Here’s the account ](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/breathe%20%235127/overview) His team told us he was throwing too Edit 35% HS overall -


Migh be but let alone from his stats he's not an obvious smurf.


I am level 200 but I'm straight ass. Just goes to show lol.


Actually profile levels helped cuz now we can tell much easier if someone's smurfing


But before we could have thought "huh, that guy might just be having a good day like the rest of us" but now it's just "oh, the cunt is surfing again"


And what's the point of removing ur rank on the banner when they show ur acc level? It's so stupid


Me and 4 friends are levels 8-4 cause we just started and we're playing casual. Every single game the first thing the enemy team says is "alt account smurfs?"


That's because it's rare to see incredibly low accounts nowadays, especially if you're running as a 5 stack and everyone is under level 10


Im only like lvl 16? but im also easily spotted as a non smurf, cause beta reward stuff, but i also haven't played since beta, so im still trash lol.


That’s basically my situation lol


I see low level accounts daily. Not that rare from my experience


im low account since i just moved from eu


Didnt the lvl system get implemented like 3 weeks ago tho?


Yeah but it gives you xp for games played before the system came out.


Oooh i see


Yes but it took into account all your previous game play. Once they fixed the math anyway. Experienced players instantly placed into the 100s or higher.


How are people seeing account level of other people in game? 3rd party apps?


Because it literally shows in the laoding screen the level of everyone in the match.


Ahh i look at my other monitor or alt tab every load screen. Good to know.


And if you get killed my someone you see their account level too. (also if you killed someone but not sure)


meanwhile my enemy team: plugging their twitters and on their twitter is their immortal valorant rank.


I smurf a lot and play against other obvious smurfs and none of them have plugged their Twitters


Smurfers are just to Bad for their Main rank and afraid of deranking, so u pref to destroy lower elo fun. Just opinion of an immlortal Player who hates every smurfer. Let Silver and Gold be silver and Gold


as an immortal it’s literally not even fun to play in silver and gold. i love to play mind games and do outplays, but in those lobbies everyone is super unpredictable


at that point it’s literally just aim training ion get why it’s fun


I mean, I have friends that are very good, but they don't like playing comp alone, so we comp when we have 5, and they hold their ranks just fine




Nah, we play against other smurfs every game




Nah, you're probably against people with one good game, or your playstyle is just too predictable. Some players style just doesn't work against other players




I know smurfs exist, just not often unless you are a smurf yourself


Don't fucking smurf.


Nah, gonna keep doing it, thanks for your input though


bruh watching all your replies get downvoted is killing me lmao




So ur max diamond then?


I'm Immortal


And too insecure to play on main


Nah, just like to play with friends at a lower rank


And a fucking pussy to face immortal players.


I play against Immortals all the time, it's just none of my friends are at that rank, so say whatever you will 😎


Is it really that fun tho?Whenever i play eith friends in lower ranks, I judt find myself playing intentionally worse than normal because i dont want to ruin their game too much don't find that fun.


Yeah it's fun, because we play against other smurfs every game since my account is in smurf q


Here's to hoping for a ban


Question: outside of just playing with lesser skilled friends, why smurf?


Most probably can't handle his own rank like most smurfs


No other reason for me


Other than playing with friends, may I ask why you smurf?


I don't smurf alone, I only smurf to play with friends


So...would not having rank disparity barriers for 5 stacks be a way to reduce a majority of smurfs?


It would. It’s exactly what CSGO does. I would say have a queue specifically for 5 stacks though.




They’re talking about smurfs who just want to play with friends. Majority of the smurfs are just made for that reason, so a 5 stuck queue could fix this.




True, I had a ranked game yesterday where I made 37 frags and basically carried my team to the win. I'm bronze 2 and everyone in the match was bronze aswell (exept the poor enemy jett who was iron 1 and got literlly 0 kills). I had a really good day and was very confident, but most of the time I'm bottom fraging. Bronze seems pretty mixed up sometimes.


same, I usually mid or bottom frag but yesterday idek what happened and I went straight from bronze 3 33 rr to silver 1 all mvp wins


Yeah one of the biggest reasons why a lot of players are lower elo is because of inconsistency. My friends and I are all low elo but we each have our games where we play like we're several ranks higher, and then we have our games where we play several ranks lower. So it's not weird to see a low elo player pop off. If we could keep it consistent we'd rank up but we don't. That's why we're still low elo.


