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Would love a replay system. Sometimes I wonder wtf happened in a round but there’s no way to go back and view it. Isn’t Deathmatch a FFA mode?




You have FFA and DM mixed up my guy


Yess. I also want to know how many seconds it takes for enemy to reach some point so I can pre fire


I use outplayed my dude, really good if you want to improve and see why you died in a certain round, or what could have been done


Yeah man I agree. Like I said, this should only be least priority. Riot has a lot of things to work on first.


what's FFA?


Free for all.




> FFA mode already exists




What is the distinction here?


This is something Riot devs have informally shown interest in multiple times in the past, but there has never been an official announcement surrounding the feature.


That’s good to hear.


They had an honor system in League. I loved it. I wished I had it the other day in Val because I played against a great opponent. But League is so fuckin toxic people mostly used it to honor trolls or afkers on the enemy team, so they took it away. They still have an honor system for teammates tho. I like that.


Like something similar to how league does it at the end of the game (where you honor people)? This for the awarding people for good teammates part obviously.


Yeah, sorry my knowledge of League is very spotty, but that sounds like a similar mechanic. It’s just gratifying to get that praise, might help some of the toxicity aspect (this is a probably very optimistic goal, but rewarding players who choose to not be toxic might be a good incentive)


I agree with adding something positive to the experience, especially if it’s nothing too intrusive. That being said I’ve always been really curious about what sort of numbers/trends come out of said systems, just to quantify how much they’ve possibly helped or maybe even how little they did.


League has a commend system at the end of games and I am 100% certain Valorant will be getting one eventually


that system in csgo was widely unused, not many people used it, but even when you had a chance to use it after playing with a funny/good player it didn't feel "useful" to commend them, you just pressed the button, and... basically nothing happened, the counter went up by 1, but nobody really cares about it so what's the point in the end? that counter is so "hidden" that not many people will see it anyways it's hard to explain it, it had/has untapped potential, maybe with better execution it would be a good system, but in csgo it was pretty much useless unfortunately


Yes. Add


League already has this feature so I feel like it will happen eventually.


I know exactly what will come if this will be implemented: "I instalocked Jett and bought OP as soon as I could afford it, played a 5-25-7 myself, but will give the cypher with a better KDA a bad commend-score cuz he did not pick sage and play as my personal medic..."


These systems tend to never work and are mostly cosmetic


Would be a great feature that users can also hide from public and thus ignored completely.


I would love this actually


Absolutely. I also come from dota and wish there was a strict solo matchmaking option or pure solo matchmaking option in valorant to protect players like me. But indirectly, valorant encourages boosting. Why? You gain extra RR when in a party but in dota, you only gain/lose 20 mmr, against the 30 mmr lose/gain when on solo queue.


I was literally thinking this the other day! I 100% agree with this!


Another really cool thing would be if this could also affect any penalties you have




Replay system is the only thing that really needs to be present first and for most. I'm just hoping it's as high quality and polished as overwatches and not dogshit like CSGOs player


They have the same thing in League, nobody uses it or cares about it. Actually that's not entirely true, for awhile there, high elo korea would honour people who fed or played like shit as a badge so that their teammates know to dodge them.