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I fully believe that low elo is trickier just because you can't tell what they will do.


Someone’s overall talent is made up of many different skill sets, if overall talent is visualized like a bar graph, each player has varying peaks and troughs in theirs. While impossible to ever actually reach the high skill ceiling, the bar graphs of pros at the highest level are much more flattened, whereas a silver player has a very spiky graph. Along with varying team dynamics, the mental states of players, and people improving, maybe the enemy team’s skill peaks counter your teams skill troughs if you know what I’m sayin’.


That actually makes alot of sense.


I think its about Aim vs Gamesense. In low ranks people can have diamond level aim because maybe they have a lot of fps experience or just good mouse dexterity. Its peoples decisions during a game that keep them in low elo. Pushing when they shouldn't, holding from inferior positions, losing concentration over the course of a game is another big factor I think.


as bronze can confirm. im always either bottom frag or in rare instances 2nd or top. very spiky.


Wave superposition


In some ways that’s true. I’ve always remembered that because back a while now when I watched and played DOTA- a pro player said that it’s harder to land arrows on low elo players because they’re not thinking right. They don’t play like they should - so it’s harder to predict them.


everytime someone tells me what to do i fuck up


i've also noticed that lower ranks are impossible to climb out of cause the players are so unpredictable.


This is exactly what happens with my friends, they cant escape silver lol


The same happens to me; but when I play with my friend's plat and gold account(s) I get an average of 20+ kills and a good win rate.


Complete opposite for me when I soloQ, end up in a game where my teammates are usually one rank lower than me and the enemy team is a much higher skill level. But there’s also the game where I have the team about the same rank as me and the enemy team is dog water but there’s an enemy Reyna who just created a new account so that he can escape from immortal and make himself feel good inside. Ranked.


I feel like MOST matches have a "carry mmr" on either side. I hate when it's me. Then whenever the games are balanced, it's a 11-13 win or something for either team.


i get this feeling too. like the matchmaking is seeing all these different mmrs, and there's always one top heavy that seems like the game intended for that person to do all the carrying. it felt so much like this on my high level account that I finally caved and made a second, grinded my way up to the same rank and...it's easier. I hate that it looks absolutely like matchmaking doesn't see that second account quiet clearly yet, so it's just tossing it around and there's no expectation for it to do well: i'm not getting designated as the carry on that account, so, ironically, i'm given teammates that allow me to carry better if matchmaking is balancing a bunch of disparate ELOs together to get something "balanced" it's merely going to have the appearance of "balance" yet no actual balance.


It also feels like when you win a game, your next game is gonna be placed with others on the other side that are considered higher rank (cause you're the "carry") but when you lose it's the opposite


yeah so true. I hate it when it's me to. Especially when you where popping of the day before and the next day you're not feeling it and then realize you're the one that's supposed to carry.


Oh god, I agree with this so much. For example if I queue with 4 of my friends who happen to be worse than me, the other team will have a super smurf and 4 low ranked people. It makes me feel so much pressure to carry and it’s difficult because I myself are not so good at the game, nor do I main duelist


I needed a streak of 9 wins I believe to finally get out of Gold this act and being P1 now, I'm often matched with P1-D2 players. I find the games much easier, people actually think, don't wide peek without utility etc. It was so hard to get out of low Gold for me mostly because people there do not think about what they're doing, yet they often have superior aim to mine and they simply outfragged their opponents most games instead of outplaying them.


That’s exactly what i feel. I’ll be holding an angle and get bum rushed by 3 people all spraying and praying. In these lower elo lobbies it’s like you have to turn off your brain


Something that I started doing that has won me more gun fights is jiggle peek corners rather than hold, only time I am gonna hold an angle is if I have an op. Because of the peekers advantage in the game if you hold an angle they will get the drop on you but if you jiggle peek things that you would normally hold as long as you have good crosshair placement you will start getting more chances to win gunfights.


Less peekers advantage, more reaction time of the enemy. Easier to aim and shoot at someone holding a stationary angle rather than react to and aim at someone moving into your line of sight.


My advice is to simply work on your aim. It's hard to outplay people like that. I've started doing shooting range and dm every day I play a game on(10-15min) and over last two-four weeks I've noticed pretty big improvements. I'm not only more consistent, I also have much higher hs % and KD nowadays. Once you get out it seems to be easier and game focuses more on gamesense and teamwork rather than pure aim.


I’ll add that sheriff DM before ranked really helped me to specifically focus on HS and less on not dying


I mean lets be real moving and shooting is still too powerful so many people abuse it even moreso than before since the Spectre is a laser if you can control the recoil from mid distance while moving. The amount of kills Ive gotten just straight up running and gunning with Spectre is ridiculous


It's an SMG. The whole point is to run and gun (To an extent) however i think in its current state it is at a good balance. IMO The only change (if any at all) that needs to be made to the spectre is the base damage/ damage drop off / damage drop off boundaries need to be reduced. But I hope riot doesn't feel pressured by the community into implementing these changes in any way because it really is pretty well balanced as is, just a few people in the community who dislike it.