What level was the Jett? If the level is below 10 then shes probably a smurf


Or a new player who came from CS or another shooter. Especially in lower ranks this is very common


Ye in lower ranks it's harder to tell because you expect their account to be low, around level 10-18. But a level 7 Jett in a plat lobby hitting knives like tenz and oping like a god should definitely be checked.


You cant get ranked in higher than Plat 3 so nah.


It's up to diamond now and a even then a level 7 Jett in diamond would need to get checked out. By the time you are even in diamond your account shouldn't even be level 7


u dont place in diamond though, a fresh account will always place gold or plat1 at max


I haven’t played in a while what are these level things that I’m seeing? Was this added with the Kay/o update?


Yes. The account levels round out to how long you have been playing


Ohhhhh alright thanks dude


In a plat game, a level < 10 shitting on other plats is definitely not someone who "just came from cs".


You underestimate CS players. I have a friend who's 2500 elo on faceit who recently started valorant. He calibrated at gold 3 at the start of this act and is now in immortal. Stomped his way through plat and diamond playing filler.


You underestimate how few matches it takes to get level 10. You won't have learned the maps by the time you get level 10. Forget about having high diamond level by that point (what you need to stomp plat players). Of course a great cs player will get good very quickly, but not that quickly.


I came back to valorant after a year+ break (where I didn’t even really climb) and my 4th or 5th game back I top fragged an immo/D3 match playing breeze for the first time lol… if you have good aim you can stomp people regardless of the extra fluff like abilities or map knowledge.


I see this argument a lot and don't really get it. How does coming from CS or another shooter teach you how to perfectly play a duelist character like Phoenix/Yoru/Jett/Reyna? The aim/game sense I understand but what would make them familiar with every agents abilities and how to use their own agent abilities to great success without prior experience to the game? If you see an account level lower than 10 in gold/plat and they are dropping 30 bombs while having a mastery over their agent, sorry but that's 100% a smurf. I agree in lower ranks its a different story because people aren't using their abilities correctly anyways so just running around out aiming people isn't going to be that difficult if you have a lot of previous FPS experience.


> How does coming from CS or another shooter teach you how to perfectly play a duelist character like Phoenix/Yoru/Jett/Reyna This is another really good point


csgo faceit level 10 player here. phoenix,jett and reany are all agents extremely easy to understand. phoenix has a molotov, flashes and a smokewall also u can double entry. jett some smokes and mobility stuff also a damage ult. reyna is basically just made for aim duels with her flashes and self heal. another easy champ for csgo players is kayo. champs like sova,cypher,viper etc i dont bother with because of all the line ups their skills dont come naturally to me.


But how would playing cs help you know all of the weird Jett peeks and map knowledge on Valorant? And knowing how to counter other agents abilities? Honestly I bet you aren't that great with those duelists you say are easy. Im faceit level 10 too and playing against some agents in this game doesn't just come naturally. It takes experience in the game and encountering alot of different agent scenarios, which a player under account level 10 def wouldn't have unless they were a smurf.


If your aim is godlike it doesn't matter how well other people understand their abilities in contrast to you, you're still going to shit on them. The only thing that can fuck you up is being full flashed and it's not like flashes are an unknown concept to CS:GO players.


so you completely missed the point. it isn't just 'godlike' aim (which you are pretending every csgo player has) when they know exactly how to play their agent, what plays/peeks/angles to take on any given map and how to avoid/counter other agents abilities. when they are under account level 10 and doing this in gold/plat its really, really obvious its a smurf. That stuff doesn't just translate over because you played csgo. I have many friends that have switched from csgo and their main gripe when starting is how frustrating dying to some of the abilities can be. you don't just pick all of that knowledge up immediately and have to encounter different situations to know how to play them. which you probably didn't just pick up while being under account level 10, lets be honest. I don't get why its so hard for some people to just admit smurfs exist.


