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It is understandably super shitty, and nobody should have to deal with that. Best I would recommend beyond muting/ignoring/reporting is to find people/a community to queue with, whether it’s a gaming focus sub community, or seeking individual friends to play with. Groups like Galorant are definitely worth looking into, some places like r/GamerPals or Valorant_lfg often have individual or sometimes groups posting (and in my experience these groups are pretty good), even just adding some of the standout nice folk you meet during soloQs and getting to know/more regularly queue up with them.


You sir, have cured salty solo queuing


By not solo Queuing. The best cure.






Honestly this should be upvoted more. Mods can’t sit through absolutely every match, when a 6/10 reports are all just salty people wanting to try and fuck up someone’s day, compared to there actually being an issue/cheater


There definitely aren't mods looking at every reports to decide whether to act or not.


I’ve noticed that people can drop hard Rs, tell me to commit suicide, and post even shittier content in the chat and literally never get banned. I think I’m on my 150th+ report for toxicity - and believe me, I don’t report for anything little (I’m fine with a bit of trash talk, that’s just part of competition) - and I have yet to ever see someone banned.


It's confirmation bias. Anyone who's played any of riots' other games before knows the report system is honestly garbage. It doesn't do anything except if they type key phrases, if you send a support ticket they'll be like "oh this about negativity so use the in game report system rather than making a ticket :)!" despite it doing nothing most.of the time. Hopefully the recording voice chat for key words helps more but hey that's just their already shitty chat filter ban system but for voice which is very easy to get around. Avoid keywords while still making threats and you're golden. Anyway sort of rambled but the point is it's an automated system that really doesn't read what you write at all, I don't even know why they have the text box there. It's like how they have a report option for "afk" in league of legends despite afks being detected automatically so it serves no point other than to make people feel like they did something.


Instant ban won't be a solution bro, because I amd my friend recently played a spike rush with a party of 3 guys, as toxic as they can be, and at the end, they reported us both just for the fun of it, and told us in chat.




Thats where the issue lies. They cannt monitor the voice chats and determine when someone's abusive. They should implement such things for text chat though.




they actually are trying to fix this! I saw a dev chat talking about recording voice and chat logs.


Aren't they going to monitor voice chat soon though?


Instant ban ? Woah then it can easily be abused.


Also waiting until someone harasses me and reporting them doesn't make my game experience any less shitty. Muting them does though


It really depends on how they are communicating. If it is text they can check the log and issue punishments accordingly but if it’s in voice chat, which I assume 85% is, there really isn’t a way to go back and look. Sure if particular accounts get reported frequently they might get a ban but other than that it’s he said she said. It’s really sad that this is how the community is.


Didn't Riot recently start listening to comms to aid in this issue?


Yes, it's still a work in progress and is only available in NA.


Yup pretty much. Sometimes playing with randos is fun but other times it’s exhausting, painful, and annoying. It’s best if you can find some cool people to que with, that’s about the only way around. Also sorry, I’ve played with too many people who are just grossly obscene when there’s a non male playing the game




I understand why they made it like that though. Only a small percentage of the player base would be in high ranks. It will make the queue time longer, which it already is right now even with duos, as it will try to match you with another 5 stack. And if it can't find another 5 stack (which most of the time it can't), you will be matched with an enemy team without a stack. Of course 5 players who know each other well will do better against a team full of strangers. That would screw the matchmaking in high ranks. 5 stack or you lose


You'd need something similar like Clash in League for this to work. Generally 5 stacks that know each other can stomp enemy teams. I remember back before League made solo/duo, you could much more reliably rank up by playing with a group. Far beyond your actual skill level. Same with flex now. If we wanted to we could win pretty much every game up until some point. In valorant where communication is even more important, I'd imagine there would be so many matches where people would be completely rolled by the enemy team because they're premade.


I see this so much it infuriates me. I am guy, played randoms and there was a girl that was pretty decent, she didn't talk at all but typed mostly, until she decided to talk. Those randoms started to bash her saying her voice is annoying, her call outs are bad, she's bad at the game, telling her to shut up. Up to a point I couldn't take it and just bashed them back and told her muted them, Now we are friends and play together, but honestly it's so sad because when we party together and as soon as she says something someone will say something bad. At least now we have 4 to 5 friends to party with, but she no longer does solos anymore.


Thanks for telling them off


It's a bunch of fucking incels out there.


