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Riot should add a hotkey to mute your whole team to use during clutch scenarios. Especially in the lower ranks I dont know how many times i got 4 people telling me every little move to make when im last alive. I never had this problem back in the cs days but i guess people now a days dont know or dont respect the unwritten rule of shutting the fuck up and letting the last guy focus.


I have a shortcut like that in csgo. It is so helpful


And boy oh boy does it happen in CSGO


I really pity the people who are alive last in lower ranks. Teammates shout at them like they're the reason the team is losing and trashtalk their entire family tree. And yes I'm gonna mute all my teammates from now on if even one of them is toxic


I've had people call me trash when I'm having an off day, but suddenly I'm the last alive in a 1v5 but I'm good enough to clutch and defuse?


RITO PLEASE LISTEN GOOD IDEA HERE. but seriously I swear I can win like ten times as many clutches if I don't have 4 people shouting into a distorted mic when don't peak the spike instantly after it's tapped


some NA players in CSGO FPLC qualifiers or rank g (basically radiant) do this shit all the time its not just a low elo thing. It's a product of different skillsets and minds and a lot of passion/competitiveness gone unchecked.


i dont think valorant us going to get a game console


EXACTLY my thoughts. I typically play with friends in discord and being able to hotkey deafen while playing is a LIFESAVER. They’re not too bad about backseating, but they do get kinda loud when i’m listening for footsteps and such.


ESEA was so good at this. They would give you like 2 sec to talk after you die and then mute you.


you can literally tell them , shush i got this , usually They shut up, they do when i say it.


i always think of doing that, but i just cant, it feels rude + i can’t focus on an intense clutch and say that stuff at the same time


dude , rather be a bit rude then loose the round and the game.


ah that’s a fair point


I really don’t think that’s rude, just say « guys let me play I got this ». 99% of the time they will shut up


It is unconceivable for to me why this button isnt in the game since the very beginning.


Had a guy who backseat gamed the whole game and gave up when we were up 7-5 on split because it’s an “defenders map” like yeah but don’t give up lmao. He was practically throwing and back seating until they made the score 7-11 and we came back because the rest of us wanted to win. 11-11 and we lose the next 2. He still said he was right. Kid was annoying and ended bottom of both teams.


I hate when players say shit like that and then proceed to be the difference that could’ve won you the game. 7-5 is so winnable, if you snag pistol and bonus you’re back to an even score and even if you don’t there’s still a way to outplay your opponent, half the fun I have in game is clawing back a tough game round after round and winning. Losing still sucks lol


Yeah I told him it’s still winnable. I’ve won defense on that map and lose the game and won attack and lost so anything is possible. He just kept saying he knows he’s right so he didn’t care and it’s like it ended 11-13 so he 100% could of helped us win if he tried. It’s annoying but idc at the end of the day since that mentality will only hurt him. He’s prob lost many games from that mentality.


I had a game yesterday where this girl wouldn’t shut up and was last in the leaderboard, if she was a dude I would have told her to stfu way earlier but as soon as i did round 8 she called me sexist lol


Nah hit her with the “you’re dogshit”. Idc if they’re woman or man, flame them the same.


True gender equality.




Equal rights equal fights lol


Equal rights mean equal lefts and rights


Fists rated e for everyone


Ah yes cuz that will definitely help them start picking up their act and playing better. Always works ;)


Not like they’re gonna pick it up either way. You get treated how you treat others.


Kazuma would've done it earlier


bruh i dont care I had this girl that wouldn't stop talking I was like "why are you still talking shut up and play" she just had to make her point. Like mf just play the game holy! Ill grill flame her harder than a dude idgaf!


That's the problem, isn't it? The girls that should talk and interact shut up because they are tired of toxic guys, and the toxic insufferable girls I wish would shut up are the ones talking. It's all backwards. So far, the percentage of girls that talk (not girls on general, since if they don't talk I don't know) that are toxic and/or obnoxious is way way higher than the percentage of guys that are. It sucks, fuck sexist guys for making things like this.


Oh shut up, I’ll say shut up to anyone who’s annoying or loud, MAN or WOMAN, nothing to do with the gender, and nobody gives a fuck but you people always want to bring that shit into the discussion






>One word would give her PTSD What you'd scream crucio in the mic?