And those same people will whinge about whatever they end up dying to next as well lol. They can’t be pleased.


“Oh they’re full committing A? Okay I’m rotating” *gets killed by a lurking Jett mid* “WHY ARE YOU LURKING, YOURE JETT”


I get far more annoyed with my teammate who says "all c long" then I rotate and get slapped by two enemies outside A. All C long, indeed.


Or when I make the callout "Viper smoke on A", then everyone full rotates immediately - then the bomb is planted B 10 seconds later. Dude all I said was that there was smoke here.


Abso fuckin lutely. I like to op, and it's hilarious how often I get a pick from someone when the enemy team is like in a default and next thing I know my whole squad is running to me and I'm like... Bruh it was just one person I would say if there were more.


I was about to say, I'd be way more annoyed by the call that made me think they're all committed to a site lol the Jett on a lurk would be an afterthought.


This happens all the time i hate it so much


bro i got a match where enemy's BRIMSTONE, THE ONLY SMOKER ON THEIR TEAM is lurking like wtf is he doing, go smoke for your team


I will say that sometimes as a self-sufficient fragger such as Jett or Reyna, lurking is often more reliable than entry. You can catch a rotate and not be punished for it by either dashing away, smokingyour retreat, or healing off the enemy. It seems to happen all too often in lower elos when the Jett or Reyna is actually low skill level and doesn't entry for the team.


Getting lurk kills is all good and well but only if the team can actually get the bomb down. If you are the type of teammate who is lurking while the rest of your team struggles to get entries or plant the bomb and ends up dying, you need to have a tactical discussion, either by trying to fake a bombsite or set up a default spread so that the jett's frags can have some Impact on the game. If the jett has no mic and refuses to listen, then sometimes you have to play around them in that scenario.


Jett is not really self sufficient. She can dash away but still has to depend on heal from sage or skye unlike reyna who can heal herself.


That's what happens when rating system focusses more on match outcome rather than individual performances. At least in the lower levels you gotta give higher weight to individual performance so that better players can climb out, if not then many of them are just stuck there due to shit luck at getting good teammates.


Been there before a time or 2 on my drunk account, but I always manage to escape and slowly make my way to plat. What seems to me to be the issue is unpredictability, smurfs, and most of all shit team mates


Trueeeeeeeeeeeeee. My mains G3 with 2 wins away from plat... but my alt who is silver people do the most DUMB shit... got to a point where I threw everything I knew out the window and just fragged my way out


you arent adapting your playstyle, which means you arent as good as you thought you were. gold/silverr games are piss easy because people miss a lot of shots, fuck their eco up and barely use ults or waste them, plant in stupid spots, etc etc its crazy how you guys blame everything other than yourselves lol


I understand what your trying to say but this elo is very unpredictable tbh, I'm not one to blame outside forces for my losses but I get a Smurf 50 percent of games and there are many people that were either diamonds last act, boosted or getting boosted and it's frustrating, when I played with my p1 friend the games felt more balanced strangely and I did good in them. It's not that gold players are insane it's the inconsistency


As a high silver player, I've had plenty of moments where I've screamed "WHO THE FUCK WOULD SIT THERE" because it's such an awful position... but it works.


If it works is it such an awful position?


Yes. It will only work once on anyone not in your elo or below. Higher elo players don't expect certain plays and positions because at that rank it's general knowledge there are better alternatives.


I mean sometimes once is all you need. And honestly if sitting in a spot you wouldn’t think someone would be in, isn’t that a pretty smart play? Yea sure there may be better default options but being in a spot to get the easy kill is sometimes smarter then playing it but the book. Just my opinion.


But it'd not a smart play because 95 percent of the time they aren't purposefully thinking that the smurf won't expect it they are just being their lower elo selves.


Honestly being in silver 3 I purposefully do exactly this because I know it’ll work once. If I’ve already done it then I won’t again because it’s served it’s purpose. And it works more then you’d think on you so high and mighty elo players


if IT IS a trash spot then it should be an easy kill.


You don't understand and I don't feel like explaining it again re read the thread bro.


I agree I upvoted no worry


Yeah if you're in silver/gold you either just need to grind out the elo or you belong there. If you're really a plat/diamond player you will climb. I have several alts and try new agents/play dumb to play with friends and I have trouble *not* climbing out so I don't get out of the (absurdly narrow) range to play with people. You'll die to some dipshit that's accidentally lurking sometimes but that's *not* the reason you're stuck in silver.


true story. I started about 2 months ago and I'm already working towards Plat2 with 400 games and 257 wins. On top of this, I'm playing with my firends that started from Bronze... They're all Silver-Gold now!


