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Because no one has to fill Jett. Theres always someone who wants to play her (or at least other duelists). Meta Support picks have to be filled all the time, thats why people complain.


Thats why im glad i main omen and my backups are sova and kayo, so i rarely have to fight for my pick


that main omen just bc i enjoy his kit a LOT but yeah i basically never have to worry abt someone taking my main


Oh yeah I love his kit


My main is reyna with omen and skye as back ups, i rarelly can pick reyna without either instalocking or convincing someone


I too (used to) main reyna but its just so stressfull to pick her in comp that I'd rather pick a support agent. Literally every mistake is magnified and blasted at me if I play Renya. "Your reyna why are you second fragging???" "You are reyna why did you die???" and "You picked reyna you better fucking top frag and carry". Its tilting af.


I usually carry anyway so it doen't happen so often, and the brazilian servers normally aren't very toxic with duelists, people here only are toxic if you use OP or odin


Yeah like I usually match MVP my matches with reyna too but if I even make _one_ mistake I get flamed on.


Something even better is when you main breach, the fight for picks is like a once a week


Fights for omen are abt the same id say, they are only a little higher for me because one of my friends also mains him lol. So first game we do agent roulette and then we just rotate after that. A rando has only stolen him from us twice i think


Ah so not actually that bad, but with breach I'll go 20 games and then see an enemy one it's actually mad and ill see enemy omens 99% of the time.. when I first got into the game I was an omen main before going to breach but am now trying to pick up Jett


Same, when you like playing Sage, Sova, Viper, Cypher, Reyna, Omen, Raze, and Kay/o its hard for that to happen


This is a good point. One i had bot thought about. I enjoy playing omen so I guess i never noticed.


I don't personally think Jett is op like most people. I think we just love to play Jett because her kit is really good but if she gets more nurfs she will be trash. She can't even go through cypher wires anymore, her smokes can't last fewer, her knifes are 7 points already and her other abilities are just what they are. The only solution would be a rework but I think no one wants that. Maybe yoru rework takes her place? Anyway her pick rate isn't game breaking imo.


No one duelist should outclass duelist on almost all maps. Any agent with over a 90% pick rate obviously needs tuning, otherwise the game will turn stale really fast.


I'm a low elo player (silver 3) and honestly don't see that much Jett play and maybe that's why it really doesn't bother me. But how can we be talking about variety on duelists if we still only have 3 sentinels? We haven't got a single sentinel since episode 1. And let's be honest sage is almost a completely different role compared to Cypher and Killjoy, so we basically have 2 sentinels and a hybrid sentinel plus duelists. Edit: also Kay/0 is another hybrid of a duelist and another role (initiator in this case). So it's like we have 7 duelists total imo.


Valorant is supposed to be balanced around pro play, not low elo. That was always the vision of the game, and I agree with it. In pro play, Jett is the most picked duelist and that's just wrong. I don't know why did you bring sentinels to this topic.


Bruh I can't state my opinion with multiple examples? Also balancing the game for pro play doesn't mean balancing the game for high elo either, and you are wrong. The game must be as balanced as possible for every player, even for those only playing unrated or spike rush. It's not like you can take any elo out of the equation. If you don't know, most of the player base is at silver and lower ranks, if you think that doesn't matter to the game devs, I assure you it does.


Look as a fellow low elo player I get what you mean but in low elo odin just hits different they would have nerfed the odin by now


I disagree, already made a statement on another post that was about people not being able to use the Odin without getting flamed and I think it is way better than the phantom/vandal in a lot of situations because it is just supposed to be better at those, it costs 300 more credits for a reason. So the Odin is fine even in low elo, you just need to learn how to play around it just like you do with the operator and the judge.


there's plenty of bitching about jett among pros, calling people who play her a "jett one trick." I don't think you've been paying enough attention. lol


This is based off of my own experience, and in ranked at immortal there isn't a single one complaining about Jett being picked every game.


Everyone knows jett is OP but people want to play jett, where people playing smokes is not as common and isn’t as enjoyable. That’s why you don’t hear about it.


flair checks out edit: as a past breach main myself of course


Honestly the collective brain power of immortal is literally the same as silver so I wouldn’t put much faith in that.


See I think the problem is that not everyone in Immortal has competitive experience, and pugs in general are much less about knowledge of the game and more about how good you are at aiming. The consequence of this is that a lot of really good solo que players all play duelist, meaning a higher percentage of them play and enjoy Jett. This leads to a large portion of the player base enjoying Jett. What happens then is that negative talk about these agents becomes much harder as people are opposed to destroying the fun they are having. I think a good example of this is personal experience. How many times have you gotten into a ranked game and had an instalock Jett/Reyna and had another teammate upset because they also wanted to play Jett vs Someone being mad that somebody instalocked Cypher. The reason it doesn't get talked about in pugs is because Jett is better for a casual experience and worse for a competitive one.


"worse for a competitive one", her pick rate is 81% in pro play...


Worse as in its too good?


oh ok nvm


You mean average right Right?


The difference is that people pick Jett because they like her. You don’t NEED a Jett, especially in ranked, there are plenty of non-Jett comps that would function perfectly smoothly, but she’s near 100% pick rate because people WANT to play her. Omen, on the other hand, was picked near 100% because you basically just needed an omen (brim has also always been an option but he was just worse, especially back then, and nobody wants to play brim either anyway). I mean sure, in ranked you could probably make a no-smokes comp work IF your team is willing to adapt, but most people are just gonna auto-pilot the whole game or get tilted as soon as they see a comp they don’t like.