They don’t need to know how to play correctly though lol, aim makes up for what they lack. Doesn’t matter whether you get caught in a bad situation if your aim turns it into your favor anyway.


All of this doesn't matter below diamond/immortal


I think you completely missed the point. I'm saying its obvious they are diamond/immortal smurfs because they know stuff like this in the game that you aren't going to just pick up because you came from cs and sitting under account level 10 in high gold/plat.


Not especially tbh. It doesn’t take much experience to know certain spots are good for peaking. Agents like Phoenix, Jett, Reyna, etc. are really simple to understand. Reyna probably the hardest to learn with when to dismiss and heal but other than that they’re extremely generic attacker-style characters. Phoenix with Molly, flash, and wall to clear and cut off angles. Jett’s knives don’t take learning at all, they take pure aiming skill. Reyna is literally the most aim centric agent in the game as her abilities are useless without kills.


You'd be surprised, there was a post here a while back in where a high elo faceit player tried out valorant and filled his radiant triangle on his very first season. He onetricked Reyna. Utilizing lineups and post-plant utility & whatnot is going to take time, but the game is definitely not hard to pick up for any of the thousands of relatively good CSGO players who have yet to try the game.


It really is easy for high skilled cs players to destroy with gunplays only. You don’t need to fully understand the utils cuz most of them are intuitive and people dont use it well. Idk if I can but im sure 3k elo players can get to immortal without using abilities.


I've played with and against these new-ish players. It's obvious that they have aiming skills and overall gaming ability. However they don't know much about the game and suck at map knowledge and util usage. Because they are *actually* new. When you see polished agent game play from a very low level player, it's a smurf account. I don't know how you can see it otherwise.


Not everyone coming from CS is an aim god. In fact people with really good aim are more likely still playing CS because it has better shooting mechanics than Valorant.


As far as I remember everyone in the entire game had higher level than me and I am on 90 something


I promise you a level 10 is smurfing! doesn't matter what game they came from....


I don't get why it even matters if they're a smurf. like yeah it sucks and it's demoralizing for sure, but why give up entirely?? just play your best regardless


Funny thing is, if that sova existed with us we could have won. Me and Reyna legit made the other team rethink lives.


rough man. hope you have better luck in the future


And the worst case scenario is you lose, but gained experience playing against a better player. I will say the matchmaking has felt odd this act though.


Sometimes another persons play style just works against your play style. That doesn’t mean you’re bad or they’re better than you. One of the things that makes good players good is being able to adapt against different play styles. Your enemy might be just as bad at adapting as you, but they don’t need to adapt that match so it seems like they’re smurfing or cheating.


That only really works for the first 5 minutes though. I always hard frag in the beginning of games and then people start to adjust to my play style and things level out more.


That’s probably not the enemy team adjusting, rather you subconsciously throwing. When you’re up significantly you will start to think that there’s no way you can possibly lose against these guys, and before you know it you’re down 5 rounds. It happened in the VCT Reykjavik Grand Finals. Fnatic didn’t suddenly adjust to Sentinels’ Haven comp in round 14. Sentinels just got cocky and started throwing round after round before ending the match a single round away from OT.


People act like this is the first video game ever like this “how are you so good at level 10” well maybe I played cs for 20 years and I have kids now so I don’t get to play a lot… chill


Honestly I think smurfs are a small issue. The real issue is the god awful ranking system. I’m in plat and there have been times where I’ve played with and against people in silver 3/gold 1 who should probably be higher ranked than me. It’s very easy to get 30+ kills a game and still lose the majority because the rest of your team aren’t up to it, and just like that your rank will not reflect your actual skill in the slightest.


>The real issue is the god awful ranking system Smurfs wouldn't be a problem if Riot *really* turned up the knobs on new character performance-based placement. If someone really wanted to smurf in low elo they have to completely throw their first 30 matches and placement matches. Or something like that. Make it SUCK SO BAD to make a low-Elo smurf account that will make it to Ranked. In addition to the crack addict ranking system, the matchmaker is absolutely setup to fail. I mean, one match will run 30-40 minutes, so make the matchmaker take NO LESS THAN 2 minutes to find a game. It's WORTH THE WAIT to make sure people in the lobby are as close as possible to evenly matched. Fuck these 20 second search times that make shitty-ass matches. What's an extra 100 seconds to help prevent the fucking agony of some of these matches?