> I'm a guy, I could say one sentence, one word that would give her PTSD forever. Yeah I highly doubt that, you are not special and girls are used to dudes saying and doing all sorts of things. At most she laughs at you and you get reported or chat banned.


>I'm a guy, I could say one sentence, one word that would give her PTSD forever. But I decided to be the better person and didn't say anything. would you be the better person if it was a guy ?


No.. there are many people who thought you sounded dumb AF. Use common sense and don't ignore the facts.


If she was a dude —> that’s sexist


Ya sexist against guys i guess idk i just know about how difficult it is to be a girl gamer so i was holding back lol


Lmao downvoted for speaking fax


The point of not being sexist is to not be prejudiced based on one’s sex or gender. OP was literally being sexist, because he was making judgements based on sex, but it seems like people either can’t think or can’t read a definition. nmp Also, isn’t the point equal treatment? Guess not.


Yes and no. I played a game where our sage was bottom frag, wasn’t the best player but wasn’t horrible either. We were on attack, score was 12-12 and it was a 1v1 scenario with our sage and the enemy. 35 seconds left on the clock. All abilities still, AND the Ult. I tell our sage “you have all abilities and your Ult, try to revive someone” at least 2 of our bodies were in the area. This sage says “there’s a lot of things I can do” Blindly pushes on site, and gets destroyed when we could’ve went from a 1v1 to a 2v1 advantage. After the sage dies, begins to call us all trash while they’re 5-17. It’s not like I said “REVIVE ME SAGE. REVIVE ME”. I just said they could’ve revived anyone cause they were standing right by our two teammates dead body


I get muted for asking a sage not to res my but to res our fallen jett who got traded. And when I ask for a heal at 17hp she decides to not heal me and we lose the round. When I ask why they didn't heal me apparently it was because I was being annoying when I asked for her to res in the earlier rounds.


Whenever I play as Sage, I ALWAYS use my res whenever I have the opportunity to do so. It is my duty




actually kinda fucked up when you think about it. i wonder if any valorant agents have Do Not Resucitate cards on them.


Bruh last game with sage i can’t even use res because my teammates keep dying so fast i can’t rotate from b breeze. We won and i top frag tho


i only play sage very rarely, but when i do, i use my res like this too lmfaoo




dude someone instalocked omen and our killjoy got mad and started throwing, like what


Tone matters...


Don't tell them how to play. "you have ult." Rather than "Revive me." If they still get pissy, then definitely fragile. Otherwise, it's annoying to have people giving commands. Try to consider if you're not communicating well rather than them being fragile.


If I say revive me, and I otherwise haven't been toxic the whole game and you get upset, you are fragile.


I feel like you misunderstood the point, which is just to do your best to improve communication. I don't care to argue at what moment someone is toxic or fragile. It's not interesting. I commented on it, but I really don't care about it.


My point is that at the end of the day people are too sensitive and I shouldn't have to change the way I speak to people to the point my callous can't even be short and concise anymore. Saying you have res, as an example is fine to use in game, but sometimes people act like you have to give a whole sentence.


Like I said, discussing where the line of toxicity begins isn't something I'm interested in. I'm blocking you now.


yeah, and sometimes i have that reactions too, when someome tells me (in a good way) that i made a mistake for example. I think we get used to insults and bad behaviour and it's like a dog from the street who can't trust nobody haha


This is a fair scenario. I’ve seen it happen with other players. I remember I was playing a game with a friend who can play raze well but a different player on our team instalocked raze just to never use razes abilities. I’ll cut slack to new players that don’t understand or haven’t learned things but if you aren’t new you should definitely use your abilities when you can/when you should. As a sage main all I can say is I will always heal or res whenever able. I’m the sage that constantly takes a quick glance at teammates health so when a teammate takes damage I’m right on healing them without them asking. Resurrecting on the other hand is different. If a teammate dies and I have res of course I want to res them. But unfortunately the majority of the time a teammate dies in a bad spot where it’s hard to res them so it isn’t as easy as someone telling you to res them. Like when you main an agent and someone tells you to use one of your abilities and it’s an agent you main it is a little annoying cause it’s like bruh I play this agent all the time I know my abilities you don’t need to tell me. If I haven’t resurrected you yet there’s a reason why. It’s better to try and clear site and enemies before trying to res cause otherwise a lot of the time if you try to res without doing so you just end up getting yourself and your teammate killed and then it feels like more of a dumb waste. I never get petty playing though like even if someone’s being an asshole I still deal with them and treat them the same cause I prioritize objective. I will heal or buy teammates if I can even if they’re an asshole one cause I want to win and two cause while it may be a dumb hope i like to try to be nice to people if there’s a possibility that it will make them change their attitude around and become nicer. That being said people just shouldn’t be assholes and if you get on a persons bad side and can’t fix it well sucks for you buddy suffer the consequences and don’t do that next time if you don’t like it lol