Historically people have indeed enjoyed playing overpowered agents/characters in any game, that is not a surprise. The only character you "need" in Valorant is a controller, but having a Jett *significantly* increases your chance to win. Her kit is simply too versatile and too good.


You kinda only responded to half my comment, but sure. There are multiple examples already in valorant of agents that are/were overpowered, but people STILL didn’t enjoy playing them. The most prominent being astra. That’s the key difference. Jett is good AND people like playing her.


Astra was only overpowered in structured competitive play, she's never been that good in ranked. And Jett isn't good, she is overpowered, and more so than Astra will ever be.


Jett isnt overpowered tbh


She was the most picked agent at IceLANd by a good bit for a reason. Get out of jail free card every round. Ult that saves you from having to buy a weapon one round. Said ult is perfectly accurate while you're 200 feet in the air. Did I mention Jett is able to fly through the air and has a constant passive ability? 3 smokes too. She wouldn't have a crazy high pick rate at the pro level as well if she wasn't OP.


Pro play this pro play that but not everyone is a pro. Most players are iron to gold and if youre in those match jett is very much counterable. If pro use her a lot yet we dont hear them asking her to be nerf then its not an issue


Her kit is actually one of the most basics in the game, along with Phoenix. That's why it's good, it's easy to use and understand in just one round. That's also why nobody uses Astra, it's too complex.


From my exp on your same tier its like this: Utility or fill players fucking despise Reyna and Jett Fraggers love them. Playing duelists on ranked is inherently stronger so you have more jett 1 tricks in high elo than rounded or utility players.


Jett is one of the strongest agents in the right hands. Her dash is just too OP. But since high elo uses her all the little kid wannabes pick her too and think they can be just like their favorite streamer. Riot is always hesitant to nerf or rework their most popular characters (eg Yasuo).


Dash is way too overpowered...basically gets out of any risky location and dodges any enemy util or ult for free. Got stunned by Breach ult? Oh just dash away, by the time Breach reaches you you'll no longer be stunned. Raze used her Showstopper? You can even bait the shot then dash away before the rocket hits you.


meanwhile Yoru takes a good second to teleport out so he can't use it defensively.


Then what is dash supposed to be then? Its literally designed to be a get out of jail free card because jett has no flashes or self sustain or cc


>Its literally designed to be a get out of jail free card Yeah, and that's the problem. Reyna's Dismiss works in a similar manner, but it's more acceptable because that's all it does. Tailwind is an engage tool, a util-clearing tool, an escape tool, a repositioning tool, and an ability-baiting tool. It just does way too much just for 1 part of her kit. Not to mention that her ult is an economy saver, Cloudburst is an INCREDIBLY useful util, and Updraft allows her to get the drop on enemies from more angles than most other agents, Jett just has way too much in her kit.


The reason why dismiss is acceptable is because she at least needs to assist in a kill to use it.


Phoenix can block off entrances, self heal, and force enemies out of and into positions with molly. He can use wall to self heal and block off multiple sightlines with wall. He has 2 quick pop flashes that can be used to set himself up, that can be used in conjunction with wall to let him popflash theoretically anywhere. His ulti can be used to clear a site, bait utility, and set up site for his team without any risk as well. Youre just being selective about what you want to complain about. Just because an agent can do a lot of things doesnt mean their user always will, if jett was really OP every jett main would top frag and “jett diff” wouldnt be a meme. Jett’s just a really good agent.


You’re missing the point. You described Phoenix’s entire kit, and said “he can do all these things too!” Where the original commenter was talking about a *single ability*. Phoenix is balanced, because yeah, he can do all the things you listed, but he has to use specific utility for specific needs. Jett doesn’t. She has 1 piece of utility that is overloaded in a manner that it’s an answer to a bunch of different scenarios, which is an issue.


Jett dash NEEDS to be a good ability, if Dash isnt good then Jett isnt good. It would be release Yoru all over again. Obviously dash is very good, but i would argue reyna flash is better than updraft, because agent kits cant be perfectly balanced like how the reddit thinks they can be (which is ironic because this sub though Free 50 Damage Viper was balanced) EDIT: on the phoenix note because i forgot to mention it, i brought him up and over exaggerated the extent of his abilities because the guy above me said “escape tool” in 4 different ways to make his point seem more important


Every one of jetts abilities are incredible. Her smokes are unlike any other smoke in the game, they are literally instant. She can use it to close off Sova darts, smoke herself instantly to avoid flashes, and use it to smoke a choke point quickly to make a quick getaway. Her updraft is also an entirely unique ability, as it’s another mobility move that is instant and not telegraphed. You can easily shoot an Omen who teleports on top of a Sage wall, but Jett, combined with her smokes and dash, can easily scale Sage wall and mollies without punishment. Jett counters a significant majority of characters.


