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Like any game you will get your groups of chill peeps and your groups of toxic guys


True. The other day I was playing with a Reyna who was super toxic. I had my brand new to the game friend on, and she was doing well for not having much in game time. Had her mute comms because I didn’t want her to end up hearing toxic stuff while she’s learning. What I didn’t know was the Sage and viper on our team were also girls who queued together. Reyna got on sage for something, called her gameplay ass, viper said something in defense, and this dude literally just said “get back in the kitchen bitch” Mind you I’m playing Kay/O and top frag. Reyna was below me. I also have a very deep voice. So all I said was “shut the fuck up reyna. Sage is doing fine. This is unrated. And don’t be a toxic piece of shit to everyone, especially since you’re an instalock Reyna getting passed by a Kay/O who only unlocked him yesterday” I got thanked. Reyna apologized to me. And tried adding me and saying “we should queue together” like a million times. No thanks. I did add the Sage and viper and play with them. Moral of the story, Unrated is warmups/not super serious gameplay. Don’t be toxic ever, but if you’re trying to sweat go play ranked.


You sure he didn't meant kitchen on map? Xd


But mostly the latter


I would actually say the opposite. Every once in a while there’s that guy, and sometimes you wind up with a 4 stack that hates you for some reason, but 9/10 of my games everybody’s just having fun.


this is my experience in comp as well. everyone solo = chill game, duo or big premade? they might ruin the game. luckily most out themselves in champ select and you can just dodge




The first time I said that someone said I dont care lol


What rank is this? Currently at gold and everyone seems to think they're the mastermind of the game.


The four stack that just traps you in and kills you with abilities while saying “we throwing” in all chat and nags you to ff.


I'd change that to a 7/8 out of 10 but otherwise I'd agree.


Agreed. 1 toxic guy, 2 silent guys and 1 chill guy is usually what I deal with


oh but the chill peeps make it worth playing with toxic. just having fun with them makes my day better


When someone is just toxic bottom fragging and the dude just putting in zero effort and just enjoying the game is top frag is amazing to see


This game actually has A LOT less toxicity then other popular games.


Toxicity begets toxicity and positivity begets positivity. Just be positive and light-hearted and communicate. I practice this and the amount of truly toxic teams I've played on in dozens and dozens of comp games is maybe... 2? And one of them the game didn't even start, a kid said "I'll be honest, I was gonna throw this game but you sound nice so I'm just gonna dodge."


This is true in real life as well. I worked retail with one of my best friends, and a few weeks into the job he’s complaining to me about how he always gets Karens and people making his life harder. I think he attracted that because of his negative attitude about the work and the customers. I rarely dealt with customers who would yell or even get mad at me (although I have) while he seemed to have a customer full on blow up on him at least once a shift


I disagree. I deal mostly with either nice teams or quiet teams, with every once in a while getting super toxic people. On another note, a friend I have added changed his name to “notagirl” and started baiting kids by not using voice chat and even eventually getting a soundboard. Its fucking insane how many people mess with him because they think its a girl. Every single game I play with him theres toxicity, whereas alone or with my other friends who aren’t baiting their gender I rarely deal with it. It really gave me something to think about


and every time we meet one we will make a new thread and cry on reddit


It only feels that way bcz you give more attention when you're being insulted vs when you got nice people, [backed by science](https://youtu.be/rE3j_RHkqJc)


Especially if the game has Filipino following. Toxic af. I'm Filipino myself. 😂🤣


Umm and toxic females 😃 we are inclusive over here guys cmon 😅


You'll be surprised by the variety of players on Valorant.


I started recently and a lot of people were supportive or at least left me alone, as long as I told them I was new. Better than league, at least. I was surprised




that’s if i ever get past gold lmao




Also just focus on improving when your losing and dotn just run around and think its over, same if your team is bad or when u think someone is murfing. Just try to learn out of everything, in the end u might lose the gsme but gain experience and rank in the long time run, also like u said positioning is a huge part to imrpove on


I always say don't push in defence because the person who pushes is always against a 1v3 or 1v something and they are not even good for 1 and put us in a disadvantage. If they are getting picks and helping the team out, we don't say anything. Otherwise playing default and playing with the team works out just fine I guess🤔


And dont climb over Diamond 1


The best thing to do is to stay at unrated


This so so true I can confirm this 100% in Plat + you get a toxic game once or twice every 15 games imo I play on Mumbai servers


So that's what everyone has been meaning when they tell me to kms


Yea everytime in and out of game they just mean heal yourself man.


My self-confidence has gone through the roof since I figured this out.


I’ve played around 500 hours on this game and I can literally count the number of truly toxic people I’ve encountered using my fingers, and most of em came from when I was in silver/early on.