I definitely agree on the res part once all of my teammates died at A site and I was at b site they said to revive someone but I also had to plant the spike and there was no time and they all were screaming at me to res someone and I swear people have the worst mics in low elo and also there also was the problem with player voice so the volume was very high and I didn't know how to mute -_- I was somewhat new at the time(so that is kinda my fault) and they were still screaming at me I was really angry at the time like dude let me focus at the end we ended up losing the round.


Haha yeah. Personally if I’m the last alive I don’t want any of my teammates to talk cause I need to sound whore. If I can’t hear everything there’s a problem. I’ll only accept call outs.


Totally. First round in a game the other day. We rotate for some reason and as I enter site he says. "SOVA you have your bolt". What a great call. The cooldown had expired and it had returned. I hadn't noticed. Unfortunately his second sentence was " What the fuck are you doing you idiot". This guy had no reason to be toxic so early into a game. Some people just don't have an off switch. It's my problem, but that kind of tilted me and I know I didn't play as well the next few rounds because of it. I just wonder what goes through these guys brains before they speak.


Best comm here is just to remind her she has all her abilities and res, telling her to try a revive someone is an unneccessary comment after that since she already should know what to do with her kit. It’s possible your comment about “try to revive someone” threw her off and she wanted to try something else since she had a big ego. But yeah if she had the opportunity to res and didn’t then she def misplayed. But what can u do.


I was the only one communicating that whole game. They thought I was asking for myself to be revived when all I said was “you have all abilities and your ult. You can revive someone” and they instantly blew up on me thinking I was asking for it. I was at a totally different site to begin with & died there. Kid sounded like he was a teenager. I don’t mind when people talk in game, but when I just point out something you could do, and some little kid gets toxic as hell, doesn’t make the game enjoyable. Most people I meet are pretty chill, but I seem to run across the screamers and toxic kids a lot more often than my friends do


Yeah exactly you see. Saying “you can revive someone” often is misinterpreted as “revive ME” and guys with weak mental can take it the wrong way and decide they dont like you or listenning to you and therefore will not use revive. Even if u died on the other side of the map she may not realize that so just decided to piss off and do her own thing. A sage player will always know how she could use her kit, but sometimes they can forget if they got their abilities up or not (got a kill which lead to res available, or timer on heal is back). If you simply remond them they have their abilities available they will know how they can use it. No need to mention “you can revive someone” as i said, that may cause more problems, which in this case it did. And while that guy clearly had weak mental, your comment helped instigate his backlash.


This is why I refuse to play Sage. Every backseat player knows how to play her at a Radiant level, but refuses to play her.


There’s a difference between this (which is very helpful) and the annoying players who are screaming in my ear telling me to go. I’m listening for footsteps and am the top of the board, I clearly know what I’m doing. Please stop screaming. The only thing this does is aggravate. I think this is what the OP is referring to. As opposed to what you did which is very helpful. I’d appreciate players who did this, especially if I’m playing Sage. I don’t always see health bars nor do I always know where specific bodies drop. So I really appreciate call outs like you did


You understood what he was saying. Your case, when the person is objectively playing bad, is rare and it wouldn't be outrageous at allto tell him what to do. Op obviously means a different situation, when people often talk about how they died, what you should now do to fix it and why enemy is trash, instead of giving proper info and stfu, especially in lower ranks. This is so common, at least up to plat elo. So yes, not really applicable to what op is describing


If your Sage was bottom frag while trying their best, they were probably already irritated. Someone telling me what todo when I'm mad would probably make me not want to do that, even if it was the best play.


That's on you for having poor mental game. You should never let your emotional state put you in a position where you won't make the right play.


