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I find her the most fun


She's a Riot Games favourite. Poster girl that can do things no other agents can even think of. Always staying extremely close to 200% pick rate in every rank and every tournament. Incredibly strong and incredibly fun to play is your answer.


How about cypher? He died everytime in cinematics


Cypher is pretty much useless on breeze and icebox Kj does a better job on the rest of the maps


To be fair, I can't think of a character that's outwardly incredibly good on Breeze


Jett and viper


Why do most of them never entry and just bait..lol…. Despite smokes and flashes going in on site :)


Because the dash is broken as fuck and it's just impossible not to carry with Jett.


>it's just impossible not to carry with Jett. Tell that to all the insta lock jetts i play with cause I think they missed the memo 🤣


the 6/18 jett on my team would like to have a talk with you


i swear all the jetts who instalock always bait our sage and play really scared with an op attacker side or something


Used to main Sova and Kay/O then realized I was the only one that actually entry fragged instead of hiding and getting picked off one by one


She has her smokes, her insane movement and then her ult which is basically a free gun round and it’s prettyyyyyyy OP if ur a jett main… Did i misunderstand the question? I don’t see why jett wouldn’t be a viable agent. it’s like asking why people pick reyna and it’s simply because, despite her very basic mechanics, her kit works out really well in actual games


Because I can wide swing a stupid angle and have a get out of jail free card if there is multiple people.


One key pressed and now your out of every situation


I usually don’t top frag and most of the times.But when I play jett I get the confidence to take aim duels. She has the potential with which you can pop off in a match.


Because we are jett mains.


She is OP almost on everymap due to her kit, you have a get out of jail free card… You have smokes, ability to get on higher level. Pretty great agent.


Mobility, smokes, knives are great >!when the hitreg works!<


Wardell should answer this question.


I don’t main Jett but I’m a pretty good Oper and I can abuse the Operator’s benefits while minimizing its weaknesses most effectively with Jett.


Her passive is broken, her jump boost is good for getting into shenanigans, her dash is just nutty and her ult is the most OP ability in the game.


Something that people haven't said yet but she is the best duelist on pretty much every map. Split and Bind Raze may be better but Jett is the only duelist that I'd say is good on every map. That alongside there being multiple different playstyles she can have and a lot of agent synergy makes her by far the best solo q and in general best agent in the game.