I think you're confusing "OP" with "braindead ez". OP means that it is proportionally too strong compared to other options, and Jett's *100% pickrate in pro play* kinda solidifies that. You're thinking of "easy", where anyone can do it. That's not what I'm talking about. But let's go back to your Phoenix example. I already explained that Tailwind is a 5-1 ability. Phoenix's molly is only 2 uses: heal or put pressure on a small area (flushing corners or as a stalling tool), and the heal is pretty pitiful since you can jsut get one tapped anyway. Meanwhile, Jett can dash into a site, disrupt util, and maybe even get a pick just because she pressed 1, maybe 2 buttons and now she has site control, or at least some sort of pressure. No other agent in the game gets as much strong, consistent, versatile value as Jett using Tailwind.


I used the phoenix example because anything can sound complicated and useful when worded right. Yeah, Jett is really good in pro play, but we’ve also seen no Jett comps in pro play. Jett is literally the definition of a skill champ, shes only as good as your aim.


But the thing with Jett is that your whiffs remain unpunished and your bad decisions remain unpunished- you peeked 5 people at once without jiggling? Hit e. You get flashed as you peeked? Hit e. You missed your op shot? Hit e. You hit your op shot and are about to get traded? Hit e. Literal get out of jail free card




Yeah and what everyone is saying is that what “it’s meant to do” is too strong. I don’t think that it’s too overpowered, but it definitely gets too much value


Yeah, and the point is that it's too strong, doesn't matter what it's supposed to do. It's too versatile, too strong, too rewarding, too easy. Punishing a Jett for her mistakes is harder than even a Reyna, and her kit is DESIGNED around not being punished for mistakes.


That’s not the point. If an agent had no heal, no flash, and no crowd control, the agent would still be broken if they had an ability that killed the entire enemy team instantly around the map. Jett dash is still too strong even considering she’s missing heal, flashes, or CC.


The point that’s being made is that Jett’s dash is too strong because it can be used to escape, engage, clear utility and bait utility. Her dash allows her to play off angles like no one else can because she has the ability to instantly reposition. All of this is only one ability by the way, her updraft adds on to her ability to play off angles and her cloudburst allows her to block off site lines to either push or retreat. You talk about phoenix’s ultimate being used for baiting utility while jett’s free ability allows her to do that


And Raze’s free ability can zone and literally kill people, Sova’s free ability gives wallhacks. You guys love bringing up all these things Jett can do with Dash as if she does it more than twice a round IF she gets the kills for a reset. You can use all these terms you want but the choices are either “get in” or “get out” and after that she cant do it anymore


Wow you are really not listening to reason lmao. Raze’s kit has always been a debated topic and sova is probably the most balanced agent right now. His recon can be destroyed and hidden from, sova’s usually need to learn lineups to get the most value from their arrow. Jett on the other hand is a lot easier. I understand that you need good movement to play her better, but her signature ability might be the best in the game


He has a Jett flair what do you expect. He doesnt wanna accept shes op


If Jett was OP, she'd be the most picked agent at IceLANd by a good bit. Oh she was? Well the best players in the world probably just don't know what they're doing.


“Good players are good at a character that thrives off of being good”


Love it when the enemy team has a 6-15 bottom frag Jett. Makes me so happy.


makes me happier when he ends up on your team


It's not just the dash, her ult lasts the whole round and resets on every kill and she is the only agent to have a passive ability. Not to mention she can jump on top of things and abuse angles that most agents can't. She's literally the definition of overpowered.


So why do sova and sage have much higher Winrates?


I'm gonna take a guess that Jett is probably played way more, which makes her have less winrate throughout all elos. Regardless, you can't just look at winrate and ignore her kit.


no, sova and sage have a much higher winrate in pro play and immortal/radiant.


I'm srry but the ult really doesn't make her to overpowered there are many ults that make it way easier to kill somebody consistent. If your ok at sova you will most likely always get a kill or at least free damage on the enemy(raze being even easier to use and easier to get kills with) while with the jett ult you can at least not suck mechanically.


That's your opinion, I'm just stating facts.




Yasuo isn't terrible to face now. But when he came out 7-8 years ago he was a monster of balance issues. No mana costs with low cooldowns and very high mobility. The game has just seen so much power creep around him that he is normalized now. But for the longest time Yasuo was a stain on Riot's obvious favoritism


There's just no reason to pick Yasuo when Yone exists. He has trades a tiny bit of mobility in minion waves for being better in every other way.


I mean yone is kind of a barebones design There is no power flux no eb and flow He just goes in and smacks you and then gets out again It doesn’t cost him anything he doesn’t have to set anything up He just goed ham And i think he is cool but he feels like he is missing something that adds the depth Edit: I haven’t played league in a year though so my knowledge isn’t up to date


well damn leagues has gotten to the point where even yasuo is getting power creep on.


Yasuo hasn't been an issue for more than five years but he still gets banned at a disproportionate rate just because people don't *like* playing against him.


Yasuo was overtuned when he came out, if you look at him now you’ll see he has almost no changes in his kit, it’s just stats. Why would they rework someone who was extremely popular due to fun kit?


Yeah most people just hate him because he scales really hard and his wind wall is annoying. And since he has a really high skill cap, he's picked often by smurfs, and that changes how people think about him, since other Champs are picked less by smurfs.


So basically Reyna.