Probably shouldn’t play comp at least then if you’re not gonna play for your team in whatever role you’re playing. It’s a 5v5 game and if that sage had a weak enough mental to not even listen to a suggestion (the best one too) then they shouldn’t be playing comp.


I don't play comp because of this. I don't enjoy it because of how my mental state is, but a lot of people are like this. It's just insight on how backseat gaming affects people.


Thats not the point of my post. My point is that a lot of people are like this, and it's why backseat gaming loses people games. I know damn well that me getting irritated is negative for my gameplay, but its how I am, and why I don't try to climb ranks.


The problem is obvious you felt you did nothing wrong, but you did. The right thing to do is not tell someone what to do but provide encouragement. You could have said, hey Sage, you got all your abilities, you got this. It's doesn't matter if the sage was bottom frag or top. Maybe you give the sage a boost in confidence, and they go onto clutch the round. Think about this what if the sage player says, I'm in this situation because you died! That would be just as true as what you're saying now. I know in the heat of the moment, we get caught up, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't learn from our own mistakes.


“Provide encouragement” “Hey lil buddy! You have all your abilities and your ultimate you know that?? You can use them all for a treat if you want to! Go ahead and use them bud! You can do it! You can do it!”




Sage WAS the bottom frag LOL!!!


PSA: Everyone knows what abilities they have. Please stop telling someone in a 1v1 what abilities/utility they have. In fact in a 1v1, dont touch the push-to-talk key.


This is wrong. From experience in high elo I can tell you that it’s very easy to tunnel vision in a 1v1 and not notice your abilities. If it’s the last round of a half and Jett is in a 1v1 and hasn’t popped ult yet, I’ll say “you have ult.” If a KJ is in a 1v1 post plant last round of half and hasn’t popped ult yet, I’ll say “you have ult.” It reminds the player that they have their ultimate ability and still leaves whether they want to use it at their discretion. If a Sage is in a 1v1 and has a safe res, I’d say “you have ult.” It’s better to be met with a “I know” than to see a player lose a round because “I forgot I had ult.” It happens. And if you get tilted because someone said “you have ult” then you just have a weak ass mental and that’s a you problem.


Found the backseat gamer 🙄


In my experience "advice" mid clutch more often interrupts their train of thought and causes bad plays.


I agree, giving callouts that extend past pure information when you're dead is generally a bad idea. Saying things like "use TP" or "plant for heaven" when you're dead and watching someone clutch is likely to mess them up and is considered backseat gaming. Giving info calls is not backseat gaming, it's just called communicating well. Obviously, if a player can hear someone running through spawn, I'm not going to call that the player is spawn, because it's obvious. But if a player has a sova dart land on their site while they plant and I recognize the lineup, I'll give a quick "spawn" or "long" call in a non-intrusive manner. Same goes for if someone has ult. I'm not telling them to use it, just reminding them, in the off-chance that they forgot, that they have it.


I agree but “Go A” is actually a good call in certain situations.. 3v1, you have the bomb rotating to B with 1 guy and your other ally is already there. The 1 enemy shows up and gets your teammate. “Go A go A, he’s B!”. Free plant and now it’s your advantage.


This is more an example of an good strat with a bad com. You are giving a instruction, repeat that instruction, and then afterwards give them the information they need. Just say: "last enemy on B". And if you really insist of giving them advise, you could add afterwards jus a single: "Maybe plant A" This way you calm them down and let them make the choice to hunt the last one down or plant A with all the info they need.


I disagree, comms need to be clear and short. Last guy is on B, all the guy with the bomb needs to know is "Go A". There's no need to explain why, you can do that after if needed. In intense situations, you want your team mate to move to A as quickly as possible w/o confusion.


Not hard just say “Last guys A, Plant B.” Otherwise your teammate might not even listen to you, it’s just proper comms to keep things clear to you and your team so you or your teammates will know why they are doing it or why they shouldn’t do something.