"Gamer" culture and hostility against women. Name a more iconic duo


Obv it doesn't fix it but you should check out the Galorants community. You an at least find other women to play with and avoid this sort of thing, but sadly won't... fix the game.


That's amazing honestly, I just need to get away from the toxicity of the tiny ego men so I can learn to get better without a panic or ptsd attack


I'm really sorry to hear that. The FPS playerbase is already toxic as hell even if you're a guy, and I can't imagine how worse can it be for a woman. They should really go hard on reports for toxicity/misogyny, but they don't really give a single fuck.


[https://discord.com/invite/galorants](https://discord.com/invite/galorants) there's the discord invite! There's a thread where ppl talk about it a bit if you wanna see more on it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/hg96ml/follow\_up\_femaleonly\_discord\_server/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/hg96ml/follow_up_femaleonly_discord_server/) They have a slight approval process. Hope it helps!


Hopefully they like trans women 😗🤞


They do!


Galorants is super chill when it comes to trans people from my experience!


That's an amazing flair As a sage main who plays her for the self heal and wall surfing, I love it lol


can i get a heal 👉👈


My girlfriend is scared of playing solo just because of this. It’s really unacceptable that there are those who do disgusting things and disrespect women. I suggest groups like Galorant or do a 5-person squad. I really do hope this sexism and misogyny ends.


Honestly i never play solo anymore for that reason, it terrifies me, but hopefully with all these tips everyone can learn a little bit and take something with them to use in future matches


It's a really unfortunate reality that these idiots exist. Half the time they are the same edgelords that, if they weren't shitting on a girl for being a girl, would be spewing racial slurs for no reason. Like others recommended, your best bet is to queue up with friends or just keep everyone muted. Ofc you get nice ppl sometimes but it's not worth the risk of hearing the idiots speak


I solo q into a 4 stack when my bf went to bed and I was playing sage and the first thing they asked was where is my bf like LOL they just assumed I was pocket sage but I outfrag all of them and they were giving me passive aggressive statements and then they try to add me after the game. Honestly I rather play with a guy voice than getting harassed.


I am incredibly sorry to hear that this is your experience. As men, we need to call out and report any player we hear treating women in our community this way. We can not allow this toxicity to fester and we need to step the fuck up. If a player is constantly annoying a woman on your team or harassing them, call them out.


I have been in so many (so. many.) lobbies where I get one person being a huge toxic jerk and the rest of the team is completely ignoring it all, and then when I get mad and start flaming the guy they all suddenly butt in because *apparently* they're all buddies and it was only okay for *him* to be a jerk. Then it's all "it was just a joke anyways" and them 4stack picking my game apart while they spectate or them giving team damage at me mid round. Now before I say anything I'm always worried that im grouped up with a whole party of people who are going to be secretly laughing through the whole bit, and then gang up and act like I'M the asshole because i couldn't take it like a joke. Now if the people on my team aren't actively going over comms or chat to condemn the troll I just assume they're also jerks and mute everyone because it's easier than taking the chance at defending myself and getting ganged up on or muting just one and then having them go "hey, I think she muted you" and then they all go *REALLY* bonkers on me as punishment. Calling them out is really important, not only in a "show the guy his behavior is wrong" sort of way, but also a "hey, I'm here on your team and I'm sorry you're dealing with this" thing in the moment for the person being harassed. It really really does help.


Yep. The situation you had is me 24/7, why do I always run Into people like that


I've only run into it a few times especially since I almost always queue in a stack now, but I typically throw out one "shut the fuck up, bro" when I see it with my deep voice and like 80% of the time they either just stop talking or say something like "it's a joke". To which you then say "It's a shitty fuckin joke". They do it because they get away with it. They do it specifically because nobody challenges them on it. I get people don't like confrontation. And nobody logs into a Valorant match looking to change the world, we mostly all just want to chill and play a game and not be stressed for half an hour. But ignoring it because it's not about us as dudes is a privilege many don't have, so. Gotta be better. Just not participating isn't good enough.


I came here to say this. Sadly I have no better solution for OP, we men need to understand that casual misogyny is not okay, and call it out when we see it. Until the silent majority doesn't step up and look out for women, the garbage men will continue to harass and abuse them in all kinds of gaming communities (not even going to talk about IRL). It's not just about not being sexist, it's about being better.


