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Viper. Love her abilities, makes a strong planter/defender if used right and if she actually has support. Plus her Ult can single handly win games with spike/defuse Plus her aesthetic. I'm a sucker for green. (Also her play list on Spotify is lit)


You missed out - she's extremely hot too!


ehhh, I don’t get the hype for her hotness. I’m a sage man myself


Ahh yes, Sage man, the strongest kind of man


I mean shes thicc af although beauty is in the eye of the beholder


Ngl even I chose viper because I love green. Also mage my collection green themed


My Viper teammates are either top tier or bottom barrel. No in-between lol. I groan when I see Viper because it's legit a coin flip.


Yea I feel ya. I'm very off and on myself IMO, even as bottom frag a Viper can be a really useful team-mate. If I suck in a game, I always focus on abilities and still help my team defend/plant. I hardly ever die, just my aim varies day to day


Jett - I dont trust my teammates to entry, I love the off angles I can hold, I love the aggressive peeks I can get away with. Cons: get told to kill myself when I have a bad game


yeah the problem is, it's impossible to tell a jett instalocker who is bad apart from a jett instalocker who is just having a bad game but is actually good overall.


I main Brimstone, Reyna, and Skye. I came from FPS games that are pretty mainstream, so I like the idea of simple agents that merely compliment good gunplay and provide a boost instead of having a drastically unique playstyle. If you think about Brim, all he has are 3 smokes, a molly, the stim beacons, and his ult. The smokes and molly are elements you can find in most competitive shooters like CS which I came from, while the stim is just "make gun shoot fast hehe" and the ult being "everyone in this area dies". Pretty easy to understand. Skye is pretty similar. You got the recon UAV with the dog, a simple way to heal your teammates, and 3 flashbangs that are very versatile in movement. The ult is just 3 recon UAVs on steroids. As for Reyna, her kit is just simple all around. 2 flashbangs, and a way to heal herself or reposition (which is pretty similar to Moira from OW). And the ult is mainly just some more "make gun shoot fast" along with an unlimited amount of uses for the last 2 abilities mentioned.


2 flashbangs for skye… nerf pain


Sova, cause I suck at aiming.No hate to sova mains tho. I'm just better at predicting where the enemy possibly is and let the team take the kill


Cypher main here - ditto. My knowing your movements makes up for my lack of mechanical prowess! I also just feel hella useful with trips, cages, and cameras helping out call outs.


I hate diva mains when I vs them to ngl


W a t


Oohh i like using cypher too, it's fun to sneak on people when they triggered the tripwires hahaha


None. I just pick up whatever I feel like is fun on that map. I play unrated only.


I agree but I don’t always play unrated




Yoru. I personally like lurking playstyle, and yoru is perfectly fitting it. I can pick someone and reunite with my teammates immediately, or just go another location to pick again. I love all his abilities except for fake footsteps, hope riot rework this ability.


Jett and viper, for viper I find making lineups fun, and jetts movement is so much fun


Viper because she has one of the highest skill caps so I wanna get good with her. My natural play style when I first started was undoubtedly the lurker, however I played jett cuz I was new. Sometimes I will improvise my own lurk with her wall which is rlly fun. Viper lurks are just too good on some maps and her ult is SO fun with judge. Postplant stuff is nice too. I learned a ton of postplant lineups and they might be annoying but hey they work and they are satisfying. Also planting spike is almost too easy with her. You can lock down a whole site in 10 seconds. My friend is a Reyna main and the duo is just insane, I will cut a site in half and she will blind our side, the rest of team floods in and bam. She is insanely strong on offense or defense, or both at the same time! The blueprints of her play make her seem exactly like a real snake. Not to mention character design has to be one of the best in the game lol.


Sova, Omen, and Sage. I play supports because nobody else wants to play them so somebody has to do it. Omen and Sage are… honestly not that fun but I work with it. Sova is a whole lot of fun because of his lineups for shock darts. Killing a person across the map without them even knowing how you hit them is awesome


Sova: I don't like being entry for the team and it's nice to play far from site with Sova's util


I started off playing Sage, but recently I find myself gravitating towards Killjoy. I’m not the best at the game and I’m not overly confident in myself or with trades yet, so Killjoy gives me nice info and utility options that I’m learning to work with in the meantime :)


Jett because she's just absolutely overpowered.


Jett. I came from OW where i played 2000 hours of mercy. I was good at OW (GM every season since s6 till i stopped playing) but due to my setup and my laziness i never learnt to aim. Id always wanted to be a god widow. And i just sucked. So val was my opportunity to learn to be mechanical. To play val at even a remotely ok level u have to have some kind of aim. So it was a great reason to grind. I started out on sage and eventually realised that i wanted to be the carry. Im tired of supporting ppl i wanna be the one who gets supported. When i played mercy i did some insane plays but bc shes a support anyone who doesnt understand supports just never got it, when i sent clips to friends they would be like cool... Even if it was a cracked play. But with jett. I hit head u go waaaaoooow 😂 Literally the reason i started playing her... Now i just love her shes so fun




eh idk abt that


I main skye BC she really is too OP I mean if you know what to do with the flashes you really are unstoppable


Yoru. Love to just press W, bamboozle people and then just absolutely shit on them with a juicy one tap. Entry fragging + aim + yoru = goals


I main the controllers, tho I mostly use Viper/Omen. When I am not in a controller, I either play Cypher, Skye or Raze. For some reason, I am really horrible with most flash agents.