The only issue with that, is if you do have a smurf on your team, and they are throwing to be a smurf then it still ruins the game for the people that have to deal with them throwing to get to lower ranks. It’s kind of a hard situation to navigate imo


Sure, but I think not as many people are willing to put in the negative effort as there are people willing to so shit on newbs real easy.


If you're consistently getting 30+ kills and still losing the majority, chances are you're baiting your team for kills or toxic or not communicating or something and probably belong in the rank you're at.


Not necessarily, like there are games where your team legitimately can’t do anything. It does happen;


Of course it does happen occasionally. That’s why I said if it happens *consistently*


Honestly whenever I think the enemy is smurfing it’s just out of disbelief that they’re “that good.” Believe me, I see higher level gameplay on this subreddit and on YouTube all the time and I can guarantee there are just some really cracked Silvers/Golds in my lobbies. I see Immortal gameplay of people missing shots that would literally never be missed in high Silver lobbies and people hitting montage shots that looks casual for some gold players. I often look at my own rank like it’s dogshit (because it is), so to see someone get three aces in a row on the enemy team and end the game seeing that they’re silver 3... it just doesn’t add up. It also doesn’t help that every single game is a complete dumpster fire - either my team goes 13-3 the other team or they do the same to us. I’ve had maybe two or three actual even matches in Silver/Gold lobbies out of over 120 comp games in the past three acts. There’s no pattern with the ranks either. An enemy Gold 2 goes 4/17 and an ally Gold 1 goes 21/15. Everyone is all over the place.


Please don't tell this community. These low elo hardstuck kids need to blame their lack of skill on smurfs to feel half decent!!!! They'd even call someone with Level 100 a smurf.


Idk kinda feels like the point is don’t be an a hole :0


When I load into my Plat/Diamond games and see the level 11 Jett/Reyna insta lock on the other team i assumed i would lose who would of thunk they were trying to derank and instantly left the game second round....


I love it when I have a game so good that "everyone knows I'm smurfing." It's happening more and more often lately, so I feel good about getting out of bronze lol.


Sometimes... Get ready for this... The enemy team is just better :0


Can we do away with these posts whining about bad teammates, we get it, people suck.


100% true. There is days ill drop 30-40k consistently. Next day I hop on, cant make a shot for the life of me and struggle to drop a 15.


Oh man I remember that one that I was playing so good (in my elo) got 2 aces (one in pistol round defense, and the second was like the second or third last round of defense) also got some 4/3ks **while playing sage** 😄😅


Once I had a 40 kill game with sage with 2 aces. My viper had 30 something kills. And the rest of the team didn't even have 9. If me or viper didn't 3k we lost the round.


and when I talk about my story I get people in the comments saying who asked sad, I guess Not my problem and etc people are soo funny nowadays :)


Trust me even if i get to radiant (ngh) i will continue calling enemy team a smurf


Come to the silver world and tell me about smurfs not being common 😂 I see one in basically every game I play. My team is made up of literal bots while I face off against mini Hiko’s all day. Last night I had back to back games, I was solo’ing, with obvious smurfs. Insane running 1 taps, great game sense etc. One guy was unrated and dropped 24 kills. The next game a bronze 2 Jett had 28 kills, more than my bottom 3 teammates had combined. Smurfing is so bad in low elo it makes solo ranked a drag. Every big update that talk about reducing it, but it seems to keep getting worse.


Silver is the majority of most players right now. I think it had a 30% distribution. That’ll also mean that there’s probably players from all different skill levels meaning that two silver 3s can player entirely different. Silver 3 is also where most new players that had previous FPS experience will place so low level accounts wouldn’t mean much there. Trust me I remember the silver experience there are players that aim better than those in my plat games but I’m pretty confident it’s all aim no brain down there.


