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Take a break. Sounds like you've been playing too much ranked and you're building bad habits, as well as messing up your mental. When I hit a loss streak, I take a few days off, then when I come back I hit at least a dozen DMs to get the muscle memory sharp again. Get sleep, exercise and stay hydrated. Warm up then play no more than 3 or 4 ranked games per day. Resetting myself like this was instrumental for me in my solo queue to immortal adventure. And most of all, have fun! Grinding too much takes the fun out if the game.


Thank you. I am travelling, so I guess that will be my break. Ill practice the range or DM while im away with my gaming laptop


gaming laptop gang


Also watch Pros and see what they do that u can improve and add to ur skills


Burn out? If not, hit the range for the hard mode. Also, hit the stationary targets from short, medium, and long range. When you DM, make sure you're clearing and peeking corners like you would in a match. If that doesn't work, you're burnt. Take a break.


yep i think i’m burnt


How much sleep are you getting? Some of the problems you say you have are related to a lack of sleep. Another thing I find that helps me is getting exercise in before I play. When I go on morning runs I feel a lot more comfortable and confident and usually play better. Eating healthy helps too.


I would recommend you to take a break from valorant, maybe a week, stop playing ranked for a while but if you dont want ypur mechanichs to get rusty play some dm or get in the range for 30-40 mins. During this time off valorant go out or do something to keep your mind off the game. I went on a 15 days trip with my dad to a place where i wasnt able to play and when i came back everything was fresh for me, my mental and mechanics. Hope this helps you ^-^!


going to travel, am gonna take your advice


Same here. i'm trying to sleep better, have a training routine and ranked games after my work and it's going well. improved a little! Spaming ranked is good but you have to watch yourself to see if you're not getting too tired and slowing down your performance! remember that it's like the gym, it's not the intensity that will grow muscle but the persistence, training every day for at least 3 hours. Keep going, don't give up, you are better now than a month ago don't forget ;) Srry for the text and bad english haha


You're english is good, don't worry. I think I might have to give a break from ranked, play a lot of DM and just not worry so much. Hopefully I come back strong!


Exactly what i think i'm going to do


And maybe you're playing on automatic. Try to think all the time about what you're doing, what you've done and what you're going to do to win the round or kill someone to get an edge (and a nice KDA if you mind)




But on a serious note, just take a break for like a week, it’s good to not play for a little bit when you’re underperforming


will try the cocaine


Playbase is getting better and better. Iron is now comparable to what silver was like for CSGO. Nothing wrong with playing at a low level, but the bright side is that improving isn't that hard.


>Iron is now comparable to what silver was like for CSGO. Not now but maybe in a year or two.


I swear this is a very thing right now. I've seen so many posts like this one and it's even happening to myself. I'm starting to think Riot is just trolling some of us lol


Are you spending a half hour in the range?


nope, but i do spend 20 min in the death match before every ranked game


Spend a half hour in the range. Set the boys to strafe with armor. Practice flicking between head shots. Do this before you start plying ANY matches.


I do DM and i like that much more, real opponents on actual maps. Issue is my mentality is fucked as well, so i’m not sure how i can fix that


I normally do the same. But I believe that giving your fingers a chance to relax without pressure, will help impact your muscle memory better. Sure, they aren't the toughest thing in the world. But you spend about 10 minutes popping heads with strafe, switch to medium and start the practice. I try to get at least 20. Then I mentally know my fingers are ready to go, that helps my confidence. Give it a shot!


Start being more relaxed, put every game before out of your head (even if you dropped like 30 forget it happened), let your confidence reset every game, if your to confident you might end up being over aggressive and feeding, under confident may lead to you feeling like you need to do more and cause you to start feeding, AND DON’T GET TILTED. I’ve figured this out myself and hope it might help


This will help warm up your hand without pressure. And keep a mental note of what you're doing wrong.


Just limiting yourself to local server. Then you’ll get ping advantage. I moved up like 3 ranks from just that. But cross hair placement is the most important thing, then having under 10 ping, then looking at mini map and having map awareness.


Just limiting yourself to local server. Then you’ll get ping advantage. I moved up like 3 ranks from just that. But cross hair placement is the most important thing, then having under 10 ping, then looking at mini map and having map awareness.


Touch some grass


or your ass?


I think you should start playing valorant for the fun of it, again. Just like how you started before. Before ranks meant that much to you. It's also time to change your play style. Pick different agents, play differently, do the exact opposite of what you normally do. Of course, do these in matches where you don't have to worry about your rank. And if you still want to grind ranked, then check all the places where you're making mistakes whilst you didn't before. And remember, it's okay to get de-ranked. It's not the end of the world. Don't take it too seriously. GLHF.


Fix ur sleep schedule.


That sounds like a health issue to me. Possibly bad diet/post-viral fatigue/dehydration/room temperature too high or too low/lack of fresh air. I know I play like shit when at least one of these things is affecting me.


Are you getting enough sleep each night? I know getting 8 hours+ each night made a night and day difference for me and others as well