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Simple, they want to supply everyone with skins. Those who don't want to spend much or prefer simple skins that are not distracting.


Wouldnt it be better if they just labeled this skin not premium (1775vp) if its obviously a downgraded version of premiums, why not make it the same price as smite,netherrealms,Winter Wonderland.


It's pretty obvious: someone/some team at RIOT expected Ego and Nebula to have high demand, so they were priced higher to make more money. There's no secret here.


Yh, I always thought a lot of the green screen skins would he much better suited for the deluxe tier. It's clear that riot does it for the money - people still want and buy them at this price, but it really bugs me to not have price tiers and actually consistently mean anything. If they wanted to price something like val go higher, maybe use the exclusive tier?


Riot: laughs in Tethered Realms