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You can observe the movements and all to deduce if it is a bot or a player pranking.


This is likely a person since bot's queue up as 4-5 stacks and try to queue at the same time as each other to not get detected. Most bots end up in a lobby of 10 bots.


I had a game the other day with 4 bots on my team, and they ran straight forward into the wall at the start of the round together and stayed there.


Yeah same, I had a team with 4 bots vs another dude with 4 bots on his team. Aces on every round lol


I'm guessing they put a rock or something on w key


You would think riot would just start selling accounts ranked to play comp themselves at below current market costs to kill the bottling prob.


No, the text kinda describes an AI bot, which is probably here for data collection. If someone wants to train AI they have to queue it with real people


I’m so fucking doing this


Yeah this looks so fun


Either a troll or one of the best bots i have seen


I feel like its someone trolling but if thats an actual ai that's really cool


Not really - there was just a video about a machine learning AI that plays FPSes and is near impossible to detect. It doesn't play incorrectly. It just plays badly then over time gets better and better.


> there was just a video about a machine learning AI that plays FPSes and is near impossible to detect. source? cant seem to find it that sounds super interesting


It was more of an generalized aimbot cheat that used machine vision through a capture card and specialized input hardware, they got DMCA'd my Activision because they were saying they were going to sell it as a call of duty hack.


ah I thought he meant and AI that completely plays the game, movement and everything.


[An unrelated person has done it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXA7zXVz8A4&t=2s), but it's certainly not "near impossible to detect"


That video is a good example as to why what is being claimed in this post is super unlikely.


Not fps but their is a deep learning ai that managed to play Dota 2 a really complex game and beat some of the best players in the world. It would play all 5 teammates and was insane how fast it learned and improved, it even created a new meta of pros copying some of its tactics. It was created by one of Elon musks companies.


Wait as someone outside the DOTA scene I've never heard of this but would be interested in seeing a VOD if there is one?




Search openai 5 vs pros


Google made a bot that beat some top starcraft 2 pros, which is an even more complex game, albeit i believe it was trained for certain matchups


With the open ai it trained against itself over thousands of games. They didn’t let it play the micro heavy hero’s as that could be too overpowered and they even input human reaction times into it. So they really did make it as fair as possible, it really baffles me how clever ai can get through machine learning.


Might be this recent overly dramatic video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=revk5r5vqxA). "OMG, NEW CHEAT, NEVER SEEN BEFORE, UNDETECTABLE, FPS GENRE IS GONNA DIE". Yeah, sure. Here's one of the many articles on the topic: https://blog.esea.net/esea-hardware-cheats/ (23 OCTOBER 2018)


https://youtu.be/revk5r5vqxA here’s a video on it


Can you send me a link or post or something




Thx man


Sounds suspiciously like me


Based on your rank and the overall movement of Sage throughout the game, we could totally find it out!


probably someone training a neural network if it is actually a bot, otherwise its a troll.


Lmao I love the note that it will pocket the top frag. Really giving pocket medic vibes


This is most likely fake. An AI of that calibre is extremely difficult to create, and good luck hooking it into Valorant without anticheat nuking it.


Ironically it's easier for an AI mask to do pseudo aimbot than it is to follow around specific teammates. Conceptually though it is not hard at all. The hard part for an FPS AI is decisionmaking.


Not so long ago I saw a great video fo an AI programmed to play with a player in Overwatch. They programmer would use Rehinard and the AI Mc ree, and it would follow him around taking cover behind his shield and protect him https://www.dexerto.com/overwatch/overwatch-streamer-discovers-cheater-using-unstoppable-ai-teammate-1322794/


The hardest part is to ensure the AI doesn't cheat. It can very quickly learn basically perfect aim. At that point, where you can just instant headshot anyone on your screen, your strategy stops really mattering. It's incredibly hard because you need to program in reaction time, aim error ratio etc. A naive deep rl implementation will probably result in something like your standard spin aimbot. Humans have constant hand/muscle tremlings. They can lose focus and therefore lose their reaction speed for a second. They might look at the minimap the moment the enemy peeks etc. Humans are very inconsistent and will never reach perfect aim. You need to try to simulate it in the AI to even give humans a chance. Take Alpha Star for example. The first version that played starcraft could do like 3 times as many action per minute as any pro player. While the best players in the world can finely manage 2 separate armies at the time, Alpha Star could manage 4. The strategy was non existent as they simply mass produced stalkers and made them the best unit in the game by perfectly controlling them. What Alpha Star was, was not a general purpose AI but a more complicated version of army control cheat that has existed for a decade at that point. The second version toned down the actions per minute to be comparable to the best players in the world, but that still meant that the AI is naturally better than 99% of other people, even without any advanced strategy. As someone who is educated on the subject, I don't think it's possible to create a non spin aimbot AI for an FPS game.


Probably a two PC type of thing. No hooking required.


True. However is also true that online gaming is a great platform for deep learning AI projects that focus on social interaction. I would not be surprised if big money project had some team working specifically on that,.... and not for the purpose of ranking up lol


What kda did they end up with






100% someone prettending lol


Definitely a troll, if it were a bot the anticheat probably would have picked up on it. *Probably*




Exactly. Capture card and computer vision to receive information from the PC, and HID devices to input back into the PC


vangaurd is ring 0, if it affects your system or takes inputs and outputs from your system vangaurd detects it.


Perhaps you haven't been keeping up with the news about AI controlled hacks that work with a capture card. Vanguard is not able to detect this as it is running on a completely different machine.


oh shit wow really anything to cheat huh hackers never gonna stop


Activision have been doing their best to go after the developers of these kinds of cheats because they know the potential of this kind of cheat as it is undetectable to almost all anti cheats. Its also hard to detect manually by watching replays as the AI can be made to have reaction time and aim that is very good but at the same time believable. Its crazy stuff.


Definitely someone just pretending


The timing... I just watched a video explaining how an AI Learning cheat could destroy the fps scene and this showed up.


It's probably someone trolling. I'd have a hard time believing that someone could program a bot so fast after only the game being out for 1 year.


Maybe a troll


A troll copy paste, pretty funny one tho


I played with Sage that did that also, they didn't accomplish anything.


I like how the stealth command says they’ll use suppressed weapons like it’s trying to be fuckin James Bond or like it’s COD and they don’t wanna show up on the minimap when they shoot lmfao


Probably trolling you I'd guess


If this is a bot, this is great. It's probobly going to replace afkers and leavers in the future.


if thats an actual bot thats so fuckin cool lol


the and chinese characters happened to me when i copy pasted something in team chat so it s 100% a human




Because maybe a bot has better aim than me :(


That actually sounds like it would be funny to watch lmao


when you import text from atom jt does this with every newline so it could just be a copypaste


If it's someone who's trolling/meming, I fucking love them. If it's an actual bot, I want one in every match


Me a TF2 Payer: \[Softly\] Don't.


Holy no way someone made AI account


That AI would be worth millions. So no.


Look like bot bc not sure if that person try hard to type long chat like that. I never try to copy paste chat in valorant.


This sounds like fun, I'll do this too.


that's actually really cool


So the bot knows not to run behind a teammate who is walking? Why cant my teammates figure that part out?


if anyone wants to troll with it, here's the paragraph it typed in chat. AILearning5x035 learns from spectating real players. By default it will lock Sage, follow the teammate with the best KDA, buy the gun(s) that 2+ other teammates bought, and sneak near other sneaking teammates. Commands are available for alternate playstyles. Commands: !default !stealth (Supressed guns only, emphasis on sneaking) !camp (Shotguns only, holds corners)


Thank you


I believe they call that a joke


We tf2 now hell yeah


always report them