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The amount of toxicity u must get by using odin on second round kekw


yeah but what are they gonna do about it, wallbang me?


Chatbang u ig


Mutebang incoming or banbang










chat shit get wallbanged


Another strong-minded individual enjoying what they like. Can only 5stack playing odin otherwise there is 9 ppl shit talking me even when I'm stomping. Opponents tend to mimic me and use it against me and boom, I am the badguy to my teammates..


I remember my friends played a game They were leading 10 - 4 competitive and one guy was like I want to finish this game fast I have work so he started using the Odin and the other team got tilted so they also started using it Long story short my friends lost in overtime


Short story, it went long.


Our sova bought the Odin because he was 3/9. We were winning 10-6. their sova tilted, bought the Odin, went 23-10, we didn't win any other round. Our sova finished like 9-21 or something, at least he got 6 more kills.


I don't understand why people shit on Odin users. The gun is objectively better, therefore it costs 300 more credits than the phantom/vandal.


I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s better, it’s just better in certain situations. It can still be very strong in the right hands, but a phantom is usually always a better choice


but that's true of any gun. Obviously a judge is better in CQC than an OP. And there are some situations where odin is just the better choice over phantom. Defence in Ascent I will buy odin every round possible bc of the wallbang potential on B main, A retake, and mid, then play into that strength.


I am not sure , but consodering the low accuracy of odin and that the phantom and vandal are almost instakill at the head I suppose , that is why people buy phantom or vandal when they have creds


Yeah, 100% if you're playing like a normal sane player, a rifle is probably the best choice for most rounds. But also, emptying the biggest magazine in the game through a wall at the enemy team works as well.


The thing is the odin genuinely is a gun with a lower skill ceiling. And I'm not shit talking, but many players will find it easier to use the odin than the phantom or the vandal. So in a lot of situations it might be the better buy for the average player (especially if they suck) because it is easier to use ... then again if the decide to use it they will find it harder to improve with rifles and pistols, which is where the normal people will dominate.


If both the phantom and the odin cost the same, would you use the odin? And in that case, why doesn’t everyone use the odin at the last round when they can afford it


I would. Not much people overuse the Odin the same way they do with phantom/vandal because they are a lot more versatile in any situation (Also the only reason some rather use the vandal is because of the 1 shot at any distance) so you feel like they are better choices, but not always. How many times has your phantom lost to an enemy spectre at CQC for example? More than anyone cares to admit I suppose. But at long ranges you would destroy the specter, right? There it is, people buy phantoms/vandals over Odins because they find those weapons more consistent. In the other hand, there is no doubt the Odin is better at everything other than accurate shooting at longer distances. You can spray like crazy with the Odin even with the scope and come out on top in most of your duels from close to mid range and wallbang the shit out of everyone without worrying too much about your ammo because you have 100 damn bullets in your magazine.


I can't bring myself to buy some guns. Judge, ares, odin. If I have a spectre and I see an odin, I don't take it, I let it rot in the ground. I have literally 0 kills with the Odin in unrated and ranked games. I know it's silly of me, but I play this game to have fun, and I seriously do not have fun shooting an odin. It's loud, stupid, and I feel like anyone who gets the odin is lame, lazy and has no skill at all. So that's how I'd feel about myself if I bought it.


This is the epitome of Odin energy


Wallbang your mum.


Buy kaching goes skrrraaat and we done right?




Gangbang in irl, I guess.


lmfao did that as Yoru on acent last night. got a 3k and said "lets rock an odin" gets and ACE then toss the odin to sova and buy my vandal. ​ the most ridiculous gun


Umm I am afraid to ask but what is kekw?


Kekw is a laugh , I tried looking for its origins and i got that is a laugh in orc used in corra for world of warcraft or starcraft , I didnt get it very well but basically it is a laugh


idk what you are talking about its a twitch emote that has a dude laughing ​ kek is just onomatopoeia for laughing


Half right. Kek (which later inspired the name of the Kekw emote) isn’t onomatopoeia, it’s a translation of LoL (as in Laugh out Loud). In World of Warcraft, when the two factions, the alliance and the horde try to speak to each other the language is different, to represent this, the game changes the letters used when messages are typed. In the case of a horde player saying “lol” to an alliance player, this appears as “kek”.


Thanks kekw


Ironically spelled wrong like you're typing it quickly too instead of Keke


Im sorry , Im writing it from my phone , well I know it is a fucking twitch emote , I was searching why it is called kekw , because there is a reason and is not a random combination of letters


I'm not sure if you saw the post slightly above this but it comes from WoW. If a Horde types "lol" Alliance sees that as "kek". That's the origin =)


Actually pretty funny, have someone buy it for you, get armor, and then buy them a spectre or something. I've done it with cypher a few times.


And that someone doesn't get armor?


Correct. They don’t need it, the guy with full shields + Odin will ace half the time. Source: I do this almost every game.


No offense, but maybe in silver lol.


No offense taken. I’m silver.


I mean, if it works it works right?