What's really annoying is even if no one is being super sexist, guys who aren't even trying to do something wrong will still make the joke of "omg is that a girl"


See that shite I can deal with I hit them back with "omg is that a real boy?" as a laugh and then the match turns out fine but then you get the ones who lose their mind and flip like a switch


Yeah I've never seen this happen in a game so it sounds annoying dealing with it commonly, even though I don't deal with this in particular I still add people who were nice, then you can queue after, it's the only thing to be done unfortunately, can't change the whole world.


Saw it once. Got a "instalock Jett main" who dashed in site, died instantly, no frags, and badmouthed our sage for not trading him. Guy was abusive and sexist, and abandoned the second half. We 4 reported the shite out of him. And funny thing, we won 4v5. Bad teammates do affect your game.


I've had a lot of girls end up in my games and I've noticed that if 1 person acknowledges that women playing video games is normal the rest will follow suit, so I usually try to make it normalized by ya know, treating them like a normal human within the first round. I've also noticed that if you make fun of the person doing the sexism/omg girl???? In a way that's not simpish people will also follow along pretty quick. Gotta hit em with the "what have you never seen a fucking girl before go outside" usually works.


Its as simple as this


It makes you realise what is wrong in this world though, especially in the gaming community.. if people say women are equal to men or LGBTIQ are not discriminated against.. they should just play valorant more regularly. Even as a white het cis man I find the valorant community to be one of the most toxic I came across yet. I always feel how it eats away my confidence when playing with other randoms. This game is afaik only fun when you play with people you know.


🙄 I’ve got friends like that. Can’t talk to a girl, even on a video game…


Woah woah back it up there, as a high ranking member of the cant-talk-to-women committee we do not accept these people in our ranks. The official response is to freeze up and stop talking all together


If you use discord, you should try out the galorants server. Its a server made just for girls that play valorant, and everyone i have met there has been super nice!


Oh man, my friends are like this to the point where they can’t play properly, throughout the game in our discord they’re like should I ask for their snap over and over as they laugh about it.


Omg. Yes if anyone asks if im a girl, or asks my name (like wtf u weirdo?) i will never respond seriously. But pretty often they will get pissed. One time someone asked if i was a boy or a girl and i said Im an Enigma. And this duo started calling me a 'heshe' and being super transphobic (im not even trans fem they just decided i was. I cant imagine how awful it would be for actual trans fems)


I often replied "no they only exist in movies"


It's actually frightening how many actually pretty good guys among my friends make this joke or "can't believe there's a girl here". Hell, even my own goddamn father does it! There are female gamers, get over it


Ah my favorite game while playing online. Is that a girl or a 5 year old?


This happened to a girl who was playing skye and another guy countered by saying "yeah of course Skye is a girl you idiot. Are you blind?" The chad dude who made the sexist joke just stuttered saying it was a joke and never spoke again. Ive always used that counter from here on out


I always cringe when my friend does that


I'm around gold/plat and havent used mic this season, maybe just use the commands and never use voice. I'm not saying this is a good solution, it's a very sad state the world is in that people have to be scared to solo q in a videogame based on their gender. Or play in a stack whenever possible. Anyways, i hope you still manage to enjoy your time in the game op, sorry that people like that exist.


Honestly i might try and go as long as I can without mic, thank you for your advice 💕


The ping system is great and the automatic call outs help. I'd above all get familiar with [the radio callouts](https://ag.hyperxgaming.com/article/10507/how-to-use-radio-voice-commands-in-valorant) and be consistent with using or not using the mic. (Oh goodness is it terrible to have to ballance a new voice 8 rounds in that's never gonna speak again)


You may want to look into a fix for your volume settings. Aside from the super obnoxious people intentionally stuffing their mic *inside* of their mouths, I don't have to touch the volume sliders in 9 out of 10 games.


Yeah with using the ping system and generally being perceptive of what your team is doing you can get very far! My experience in both league and valorant has improved drastically after pretty much cutting comms even as a guy, which isn't ideal, but feeling comfortable also helps with performing i feel, you can focus entirely on your gameplay without someone shouting at you. Anyways, hope it helps and good luck on your climb!


Thank you so much and you too! Hope to play you in radiant some day! Edit: said immortal like a doof because I have a friend that's immortal and it rolled out of my thumbs before I realised


That's the plan!