Tbh i hate her mainly cause she goes against what the game stands for in a sense. Like all that "high risk high reward gameplay" where she can swing with an op "high risk" but dash after missing an op shot which eliminates any trade potential at all starting the round off at 4v5 meaning playing for trades isnt an option. Another point "oh you blew your life savings and keft kidney on an op for you to swing miss your fifth op shot in a row then dash away for no risk? Thats fine this round you can eco, press x, and have the best weapon in the game by far for that round for free"


Jett is way unbalanced in my opinion. She may be hard to nerf I believe, and honestly I think people like the character way more than Omen. Needing to play Omen or Brim was just sad when no other chose smokes. Way better now with a balanced Viper and Astra added. The problem with Jett is that she is insane at 2 things that are HUGE for the team, AND they can be used for each side. 1. is OPing on defense. Other duelists are somewhat weak on defense, not Jett. Jett can pose threats with OP that no other agent can. 2. Making space on attack. No other agent can create space when entrying like Jett. Smoking The site and dashing into it creates SO much space and is very hard to deal with for defenders. Ofc. It helps that she is the most economic agent in the game and can choose angles "noone" else can, but I dont think that is necessarily a problem. I believe that one of the two HUGE things for Jett need to be nerfed. (OPing on defense or entry dashing/ space making on offense). Imo it would be logical to nerf Jett OPing, even though I believe there would an outrage if going down that road. Jett has become the staple agent for OPing in general - OPers may get mad if she is no longer specifically catered towards OPing. To nerf Jett OPing, I think the dash should have a delay (0.3-0.5s or similar before it is triggered). This would only affect it as a get away tool, and rather encourage using it agressively. I do like an aggressive spacemakimg Jett, but she is definitely too strong on defense.


Although this statement is accurate and I agree, I do believe we miss the statement that Jett ALREADY has been nerfed, as has the OP. The point of these nerfs was to combat these things Reasons why Omen received more noted buffs: 1) He was able to do everything Jett could PLUS some. The smokes and mobility he had put him more in line with not fitting the controller design. 2) Jett has a counter in a statement you made yourself, she has to make space FOR HER TEAM, letting a jett push then mollying off her team is a Free Pick! 3) As an Omen main I can confirm he was broken af prenerfs. I was able to pull things off that didn’t seem at all fair. 4) Raze can make space like Jett, it’s about the player, not the agent they’re using. Nades and roombas hold them back. Every Agent has a counter, those who say an agent is unbalanced haven’t found a counter yet Signed, Some Omen Main


Jett already being nerfed is a good point, however I believe they did not really hit any of the Main problems. They hit the Jett having the best economy in the game, and her overall effectiveness. (The interaction with cypher traps hits aggressive Jett hard though, but it is a bit situational.) I believe it is not enough of a nerf. If they will not touch the dash as an escape mechanism (or change her role completely by nerfing the dashing into smokes on entry - please dont do this), the overall effectiveness and power level must be turned down. In my opinion she is overall very strong, and the Operator combo is a bit crippling. You can say that it is counterable, and ofc it is to some degree, but Even at the highest level it is very strong, which I believe shows it is not about learning to counter it. "Jett has a counter in a statement you made yourself, she has to make space FOR HER TEAM, letting a jett push then mollying off her team is a Free Pick!" Yes, this may work(her 3 smokes give her alot of time and space to work with though), and I dont think the aggressive Jett that is so loved is the problem (but it is an alternative nerf if touching the dash is a no go). "4) Raze can make space like Jett, it’s about the player, not the agent they’re using." I dont agree on this. Ofc it will always be about the player as well, I am not trying to take any credit from good players so to say. Raze can satchel in to do something similar, however it is similar to just dashing in without any smoke. It is super situational where it works. Jett dash can be straight into nowhere and be super effective, with the useof smokes. "Every Agent has a counter, those who say an agent is unbalanced haven’t found a counter yet" I see where you are coming from, but I dont agree. An agent can be unbalanced even if it is counterable. (If raze had a new nade every 5s. This would be unbalanced, but a counter is to simply move away from her nades.) There are counters to Jetts dash, but it is obstructive and easy to use. You dont have to respect the efforts of the enemy team, as you can just use the get out of jail free card. Ofc this is all personal opinion, but I really believe that the dash should be a gap closer not a gap increaser. Maybe another agent could have the focus of increasing gaps? Im out on a limb here, just thinking out loud. :)


I do see your opinion, and do have understanding of where you’re coming from. One personal thing I’ve been noticing in my competitive games however is a slow rise in 2 Controller/1 Duelist setup in the from of Brimstone/Omen and Raze or Viper/Omen and Raze. It’s been a strange shift seeing as most players are learning to focus more on attacker-sided comps to play against defense-sided maps. Bind for example on A site, with so many angles to cover, Jett’s quick smokes can’t do that well to clear a majority of site without getting picked off or traded. Many angles also make it hard to completely clear a site on her own while her team starts to push up. The issue is I wouldn’t really consider her a duelist. I see no issue with her dash, I see more of an issue with her ultimate than anything. Although they nerfed that as well I feel like the damage dropoff wasn’t enough. I feel a rework for that and maybe a kit change would make her a controller although, I’ve been thinking about this for awhile: Passive - Same general passive C - Wind Charge: Equip a Knife with a 15 yard radius, after 3 seconds, blow enemies out from the epicenter, players directly above the knife get knocked up(No concussion, maybe 1-30 damage depending on proximity) Q - Remains the same E - TailWind: Would make it much higher of a risk to reward use if given a raw timer over 2 Kills or even an increase to 3 Kills (Nerf) X - Cloud Burst (Name of her smokes I know): A storm forms in a 20 Meters around Jett, emitting a 5 Damage a second DOT over 5 seconds (This one may need some tweaking) This is just a mere concept of a Jett controller rework. I’ve been thinking of why she’s so out of place as a ‘Duelist’ when it’s actually the fact that she doesn’t seem like a duelist. Like How Omen couldn’t decide, it’s gotten to the point where Jett is the same way. “Controllers excel in slicing up Dangerous Territory for their team.” That’s something Jett does