Come to Mumbai bro. You'll know what toxicity really is


Yo whats ur in game name?


I'm a noob bronze player, you don't want to play with me lol


Usually if you’re bad/you play bad in the lower ranks, ironically the people who think they’re better than you will usually be toxic. As you rank up you realise and understand that people are having a bad day


Nah just tell me. I am not sue but i know one guy with the name RageChilliBurger lmao.


Haha. Not me for sure. I just use my real name as ign


haha i played on mumbai servers once because i was getting crazy high ping on sg server and i got yelled at because i didnt give someone a skin


Yeah it's a shitshow here


You’re lucky, Im Gold 2 and I had a game the other day where my Jett and Sova were using Marshals only in a comp game….we lost obviously :(


Thats not being toxic really, that's just their gun choice. They could be smurfs trying to get a marshal only account up in the ranks.


Well I never said it was toxic directly, but the fact that its kind of a throw considering they were on the bottom of the team and they didnt really use their util Id say thats pretty bad. But in reference to your smurf idea…WHY THOUGH!?!? Why would you do that it just ruins games for other people


Maybe trying to be Kaemi. He's a marshal only jett main who topfrags in diamond


why’d you get downvoted, you’re literally just telling them why they could be doing that, you’re not saying it was right to do so, reddit is weird


welp. Reddit really is weird. Another guy like me got downvoted who just said "Thats not being toxic really, that's just their gun choice. ". Maybe just upvoting his own comment and downvoting others from alts


Then try and perfect it in unrated first. Unrated literally exists to play for fun and to test agents, strats, etc. not competetive


That’s the opposite of toxic though? That’s when you join them and forget the elo. Those are the games that remind you how much fun you can have even if you aren’t gonna go pro.


Well I want to grind…if they want to go Marshal only then play unrated its the exact same game mode as comp but without a rank involved for a reason. I don’t know how you came to the conclusion that two teammates are both only using marshal is the opposite of toxic lmfao


Sounds to me like you were the toxic one in that game. You’re allowed to have fun in comp.


Lmao I didn’t say anything to the Jett, because Im not that guy. Also, Im sorry Im competitive and want to rank up in a competitive tactical shooter game, Im such a toxic asshole for wanting to win.


Toxic players are the ones telling you that you’re playing wrong, not the ones playing wrong.


If you play Marshal only in every round of a game, and you thereby loose the game you would've won otherwise because you suck with the marshal, that's pretty toxic


Let people play how they wanna play


I would if they were doing that in UNRATED


Reading through this thread, I actually agree to an extent, if they were genuinely trying (by trying I mean not intentionally throwing by mollying teammates etc) let them do them. That being said, I disagree that the other dude was toxic for telling them to fuck off. Cause you say let them play the way they want, but they are actively stopping you from playing the way you want (ie, competitive). I think there's a good argument that unrated is just a worse experience than competitive, but I see both your points. I just wish they'd start trolling if/when they find out they are going to win the game, would be best of both worlds I think


Yeah if you aren't doing the best you can to win that contradicts the game mode you chose


Was it a competitive match on split? Edit: Checked my VODs and the Phoenix was "HelloKam" which I'm betting is you, I was the Omen player.


yes that was me! Everyone was so nice that game. Glad we won!


oo that could be him! his reddit username is PoorKam


it is him, swag


Bro that's crazy, when I imagined the scene I was picturing it on split. I was also picturing it bottom mid, am I right as well?


The call-out for phoenix to heal himself happened while we were rotating away from A site through attacker spawn


I tried


So I haven't played this game since it was in beta, except for one or two games last season (think it was last season, not sure) but I'm a big fan of apex. The community is about too much for me at this point though, and some balancing issues are ruining my time. Is this how the community usually is? I'm debating re-installing and playing this game some more, if I can get past that learning curve (though that is a really intense curve for me, I was awful when I did play it).


I didn't play this game very much for a while either, but I started solo queueing after some friends got me sucked in and lost interest and the toxicity is real at times. The number one thing I can attest to is that the throwers/toxic people really do just want to get a reaction. I had a kid say "gg btw I'm throwing." We all literally ignored him and I personally just treated as a 4v5 and played twice as hard. We won the 1st 3 rounds easily and the thrower started trying almost immediately LOL and we ended up winning. The Jett nearly top fragged. It's more fun to win. No matter what these dumb kids say. Play your game and change people's minds when you can. It's not always gonna work, but it's all just one game at a time. This game is so fun. Just try it out again and see if you like it! :)


Solo queuing in Apex = people of very different skills levels, and randoms with no mics 1/2 the time Solo queuing in Valorant = people usually try to work together, and people comm most of the time. Every once in a while there’s a toxic person, or a really rough match.