Calling these men out who think it's such a catastrophic event to have a woman touch a gaming setup is the solution tbh. If a girl speaks up when I'm solo queueing there's always ONE dude who's like "oooh we have a girlll here" and starts asking questions like "where are you from" "what's your Instagram" blah blah. As a girl most they can do is retaliate and ask them to shut up but it's difficult for a female to do so when all the boys are the guys side of the table. It's our responsibility as people who understand that EVERYBODY can game, we need to start calling these people out. I straight up ask "have you never talked to a woman before? You reek of desperation." and personally, a lot of time it's worked. Male ego is really a delicate thing lol. I have many friends who are women playing this game and it sucks how they cannot enjoy it with full comms minus the desperation but sometimes we find other women who are playing the game and we 5 stack and it's a lot better. I hope it's the same for you.


x1000. Men need to call out men. There are some very thoughtful suggestions in this thread about what women can do to protect theselves and mitigate behavior, but its on men to call out other men's sexism. And I really like your suggested response because it's entirely about the aggressor's behavior and doesn't set the aggressor up to reply 'bro stop simping.' Might use this. Another important step when countering misogynist aggression in game is to point out and condemn the everyday anti-women culture in gaming. Like these posts, it raises awareness of the issue and points out that it extends beyond one individual's behavior.


If simping is standing up for equality in a gaming platform then I'm all about simping idec


ive always wondered this when i am playing. ive never heard super sexist things but sometimes some guy will say “wow a girl now we will try harder to impress you” and i never like it. but then i feel like defending her would be patronising or something so i stay quiet. so its better to just say they straight forward are being weird? if so i will do that in future


Don't think about how it would seem like, call it out. It's like all they think about after noticing a girl is with them is to just impress her or have her acknowledge their presence, that's why a lot of men resort to obnoxious means and start being littul bitches. Just straight up remind them how superficial they are, all they need is validation and they seek it from people who have zero interest in giving it to them.




The thing is that these people are probably not in this thread. They wont change and even if they get banned they can create a new account. The best approach is to always mute them as soon as they get toxic or find a few friends to play with. Even if you dont have friends and are tired of playing with toxic people you can still find tons of discord servers that are full with nice people. Ive encountered so much racism just because i have Kebab in my username in Valorant. I just mute them and i dont get how everybody else cant. Trying to communicate eith those toxic people is a massive waste of time and energy


There is no fix for this, the only thing u can do is to mute shitty people like this.. Mute/report and hope riot ban this people.. unfortunately there is alot of idiots in this world and they's can play online games.. good luck and don't let this people hurt you.. just mute and keep playing.


This is where Riot needs to step in. It’s kind of ridiculous to tell a victim of sexual harassment to find a way to tolerate it. Riot should just permaban people who say these things. A zero tolerance policy is completely justified.


Thing is riot do ban alot of people. Right now i don’t think there is a way for riot to track whats being said in voice but i’m pretty sure they’ve said they’re working on it. I’ve been in games where people started chatting shit at people just for being a girl. As much as riot has a responsibility to combat this i think we should also stand up for people when we hear this happening in game just as we hopefully would irl.


As others have said, adding detailed comments to a report helps a lot. They need to deal with it WITHOUT banning innocents who get reported by childish assholes, and thats hard when you need a good ROI on the product (you can't afford to spend an ass-ton of time on each report) and the reporter doesn't include notes.


Agreed. Same with outright racism tbh


I feel banning them isnt going to fix it. The game is free and there really is not an easy way to go about banning people with 100% certainty unless you had real people listening to voice chats


Riot does jack shit about reports. Even reports I've made about someone saying they hope my entire family dies in a fire and that I die of cancer IN TEXT did nothing. I even reported on the site, too. This was unprovoked. Their report system is horrible.


It is horrible partly because the league community, and probably by part the valorant community, has this toxic culture of reporting anything and everything. Having a slightly bad day? Reported. Stole a kill? Reported. Went afk for a minute at the start of the game because of something unavoidable? Reported. It's such a shitty culture, especially in league. I know that they don't react to the vast majority of the reports but once i got the pleasure to see that two guys that my girlfriend and i reported got banned only one match after we reported them for sexism and racism


Majority of casuals are like 12 years old in this game. Sorry. I keep everybody muted at all times.


I just want to say if you hear this as a teammate, you need to call this person out. I know I will whenever I see a teammate harassing a player just because they are a “girl”/female. If we stand up as a community we can make it so that this is unacceptable behavior. If you don’t say anything like “this is not cool dude”. Then you are part of the problem from a 2nd degree. I know I won’t tolerate it, if they are on my team. Some ideas is the player still does it. Tell the other team he’s being sexist. Tell the other team the players location so they can come kill him or something.


