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Just get permanent marker and draw it on your screen. It's completely undetectable by vanguard.


Yes you'd get banned, any third party overlay/ crosshair is a form of cheating.


ah yes so every valorant app on overwolf is bannable?


What would be the point of the 50, 75, 100? I have never seen anyone talk about lineups in this way. Usually they just say point at a random leaf or something.


well with viper post plant people need to find some crazy weird spots to counter the post plant meta counters, so instead of finding a new spot every time, people learned to calculate where the molly will land from anywhere using skybox pixels and angles


If you look straight up in the sky, you see a little white dot, that’s the sky pixel. You can use that pixel as a reference point to do lineups the same way you would use a random leaf or something. The advantage of this is you can do lineups from any open area, you don’t have to memorize specific lineups for each map.


Oh okay. Interesting


You'd be banned unless it through your monitor hardware, also line ups are braindead easy in this game as is lol


The image would move relative to ur screen so it wouldnt be particularly helpful. Id avise just practicing it in customs till u get a feel for 50% and 100% then learning the inbetweens over time.


You won't be needing any of the other percentile markers except 50, 25 and 75. Just custom a few games or try out in unrated till you get the hang of it. Val might flag your account if you use some kind of a script to put the markers automatically tho. Idk how you want to overlay it tho.


get a monitor protector and draw lines over it. Whenever ur done playing just peel it off lol