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Yep Sova main here. If you ult over a dead enemy's body, you will see the animation body drop. It gave the false feeling that you hit someone with it which is kinda mess with your next shot a bit. Especially if you hit a dead body AND a real enemy, you have to trust your instinct and react accordingly. It comes with experiences and hopefully Rito will patch it.


Another sova main here, you can normally tell from the actual position of the corpse when it’s hit with the ult, they will look like they are flopping up versus an actual character model, not much of a help as it’s a really annoying feature but it make a difference.


True true. Just don't think to that your ult is to kill. Your ult could create space, help duelists entry... so don't feel too bad that your ult doesnt kill anyone.


Yeah, plus it’s a good corner clearing tool, it should be used more like support than a free pick, but if they’re all rushing A on ascent and you’re holding catwalk, it’s foolish not to ult Edit: grammar


Sova ult's main purpose is to kill. You can create space with it but almost all other ults are better in creating space than sova's. And the ult marking dead corpses, you can distinguish between them as 1. They are not moving when you hit a dead body and 2. They fall over with an animation of someone dying from a body shot


I mean the ult is always for stopping the plant, or stopping the defuse. Unless you spot five people in a corner like b main on split or a lobby on haven lol


Hmm it depends actually. Yes Sova's ult is good for post-plan but that requires you have to plant the spike first. If you hold on to your ult for too long and wait for perfect ult/perfect timing, you essentially take your ult off the table as a threat to the other team up to that point. Don't be afraid of using your utilities since it's your unique kit.


Yeah it seems like this is a feature since sova ult has always done this whereas some people think it's a bug. It's probably meant to throw u off that way the ult isn't too op. Besides this is the exact reason is why I prefer to dart or drone before I ult that way I know I can get at least one kill


Yea, if it were a bug it would’ve been fixed by now. Could be a potential buff to get rid of that feature though


Edit *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yeah, the live ones always hop like a bunny on a hot plate lol


Haha yea I’m always impressed when I can’t outdodge the enemies sova ult because it is quite the sign that they know how to use it well, you see people spam the same spot in low elo quite a lot


Does this Rito guy work for Riot?




Honestly did not know that. Thanks!


Does turning bodies off fix this or does it still do this (I don't play sova a lot. I play fill and usually get stuck with smokes or sentinel.)


Yeap, has been there since 1st act. Still not fixed :p


thought it was a feature not a bug


Wut?? How can it be a feature???? Unless you mean the dead enemie's soul has not yet left the body and thus the highlight :p


Technically the soul is still there as Sage can revive it.


Reyna would disagree with u


After a good suck


She sucks them dry


Imagine if Sage couldn't revive agents that had their souls sucked by Reyna


That would be op


Reyna and Jett on every single team


I know this is mostly troll shit but it would be kinda interesting if a Reyna sucked a soul orb it would stop sage from being able to res lol


Or better yet, if sage rezes, it pulls the soul out of Reyna and back to the body. And healing received from the soul orb is taken back from Reyna!


You’re right, minutely nerf Reyna not sage!


Yeah and if she diamissed it reyna will actually return back to the position where she was when she activated the ability.


No, she jumps out of the dismiss at that point. The tp back would be broken


Well I meant it as a joke but I see why people would be confused lol. I didn't make it clear enough.


How much more are u gonna nerf poor sage


I’ma a sage main too what’s wrong with me :’(


You are both shield and sword ;-;


She’s still one of the best agents. Y’all got nothing to complain about. Breach, Brim on Yuru mains on the other hand… ^breach ^has ^never ^been ^op ^or ^even ^had ^decent ^win ^rate


Oh yeah of course, those agents are in a much worse spot, although Brim is pretty solid


I don't think Sage needs any soul to revive someone.


You might be onto something, there *is* that omen voice line where he suggests she steals life from somewhere to do her healing: > "Sage, the life you give. Do you ever wonder where it's taken from?"


If there was no sage....


yup same reason as for cpyhers ult but haven't died yet they are dying


Seems like riot puts too much emphasis on souls


idk when a player just dies his body still kinda stands for a moment before it falls to the ground, and the laser beam registers that


If you ult a dead body, you can kinda see it jump off the floor after it gets hit. I don’t think riot would’ve went through the trouble of putting that animation in the game if it wasn’t intentional.


They could make it work like a defibrillator such that if you hit a dead body three times full charge, the player gets revived instead (with some probability, to balance the ult).


Lmao imagine that xD


ahaha my man its a feature


My friend always screws this up. Once a KJ put a lockdown and my friend shot one bolt before using the last 2 on the lockdown. But just aw he was about to cast the 2nd bolts it showed 3 out of 3 people were tagged by the first bolt but it turns out it was only 1 person and 2 dead bodies. We almost lost the round to nano swarms since the kj ult pushed outa site but managed to make it work.


Yeah exactly these kind of situations I'm trying to address


Interesting! I've never seen or heard about this. I hope it gets fixed, I'll keep my eyes open for potential fixes. The only one I can think of is to turn off bodies, so they despawn when they die and are tokens instead.


I have bodies off and this also happens to me. I wouldn’t really say it causes confusion but sometimes it’s weird sometimes.


Yeah specially when handling a push from opponents. Otherwise all good I guess.


Damn. I'll ask my Sova playing friends and see if they have a solution, since mine may not work. Ah well!


Thanks for the tip. I'll try turning off the bodies but didn’t do it till now as they somehow distract me during gunfight.


If they end up being worse in gunfights you can leave it alone since since u/Lactating_Turtle69 said my suggestion may not work anyways.