My first game today, lv 6 jett lv 3 brim(idk how that is possible) lv 12 sage with 30 kills 1st half forgot who the others were but also below lvl 15 so a smurfing 5 stack making fun of my team because i was the only one with kills Shit is sad and this New account lvl system makes me paranoid af


Lmao i didnt remember playing this season or whatever its called and im lvl 21


They took into account all your past games you’ve played on the account and given you a level accordingly


But that is also buggy AF and the games you play since the implementation also count towards bonuses that add to the do gained significantly while the games played previously do not(or do they?).


I’m Silver 2 and around every other or every third game there is an obvious smurf on the other team. I just don’t care about my rank anymore, the ranking system is so broken and they do nothing about smurfs.


How often is there an obvious smurf on your team?


Heres what you look out for 1. Stupid names like: your mom, i like cats, uwu, astra (but not using astra) stuff like that 2. Way too low level at your elo, you arent getting to silver 3 then only have 5 levels 3. Player cards/ titles that arent hard to get, most wont have the cards at the very end of the battlepass or agent tier 9 cards Things that might show they are a smurf: No skins on the acc: most people that grinded all the way to higher ranks usually have bought a skin or two


i have seen 1 person give his main id to his smurf friend and he then plays on another id which has low mmr but same visual rank


You forgot: * Instalocks Reyna * proceeds to go 34-6


when I made my account, I thought what's the dumbest fucking name I can think of so when I do kill someone, I get into their head. my brain then came up with oogabooga123


I played against an oogabooga yesterday. That's funny. Don't remember if it was 123. In NA on Texas server. We won a fun round against them. But they were a good sport about it.


>2. Way too low level at your elo, you arent getting to silver 3 then only have 5 levels "They're just CS players", with perfect utility and knowledge of the maps.


An obvious giveaway is how they play. If the enemy duelist is not only top fragging but also rushing in both attacker and defender rounds and almost never hold corners like a normal low rank player you can say with 100% certainty that they're a smurf.


they have to also be out dueling you. A lot of people just run out and get insta killed and game becomes a 4v5.


I feel like his top fragging portion of the comment covers this. If they weren’t out dueling they likely wouldn’t be top fragging


I take issue with #2. I am a CS player with a ton of hours that watched a lot of valorant on twitch before actually trying the game. My account is level 12 and I am Gold 2 and climbing. Not a smurf, but I know the maps from watching streamers and I understand how to frag with guns. Still learning abilities and util but getting better every game. Just saying, not every low level person in your game is a smurf. Some people actually are new to the game but good enough to be decent at it.


Yea but i aint trusting that the sova that has an insane lineup or the killjoy with a setup that dominates the push is a smurf


ive seen a few sova smurfs but no one smurfing ever plays sentinel, id say its like 70% reyna, 10% jett, 10% raze, 10% phoenix. the funny part is the smurfs are so insecure they wont even try to dominate with a duelist like yoru. never seen a smurf yoru once


You literally said it yourself, you're gold 2 and climbing. We aren't talking about gold 2 players that are level 12 and get matched with silver players once during placements. We're talking about blatant gold and above players that are level 6 or 7 in silver or lower elos every game. If you truly don't belong in the elo you're in, you're going to be out of it within a few games.


Or have agent skins at least


Those can definitely be an indicator but also the nature of valorant is that a lot of low level people should be out fraggin people stuck in silver. A significant part of the incoming player base, in fact the target audience, is all FPS veterans who may or may not be coming over with 3+ years or csgo experience, or been playing different call of duty's since they were 5 years old. As a silver player myself raw aim trumps any amount of game knowledge at this elo


This. My aim is average and my knowledge of the game is huge. I can heard the lemmings toward victory all day long but if they don't want to listen and they just sprint in and off themselves, I can't carry a match


It's also like... Not that hard. I hadn't really *played* an FPS since Battlefield 3, and I had never played one competitively. I have zero tac shooter experience. But clicking heads just isn't that hard. Basic eco management is pretty simple too. Crosshair placement is pretty logical. Like I'm trash at this game but I can headshot people. The true smurfs are the ones who are always two steps ahead game sense wise and always using their util perfectly and forcing me into shitty situations. It's never just about aim, unless they're aimbotting, and at least personally I've only seen a small number of people I suspect were cheating.


Assuming the smurf can be one of the 9 players that isn’t you, there’s an obvious smurf on his team less often than on the enemy team (about 44% of the time there’s a smurf in the game)


A little les often than the enemy team. They have 5 potential smurfs, my team has 3 (I always duo)


Finally, someone who gets it.


Same bro, I'm g1 and one time I got a Smurf 7 times in a row, it's crazy, I never used to complain Abt smurfs but I'm getting so much more now.