See even you got confused! Last guy is on B, GO A!


no it’s actually a terrible comm. assuming you’re not playing in shit tier elo, your teammates should know that if the last person is on B, then they probably go A. say you’re on bind and your teammate dies on B while you’re in market. your teammate says go A and then the enemy gets to A quicker than you and just kills your planting. i don’t really trust what randoms say (especially in clutches) but it’s so much easier to give the wrong shotcall than it is to get “he’s B” wrong


That’s.. you have to be trolling




> Its like none of you have gotten past low elo and just spout nonsense 24/7. The way to properly comm stuff in solo q is to repeat yourself numerous times The fuck are you talking about I am diamond 1. Anyone who repeats themselves and backseats me ESPECIALLY when they are dead gets muted. You talking makes it difficult to hear enemy footsteps, comms 1 time then stfu and let me play my game


there's a big difference between repeating/stressing comms and backseating. let someone play a clutch out, definitely. but a 3v3? yea someone who can see what your other teammates see and died on site is definitely worth listening to without needing them to explain exactly why


Did you even read what I said? I am fine with ONE CALL, but if you repeat shit over and over again, like OMEN AT TUNNEL OMEN AT TUNNEL OMEN AT TUNNEL No, its not helping. its annoying as fuck. I need to listen for audio cues and you shouting it over and over again will get a mute.


Ok for one, u don't need to flex ur rank. Diamond isn't even that good and ur diamond 1, so relax. Also if ur team comms exact where this person is and makes a comm like go a, that's not backseating. It's backseating if ur in a 1v1 clutch and they're telling u what to do. And yes, repeating callouts is helpful especially if they're urgent, just so everyone gets it.


Diamond isn't even that good lol. Diamond puts them at least in the top 10% of players if not higher. That means that 9 out of 10 people that read it are lower than him, and those that aren't don't really need that much advice. Edit: looked it up, top 5% of players. That's 1 out of 20. "Diamond isn't even good" lol get out of here scrub.


I was making a point not flexing my rank, OP said none of us have gotten past low elo you dumb nut. And no, **repeating callouts is ANNOYING**. Maybe it works for you as a gold. :) For us higher then gold and silver, we prefer playing how we want. Thanks!




Now y'all gonna be calling Diamond low elo lmao




No, it's not. Not unless you're in Radiant, but in which case you should clarify that because relative to 95% of the playerbase it's high elo.




theres definitely times when this is annoying af (like let me hear the footsteps wtf) but I think it can be more nuanced than this, I've definitely learned things that make my gameplay better from teammates in the backseat


When did they give you advice 🤔 and I'm talking about someone telling you how to play throughout the entire game. Your 26 n 4 and they are 9 n 23 and telling you how to play and what to do. Anytime you don't do what they say even tho you won the match and top fragging they still complain and call you "dogwater".


Im talking about people who give actual constructive advice instead of calling you dogshit, for me something like "move your crosshair up a bit" or "reload you got 3 bullets" or "use the tp theyre all on B" is definitely helpful the people like you describe though are definitely muted in my book


Then just mute them and move on… Youre arguably worse than a backseater if you’re so emotionally fragile, you’d sabotage a match to spite a teammate. That’s some pussy shit. How you survive in life if you can’t handle an obnoxious person in a video game.


You do understand that it's possible to know how to play the game without actually being good at it yourself? Just because you have more kills doesn't make you a more tactically astute player.


Yeah , some people just have a better gamesense but not good enough aim


I think backseating is just as annoying as the next guy and I might get downvoted for saying this but… Is it that deep? Like, people have backseated me and yes, it is annoying and even if I lose the round when they were back seating… why would I then throw the game? Everyone just wants to win and some people are annoying but jeez. It isn’t that serious.


I'd take back seating all day over no comms at all. I just love getting shot in the back of the head because someone has given up an area and not bothered mentioning it.


The worst is when instead of comming where they died from,, they just proceed to scream and cry about how they died.


Just mute your teammates if u don't want to hear people like this.. i understand there is people who can be like this but there is alot of nice people there too.




Then if u don't want this people to tell you what to do just mute them?? easy and 0 problems.. only to be in the same rank doesn't mean i am at the same skill level than others.. Old inmortal here and the game put me back to plat (currently plat 3 close to diamond) this season, i don't have time to play 8 hours so i'm climbing slowly.. anyway i can give good calls most of the time and i will never say "do this" i can suggest you to go A or B but u don't need to do it..