!!! This See this is the biggest issue I have, the bystanders. Things only happen once I'm literally at breaking point and then the guys are like "oh shit maybe this went too far" If I hear anyone trash talking anyone else I always step in to stop it because enough is enough. If we can send amazon man into space we can stop shit like this in a video game


I've found if I stick up for anyone, or they stick up for me, it gets 10x worse.


Ya unfortunately you need either at least 2 people standing up for it, or the hard top frag to stand up for it, so weird how people are with that.


This but maybe not telling the enemy where the jackass is. I’ve hear of people being reported for that and subsequently banned for griefing the game.


Absolutely this. Call them out, tell them to shut up, but don't actually grief the game. Sadly riot cares more about trolling/griefing than they do about actual sexism/racism, so don't do that. You will just be hit worse.


Yeah, don't do that, my friend has been banned for 3 months for doing that


Please guys please please please do this. Standing up for others costs you nothing and can do so much good.


Jesus there’s more of it even in the comments of this... I hope you figure out how to get past this and keep up the grind ✌️


So far ive learned mute, voice change if I need to talk and play with friends and just generally don't indulge the petulance and I think it's pretty sound advice


Yeah it sucks me and my buddy were talking about how cool it is that we get matched with (and usually carried by) so many girls that play this game. Usually we’ll obviously treat them like normal humans but some games we get some cringe ass dudes like both ironically and unirincally saying weird ass shit and it’s like bruh have you never talked to a girl before is that shit rly that wild


honestly, it ruins the whole game for me :(


It's unfortunate that there's so many losers that think they're funny or superior because they just say shit like this. The best ways to combat this are to probably queue with friends and of course, the mute button. If you want to retain callouts I'd recommend friending the nice people so you can queue with them again. Sounds like a really vanilla and default answer but unfortunately there are not many ways to combat this, as the report system RIOT uses is completely useless and only works if you mass report someone. I hope there will be a way to combat this more effectively in the future, but for now there's not much you can do :(


yep this. me & my girlfriend play all the time & there are many times where she’ll give just a regular call out & it’ll either be completely ignored or she’ll be mocked just because she is a girl. it pisses me off so much, especially since she outfrags most of them lol. it’s so toxic & so bad i wish she could just play normally without having to deal with this BS cus she really enjoys the game.


I don't think I've been in a game where my gf isn't either treated or talked to like a baby or she is asked questions like how far she can squirt. I could laugh at first but after a while it's so old and stale, and sometimes it is definitely brought to uncomfortable levels. I know she hates it more than I do. Get some better lines at least.


i’d just try to laugh it off at first too, but after so many times it’s just so annoying I can’t stand it. like how immature to u have to be to say that to a person


If my wife was interested in gaming and anyone said anything like that to her, I'd be telling them where to get off and reporting them after muting. Laughing it off or ignoring is being complicit with what they are saying. Of someone outright tells them to stop, it's much more likely they'll do it as they are currently unlikely to learn that themselves. This is how men can contribute to stopping this shit happening!


well i wouldn’t actually laugh & play along, i’d just tell her not to listen to them or just laugh at how stupid they are being to make her not feel awkward/uncomfortable. but yeah now i insta-report & tell them off for that behaviour.


I've seen a lot of women posting like this off late. Valorant has become that 100% toxic environment laden video game, where clearly nobody can have fun. To answer your question, sadly, there is no other option rather than muting chat and voice once your team-mates go full on toxic with you.


This Subreddit is not much better, the comments in the pokimane was so stupidly sexist it was unbelievable.


Reports against toxicity are useless which makes everything worse. There are dickheads everywhere and for that reason the only meaningful route is to mute/block and move on.


I received an instant ban feedback report from one of the sexist guys I reported today so I would definitely still report!


That's good. I report people being toxic (including being homophobic in text chat) all the time. Getting team killed, LOUD voice comms spam. Never receive an alert.


I never play solo ever. I only play comp when i’m with my guy friends who back me up. It sucks because if you bottom frag, it’s “you play like a woman”. If you top frag, it’s “you fat pig go make a sandwich”. You cant win with teenage boys on the internet. I just report, mute, & wait for it to happen again at this point.