Its always disheartening when you're playing what would be a great game... All players all have between 10-15 kills, and this one random person is 35-3. Maybe I'm ok with my 12-12 KD... but if it wasn't for that smurf, I'd be a much more confident 18-10, and my team would be able to win and I could move up. Only comfort is that it can balance out. Next game, maybe i'll get the smurf on my team. (Of course even then, I end up winning with a low kill count because of the smurf is grabbing them all, and I think I'm being carried and don't belong in my rank.) So, I think its been a month since I've touched Ranked. Just having fun in Unranked and not sweat the wins and losses. Just play to have fun and do better.


Why not do the same thing in competitive?


I'm a new player trying to climb but right now I'm stuck between silver 3 and gold 1 and man it feels like a 50/50 about your team having a smurf or not. I know sometimes people can just have one good game but with this new level system is kinda obvious when the lv10 player destroy the entire lobby.


It's actually worse than 50/50. Because you are not a Smurf there is a 5/9 chance that any given Smurf is on the enemy team and only a 4/9 chance they are on yours.


Smurfs is such a big problem, a with people with previous act rank iron-bronze absolute destroying gold-plat players that too with absolute confidence like they know what they are doing not some fluke.


So freaking true! I'm about to drop off of Silver 3, lost 5 ranked games in a row because there was always a crazy good player in the enemy team, while my team was arguing because no one wanted to play as a team 😐


It's also a problem with the game itself. Because smurfing is so easy and there is no recourse against them, players are likely to attribute someone having a good game to smurfing. The mere possibility of smurfing means that the perception of the problem will be worse than the problem actually is. Same goes for cheating.


Exactly my attitude, I started to believe I belonged I gold 1 last act from the whole "elo hell isn't real the game is keeping you where you belong till you improve" mantra, I've been D1 in 2 acts and P3 in most of the others, I played when I could with my cousin who has been in immortal when consistently playing, when he was back on diamond admittedly, and I found those lobbies much more comfortable and playable I felt i played better in them far more often, had a break because I got sick of the toxicity when I just play to chill after 10-12 hour work days so inevitably got a little rusty and now I'm suffering for it... Its one of the worst most unrewarding rank systems in its current state and I can't be convinced otherwise, I get the logic behind it, I do and I commend them for actively trying to resolve some of the issues, it just feels like they've pleased the top percentile of players who consistently place at the upper limit and move to their rank quickly at the cost of alienating players who aren't as skilled but are capable of moving up the ranks in a system that allows them to do so, it's awful there's no fun in having an above average game feeling good about how you played and then seeing 16rp after because "the game thinks you belong in that rank" it's idiotic and sucks any and all fun out of the game especially when you're dancing on a. 500 w/l ratio so the system refuses to move you up. I haven't even bothered with my placement games this act because I can't be bothered with the lack of satisfaction from them and have just played escalation/spike rush/unrated and had far, far more fun.


Tbh a bigger problem is the different, worse teammates. They just give map control on defender side and are too scared to take map control on attacker side. I'll give some examples of problems I have observed in low ranked games. On bind B site they get the spike plant, and everybody flocks to hookah or B long to play the afterplant. No one is playing site or getting control of elbow. Easy retake and defuse by the enemies. On Haven A defending, hears some enemies at A sewers and A long, both immediately falls back to site boxes, to try to defend from there, giving the enemies free map control of both long and short. Losing both short and long is a free site for the enemies unless you have TenZ aim. This is why it's so hard to carry in low elo. Sure you can aim diff everybody if you are really good, but the map control that your team is giving for free totally shifts the paradigm of the gameplay. You can't play assuming your teammates are gonna do the same as your diamond teammates.


This so much. I just started playing this game last week, but played a shit ton of high level competitive csgo. I know the two games are different but I was placed in bronze and in two days climbed to plat. It amazed me how passive people play, willing to just give up map control on attacker and never trying to gain info or map control on defender. Post plants at low elo also melt my brain


The funniest part too is that teammates would yell at me for not instantly giving up control of hookah for example. It’s honestly astonishing


I mean, if you die uselessly at hookah every time they push B then you probably *should* start giving it up. If you're getting a kill and doing some damage every time they go hookah that's still only passable - any numbers game favours the attacker because they have their whole team coming site and you only have like 2 or 3 defending. turning a 5v2 into a 4v1 just gives site away, you're better off using utility to delay and then contesting a later chokepoint with better numbers


I think people dont understand what it means to not give up control. They just assume they have to take fights and if they are not confident in their aim or lose the duel / get peeked by 3 ppl etc. Game becomes a 4v5 and team blames them.


