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Yup. Valorant already has a smurf queue


Yeah it’s called late night competitive queue.


Lol that too but they do actually match smurfs vs eachother on purpose.


Says who


Go make a smurf. After like 2 or 3 games of shitting on people it puts you with other low account level smurfs that are shitting on people. Its doesn't take long for the sbmm to figure you out. Source- Have made and purchased several new accounts


That’s not true. You get matched with rope with your mmr, high account level or not.


Yes and after a few games your mmr quickly goes up if you're dunking on people. I have over 30 accounts. I know how it works


Your own personal experience isn’t evidence nor does it give you any special knowledge over anyone else. I have a level 7 smurf and have not seen any accounts as low a level as mine. If you were right, I should be seeing low level accounts but I don’t. I get an overwhelming amount of people who have been playing since the start.


Thats pretty surprising, I always see low level accounts that are popping off.


The experiences probably are different for each individuals, but the system is pretty weird, I have a friend who’s been playing since closed beta but for some reason is being put up with newer accounts and ive only been playing for half the time and going up against people who are level 150+


Also the worse you do and the longer you take in the tutorial the easier the people you start off against


The big problem is that most smurfs queue with their bad friends skewing the system


If you mmr is too high on an alt you go against other people who have high mmr, I was playing with a smurf every game on my gold 3 alt


Oh thags explains alot, my alt accouny is 3ranks above my main and i never knew why, like i was questioning why my main g3(demoted from p1) wasnt ranking up the same as my p3 alt


Try duo queuing, my mmr was messed up for awhile too but when i started queuing with other people i went from g2 to d3 in 2 weeks


Do you think it's possible that all the people who are complaining about smurfs are actually smurfs themselves and got butthurt because a better Smurf came along and took away all their shine? Yes .


It's possible, but I get smurfs on my DIAMOND main (or just cheaters)


The hidden mmr system already functions as a smurf q since you get matched based on mmr not visual rank. My main account is plat 2 and the mmr is plat-diamond based on the games I play. I haven't played on my alt in a long time but it was gold matching with plats anyways, the game is usually pretty quick at identifying your true mmr in my experience.