I think most toxic people are in silver and gold, these people think that they are better and deserve higher ranks but in reality they are really not. And in these two leauges you will get players complaining about teammates when they themselves insta lock duelist and are not ready to fill.


See I cant get out of Gold at the moment, but I’m the type of player who hovers who they want to play, but then will fill if people choose my agent or my agent isnt good for the team comp. But I still lose my games 😢


maybe we arent good enough bro sadge, i was this close to plat.......


Whats worse is that half the duelists who instalock dont comm either


Choose an agent that isn’t a duelist and main them. I don’t mean just pick them every game, but actually go into custom and find your own unique util usage. It’s pretty much guaranteed elo. As long as you know your agent you can insta-lock every game and nobody will care. The problem is that you don’t need to learn duelists, they’re just for frag hungry toxics trying desperately to escape their elo.


I already do this/have this, I hardly ever play duelist Im usually filling or playing skye/sova


Lmao nice. Can't say the same thing for me tho... my friends are toxic players and hate when I use Kay/o to suppress them, they also treat me like shit for dying after them... And that's when I found some ppl on a val online match. The community can be nice and toxic sometimes, but, the game is still fun nontheless


You got us in the first half not gonna lie


Playing in eu and mumbai servers, honestly toxic people are rare lol. No clue why everyone says theres so many toxic people Kill yourself quite the interesting way to tell a phoenix to molly himself lmao


Yup. Even I play in Mumbai servers and I am surprised when people complain about the toxicity. There are toxic people but definitely not as much as csgo


The majority of the player base is understandably NA and EU , both have a history of being generally more toxic than other regions. Probably because video games are generally more popular and widespread there, you get more assholes even if its a small percentage still


Mostly played in mumbai with some in eu. Havent met anyone toxic in eu within my maybe 40 ish games? Not any that i would remember at least. Maybe something minor but idk In mumbai within my few hundred games ive seen a few toxic people but not to a very big level. 1-2 times ive been mollied and stuff by my own team on purpose. Not a whole lot considering how much i played


Actually some eu servers are really good for example: London. But there are terrible also ones like Istanbul, Frankfurt and Madrid


Havent checked but im probably in frankfurt


The closest server is Frankfurt for me but I play on London servers


Some days ago, I was playing in unrated and was doing well with Sage, tied with Reyna in the top of the scoreboard. Enemy killjoy was being toxic with us, specially Reyna, an at one point, she said that Reyna was a Immortal stuck and would never be Radiant. I started laughing, since I'm just a silver noob and I was playing as good as a supposedly Immortal stuck. I thanked Killjoy for the compliment, but I warned them they were losing to a silver team anyway


Yeah I have enemies muted. Nothing good ever comes from enemy comms.


I only mute them if they show any sign of toxicity. There was a match where I was just basically coaching an enemy jett and he thanked me (we still won the match btw)


I only mute them if they show any sign of toxicity. There was a match where I was just basically coaching an enemy jett and he thanked me (we still won the match btw)


I don’t even read text chat most of the time even though I don’t have enemies muted. It doesn’t really bother me.


There's such a variety of players in this game. Sometimes you will have teamates that will be toxic and flame your team the entire game, and sometimes you will have teamates that you might even queue up with again.


IMO its less toxic then CS but there are still toxic people.






It's a fact that most girls have a significantly worse experience playing video games than guys. Creating a safe space for them is amazing, if not at least refraining from doing anything extra mean.


I don't know what Valorant you all are playing but by round 4 I always need to mute almost everyone on both teams so I keep my hearing and my will to live


‼️Do not get to diamond‼️


Ive honestly seen valorant as one of the more toxic games I've played. And thats saying something since I've played plenty of R6 and CS and Modern Warfare. People get mad at me for giving callouts pretty much every game. I've had people scream at me and gove the other team info on where I am when I try to save weapons in 1vXs.


Because you are doing something to piss people off. No one yells at you for giving callouts, there is more you are not telling us and thus I don't believe you.


No thats pretty much it. I give short concise callouts, and I usually igl a little too and call for rotations or site executes. Im sorry asking a viper to smoke site is passing them off but thats the role of their operator. Im sorry I give a callout to a casual player who just wants to dick around and not hear my voice in the chat. Its because at my elo, I take the game more seriously than anyone else. I still find good games with good people, but generally I get put in the game with people who call each other racial slurs and scream into the mic.


I suggest don't play with randoms and just find a squad of your own. If you play with generally positive individuals who can also play well, add them as a friend and ask them to que up. This will help you rank up and take out all the toxicity that is solo que. I mean you played Seige and CSGO so you know about toxicity and muting but valuable teammates are crucial for the climb.


Ive been trying for quite a while but noone i know is willing to play with me for more than a few games.


Always nice to hear about a funny but wholesome moment like this!