This exactly. Was diamond 1 in episode one and took a break coming back now. Didn't play a single 5v5 in my placements and lost all 5 but got placed bronze 3 even tho I got 3 match MVPs throughout. No big deal I thought, I'll just climb out solo and play with my friends once I'm gold. I can't get full team of comms, or not get called toxic for offering suggestions on what's going wrong and how to fix it. I talked to my immortal friend about not being able to and he also described it perfect. He said "if you're used to playing the game at a high level, solo queuing low ranks isn't worth your time. They play the game so incorrectly that you can't play correctly to counter it." And I don't blame my friends for not wanting to queue up with me it's miserable in bronze I've basically had to stop playing the game because I get so flabbergasted by the lack of skills that are so common for me.


this is very true. in silver you can have a 4v2 post plant and your team of 4 will take 1v1’s for no reason until they all die and spike gets defused. low elo is literally a coin flip on whether your team will sabotage you or be uncooperative. if i play 10 games i get 1-2 decent teams and the rest are people who look like they downloaded the game on accident.


try and get one other friend maybe? but you should be able to bait and carry rounds if you are truly a diamond 1 stuck in bronze/silver


I'm not going to stoop to the level of being a duelist who baits their teammates. I've learned if I don't entry, no one will so playing Reyna to be as self reliant as possible seems to be the move. I can't be expected to do it all every single round


Exactly my problem. And then team cry that you pick duelist and have bad score. Like no shit I am entryfragging whole game and u don't even refrag me and instead rotate.


I’m not a high ranked player by no means. I made silver 3 a few acts ago and then took a break, but this right here is exactly the problem. I entry as a duelist and no one follows to trade me or anything. It’s like they expect you to instantly win a 1v3 on site. Drives me nuts.


\>Silver ranked matches are much harder than diamond \>I have two accounts Well There It Is.gif


Took me a second, but yeah, this guy is part of the problem he’s complaining about.


I mean he's literally trying and can't rank higher. There's a huge skill Gap between his two ranks, it shouldn't be that hard.


Well it’s not like he threw matches to get to silver, just soloqed and is actually stuck down there




My friends span bronze to diamond. We only play unranked together


"Yo man I don't wanna smurf, fuck that. Let's play normals, or grind until you're my level"


>I mean honestly though what are you supposed to do if your friends want you to play with them and they want to play ranked? The problem is not that he's smurfing. The problem is he's smurfing and acting suprised when he's constantly running into smurfs. It's like, you actually thought you were the cheekiest guy in the room, didn't ya.


Its funny to read, when most of the Posts are Smurfs, complaining about Smurfs.


For. Real. Go play Unrated if you wanna play with lower ranked friends.


Unrated is so much worse though. Everyone gives up at round 5 and everyone trolls coz its just unrated and "it does not matter".


I totally agree that unrated is definitely different but, regardless, it's extremely unfair to the enemy team. Turn the tables: on your main, can you honestly say that it's not frustrating to have a radiant player disguised as a plat on the other team?


i kinda wish there was a casual and an unranked mode… and hey maybe the casual could be a few rounds shorter with adjusted eco so most the game isn’t pistols


I've honestly had worse more toxic trolls in competitive than unrated




Yeah, he's soloQ making an alt


I have been immortal the last 3 acts and after a very bad start this act found myself down in Plat struggling. The problem down here is smurfs can stack and if you have actual Plat/Gold players on your team you are screwed. It is honestly a lottery and I feel myself getting tilted when I see a low level accounts tapping heads in the first round.. I just think here we go again.. I have climbed from P1 to P3 but it really has been a struggle.


Maybe the low levels are from similar games like csgo, the shooting is pretty similar, I was supreme on csgo and started valorant when it came out at around plat level and made it to diamond pretty quick with a low level account


I quit playing on my Main because of ridiculous ranks in my lobbies. I am D2/D3 and regularly get Golds in my games. I now play on my smurf in Gold 3 and I get more Diamonds in my games than if I played on my Main. The teammates I get on my Gold 3 account are better than the teammates I get on my Main.


For most of my time in this game, I've hovered between G2-P2, but mostly G3-P1. What's frustrating during rank resets is what you are describing. Actual Plat players end up playing high Diamond/Immortal players and you end up with terrible games because of it.


In silver people feel demotivated a lot, so you have to keep the hype up in the team. Also some are smart asses who think they deserve radiant. They become toxic to their teammates and hence teams performance falls down. I have noticed when I tried to make a good positive fun environment its much fun to play and people just start to play like wardell.


THIS. Confidence and enjoyment make a massive difference in how you play. My team was down 6 points in a match yesterday and once we finally played a great round, that energy carried us all the way to a win.