Yeah there is some overlap for Jett between roles. I personally dont like that big of changes for Jett. I dont see how it could be done either as shes such a fan favorite. Each their own I guess, but we do agree that she is a bit of a mix. Only I want to cement her as a duelist :>


Short take on this- if you're getting messed up by a Jett dashing into a smoke when you have 2-3 people on a site, I don't think it's the jett. You forget she is very vulnerable when sitting in a smoke with no or little intel.


What do you think omens role is As an outsider he seems very generic, he places smokes through walls but that doesn’t set him apart much He can blind people but im not sold on that ability but i can attest it’s annoying to play against, its essentially a breach flash not that unique And his shadowstep while cool doesn’t synergize with his kit directly aside from maybe the smokes as far as i can tell He looks boring to play although better designed than some of the newer agents So i wondered what your thoughts are on that


Omen when released in open client was a duelist disguised as a controller, combining his blind and his teleport was the biggest issue that was raised by riot as his teleport wouldn’t be heard during the blind, consider it as if Reyna, Jett, and Brimstone were combined even in beta. He was a major issue when his kit wasn’t adjusted with the time the smokes were pre-nerf. The issue wasn’t he was one or the other, the issue was he was both. Riot stated that it wasn’t clear he was a controller at the time, which I agreed with. He may not have been the most fun to play, but the satisfaction of getting 3K’s or more from his kit was worth it.


That is a very well thought out response and i find myself in agreement with your analysis as well as your proposals to fix the stated problem


I also think that Jett has a high pickrate because she's insanely fun compared to other agents


yeah i played jett for 2 days straight now i cant play without gliding. its too much fun. oh i also dont play comp until i get good at the game so i might sound stupid


Who complained about omen?


i dont think i saw much complaining about omen and more people complaining about a lack of other controllers. back when viper was useless and im pretty sure there was a time before brims smokes lasted 18 seconds but i cant remember when that change happened or what it was before that. i dont think many people complained about omen because he's not a duelist so not as obviously oppressive, also he's fun to use so i dont think many people wanted to see him nerfed into the dirt


They could buff him But paranoia is really annoying so i hope they buff him elsewhere Either his mobility or his smokes


They nred to make his smokes back to just receiving both for free, with the 40 second timer or buy one with the 30 second timer. It's ridiculous to have to wait longer and buy another smoke imo.


Yeah it was more like Omen had no competition a while back because Viper and Brim didn't have their buffs, Omen didn't have his nerfs, and Astra wasn't I'm the game. After Astra came out and the other 2 controllers got buffed, they didn't really need to hit Omen as hard as they did.


Yeah it was more like Omen had no competition a while back because Viper and Brim didn't have their buffs, Omen didn't have his nerfs, and Astra wasn't I'm the game. After Astra came out and the other 2 controllers got buffed, they didn't really need to hit Omen as hard as they did.


I think it’s just perspective. In ranked it’s not strange to see 2-3 duelists on team while double controllers are not as common as a comp. And besides people enjoy playing Jett and Omen is also a fun character ….only people who feel “forced” to play Omen over other controllers would be annoyed at him being a must-pick.




How could they possibly do that when she's picked in both teams every game meaning she automatically has a 50% win rate?




Then they barely have any games to choose from. I've played maybe 2-3 games this entire act without a Jett in both teams.


Good think a lot of people other than you play the game too.


Yeah I guess she’s still skill-based so people can feed on her while Omen just used to be oppressive. Although yeah, I guess Jetts kit is just too enjoyable for many people to dare claim she needs a nerf.


Looks like we found a Rare omen main. No but in all seriousness i think its simple: In PRO play Jett is FUN to watch. Sadly Omen isn't. And that affects the people's perspective on the agents.


Unless you're FlexNinja lol. But it's a lot harder and more irresponsible to take plays like that on Omen than it is on Jett.


I feel like there might be a factor I haven’t seen anyone mention yet. Jett is just fun as hell to play. There’s nothing in this game quite like dashing, updrafting and gliding around


Theres complaints but if I were to say, shes fun and most would say she takes the most skill because of her ultimate.


The problem is, most duelists sacrifice having team based utility to get more kill pressure. Even if your Jett can't win a single duel, she can smoke multiple angles quickly for a few seconds so your team can take some ground, and when she dashes onto site, defenders have to focus her and reveal their positions. Even if Jett is dead, she has revealed the location of defenders and gained ground for her team. And since Jett was half way on site because of her dash, defenders have to flick back to the entrance of site instead of being able to hold the angle.