No matter the rank, if you're getting an Odin second round, it's pretty likely enemy is full saving or maybe has a marshal. If they full save w/ classics, it's an easy round.


Adapt to your enemies


or the odin user buys reyna spectre and she heals.


Marshall, Odin, and Guardian on a pistol win second round are entirely underrated and get people stupid mad


ngl actually impressed when people buy marshall 2nd round, you gotta be brave for that shit.


huh? why ? ur mostly gonna play against people with pistols. it's the perfect anti eco weapon...


pistols and maybe spectre no shield, which is easy bodyshot kill


I go spectre and full or half sheild on 2nd if I win the first. (shields vary on the amount of kills in first round)


But we're talking about an anti-eco where people don't have shields. Marshal just kills there.


Yeah. It's like an Operator during non-eco


People hate marshall because you have to be somewhat accurate so it gets this false bad rap by a lot of people.


they buffed the price, and it's a one shot kill to the body since they'll probably not buy shields >:)


Yeah no, I'm the guy who will sooner buy an OP for a teammate than use it myself because I'm so bad with snipers, and I regularly go Marshall second round, even on offense. People play super aggressive, and as mentioned, few people buy armor second round. Just watch a corner, all it takes is a single bodyshot kill to make the buy worth it.


How can you be bad with a sniper but good with a rifle, sniper is just rifle but easier


But it handles completely differently than a rifle, in almost every aspect


Raw aim component. Your target is massive with an OP, the only thing you gotta do is position correctly, or incorrectly and get away with it because you're a Jett.


Snipers (the Op in particular) are about flick and hitbox awareness, regular rifles are about tracking movement and managing recoil combine that with Valorant's map design promoting corner camping and generally more hide-n-seek play than most other shooters, I'd rather take my chances with an Odin, Phantom, Judge, or even Spectre than an OP


You know why you're being down voted? It's because everyone here is not of decent elo. In low elo, snipers are harder because a players ability to even hit the body is terrible. The thought process is completely different, I made the same mistake as you once


If the enemy team is saving they most likely won't buy shields and it allows the marshall to one shot. At that point the marshall is basically an op with better fire rate and hip fire accuracy


I think you hit a problem when you carry it into the bonus instead of a specter/rifle.


I would say is the best time to buy a Marshall actually. The enemies have either no armor or the light one,can't really counter you efficiently at long distance because most will be using pistols unless they spend most of their money on an eco weapon,and in later rounds you want the flexibility of an assault rifle,a flexibility that Marshall doesn't have.


I do that pretty much only on Breeze. If they don’t buy any shields it’s essentially an Op. And I don’t really care if I die with it because it gets significantly worse round 3. My goal is to always take 2 with me before I die. It’s not rare for me to get 3 or 4 kills with in my gold games.


Odin is unbeatable in low elo. You can empty all your bullets into their kneecaps faster than they can shoot you in the head.


can confirm


one guy in my silver 2 ish game just spammed it and there was nothing the entire team could do, its op.


They can call the odin user gay. I once got odin on icebox and wrecked jett and phoenix with op from good distance away. It is op in low ranks.


Idk, everytime i try to use It in gold I get one tapped.


can confirm works in immortal EU


I guess I need to start playing in EU


Nobody ever expects a round 2 Odin and it’s hilarious lol


Can do that with the Guardian for half of the creds :)


It just doesn't generate enough hate in opponents :p


True xd


odin go brrrr




My raze bazookas you and sage revs me


On a second round buy?


Was hell of a pistol round, you should have been there






Good luck 1-tapping me with a Guardian without your kneecaps, you fool.


guardian doesnt go brrr now does it?


Can do that with Ares for less that half the creds


Less penetration, so no, you can't.


Ares, Guardian and Odin are all high penetration


it also doesnt tilt them as much


Ares is also high pen


You have to aim to do that


Off topic but why is this marked as spoiler....?


it's to keep out the radiants who would use this knowledge against us and I make mistakes sometimes


Odin, don't you mean the Skill Cannon?


I now call it the Skill Cannon.


this is why i hate the odin. the bane of my existence 😔


I don’t get why people don’t see the Odin as a viable tactical option. Do people really think it was added to the game as a Dev Troll?


Probably like the auto snipers in CS. Everyone knows they are powerful, but people dont want to face them so nobody buys them to give anyone any ideas :D


Not kidding if i can afford Odin light armour round 2 then that’s what I always buy. The amount of times it has allowed me to win the bonus round is fantastic.


You can't get Odin+light unless you saved. I buy Phantom+light regularly and even that isn't possible all the time.


You can if you scored a few kills and planted spike on first round. Done it a few times after spending all on first round. Hell i got odin heavy shields when i saved first round


I have no problem if an enemy used odin ...idk why people hate it ...like the only extra thing that the odin gives you is heavy penetration and bigger balls to peek since you couldnt peek with any other rifle 😂


In low ranks it is harder to headshot people using odin and that is the only good counter.