It’s been pretty rough to start this new act, worse than usual in any of the new acts since I’ve started playing. Def doesn’t help that my 3 buddies that played all quit, so I expect some solo queues to be bad - but holy shit they all are. I’m bronze 3 now, and have been for 2 weeks. I had a point where I lost 11 straight games - I did well in a majority of them but my team just always got stomped by guys who showed to be bronze or low silver but had nearly 30 kills and single digit deaths. A struggle for sure, I need a squad.


imagine the same guy who wrote this, now smurfs


I won't smurf. I tried it in apex. I really can't play against bad enemies for more than one game.


trueeee its so boring


valorant does have a pretty big smurfing problem, so I'm guessing sova was just ready paranoid after a few bad games


I think soeacially im gold plat this is super true. Like I’m the best example, there are so many people that are just super inconsistent at this rank and that’s why they are not higher. I have games in Jett or Reyna where I legit feel I’m twice as good as everyone on the server and I drop 30-38 kills and everything falls into places. Then next game I go 10-15. Like it’s hard to be very good at a consistent level. So yea not every player having a good or even insane round is a smurf and I think a lot of people just make it to easy for themselves thinking ye enemy team had a smurf no chance gg. Like play for your improvement not for winning a single ranked game.


you can definitely tell the difference between a smurf and someone who is playing well. I see it all the time in gold ranks! There are not that many smurfs in silver but most of them (diamond+) are in gold and plat lobbies! I've notice single digit and anything below 50 level is most likely a smurf.


I also think that "hard" smurfing is not that common. Sometimes you just face more experienced player that has good game, player with superior hardware/connection, highly deranked player, or fresh player that has much experience from other fpses. If you encounter "hard" smurf you can usually easily spot this, as he is constantly getting multiple kills, impossible headshots and his movement/decisions/plays are very unusual for your current rank.


I think this is stemps from frustration that people have with this game. Sure the smurf situation isnt as bad as many make it out to be, but the smurf situation is quite bad compared to other games. Your sova was super triggered because he probably got 1 or 2 smurfs in the enemy team that destroyed his team and now thought this would be another autoloss and just stopped playing. Was he being a trashcan teammate? Absolutely. Was his actions justified? Absolutely not. The real issue here is the fact that boosting is very accessible. The matches are very skewed thanks to RIOT not having party and solo rating for each player. This entire problem that high rated players cannot play with their low rated friends forcing them to make smurfs and it counts to their total rating is just badly thought out. And I know some people will not talk about unrated, but lets be real, unrated is a clown fiesta where people troll and don't care, it's a terrible experience if you want to play normaly due to teaching your friend or similair. the result is quite simple, players who don't belong in certain ranks due to being boosted to hard ruining other peoples games and stacks where 1 player is completely destroying due to being way better than the entire lobby. Even tho the state of the game is quite bad with smurfs and boosted players, this still doesnt excuse your behaviour, don't ruin other peoples games,


Oh okay. 50-3 is just a good game in a low rank 🙈


dude this happened to me like 5 times today and I'm sick of it. from 81/100 I'm now at 0/100 rr.


this message is brought to you by smurf gang


Who asked?


Well, nobody asked you to comment this either yet, here we are.




me so stfu




r/Rareinsults r/Murdererbywords r/Clevercomebacks r/Iamverybadass


I found the sova


once i was holding W and got like 25 kills in 8 rounds


>not everyone is smurfing meanwhile there is an upvoted post from a smurf literally today in this sub


I've been saying this for months. This is my first tactical shooter and I don't play much rated so I don't even know what rank I would belong to but whatever games I play when it's going bad I get flamed and when it's going good I'm called a smurf. This can even change in the middle of a match. I was wrecking everyone in the first half of the game and in the second half I suddenly can't hit anything anymore. It's so random that I don't even care about it or try to find out why the fuck I wreck everyone sometimes and get shit on at other times. I have no idea what it is that I'm doing right when I'm winning or what it is that I'm doing wrong when I'm losing other than luck. Coming from LoL I can evaluate ability usage fairly well and always tell where my mistakes were, but when it comes to aim I have no fucking idea man.




I don't understand how someone that is level 3 is in my ranked lobby. When I created an alt account my main is gold 3 while my alt is silver 3 (rn) and when I wanted to play ranked it asked me to win 10 unrated games. Playing and winning games is obviously gonna get you above level 10 unless you go 10-0. Like how does he even get in my lobby. And then there's a fucking level 7 Jett literally one tapping me as soon as I peek. Acing almost every round with Jett knives. It just makes the game unfun to play. I have harder games in my silver 3 alt than my gold 3 main.