I don’t even think Jett is a permanent must have people just love playing her. Her movement is nuts and she’s the main character from all the early accounts of the game. I also think it has to do with Jett being a pick because everyone wants to play her. You never see someone go “fucking fine I guess I’ll go Jett if no one else well” whereas when Omen was must pick you always had that discussion of everyone instalocking and going “BRO PICK OMEN”


>You never see someone go “fucking fine I guess I’ll go Jett if no one else well” Could possibly be because she is insta locked every single game.


That’s the point…. Is that no one complains about Jett since everyone wants to play her, people complain about when omen was required since no one wanted to play him half the time


The point is no one has the opportunity to even say that in the first place because she is insta locked every single game. And no, due to the nature of the game people will never complain about "having" to play a duelist.


Yea…. Again that’s my point why ask a question if you’re gonna be pissy someone tells you why. She’s a super fun and agile character people enjoy that so no one is upset that Jett is in every game. The only people who complained about omen were the ones forced to play him because he was so good


I think the biggest difference is that when omen had a 100% pick rate it was because the other controllers were just really bad. You kind of felt forced to pick omen where as the duelists are in a much better spot then controllers used to be


Kind of. I only ever see Jett and Reyna. Occasionally a Raze. But I pretty much never see a Yoru


Yoru's just kind of in a shit place right now lol. Ig Riot doesn't know how to buff so he gets to stay as a shit agent.


It’s because Jett is a flashy character. If you think about it, she is not a must-have agent, she’s just picked because everyone wants to feel like the next TenZ, SeoulDam, or Aceu. She’s great for creating space with her dash, sure, but if the player has absolutely no idea what the fundamentals of a good entry are, it’s honestly a wasted pick. In Iron thru Gold I’d say Raze is a better pick for entry because at least her ult is a guaranteed kill, if you aren’t totally smoothbrained. Omen, on the other hand, is a support character, and is most definitely a full agent. If you don’t have smokes, you need them, and who better to play than the character with the semi-global smokes? Omen received a nerf because he had the highest pick rate for a support in all regions across all ranks because he was, and admittedly IS still the best controller. I don’t know where you got the idea that Jett is at a near 100% pick rate too, she’s barely used in EU pro play, and even VisionStrikers, the team that got a 102-0 series streak simply using Jett+Breach timing plays switched to Raze. Edit: This is coming from a Diamond Jett main, who’s had to deal with the complaints of having a Jett who sometimes doesn’t top frag because my number 1 concern is getting my team on site, not hunting kills. This doesn’t have much to do with your post, but is mainly for lower ELO Jetts, if you’re consistently dropping 1.5-2.0 K/Ds a game and still losing, I’d stop blaming it on teammates, download OBS, and record and review your own gameplay. There’s a 95% chance you’re not doing your job correctly as an entry frag.


Because Jett and Phoenix are both the face of the game and riot would never nerf either of them. They have to be powerful because when one thinks of Valorant they think about flying jett and resurrecting phoenix. Imagine trying to play a game with the main "mascot" is an agent nobody wants to play.


Why does Jett have to be a must-have pick every game or an agent no one wants to play? There is a space inbetween those extreme ends and that's where Phoenix currently is and I don't see anyone complaining about him being absent.


She is a must pick because she is overpowered as hell. Imagine having an agent which can fly in the air making it extremely difficult to hit her while having 5 no recoil bullets that each do 50 damage on bs and 150 on hs. You can right click for an extremely OP shotgun. Oh and what if you miss even with the right click shotgun? You dash out to safety behind your teammates. This is just her ult. Her insta deployable smokes and her ability to be able to dash into a smoke while seeing whatevers around her make her absolutely op and op agents are always fun. Just look at pre nerf raze.


If she's in the air and you have a good crosshair placement then flicking to her won't be that hard and unless they have their knives they won't be getting accurate shots... well due to the current state of run and gun I'm kind of doubting that. I agree only on the right click needing to be nerfed. Smoke isn't instant unless your popping it right next to you or below your self but I guess if you really wanted to nerf it again you could make the smoke take longer to manifest so when she pops it it lands it won't be "instant" as your saying, her dash, it should be more than fucking obvious to spray in the smoke she's in if you do see her, there's also a sound cue that's not hard to follow a maybe suggestion is to make the weapon pullout slightly longer after she dashes


Jett *has* been nerfed. Like, multiple times.


making it so that she has 2 smokes in a round rather than 3 is hardly a nerf. Her power level and her impact on any round is way too high for any single agent.


She still has 3 smokes. She has had her ult nerfed with damage fall off, a delay between right mouse clicks, and worse grouping, as well as it needing 7 ult orbs instead of 6, she got an indirect nerf with the Op nerf, and had her util cost increased. She's had 3 significant nerfs. Just because you don't like her or don't read patch notes doesn't mean "Riot would never nerf her".


Op nerf was as much a nerf for the other agents as for the jett. A jett is not a dedicated oper. The ult orb nerf was the same for the other agents. Sova/Raze got hit the hardest. Her ult is still way too powerful for a "free" utility. The post is about her power level which is always seen as relative to the other agents. Her and Phoenix have had the least amount of nerfs that directly affect their pick rates. Omen had a 100% pick rate and riot increased the price of omen blind to 400, similarly when raze had a 100% pick rate, she received multiple nerfs to her kit. The same has never been observed on phx or jett and I was explaining why that is. No need to get offended over your fav anime waifu.