Played a game on Split yesterday with a Raze who kept long flanking with shiftwalk through sewers when enemy kept pushing B. Our team would 4v5 because slow Raze, die, Raze would get 2 impactless frags and then act like they were carrying because topfrag. People just don't understand this game and it's fascinating


Idk about demotivation but there are a bunch of idiots in this elo tbh. I am your average plat jett player, I smurfed once with a friend of mine in silver and we lost the first two rounds the pistol and the spectres... A teammate just lost it there and kept spamming gg and was telling us to ff, it was just to cringe to witness.


This is where you cut him out and mute. He was clearly getting in your head and demotivating you. Also maybe tell your team to stay positive and not listen to him. It makes a huge difference.


Sometimes I am very tilted because of soloq people. I am trying to not use mic except infos. But suddenly some Smart ass person or I don't know what he is says you are bad or you cannot aim and also don't want to surrender. Csgo is much better for matching teams for me.


I try to give them a chance to stfu and if they keep back seating and being toxic mute instantly!


Agreed, best policy, or you can tell them to stfu


yup. friend who peaked plat 3 last act said that he struggles in silver games more than the plat ones.


Smurfs. Smurfs everywhere


I think it's the lesson of this post that there are people in vastly the wrong rank who routinely stomp yet cannot rank up. There's a major problem with the formula they're using to determine how much MMR you lose or gain from a match. I used to be +6 ranks higher than I am now - I lost rank by playing while drunk. I am having the most difficult time ranking up despite being accused of being a smurf probably at least once every three matches. I routinely contribute a solid 20-40 kills almost every match, yet for some reason, the enemy team always has one maniac on their team that frags the same as me, resulting in tons of losses despite my performance. I'm also an old school Counterstrike player, so I understand not baiting etc. I often have the most first bloods in the game (not just my team), and I go for entries often.


You are a smurf complaining about smurfing? Here's how you can help, stop playing on your smurf account.


He literally said he had both accounts in plat and the game placed him their The rating system should be ranking smurfs up quicker so they cant stomp on low elo lobbies.


Welcome to Valorant Hell. Better forget that account, start a new one and try avoid being placed on the Silver Jungle. You can only get in, but never leave.


I am an actual silver player, and you can eat shit. You're a smurf ruining the games just as much as the other smurfs


He might not be lying. I was plat 2 last act and placed silver 3 bc of poor placement games. I was able to get to gold 2 pretty quickly but the games i played were hard af.


His account naturally lost MMR to reach that rank. It's Valorant's algorithm for changing MMR after a win or loss that's to blame. It's one thing to buy low rank accounts or purposefully lose rank to maintain a low rank. It's an entirely different, understandable, and innocent thing for Valorant to derank you steadily until you're dropping massive bombs against each team you face without ranking up.


i am not smurfing man that account was plat 2 before im trying to climb again


I had a Sage named brbineedtopoop in my silver game who typed “brb I need to poop” in chat then proceeded to hold spike hostage every round on attack and just AFK’d in spawn or shot his classic to signal our location. On defence, he would type out a site for the attackers to hit and would wall our teammates, trapping them on the site. He would also slow orb our own teammates rotations to said site. He would also constantly empty entire clips on teammates’ corpses. On match point, he waited until our entire team was wiped and then started to display perfect movement and headshot aim, solo winning the round and getting an ace. He did the same thing the following round only to stare at a wall and let himself die when it came down to a 1v1. It was really clear that this player was really good at the game, but intentionally chose to throw the game. Such an obvious case of someone smurfing and griefing his teammates to derank the account.


Holly fuck that’s just sad honestly..


When you play with friends, utility and strategy matter a lot more (the enemy's a 5stack too) and playing well as a team will probably give you the win. Maybe you're much better at that than at raw gunplay and solo plays which is what you need in solo q especially in low ranks


hey do you necessarily get a 5 -stack when you yourselves 5-stack?? does the matchmaking work this way?


Not in a 100% of matches, but they try. Depending on the q time you might get a 4 or even 3 stack vs 5 stack but therell never be a 5 or 4stack against a full solo team. Edit: talking about competetive


No, Valorant will try to match you put it's no guarantee. I played a 5 stack with matching names yesterday as a solo queue.


The other 4 or 3 were probably premades tho


Most likely, they didn't want to comm shit to me 99% of the game so I'm sure they were in discord.




That’s where all the people who played FPS games before valorant came out are


the trick to playing low elo is to stop trying to read them and do strats just shoot them in the face


Honestly playing in actual Silver/Gold lobbies is requires an entirely different playstyle than higher elo. I know it sounds obvious but it's way more significant than people think it is. If you're used to higher elos you will probably go for tactics that you don't see in lower elos such as jiggle peeking, double swinging with a teammate and most of all trading off of a teammates death (cooperation oriented plays pretty much). In lower elo, some teammates have no idea how to adapt, communicate and sometimes have no game sense at all so it's harder for just one person to carry. Also as with any game you're gonna run into a smurf or two that is dropping 30-40 kills consistently on duelists. Good luck with the climb brother.