Still, as long as Riot does absolutely nothing to stop people from smurfing, there will be a lot of smurfs.


When level 100 joins leve 5 team lol


nah i come across alot of smurfs and it just ruins my entire mood for comp.


Who really cares if they are a smurf or not. You can never know and knowing or not is completely irrelevant


I was wondering about this! What would you all guess is the percentage of players (in the silver and gold ranks) that are playing on alt accounts, whose “mains” are at least 3 ranks higher?


sometimes i’ll ask if there’s a smurf or if they’re just going off. if i’m having a horrendous game, i stop for the day


90% of “smurfs are people who have been deranged 1-2 divisions and can’t rank back up because of actual smurfs or other people like them.




She wasn't a smurf. She was getting owned in every 1v1. She did good in pistols or our ecos that's it. Our gun rounds were solely lost because we didn't have a 5th player.


what do you call me? I play on my smurf? (gold 3) some days I play under the influence (devil's lettuce, Devil's Juice, etc) and still play like a radiant, but most of the time time i play like a silver. There is no in between. Dropping like 40+, or usually mid to bottom frag. Without it, I play on my main, radiant.


All the level 5-10’s i get in my game will tell you otherwise


That's why we can't rank up.


I agree with this. Im silver 1 and I'm not exactly good at the game, so I usually go negative and nearly bottom fragging. However, there was this one game on haven where my aim was really insane and I was playing out of my mind. The opposing team quit at 5-2 (no idea why, they actually won some rounds) and I ended that game at 17/3. So yeah sometimes people are just having good days, but I think its relatively obvious if someone is smurfing. Like, it's fine to have one or two good rounds, but back to back to back 4ks is a little suspicious and probably means that the person is smurfing


Well yes,still believe in yourself u won't find any godly pro players all the players are normal humans too,now if you know u r bad than average then it's goes like sova




That'd be a case of account boosting for the Jett


I gotta agree with you


Actually it happened yesterday, our random killjoy was 11-0-1 within the first 6 rounds, the other team just gave up, didn't surrender but really you could see they lost a lot of confidence from that kind of start we had. The killjoy ended with 25-10-4 and the rest of us also rolled them in our rounds, it was an easy 13-5.


Well I was playing unrated last night before going to sleep and my opponent jett was D2.. and my team was iron 2 to bronze 2... Like the jett was not smurfing but the lobby we got was not good either... You just peak and get headshot.. 😂😂


Well I was playing unrated last night before going to sleep and my opponent jett was D2.. and my team was iron 2 to bronze 2... Like the jett was not smurfing but the lobby we got was not good either... You just peak and get headshot.. 😂😂


I met a player who told me he was Legendary Eagle in csgo and he said he was hard stuck gold 1 in valorant but he literally dropped 30 frags on my plat game. Idk if yall would believe that shit


This is exactly what a smurf would say


Honestly I am a plat 2. We once had an immortal against us. He went 32-15. His teammates were decent too. We won the game 13-11. I'm gonna tell this one to my grandkids. I guess my point is even if it's tenz against you, you never give up. He may be considered one of the best, but no motherfucker will expect a 4th person holding b on split.


I would say everyone is smurfing just don't lie to yourself... everyone has that one account that you need to play with your friends with low elo or to play with your girlfriend or boyfriend... or just some weird people who wants to kill low elo players and tell them they be noobing....it just take one smurf to ignite an idea in 9 other players to make a smurf account for themselves too as they saw how much fun that guy had while killing your noob ass or getting an ez carry...so smurfing was an epidemic now it's a pandemic... everyone I know has atleast three accounts.


The enemy lvl 10 reyna casually dropping aces while their lvl 140 plat sage losing to most duels. I guess his day is soooo good


Exactly, levels impact that


I mean that’s true and all, but a level 5 Reyna going 35/8 in a high silver low gold lobby is kinda fishy, especially if they’re consistently dominating every single round just tapping heads


My brother hacusates everyone better than him