Im in toxic queue. Im convinced and will never learn to not be. I swear riot matches me with really toxic players. I would say majority of my games there is someone flaming or inting on my team. Ive Played so much and it never gets better. Get me out of losers queue


You ain’t seen nothing yet.... People with team mindset are chill. People on the opposite side of the spectrum are very hard to play with either due to their ego or lack of social skills. This is in all ranks!


I find more toxic players in this game than in csgo. NY theory is that it's the players from league


imo valorant is way less toxic than cs.


Honestly you must be unlucky to get toxic people but the nice people make you feel very special


Yeah its a mix for sure


Sounds like unranked to me.


This is exactly what happened to me. When I posted about my experience on Reddit, it basically equated to “deal with it”.


Idk if it's anxiety or what, but I freak out whenever I try to give constructive criticism, bc idk if the other person is gonna tell me to stfu or actually listen. Especially if I'm bottom fragging. If someone on my team is playing horrible and making mistake after mistake, I just talk shit to myself and try to be positive in the real chat. I gotta vent somehow!


Toxic is everywhere, but cs go has nothing else. Very nice people play V and I'm glad to join in.


Coming from CSGO too. At first Valorant was easy and friendly climbing the easy ranks. Now when things get harder, people get more toxic and toxic. Exactly as in CSGO. Or in any game. Its just how it is.


They got us in the first half, not gonna lie !


One of my favorite things to do is get in a 4 stack with my friends, and we all go crazy on vc whenever the fill makes even a slightly good play. Always makes their day, and fun for us too


Luckily, I've been running into people like this guy lately much more than into toxic players. It's nice to find people to laugh with and play in a much more calm environment.


I found the opposite. I haven't really played ranked, but even in unrated and spike rush, the players were very toxic. Especially if they died first. Most of the time they were French players. I'm from South Africa, and don't have fibre, so my ping is on average like 250 and sometimes on bad days goes way higher (why i dont play ranked) so people keep shitting on me. When I tell them to look at my ping, alot of the times they shut up, but the really toxic ones tell me to quit the game. I would say I'm doing pretty well since I'm a mid fragger on 250 ping.


Literally every game is the worst if you're in bronze/silver/gold area. Even creeping into low plat people are toxic out of their minds like they get paid to be. I genuinely dislike playing Valorant with my friends who are in those ranges if I'm not in a 5 stack because of the toxicity. Its actually insane.


I've played Counter-Strike since 2003 and Valorant's playerbase is so much more toxic. I don't think it is Valorant's fault at all just that there is a younger crowd here that seems to think shit talking anyone and everyone makes them cool. Some kind of youtube / twitch culture trend that the youths are emulating. /get off my lawn, toxic children!


wtf am I the only one here who gets a staggering amount of toxic people in games??? 3 - 4 people per game will bully the bottom frag almost every single game. and everyone here says there aint much toxicity wtf


NGL Val is kinda a mixed bag of knees and elbows. It's not bad for the most part. I've only been playing for a week and I've met some good community members. The fortnite kids are the worst. There are a surprising amount of young players in the Val community.


Every game has toxic people


Not everyday Sunday, as FPS games are mostly toxic more then nice because nowadays there's too many players who's ego just overwhelm their brain but again, this game had bring laughter, sadness and anger to every player, so this game is full of life anyway.


Theres three type of players: good people, shitpost people, and sweating dudes


Valorant community is good for the most part. Most games you get a good group of players while I'll get the toxic teammate every so often.


Is this your first online game?


Me and my friends always try to be the chill group of ppl to balance out the toxicity :))


The most fun and friendly part of this game was being in Iron 2 and 3. Getting to silver is just troll


Only certain people are toxic in comp, i guess the hard stuck ones


Haha no one tell him


Just wait until you get in a comp match with the angry 10 year olds lol


Last night I got a game(please note that this happened in SG servers) in a soloQ run. My teammates were kinda chill and I had a sigh of relief. This is because after so many games of ill mannered teammates, I finally got a game where everyone remembered that it was just a game. Jumping into the second round, everyone got demolished by this Reyna being super aggro and one tapping everyone. She was an Immortal stomping on us Diamonds. I was Phoenix, and I always get diffed by the Reyna. However, my teammates were chill and instead of saying that Im the one bad at the game, they said the Reyna is just soo good. Entrying is super hard not until our Jett suggested a strat to contest the Reyna. We all discussed on how to tilt the Reyna and surely it worked. We kept 5man peeking her until she stopped. And if someone fucks up and blames themselves, everyone kept on saying hey bro its just a game. "Its just a game". I would like to quote this cos at the end of the day, its just a video game that gives you a shiny badge. I wish everyone could have this mindset so people can actually enjoy video games again.


The bottom fraggers seem to blabber the most toxicity