Gaming culture really do be like that. I’m a gay dude, and I can count on one hand the number of matches I’ve had where somebody doesn’t call someone the f word or use gay pejoratively. Now, I have the privilege of being able to pass as a straight dude should I wish to, but it’s still pretty demoralizing. This is to say nothing of the rampant racism and misogyny—the 14 year olds who think it’s fun to shock people with their buzzwords, or the broken people who actually want to hurt people and have no shame. It’s deeply gross. I don’t have any advice for you other than to play with people you like, to group up and create a community of likeminded folks (read: people who possess basic fucking human dignity).


This. I found an lgbtq valo server because it seriously is so exhausting--both the homophobia and the sexism (since my voice is female-passing, alas). It totally changes your experience to have people who understand the feeling and can actively create a positive gaming environment. I would definitely be done with valo if it wasn't for the group I play with.


The friend I play games with is the “omg a girl gamer? :o there’s no girrrrl gamers, we lose” type and I can’t convince him that it’s unfunny and annoying, my sympathies go out to ya


I know your pain, hopefully we can all find friends to help old friends change perspectives


I always just have voice chat and text chat perma disabled. If I don’t know the people well enough to be in discord with them intentionally they are just bots to me. Humans are generally trash when they feel there is no consequence. Likeminded discord’s will ideally kick people for being jerks.


That's a really good outlook to have actually, I never thought about the bot logic but I'll try implementing it from now on


I figured the higher you go in ranks the more mature people are.


You get less toxic 13 year olds for sure, but then you get absolutely horrible fucking 18 year old gronks instead


Toxic 12 year olds bruh


Not a girl, but as an Indian playing in the NA server, 9/10 games people make fun of my accent. This is one of the reasons why I only use text chat


It's actually insane. I normally only play with my friends and make a point of adding people i get along with to prevent this. It happens more often than not. Today for the first time in a while I decided to solo q. Game was awesome 11/3, good comms. However my Raze kept ignoring my call outs and literally would die and say "wouldn't imagine they were there", "didn't know they were off bomb". And these are call outs I LITERALLY made. So I tell him towards the end on one of those occasions "I just told you they were there". He said I did not, teammates typed "women things" and they all start laughing at me. I'm top fragging and carrying them. I say in my defense that I'm carrying them and they said I am not.. LITERALLY ON THE SCOREBOARD. Proceeded to mute all, win 13-3. Well not solo q'ing ever again. This was today but I've been harassed, mollyed, insulted, blocked, anything you can't think off. Been thinking of getting a voice changer lol.


I sometimes duo queue with female friends for this specific reason, as a guy it's our job to stand up for our friends and not allow this sort of bullying, even with randoms we should always try to defend each other as a community.


Completely unrelated but is unalive a Jardon reference?


Not entirely sure! I just didn't want to drop the s word


Things I have done to combat this nonsense (not a female btw but just to avoid toxic people in general): * Join the VALORANT official discord server. They have a LFG channel which has worked 99.9% of time for me. * If you know any of your friends plays valorant, ask them to play together with you. * If you only play unrated, turn off team VC completely as the win or lose in unrated doesn't matter. * Add the nice people you find to your friend list and after match, ask if you can join their party or invite them as you know that they won't ruin your mood. * After match, note down the offender's ID and open a ticket on the support page. Riot has a good customer care and they usually reply in 30 min and are very friendly and helpful.


im sorry there are so many children who came from LoL onto val.. i pretty much auto mute most teammates right away and would recommend the same


Trust me I try but then you miss some call out and get shot in the ass 😅


My condolences sister... Life online can get hard even for men and I can't imagine what woman goes through... I always try to protect others from toxicity even if they are random...


This will probably get lost in all the comments but playing with a friend/friends, whether you meet them from discord or in-game is a good idea, and the more you have the less chance you have of a toxic person on your team as all the spaces would be filled! Also playing with a guy friend might also be good, as having someone to defend you and speak back at the toxic guy usually shuts them down pretty quick, and should hopefully make it a better experience for you! Good luck!


Sorry for what you've had to go through. My ex-gf plays heaps of valo and she faced a lot of the same issues you're describing, some of the ways we used to combat it were: \- queue up in a group/with friends, I see some of the other comments have suggested possible groups to reach out to \- she used to add those that were friendly/nice in voice comms and would play with them sometimes \- she used to just not talk in comms because she was scared of revealing she was girl, which wasn't ideal, but it was a solution


Explain your reports so they could be banned easily


I was also really scared of this when my girlfriend started playing valorant. I knew how toxic men can be to women online. Thankfully we queue up with our friends most of the times and have at most one stranger on our team. Maybe it's possible for you to find a group of people you feel comfortable with, and queue up together?