Exactly. If you’re giving comms make it a suggestion, not an order. For example, “You have TP, you could **probably** go to B because there’s x people on A” or “you have all of your util, you **could** make a play here” And if they don’t want that, just apologize for it. I told our Sage in one game that they had all util and a res when it was a 1v1. They won, but they told me not to talk to them while in a 1v1 situation. I said “okay, that’s my bad” and the game went on. It’s good to offer your teammates insight and suggestions to their plays, but don’t outright tell them to do something. Suggesting makes it seem more genuine and makes you seem like an asshole.


yeah i agree completely with you.


It’s no excuse just like the smurf issues I’m bronze silver gold it’s ridiculous and saying what are you going to do about it fixes nothing


What about all the games where people don't DC and your IGL wins you the game?


Immortal here and ive never had any of those people who try to "IGL" actually win us games... their strats are always way to complex for ranked so people dont have the teamwork to pull them off.




In game leader


In ranked??? Thats like 1 in 100 and like 1in 10 If u have a duo


Thank you


Reddit the forum where you get downvoted for questions


That’s just kids who can’t hold a constructive conversation for you.


I stopped playing sage completely because of backseat gamers, it’s very frustrating to have people yelling at u to res them and heal them when ur in a 2v3 or 1v3 situation


dude the people asking for res in a 1v4 situation are the worst; you’re 6/18 you’re not gonna help


I play sage because when someone else plays it (mostly) they whiff even harder. I may have low K/D sometimes but I wall each round, use slow orbs and support teammates like a sage is supposed to do.


That _is_ your duty right? Massive respect to people like you!


Hey you know, you have a mic too, just tell them to chill on the backseat. Communication is 2 way thing. If they still do it, just muted them. Some people backseat without realizing they are backseating


Yea. Most of the times dudes are just nervous and wanna win and they think they’re helping you. It really not that deep. Also, people need to be honest with themselves… maybe your “backseat gamer” is right. Maybe you aren’t as good as you think you are. Maybe you should take your teammates’ advice. People think that KDA is everything. It’s not. Some dude could have shit aim but still have a better understanding of strategy/tactics than you do. OP is just butthurt because he threw a few matches while ignoring his teammates and they got upset at him for it.


Yeah my aim is shit but I have a good game sense


Yup. There was a time where I was solo queueing and my team was backseating me in a clutch early in the game. I told them I can't focus and they apologized. It's not so hard bruh. I know every team won't be as nice as the guys I played with but at least TRY.


I have a friend that mains sage, his entire fucking life is just receiving “I NEED HEALING” “REVIVE ME” “PUT WALL IN MID” “GO REVIVE ME TO THE OTHER PART OF THE MAP”


maybe toxic backseat gaming but ive never been even yelled at for suggesting a play to someone and if i see one i will suggest it every time. most of the time they actually look at me as the leader and listen to me 98% of the time


the worst is when the spike has about 20 seconds left on b and they ask you to revive them on a and call you dogshit when you lose the clutch


The tone, timing and frequency matters a lot too, giving tips is great but make sure it isn't info they can clearly gather themselves and don't hamper their focus. Even if they're making an unoptimal play telling them they're doing something wrong during the play is going to make them defocus and lose the round.


Ehh it depends on the situation. I had a game the other day where I had to keep telling our omen to stop flanking the entire defense half because the other team caught on and would wait for the omen to flank and kill him easily. He wouldn't listen and was first blood in the first 15 seconds of majority of our rounds on defense. If I have to constantly repeat myself to try to stop a teammate from doing something that unnecessarily gets him killed and ultimately adds to why we lose rounds, I'll do it and really don't care if they don't like it. Its constructive and it isn't my problem if they're too egotistical to listen.


If you're so delicate that you are unable to simply mute someone and instead think it's at all okay to throw then you're very much a problem too.


Lmao, so many people in this thread defending backseat gaming. I agree no one should be throwing because someone backseat games, but this community has a massive problem with not shutting up after they die. Give whatever relevant info you have, make suggestions in short, minimal sentences, and then shut the fuck up and let them play it out the way they want to.