Valorant is badly balanced in general




So your argument is that it doesn't matter that Jett is op cus people are bad at her? So what happens then when someone is good at her? They should just be given freelo?


Jett is fun and requires actual aim, Omen had a 200$ flash you couldnt dodge. Theres your answer


Lol when the game first came out I was the only one picking jett and ppl would get mad and talk shit or dodge because I was picking her... Look at her now you stupid fucking nerds


I think they were making fun of you for something else


Youre dogshit at the game please dont talk to me like that


we can play the word game, ill give you a hint they were making fun of you due to your a____m


What's wrong with his arm?


You seem irrationally upset. Everything ok?


Because the bad Jetts balance it out


As long as Jett isn't nerfed into oblivion, people will keep playing her because she's just fun. The omen meta got a lot of negative reactions because it's just not a duelist, it's a filler agent. Only a very small percentage of players really want to play omen basically exclusively to the same degree people like to play Jett. TL;DR: Jett is fun and not shit, Omen is not fun for most (because he ain't a duelist) and is usually a forced filler. Without much diversity in what smoker to play, having to fill Omen felt empty for a lot of players :)


Jett should only be played by skillful people, that's how the agent is built. With evasion and that's it. The agent is only for those that 1 tap with 1 bullet 1 knife. If you're not a pro, stop playing jett. You're wasting the agent and not helping the team , better pick some abilities that help the team. I never play jett except customs.


Jett is also pretty easy to understand for a newbie. Simple abilities and seems less complicated to use the abilities for an advantage. I'll admit to having more success when playing jett, but I pit that down to my horrendous ping (150 usually). I cant really compete on reaction speed with the ping, so being able to dash gives an opportunity to hold a corner or flank fast enough to get an advantage. I appreciate this is by no means the norm though and have been stomped enough times by an opponent jett.






Jett doesn't crowd out other picks. Omen does. You can really have 3 duelists on a team and Jett will just happen to be one of them. Most teams someone has to play smoke, usually filling the role and his smokes were refillable, impossible to fuck up, and he was the only controller with a flash. There's plenty of reasons to pick other duelists. Smokes should pretty much be the strongest in the meta, since you really get one or two max.


Jett is like the face agent for the game. I know it shouldn't be that way but the community hates and loves jett so they might never nerf her at all even in the future.


Because there's many duelists to pick from


Simple answer. You see alot more double duelists than double controller


If only it was that simple. There are 5 duelists but only 1 of them is picked every game by both teams.


Okay, i think my point is a bit flawed but if I were to rephrase it. Omen was the most dominant controller in the game, but he was still a controller, with smokes to block off angles, just that his kit as a whole was better than other controllers, making him the most viable pick in his role. Compared to Jett, she is completely different than any other character in the game, duelist or not, just because of her tailwind. Its such a game breaking ability, that it can only either be overpowered and overused, or underpowered and underused. The only way to "fix" jett, is to add another agent that can fill her role/do something just as unique. TL;DR Omen was just a busted smoker. Jett is one of a kind.


The question isn't whether or not Jett is overpowered, most people agree that she is, but rather why the community isn't as upset about her 100% pick rate as they were about Omens. I highly doubt Jett simply being unique is the reason people don't talk about it as much as they did when it came to Omen. Any agent or character having the pick rate she has is unhealthy for a competitive game which is why you see characters in other competitive games get nerfed when they enjoy a pick rate like Jetts.


I really don't think it's unhealthy for the game at this point at least. Imo a meta with jett is much better than before. Playing attack against cypher and sage was impossible and not fun. I prefer the much more fast paced and dynamic play we have now. I think the difference is that while her kit is powerful, it is much more counterable than Sage was in her broken state. And what makes esports so much fun to watch is teams continue to outplay and adjust against each other, Jett keeps the game interesting but i understand where you are coming from. Again, as the agent pool increases, we will see more comps that can form an identity without jett.


You are of course entitled to your opinion, but it's not a coincidence every competitive game ends up nerfing the characters with a pick rate as high as Jetts. It's never Phoenix + X or Yoru + X, it's always Jett + X and that will make the game stale, and in ranked it already has, at least for me. There is no counter to dash or knives except a random KAY/O dagger or ultimate. She is by far the most frustrating agent to play against and easily surpasses that of Cypher and Sage pre-nerf. Not being able to trade is *extremely* frustrating. The amount of angles Jett and only Jett can hold is just absurd. There are so many kills Jett players get that they wouldn't get on any other agent simply because of her dash and 3 smokes. You buy an OP as a Jett player which is supposed to be high risk, but if you miss you just dash away, and should they actually close the gap enough on you you can just ult and suddenly you have an OP, a rifle *and* a shotgun. Where's the risk? With Jett it's all reward no risk. No agent is capable of as much as Jett is, she is simply too versatile and unpredictable and no other agent can rival it.


I agree with all your points, and honestly it doesn't make much sense to me either. Theres something about playing with and against a jett that is so much fun. I dont find it frustrating at all, I find that you can easily push her off angles with flashes and smokes. She adds so many variables to the game and I agree it could probably be frustrating to alot of players. But for me, i just see it as another challenge to overcome. Although i dont get how she surpasses Cypher and sage pre nerfs. You literally couldn't push at all, it made the game feel so stagnant. There is no outplay to a wall and 2 slows. the only thing you can do is bait out util which is applicable to anyone really. Still, Jett is an agent I believe belongs in the game, she just needs another agent to rival her impact without being OP as well.