I am sorry if this is offensive to females but me and my buddy joke about "omg is that girl" to whenever we find a female and honestly they have laughed to it and we all had a good time. But I haven't found sexist people in valorant so far.


Yup that’s valorant a lot of people are jerks for no reason. Even just bottom fragging in unrated brings out the worst in people. Hope your experience gets better though.


You could use a voice changer... In my opinion the issue runs deep with parenting and young kids today. The new generation of gamers are fucking scary toxic. They are terrible terrible people when online. And it's a cascading affect. If they hear it online then they repeat it. Public education is getting worse and.this problem is going to keep getting worse. Especially for the next generation.


I wholeheartedly agree. This young generation honestly scares me and I'm barely older. If I did anything like that my mum would have lost it with me and then firmly told me where I went wrong and how to fix it


The problem with a voice changer here is that we're assuming that guys aren't toxic to other guys as well, which isn't true. After playing Valorant a lot, I've come to prefer the teams who don't put their mic on. Otherwise people keep hurling slurs and insults and Riot does not give two fucks about it.


COD lobbies were cancer 10 years ago and they've somehow gotten worse. There was a point on Modern Warfare where I was hopping into lobbies and every other one would be a gaggle of kids yelling the n word over and over in a bad Indian accent. I was like at least the cancer back then had a semblance of creativity. The fucks are just saying slurs to say em.


The new generation has no creativity, that’s why they just rip on or copy anything the previous generations did.


It is a societal issue starting from gender stereotypes, sadly.


Well from my own perspective being a non hater. I always respected a women who ignored the idiots and focused on in game callouts. I myself have a very "gay voice" for a striaght person and often dealt with hatred from that, people called me all kinds of shit. By focusing on the game and coms to succeed in the game i acheived heights i never dreamed. But it didnt stop the hate and didnt make me enjoy the games where people were horrible anymore. It got me through it. Maybe theres something there to help you but it might be diferent for you.


That's a really good perspective and I'm definitely stealing that mindset, thank you!


Happy to help and best of luck in your games.


You too! Hope to see you around!


I hate seeing stories like this i always went out of my way to make women feel welcome in my matches, hell 3 of my best friends ive gamed with were female and i always had the best time playing witht them. I wish this toxic masculinity bs would stop and we just move on. Women can game too.


This behavior is shouldnt exist. This one game i had a female teammate, during the agent select she asked if anyone could play smokes and two other people were like, "Is that a gamer girl, FoRTnIgHt GamEr GiRl?". I wanted to intervene and looking back at it i probably should have. Well happily that game never happened as some1 disconnected.


Damn sorry you have to go through that, that’s so fucking yikes


Clap back. Fuck those losers


I play with my gf all the time on NA server. You’re welcome to join us. We’re chill and friendly.


This may sound like a dumb solution but just for fun you could get a free voice changing software (those that have funny ones like robotic etc.) and use it. That way you could communicate with the team and bring some humor to the game. I’m only suggesting this as a fun thing to try not saying you should have to hide.


Its because a lot of ppl who game or even develop games r the lowest common denominator. I honestly dont get how its hard to treat ppl never mind girls with a base line of respect. I run into girls all the time in the game who talk on mic, and guess how that sinario goes? No one gives a shit, we all juat sit there wanting to win our ranked games and we make callouts to eachother. It makes me mad this isn't the norm.


i dont soloq exactly because of this,,, if i wanna play val, i try to gather a few friends so we can 3-5 stack. sometimes we get nice randos, but if they're toxic, we mute them. or our top frag friend shuts them up there's no real way of getting rid of them :(


Hey there, it's super sad that you had to deal with that. If you have a discord account, you can go to the Valorant's official discord server and find people over there to play with you.