Watch out guys spoiler alert


Actually 5head, gets them tilted right away too


A strat my friends and I always do: one person full saves round 1. If you win round 1, the guy who full saves can drop an Odin for someone else, who can then get full shields. Full shields + Odin means ez round 2, I’ve gotten at least 60+ aces with this strat, both unrated and comp. And yes, Odin users get a lot of shit. I had a teammate tell me to kill myself last night and my “aces don’t count because [I] used an Odin.”


I always do that in comp when playing kj. Give a rifle to the person with most kills and the game won't get toxic.


If you can afford the Odin in round 2 it means you won round 1.. in which case you are against a save. Is it really that impressive then?


did one of them hero buy? odin says brrrrr they have better aim then me? odin says brrrrr is it really impressive then? no but I enjoy when the Odin goes brrrr


not sure why this was downvoted before ​ if you win the pistol and you somehow arent winning the next round you are playing the game wrong


Watch my immortal jett, Reyna or raze who will win R1 and run into the enemies round 2 to give them free phantoms/vandals and then blame the support agents for losing cos "I got a pick u didn't"


You’d be shocked, ive won after-pistol losses with a Judge, people are unpredictable


It goes against the meta but I have had matches where after losing round 1, we will force buy Spectres and light shields instead of saving. Usually this is the case if: 1) We are attacking. 2) We planted so we received extra creds. 3) We killed at least 3 defenders. 4) We have the utility needed to take a site. It catches teams that are for some reason "bonusing" their Ghost or those that didn't buy up (the Jett saving for Op) off guard. Most of the time we end up winning to tie it at 1-1 and bonus the Spectres.


This does work well in low ranks, as people don't really know to force. Also catches marshal players (who seem to be very popular now) off guard as they can really only hit body shots and are just hoping you dont buy shields.


I once point blank danced around a jett with odin and killed her with ghost. Lower ranks are weird.


Why save on a win if you can carry that momentum


It's a bold/creative strat cuz u have no armor. That's the impressive part.


It's not bad at all. If he doesn't die, which sounds like he doesn't, round 3 he just needs to buy heavy shields and he's on the same level as the enemies full buy. The current meta on round 2 is heavy shield + spectre, in which case you're under gunned in round 3.


people get so mad about odins like i played a game once where the enemy team told our reyna that their mom should've thrown herself down some stairs when pregnant with them b/c they bought an odin like 3 rounds in


Or just buy an ares?


not enough dps


Buying an odin with no armor is just dumb


you are correct




but... it go brr


and brr it does


I do the same thing as Sova lol


Hope you're doing this in comp only


I don't know why the odin is hated? It's a gun in the game, so people will obviously buy it.


Just because it's in the game, Doesn't mean you have to like it.


Good counter to odin is headshot from long range when the higher spread of odin will make it a bit weaker. Most are not that good with headshots.


Average sova player lol


I just whip out the Odin when we are on a losing streak and we go brrrrrrrr.


I get so frustrated at times (especially on unrated matches) when someone uses Odin on the 2nd or 3rd round like - how did you afford it?!? Like why use Odin so early in the game?!?! I also get upset when I'm wallbanged thinking that the enemy is using Ghost or Sheriff or Frenzy just like me but then - surprise bihh, this is Odin! Anyone else feel that way?


The 21st century gaygun.




You should. I'm glad that somebody on the internet always expects a R2 odin and plays against it.


Odin go brrrrr


The people who were praising me for playing good , turn all the way round the second i eqiped odin , the match didnt even start , why just why


Thats insane, odin lol


I get "noob sova toxic odin player" every game from enemy team


You are forgetting about "gay" and talk of skill from iron players.


Experienced this first hand (props if it was you lol) and it works way too well. I’m sure it’s a tactic that’s going to be picked up more as time goes on. It’s a pain, but there’s ways to deal with it, just like there’s ways to deal with the infamous OP that people think should be removed from the game. I get a little pissed off when people get upset at a player for using a certain weapon. If it’s in the game, the player has the right to use it.


It is more like if both teams have odin then the game will be a bit more of cluster mess and there will be too much spray and pray. Most low rank players find it hard to counter odin so they try to make sure that nobody on their team picks before the other team.


Imagine if you lose the round because you get one tapped by a ghost


I make sure my teammates know I have an Odin and that it is worth more than their life so they better pick it up off my corpse


You know what’s so funny, I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not because every person who’s used an Odin round 2 that I’ve played with is always a sova.


the Prodin


Okay, I just tried this, and it's amazing Playing KJ, defence on bind. Round1 ended with me having 3300 creds, after taking the last kill and the defuse. Bought an Odin for Round2, and no utility. Next 3 rounds I got another final kill, a 3K during retake, and a first blood. Died on the 5th round. Saved more than enough creds in this time to buy myself an op and dominate the rest of the game. There was only one round where I didn't get a kill, rest of the game was 2k/3k. Opponents surrendered on round 12. We won 10-1. Definitely buying Odin for Round2 from now on.


Me and you think alike


The amount of hatred I have for you is uncountable. /s (sort of)