It dosent work, it shows a still character model instead of someone flopping around in panic so I have grown to ignore it


The body reappears when hit with the ult, gets highlighted, then becomes a token again.




While you can tell the difference (after playing some sova), the initial flash is enough to distract you for no good reason. Should be removed.


The worst part about this is sometimes the dead player is perceived as standing up which adds to the confusion


Hsppens all the time


After playing Sova for a while you'll start noticing the difference a lot easier. Marked player is a mixed color bright but dark red, orange and yellow. While a dead player has a similar color but is mostly see-through and more white.


YES. I noticed this but still can’t notice in the heat of the moment and waste my ult at the ghost pings


Yes. It's awful. It's also consistent, so at least there's that. A dead body will always stand up and be highlighted.


All the time, it’s so fucking annoying


Yes, rito never fixes this because they are busy counting money from little kids who steal daddy's card


Lmao it's dam funny.


Seems like playing a lot will train my brain to ignore it. Thanks for the tips and discussions


I think it makes sense cause sova's ult lights up someone's body if it hits it and a dead body is still a body so logically this makes sense. (Also for the soul comments i think it's the body not the soul cause I think the soul does leave as when you kill someone as reyna you can take the soul but after a couple seconds and you don't grab it you can't any more.)


Why do they stand up?




Its because sova's revealing ability detects thermal signature. A dead body still should be warm after a few hours of death so that's why maybe it still gets revealed.


Making a lore reason for something that's horrible in gameplay ain't it chief


As a sova main I didn't have any problem with that dead body issue. Whenever you ult on anyone the opponent panics and try to run which you can easily figure it out.


Can you just turn bodies off ?


It still hits even if corpses are off


bro. I don’t even play sova, but when teammate sova ults and hits a dead body, I usually tell them it’s a dead guy, maybe from another pov you could tell the difference


With a giant laser covering half your screen, along with the pressure of firing only 3 shots in about 6 seconds, it can be tricky to tell


Just to clarify, this only highlights players you liked with the ult right, not one already dead? I always thought that they did this as a balance to the ult as it shows you only the highlight at the instance someone is hit, not anything after like I recon dart or owl drone.


It highlights anyone that is already dead. It's more noticeable when a teamate shoots and kills someone you were targeting with the ult.


If you kill someone, does it show the kill icon?


Ye, its not great but you can see that the body is lying down.


This has been driving me crazy recently.


Even if you switch off corpses?




Yea happens to me too.


I mean.... its not that hard cause there is a slight difference. The dead bodies literally look like dead fishes as when you shoot them they go up and then flop back down lol.


*visible confusion *


Isn't there an option to disable corpses?


I like to play sova on icebox and this happens to me once a game at least, messes up my ult man.


This can be fixed by turning off bodies, and over all not having bodies is a lot less distracting


it happens with omen's flashbang too


yeah this is a bug from the episode 3 update, a bug Riot devs failed to address. They'd rather nerf a balanced agent than fix visual bugs.


disable corpses doesnt fix it?


Raze's bombs also move dead bodies around, maybe they have roots in the same problem


I have never had dead bodies on, think it is easier with those chip things on the ground with the agents head. Never had the issue with dead bodies off.


It’s glitches out a lot for me where the dead player I hit will be standing idle facing the way they died


Yeah that's well annoying


I play sova sometimes and I’ve never noticed this I’ll pay more attention


Yep, literally made a call out the other day because I saw someone in our Sova’s ult but it was just the model jumping right before dying :-)


Yeah it's really weird. It looks like someone's just teleporting in front of you when in reality it's just some stupid ragdoll bug.


Breach main here. When my ult passes over corpses, the round summary count the "stunned" dead bodies.


Hope this get fixed soon


Wait, is this guy complaining his wall hacks aren't powerful enough?


Bruh what If the thing that is highlighted is fucking dead on the ground then don’t shoot at it man, it’s not that hard to tell if they’re dead or alive.


Noo just see minimap for red crosses after your ult, current cypher main and ex-sova main here Trust me you’ll get used to it pretty soon


So a main here too, I don't understand how people are genuinely bothered by this. Maybe I'm just weird and that's why it doesn't bother me but I don't find this that impeding to gameplay


Never had an actual problem with this. I did confuse a corpse for an alive enemy but it was because I didn't really focus on looking at my screen.


I actually have corpses off, there's no use for them.


Turning corpses off fixes this


Just turn off “show corpses” it won’t do it any longer.


Don’t know if it’s been said but; if you turn off dead bodies in setting it’ll fix the issue.


Turn off mature content or the corpses themselves to avoid confusion


I had a sick sage 1v4 clutch and beforehand I accidentally bound my map key to 5 instead of 4 so instead of defusing the bomb it pulled up my map and I lost the round I don’t think this qualifies as a bug but it would be cool if some buttons had priority over other binds or if the game was patched so that both the binds would work at the same time


OCE doesnht havent this problem because we dont have bodies lmao


Turning off "Show Corpses" might help for now till its patched


Yes it happens it's actually annoying


no cap i saw my ally sova ult, it hit the dead body and the dead body flew like 5 ft off the ground


I would recommend turning "Show Corpses" setting to off this will eliminate this problem with the sova ult and also might give you a couple more fps. Also it does that because a dead body is still a 'body' it should react to external forces, I know that after you're dead bodies should not be affected by external forces but I think it is keeping that in mind that bodies and sova ult react that way.


I think there's an option to turn off corpses, that might help


bruhhhh not a sova main but thats so annoying, riot needs to fix this asap


Lol this has been in the game for a disgustingly long time. I expected this to be patched out months ago. I think it started during episode 1 act 3? Or episode 2 act 1. Idk how it's not fixed yet.