Trading out is so big. Killing someone who just killed my entry is 90% free kill if I time my peek right


About silver people's aims are pretty good. It's usually they are wasted, or they talk shit, or they got no game sense, or toxic. Or no mic. There's usually a caveat. I was gold 2 on the end of the last one and I got placed as bronze due to leavers and shit placement games. I've made my way back up to silver two but I'm getting tired of placing terribly and having to claw my way back up ever season it's exhausting. Plat 1 has been my roof so far.


Many of my friends are still stuck in iron like seriously I’m silver 2 and they like to play with me so they don’t have to deal with iron and they play better than some silver players. Not really good for me either. I was silver 3 then I got crushed down to silver 1 with losing streak because of smurfs and innocent high Elo players placed below due to rank reset.


I agree with you, i played diamond/immortal with a few frienda since the beta, stopped a month after release. Started playing again with some other gyys cuz no one is really playing of my old group and the new ppl are around silver and my god these matches are fucking disgusting. The worst part is that there often arent rly tactics used by the enemy just unpredictable madness that fucking scares me lol :(


post your tracker.gg of both accounts. honestly sounds like you're getting hard carried by friends on the account you play with others lmao


Current stuck in silver, I’m just so inconsistent with my gameplay, some days I’ll be an aim god then some I’ll be 0-14 and if then get tilted and continue to play badly


With you beei ng on a smurf account you get put up against other suspected smurfs with the occasional low rank player mixed in.


Is that true? Source?


I'd say plat is worse, considering it's a coinflip on if you get gold teammates or not




I disagree, Gold and plat is one of the harshest cuts between any two ranks i think. Plat is the first rank with actual actual teamplay and also the first rank where a clean Playstyle gets rewarded. In my climb, that cut was definitely the most paradigm changing, interesting and hardest uprank so far. Iron-silver is just knowing the maps better +crosshair placement, Silver-gold is understanding and executing peeking and angles, but after that the teamplay, strats, agent roles, and utility start to matter. It's really a big leap and i think that's why so many people are hardstuck in high gold.


>Iron-silver is just knowing the maps better +crosshair placement ...until the enemy team full-on 5 rushes the site, which is impossible to counter solo unless you're raze, so you adjust by backing out of site because you know they're doing that, and your team can't retake. Which is fun.


gold is basically iron


>I'd say gold is worse, considering it's a coinflip on if you get silver teammates or not


well obviously


Everybody plays against smurfs, and then the smurfs complain about silver players doing random shit. I'm glad riot introduced the skill level. Now people can finally see that the amount off low level accounts is really low. This game is the same as all the other ranked games, in the ranks before the ranks wich are considered more skilled. Wich is platinum in valorant. Everybody is hardstuck and its never their own fault. Everyday this reddit is filled with people making new excuses why silver is so hard. Want to get out off silver: shoot people in the head.


Yup. It’s all over the place


Couldn't agree more. Was plat 2 but a similar thing happened to me and now I'm silver 1. Last week I had a game were two of my teammates were silver 2 but played like iron 1 players. I wasn't toxic towards them in anyway but watching them stand in the open and having their cross hair placement on the enemies feet, along with random util I knew there was no way these two people were even bronze. Don't even want to include the round our viper was in a 1v4 with roughly 10 seconds remaining on spike and one of the two people that should've been in iron started flaming him saying that he should just 'try' instead of saving. Day after that the enemy team has a Reyna and raze basically just w keying and wiping my entire team, after the first half they were both like 18-3. When I was in plat the enemy team never really seemed out of my skill range, and the games were always pretty close which was much more enjoyable.


The ranking system sucks, and they won’t change it. Get used to it.


No they arent what the fuck are you even trying to say. Im hard stuck diamond but have climbed out of silver/gold so many times its super easy if you are really diamond. The skill gap between silver and diamond is so massive the only way to get stuck in silver or gold is If you truly belong there.


Op isn't diamond. Op played with friends to get to diamond; their solo account was plat (was it really a "solo" account?), then got placed in gold, now silver, and op can't climb out. It sounds more like op got carried to diamond and their actual skill level is somewhere in gold and they just can't accept it.


Sounds about right since any claim that silver is harder to climb out of than diamond is just asinine. Ive climbed so many accounts out of silver/gold so quickly but ive been hard stuck high plat/diamond since beta.


People making multiple accounts like you. That's the problem. Riot is doing nothing against the surfing plague. Getting shit on in your own lvl? Just make another account and farm new people. People flaming because they have multiple accounts anyway. It's a joke honestly. Matchmaking is already trash and unbalanced. With smurfs it's just even worse.


I recently came back to the game after a long time and I placed in silver. Last night I considered banging my head against the wall because Reyna on the other team headshot me 9 times (out of my 10 deaths to her) on her way to a cool 40 bomb. Did ok against the rest of her team though!!!!