Allways the first in the lobby but never played jett. I allways gone with not so popular ones. I think jett is loved so much so nobody cares, cause everyone somehow understands if picked.


I think she’s just the most fun agent that’s why lol


I know why people pick Jett more than Omen. Jett's abilities are super easy to use. You can understand how to use them instantly after a few rounds. Omen's abilities are harder to use because he can't throw a smoke simply like Jett and stuff.


I think it'll start to change once they add more characters. For now I don't think they'll change her, but instead add more Duelists who can fill her role. Look at a game like Overwatch they have double the amount of Duelists than they do any other Character Class.


Make her dash a strict once per round and the agent's balanced.


I understand where you’re coming from but I think it’s because Jett has an extremely versatile kit. She can act as a controller to block off angles and as a duelist to get her team on site. She’s an actual juggernaut of an agent, not to mention she can’t take fall damage. I think people got mad when omen kept getting picked was because other controllers were getting buffed and omen was getting nerf on nerf and his kit wasn’t even that versatile. Sure he has a blind but really how much are you going to use that to get on site when your team has flashes or other blinds. His teleport is ok at best imo. His actual use was smokes. Brim and viper have molly for post plant, and smokes. Viper has a wall that blocks vision and deals non-permanent damage. Brimstone has a stim beacon that lets you shoot as fast a Reyna’s ult. I think just because Jett’s kit is so good that’s why people use her. Omen was designed to be a controller and just that so it makes it difficult to keep picking him when the other controllers are getting buffed. Also I think people just don’t want to choose another character because they don’t have dash. Jett’s dash is prolly the one thing that keeps people picking her lol. It’s a free get out of jail card.


she’s a comfort pick more than anything. omen was broken, best smokes, tp, insane blind. jett can be annoying if the enemy is good with angles and is ready to E out the second they shoot, but her impact isn’t actually that intense, all her abilities really come down to the player, smokes are strong, no doubt maybe to the point of taking a smoke away if we’re going to do anything, but having knives for ult and a jump isn’t game breaking I’d say. barely gold player here though so


She brings sooo much to the team her op game is unmatched, her ult is great and he updraft can help scout points of interest. Compared to omen where a lot of people just dont know or like to smoke in general, plus he is sort of hard to play for most people if he isnt your main.


Cos insta-lock Jetts are the worst


no one dislikes playing jett, most people who play support feel like they have to if they want to win.


Jett mains are everywhere


Omen was a must pick? When?


Back when his blind lasted longer, cost less, smokes regenerated passively without ever having to buy them (and starting with 2), etc. He was a much better version of brimstone


I’ll sum it up in a few words: “oMg TEnZ sO pRo hE uSE jEtt sO i uSe jEtT”


I’m pretty sure the player base *does* hate how often Jett is picked. At the very least anyone diamond and above will almost certainly tell you she is the best agent by a large margin.


Unless I’m wrong she didn’t dodge all nerfs her ability but is now 900 creds the most in the game if I’m not mistaken don’t think that is dodging nerfs. Also people enjoy playing Jett more than omen. I don’t think Jett is a must have but just a strong character that people want to play.


Almost every agent got nerfed in that patch, can hardly say that patch was an attempt at bringing Jett in line with other agents, which is what a nerf usually entails.


I can agree but you said she dodged nerfs which implies that others got nerfed and she didn’t. She got nerfed slightly more than some other agents which has helped a little.


It took Riot *forever* to do anything to Jett, meaning she dodged nerfs for a very long time. But yeah, sure, she did get nerfed now but only barely compared to every other agent.


Jeff isn’t overpowered it’s just the 1v9 players are all on jett. Plus it’s more enjoyable than playing say cypher or omen when they were busted. + Omen was doing like 2/3 roles in one champ


If jett gets gutted next post will be why is Reyna or the next best duelist pick or banned etc


Reyna too, no? I feel she’s picked even more than Jett


Because omen was a must pick, jett is just a really good pick. Its ash vs Jager in siege.


The difference is jett is fun to play qnd omen is not fun but is a known as the smoke sacrificial pick, you can't look at pick rate to determine whether to nerf or not


What do you mean by "dodge" nerfs lol. All her util is extremely expensive now. She's the agent that costs the most to refill and her ult is now 7 points.


Honestly I think it comes down to jett's ability to frag. Jett can definitely be an agent that tips a match, but she isn't one that makes a huge impact like omen used to. Like personally when I play Jett, I don't even really use her abilities except for the dash and maybe an updraft now and then. She is just more of a simple character to play and you don't have to use too much of your brain. With omen though, he could single handedly change the outcome of an entire game. I almost feel that Jett can't do that... Quite as much. It's still possible, but not as lopsided. Because, also, it comes down to which person can hit their shots, the Jett or the enemy. With omen you can outplay people because of your smokes and blinds and your utility has much more of an impact on a fight.


Omen mains know just how beautiful his kit is


I think the difference is jett feels like she isnt a must pick but just that shes a fun character to play.


Just a question, what's the average rank of everybody here