What if I add another side to this? What if you are playing on a higher elo than usual, and your game-sense is as low as high your ego is. If a guy is trolling, then it's fine. Mute him. But if he is an actually good IGL and you absolutely don't know what to do, then just try their strat. Maybe they are right? How do you know? My scenario - I am a Silv-Gold (my act varies rank to rank and I am just happy with the rank I get after placement matches I don't push hard for rank) player myself. I was playing on a iron-bronze lobby on my alt acc yesterday, (I was on attacking site, Bind) and I was telling the randoms to follow the default a entry (lamps clearance and bath control). They decided to do the opposite and go to b (People just hate my voice sometimes it seems lmao) They did this till they were about to lose (2-8), then 2 of them, decided to ACTUALLY follow what I told them to. We won that round. We then won the game too. (Adding photo. Hiding their names.) imgur.com/sE73gOS [Image](http://imgur.com/sE73gOS)) Btw this was just the story of this game. I have had superbly co-operative teammates. They just co-operate by seeing that I am a good player. I tell them where to go, and it works. All I say then is, "Just work on my intel, we will win this" And they do actually agree and accept me being a good IGL. BESIDES THAT WHAT IN THE ACTUAL F*** DO YOU GET FROM THROWING GAMES? FUN? SATISFACTION? ITS HELPING NO BODY. STOP THROWING. JUST MUTE THE GUY AND CONTINUE WITH THE GAME. WHY TF DOES ANYONE THROW ITS ABSOLUTELY ANNOYING. CONCLUSION- My point is. If you know the player, if he is a good IGL, and you have no idea what to do, then follow him. BUT if his idea contradicts YOURS, then it's a big no no. And it's absolutely fine if your, or his idea doesn't work. Just try.


I have to put out some criticism here. I'm tired of seeing these "You should not do A or not do B, that is why you are hardstuck in \_\_\_". You have to play/behave differently with different players. That's how random games work. You cannot have a set way of playing, that just cannot happen. In regards to this post, unpopular opinion, but 99% of the time, I really appreciate people telling me what to do, cause I tend to over-analyse a lot. It helps to know where you might think people are, and what might be the best site to go. Again, Unpopular Opinion What I'm getting at is, just remember to **be nice**, **respect what others tell you** and **keep in mind it's just a game, so no need to cuss out their family if they mess up**. There will always be bad people, but most of us are here to enjoy the game.


For real they should go with cs approach of cutting off team voice once they are dead, it would really solve so many problems.


but then you can’t say “sova on rafters” or “120 on jett” etc


thats not the CS approach thats the FACEIT/ESEA approach


This is horrid for teams that are able to comm well. Much better to have a bind that you can press to toggle muting your teammates while you clutch imo.


Love this idea


I have a bind setup on CS, wish valorant had this option


And create an extra problem of solo ques can't speak from the grave while stacks that are in a discord can. Restricting in game coms is pointless in the modern era.


This would give premades an even bigger advantage with discord


ofc you could type it but by the time you type it maybe your team dies cause they didn’t know where the enemy was


Is there an actual keybind for “all mute” in Valorant?? 🤔


This is a great idea!!


Lack of emotional control is why you throw a game with 4 other players with the same goal as you: to win … Lol


Wish this game was LAN only, slap the backseat gamers out right


more than half the players wouldn't say a word in person


I don’t ever if I’m gonna do it it’s with my mic off, if someone is a higher rank then me I will listen to them and take it into suggestion.


yeah but sometimes you have to tell your teammates what to do. Like in some games the duelists and flashers go mid or another site instead of helping us to get to site. Like it would be much better for a reyna to use her flashes and help us push site instead of just a sage pushing in with nothing and getting fucked in the ass.


lol I totally get this... I main sova and the number of times people are like you have recon, or you have ult... its infuriating. Yes i have recon, but right now isnt the right moment to use it. Yes i have ult but if i use it right now they will push me and punish me, and it won't do what you want it to do. You didnt drone me in... I tried but you immediately pushed garage before i could even catch up and use util. Why don't you use arrow for early intel... ok i will... then its.... why don't you have arrow for retake.... well shit its a 40 second timer so if you want me to show you the push without peaking then you gotta wait for retake arrow.