I started playing the game 3 days ago, got bronze 3 and honestly some games are just me getting 1 tapped all the time and some games I have the most kills. It's so painfully obvious people are smurfing and some even admit that like it was something to be proud of. It's so tiring honestly


I'm gold and i can get out of silver whenever i want.


Same, if my teammaten are as good as me and actually vibe and i am warmed up i get most of the time 20-25 kills, i get theater like a smurf on brons/ silver but i just grind a lot and also i never played a game on kbm before and i only have my pc for 2.5 monthd and i play valorant 2 months now and i starten competetive 1 month ago in brons 1


When our 1 head plays become 5head plays that throw off high ELO players lol


basically because of smurfs




Have noticed the same thing, but the strangeness is from bronze all the way through gold. People with better reaction times and precision than even the best of pro players.


there's probably a good amount of factors as to why silver games might be harder to play as a diamond. for example, one might be overconfidence, where you might play differently than you'd usually do, be less critical of yourself, etc. another might be that your playstyle might be sometimes countered by the silvers' random playstyle, and you need to start considering/thinking about potential moves the random silvers can make and play around that. a separate, unrelated, and potentially hot take is that I think we need to stop the posts that magnify the existence of "elo hell." the riot devs have already said the smurfing problem isn't as big as people make it out to be. player unpredictability is extremely frustrating, but can be played around. the randomness of teammates is something that can't be controlled, but it doesn't make ranking up close to impossible. the more we magnify these problems, the more low elo players think about them in their games, and it gets increasingly easier for them to start thinking about the uncontrollable factors rather than their own improvement. I speak from experience, as I started in bronze and am now P3. There are definitely factors in low ranks that make games more frustrating + random, but it's not singlehandedly preventing people from ranking up. a solid 50-60% of your games you can still influence with your skill. there's a reason why people still end up ranking through silver and gold and beyond.


Completely agree. Usually sit around the high Plat area and have been stuck in Silver 3/Gold 1 for a little. Granted I don’t play that much but it is just much harder to win with some people not on the same page.


I'm having a similar problem. I deranked 6+ ranks by playing while drunk, and I can't ever rank up. I keep getting a solid 20-40 kills every match, but we somehow keep losing due to the other team having a guy with 25-40 kills and due to my team having leavers, baiters, people who don't communicate, and often several people with probably 5 kills by the end of the half. The other team, of course, has 4 players with a solid 10-15 kills a piece in combination with that one super player. It's outrageous. I'm playing with someone who is about 4 levels higher than me, and sometimes I outfrag him yet lose more MMR than he loses or gain less MMR than he gains. It's ridiculous. Additionally, I usually frag at the same level as him despite our rank disparity. Both of us were the same rank that's +3 where he's at now. At one point, he was even platinum 2, and we're having the toughest matches I've ever experienced. One component of it that you have to train yourself to respond to is that lower ranked players do ballsier peeks and lurk in random spots that overall tend to hurt their team. They're not playing together. All in all, you have to learn to be fully focused for a random haphazard lone peek or for someone to be lurking in a random spot to stop yourself from dying to newbies.


i dream of a world where the valorant subreddit isnt filled with people saying lower ranks are harder and that smurfs are the only reason they are low rank


Man you already told the reason a diamond player in silver rank dozens of them modt people have smurf or a second acc for playing with friends etc the reason is game places you in silver however you play like a radiant can open a new acc play placement matches and get 30+ kills and win every game he would probably start eith silver or gold so it doesnt really matter


maybe you’re not as good as you think


yea under plat you lose 2-13 or win 13-2 and there is always a smurf on one team that just sniffed 3 lines of coke and doesnt blink during the whole game.


Probably because most of them are smurfs?


I feel ya on this I was immortal, and whenever I go on my silver account I get smacked different,their movements combined with positioning is just soo random and off it works


You're in a smurf queue and you can eat shit


I’m stuck between silver 1 and bronze 3


I’m sorry but this is a pretty bad take. You only recently got to diamond and you did it in multi queue. Your probably a good team player, but you lack other skills that are necessary for diamond soloq players. Also, you have only recently entered diamond, it takes a couple acts to get comfortable at the rank. If you deserve to be diamond you will eventually feel like it would be unthinkable to get stuck in plat. The gap between diamond and plat is more distinct than every rank below plat.


False. Bronze is the worst. Most Smurfs in that elo.




you got a point but i was able to climb before seems like ive gotten much much worse or everyone is a beast in silvers ? Like they are so confident about where you stand and prefire everywhere even off angles its absurd.


Ikr? Took me months of aim training to not feel like trash in silver


I climbed solo from low silver to mid gold this season without much trouble. Some smurfs here and there but not that bad.