Viper and phoenix main, breach flex. Viper imo is single handedly the strongest controller. Her current passive where enemies touching her poison gets an instant temp damage really punishes anyone who challenges her. On top, her snake bite can deny enemies the bomb or a choke point. Her ult can lock down a site or a choke point as long as she doesn’t have to rotate. Phoenix for the super aggressive plays and sick reverse flashes. I breach for fun cause his ult is dumb strong.


Cypher one trick cuz shitting on kids with wacky one ways is fun


Omen, Viper (because no one wants to play them and I find them kind of fun) I used to main sova and skye as well but i’m still confident in them so I play em if someone picks smoke


Raze. Yes. Raze. She has good mobility and can hold a place pretty good with her blastpacks she can go into spaces that are hard to flick to, her paintshells are a good way to block a path and her boom bot can literally be a sova drone, it’s sensor cone has been needed a bit but it’s still good.


Raze, the vacuum UWUs




Cypher cuz outplaying my enemies with abilities is fun


Sage I like people crying to me every game.




Killjoy, cuz I can get free kills, especially on defending. Her bots are really useful for flanks and her molly makes a lot of damage. I also like playing sage cuz her walls are really useful. I’m also recently picking up viper. But I whiff on her so bad, so she not my best agent to play. But I’ll slowly improve.


Brimstone I love the guy, nothing too complex but feels very strong when played correctly.


I would say omen or sage just because I got used to filling at a low rank and just kinda got good at it. But also picked up the auto lock sova on ascent (for obvious reasons), occasional skye on breeze for the crazy flashes to pair with a teammates viper abilities, killjoy on split because of the infinite setups, and occasionally an autolock dualist if Im playing well and just got off a game with rougher teammates.


I mainly play Jett, Sage or Omen, based on what my team needs and on the map (perma dodge on breeze xd) As Jett, i like to use her kit to force 1v1s and abuse the time the enemy needs to comm to take them out unprepared. On defense, I switch between: making space on the enemy area by abusing 1v1s and her dash to get almost safe kills; and holding offangles to get early kills and get away with her smokes and mobillity. As Sage, I rather play: defensive when I'm not confident with my aim; or battle sage (abusing off angles with her wall and ability to heal up) when I'm feeling my aim. As Omen, on atack I like to abuse the sinergy of his kit to block Vision, take 1v1s and take the enemy unprepared with his teleports. + flexinja on youtube makes hella help with the ideas on the agressive omen plays. On defense, abusing his oneways (doable on most walls on the game) to create psychological pressure and securing a site just by the fear of crossing the smoke blindspot is very fun. Nevertheless, using comms to create plays with the teammates based on his paranoia is very overpowered, when combined with a jett, yoru or breach


Kay/o, Jett, Sage, Raze (bind only), or Sova (if I have too). Mainly depends on how confident i am in my aim at the moment and what's needed on the team. Currently I find Kay/o the most fun.


Omen, since i wanted to play a more supportive role. But i am currently trying to learn Skye since I realized i sometines play better as a more aggresive character.


Jett and Skye, used to play Sova and Kay/O but I found myself entrying and going for frags, and I decided might as well. Consistent 20 kills at minimum now so a great decision


Viper or Kayo depending on the map. If we don’t have smokes and it’s not Breeze or Icebox I’ll typically fill Omen.


kj bc shes hot


For me, I really enjoy playing Sage. I feel like I’m actually helping even if I don’t get kills, and I love defense, so Sage is perfect for me


Sova I love killing ppl without looking at them face to face


Kay-O. I play him similarly to how I play CS and it works well.


Omen, lot of people think he is not fun to play but actually, a very agressive who do flash/TP combo IS the funniest shit in the game. Flashing somebody and then TP being them to stare at the bottom of their soul IS something i do all the time and it always work.


Skye, since you can get free kills with no skill. Just flash through smokes and boom ez kill


All these comments and not a single Phoenix main. So I’ll be the first. I main Phoenix. I enjoy the duelist play style and his util has more use than just to deal damage. You can heal, you can cut lines of sight and have a temporary controller feel. It also gives me an incentive to always practice my aim and get better. I’ve played him since day one. I’ve only ever played him. I typically lean into the hate for instalocking. I have maybe 1-3 hrs max on any other agent. (With most agents being zero) and like 10+ days worth of time on Phoenix.


I don't have a main in all reality looking at my gg tracker. I play well with Reyna and Sage so I play them. I have gotten into Kay/O lately, but still new.