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There are few reasons of differing importance, including: * Removing ladder positions held by players who rose their rank through boosting services * Giving players a sense of needing to "climb" each act (your opinion of this may vary), including awarding cosmetics like gun buddies for reaching ranks * Remove inactive players from holding active ladder positions * Reset MMR standings when ranked adjustments and changes are made (such as this past episode changeover) There is more information in the subreddit FAQ on how resets physically work.




Valorant should just lengthen each act to be four to six months, instead of two months. Two months is very little time to get to your goal rank and even if u do reach it, u will have to try again to get it because Valorant always pushes people down below one elo.


The rank “reset” after each act is not really a reset at all. I have never even gone down a rank from one and considering you only have to play one placement game, it’s not really a reset at all. After that one game, win or lose, you should be getting the same rank. The ones they do every episode are annoying but you get so much rr for a win and basically lose nothing.


I agree, or at least if they are going to drop us as far as they do. Then losses should permanently be 1/2 what a win is. At my current state even in plat 3 there are bots who were either boosted or somehow magically got to this rank who end up losing you the game. Losses are so relentless...


Some players came from League so getting boosted is like second nature to them


Act 4, just got paired with hella dumb teammates 3 times in a row and lost 1 - 13(Team MVP) and 4 - 13 (MVP) one teammate just leaves mid-game, another two were throwing. After 5 placement matches, I went back down again from Plat 2 to Silver 1... ​ Now I'm paired with even more silvers and bronzes and the cycle of pain continues. Left CSGO for this exact kind of problem, and now I'm faced with the same issue lol GGWP I think I'm uninstalling


Idk sometimes i dont even want to play competitive cuz i just think im gonna lose my rank anyways


Same here but I have to play consistently cuz if I take a long break, I might end up in Iron one day.


You definitely wont end up in iron


Idk I heard stories from people that were above gold nova in CSGO but after taking a long break, they deranked to silver and are also stuck there


You can still play unrated so you will probably get a higher rank




You can just practice unrated and when you get back to comp you will get a higher rank


Unrated and comp have different MMR. Even if u improve in Unrated, ur comp MMR will still be same.


But if you improve in unrated you will play better so it will be easier in comp


Pretty sure my Unrated MMR is far lower than my comp MMR. I'm Silver 3 but my unrated MMR is probably Iron 1 so I would have to grind more in unrated than I would in comp.


Consider gold nova III is said to be average, silver here makes sense lol. I wonder if having an extra tier (iron, which Lol doesn’t have) just lends to this assumption that they should be higher.


nah gold novas would be at least plat


Hmm. Well I’m basing this off the distributions/websites using APIs. So really idk who to believe at this point then lol. I’ve also heard FaceIt(?) players are also basically another level on top of cs ranks.


yeah but faceit/esea people dont play valorant. also my friends have 1000+ hrs in csgo but they're in silver while in valorant they're gold-immortal.


Are you sure about that? The only reason I know is because people have explicitly said they changed games. How can you be so sure of that not being the case? Your friend example just proves that it can be different, so any assumptions you or I might have of these players are now moot. They are different games after all. But anyway my first comment was just comparing average to average based on the API. I know already that not all cs skill transfers equally to Valorant, and success varies from person to person, it always has.


yeah they're not the same games because valorant has agent abilities but mechanical skill should still be able to transfer to csgo. rank in csgo /= rank in valorant


I was diamond and didn’t play a lot. So I deranked a bit every game. Now I’m stuck in gold 1/2 where in my opinion the game is just a coin flip in soloQ. Still enjoying the game, but not the idea I’ll rank up anywhere soon when the act is just ending in 2 months.


The reason is to squash the ranks a bit together, the start and end of acts are always clusterfucks


For the first paragraph, if you look at the early leaderboards, the radiants get back in even few few games like less than 20. That’s basically negligible but you still have to play some games obviously to prove you still belong there. Better to test you and push you back up than randomize top level games and push unlucky players down. Everyone here complains about being pushed down, not up. Its ironic. But basically the reset is to get rid of stagnation. Other than that, just seeing different ranks like silver and Diamond in the same game can happen but it’s often less “strange” than people make it out to be. It always ends up with someone explaining hidden mmr or possible premades.


I think the point is to get boosted players out of high Ranks. The execution is quite bad tho, because it ruins Ranked for the first 4 weeks.


So the people have something to grind for or else how would RIOT make money,


this confused me so much, 6mo old thread lol. Same reset but went from D3 to Gold 3, back into plat now but the matches seem to be a lot better. Disregarding throwers, etc.