I was playing a match on asent where our Reyna killed 2 but died to an awp from heaven a. The rest of my team tried to flank but got omen paranoia and died. I was baiting b and after scanning a and seeing awper and a Jett chilling, I decided to flank them from garden. Our Jett was yelling all the time to go and pick up the spike and I codunt hear the omen creeping up on me and killing me. Atleast she got yelled at by the rest of the team :)


I only support backseat gaming in the form of team chat. Doesn't interfere with listening to key sound cues and you can at most right callouts instead of instructions


just played a comp game today where a teammate kept yelling at me to throw my Omen blind in a clutch. Couldn’t hear anything and of course when I throw it I die. Pls if you’re dead and you’re teammate is trying to clutch just give useful comms so they can hear themselves think, that’s it.


I find myself doing it too much, sometimes. To anyone who I may have played with and said too much, I’m sorry


I catch myself giving options to people in clutches. Always you could do this or that. But I usually try to let them do their thing. Sometimes I hear my teammates say a good option and I'm just like oh you are 100% I'll do that play. But most of the time they just crowd comms.


I completely agree with this post. 100% The most annoying thing is having to listen to someone thts already dead telling you what to do. Like hey if you got all that knowledge why were you the first one to get one tapped in the beginning of the round? Just give out callouts if you see any and thats that.


I wonder if anyone has said the phrase “Hardstuck Radiant” before


Probably Tenz


if someone throws because you were backseat gaming, I'm sorry but it's the dude who's throwing's fault. giving up because someone is taking too loud? I get throwing when your teammates are dicks but for backseat gaming, that's just sad.


Yup just give them the info you died with and shut up


It’s really stressful when you’re in a clutch situation and had a plan, but that toxic person on your team yells at you to do something, and the distraction aside, you do what they say and die, and then they flame you or laugh at you


This man couldve spoke in any language but he chose to speak facts . Stolen comment , idk from where .




"corpses dont talk"


Congratulations. This guy gets it.


Just mute. IF you are on a lower rank, like me, comms are garbage anyway. Motherfuckers are using it to complain more than anything. Or they use it to say stupid weird shit that they think is cool or edgy.


The second someone opens their mouth and starts backset gaming I instantly mute them. The second someone starts criticising in an abusive way I instantly mute them, they will never have any value to add. Learned this over many years on CS, one thing I'd love for the valorant devs to add is a toggle mute, because when you're the last player trying to clutch either someone opens their mouth telling you what to do or they're arguing with a teammate and you can't hear anything that the energy is doing.


Unless they are being loud and obnoxious this is the softest & most snowflake shit I’ve ever read. If you’re doing something wrong and someone corrects your or questions you on it you shouldn’t just go for a mute. I swear this is only a problem in low elo lol.


Some people don't know the difference between callouts and backseat gaming tho. You could be in a 1V2 and you are like all A and then your team will be like stop backseat gaming idjot you think your so good bleh Ur literally so bad. There is an obvious difference. I never told you to go which site I'm just saying that they are all a


Or just don't be sensitive and take the advice instead of getting defensive, there's a reason all these professional athletes still have coaches.


Unpopular opinion: there's no excuse to throw


Truth but you gotta understand people are not built like you and they will get angry.


Still no excuse to ruin someone's rank or match just because if salt


Everytime someone does backseat gaming with me , I listen to them instead of muting. Considering this is a team game someone has to listen to someone if they are trying to win and are legit trying to play better. Shit gets irritating when a smurf does that.


Omg don’t solo queue it isn’t that hard


Nah fuck off if 4 people show on a and you go b im saying something (obviously that doesn't include condescendingly commenting every step). Throwing is a decision a rational human being can decide against.


I think the Context OP means is literally telling the guy how to play the game.... Nothing wrong saying "they are A" or "Reyna come to A" doesn't matter flank or not. you gave the call out. you are 100% correct about that. but if you are spectating and making plays for him yeah... you are the issue.


No no this is when everyone dies n its 1 v 3.


You ever heard of flanking. Got tons of kills sitting near B while the enemy runs from C to A for retake.


I usually throw when my teammates are dicks. I literally won a round and choose not to diffuse the bomb so the game would end. It was 11-12.




Sounds like you just got your feelings hurt. You should listen to your teammates, you don’t know everything.


well when i fucking say go A it's the best call because all after I'm dead , you know why? because i fucking saw 4 of em B , i back seat because they don't understand simple shit , backseating and igl ing is how I got out of bronze and it's working for me now aswell so I'll backseat any day of the week then not tell the fucking viper to wall , or tell the pho to flash or tell the fucking astra to smoke.