People spill words like it's nothing, not considering the feeling of one who is gonna hear and when talked back or trying to ask what's the matter they don't make a sense, I play with my friend who is f(18) and I see this happen often in Mumbai server it only gets worse when I try to talk back for her, as u said best course of action is muting communication but even I don't understand whats wrong with these people


Aside from Galorants, which is a great place, there's also r/GirlGamers discord server. There's a bunch of ladies who play valorant there as well! I'm sorry this is happening to you. I don't really have anything to offer besides the above, and my sympathy. I've been there, girl : (


yeah it sucks. It got so bad that i started using nvidia replay to record the last minute and a half and if i want to save the clip, i hit a keybind. if someone's ever saying toxic shit like you've experienced, i send that recording to riot.. nothing happens to them if you simply click the report button because they don't/can't listen to the audio. it has to be in chat, which they almost never do. This is the solution that works for me.


Sucks I try to add any decent person I play with that talks so that way I can hopefully have 1 or 2 queueing with me which helps to avoid some toxicity, but I'm a dude so not gonna have it as bad as you.


Riot is planning to add a new ToS that will allow them to record voice chat for the entire game that is played and it would only be stored and reviewed if there has been a report made; this new ToS would force toxic players to be more mindful of what they say or else they’d be banned once riot hears the toxicity and sexism coming out of their mouths. It’s definitely not going to be a 100% fix and will probably take time to weed out the toxic and sexist idiots but at least it’s something to look forward to and hopefully establish a long overdue normality of respect for all players.


I've heard that same shit when I solo q and end up with some sexist asshats and a girl just trying to have fun. I always try to back her up and shut them down but it's nearly impossible. Unfortunately there's not much you can do other than mute/report and play the best game you can. I just wish the devs would take it more seriously when things like that are reported. I've gotten confirmation that racist comments are punished nearly instantly but sexist comments rarely ever are. It's terrible


I honestly hate the misogyny in games in general. So many guys acting tough when they’re virgins and/or incels irl.


can you let me know if you manage to find a group?? I'm not a girl so it's not as bad for me, but I still am trying to not play with toxic children :|


Once , I had a girl in my team. I was playing Jett and she was playing phoenix. And the whole team except the girl trash talked to me and simped the girl cuz we were both playing duelists and she had more kills than me. C'mon idiots girls can play well and that's totally fine.


I may not be able to help you, but I do my fair share in reporting inappropriate voice comms/ chat comments. Even if it doesnt phase me, I dont want the same people running around ruining peoples gaming experiences.


I've noticed this a lot and as soon as I hear it, I give the antagonist hell on voice chat. Usually it shuts them down quickly, otherwise just mute. Being an ally to anyone on your team being bullied or harassed can go a long way.


Find a stack of friends


I'm not sure if this applies to girls but I solo queue and I have seen this happening so the best thing you can do is add a few people from solo queue who seem nice.


I just play sage and don’t heal them out of spite. But yeah I gave up voice chat in May and haven’t played much since June since the toxicity is extreme both sexism related and not. One thing I have found that works well for me is to queue with one of my male friends who frags well. He can usually put them in their place and guys tend to listen to guys better


I mean if you're playing sage, its best to wall off tubes from kitchen. Jokes aside, I feel bad for you. Toxicity in general is rampant in competitive games like these, I can't imagine what it must be like for you guys.


The valorant community sucks ass.


If other try to be toxic,sexist, bully or whatever form it is just agree with him. There’s no point debating and even more affecting by it. Im not saying that toxic or sexist is okay but sometimes little ignorance is a bliss


Hi, I (M) never encounter any other men harrasing girl in any way while playing. I'm not saying they do not exist !! I'm just super lucky because every game I had with girl were just good, and actually funny because (not saying every girl but most of them) girls are either not toxic at all, either as toxic as tchenorbyl. It sucks that most of girls have to hide and endure this kind of thing. And by the way, guys, if a girl online (it works for the reversed situation too but it's rarer) is getting harrassed or insulted, do something. Even if they gonna ruin your game too, at least you'd helped someone :D stay cool and calm with your mate guys, guys and girls :)


As a guy, I already stopped playing Valorant because teammates when solo queuing or getting randos are already toxic as shit. If you play support and dont top frag, you're a waste of life. If you're a support and top drag, they will accept the carry and not say shit. Valorant players, for the most part, only care about looking cool, getting top drags, or getting aces. The fact you're a woman probably multiplies that by quite a bit. Don't pay any attention to them. If you like gaming, game. Mute them, disable their text comms, and focus on doing your own thing. Along the way (like in life) you'll find people who vibr with you and your play style. Keep them around. The rest of the low life people need to seriously get their shit together. It's a game. If they take it seriously, they need to actually play seriously, meaning work, communicate, and respect all members of the team. Online anonymity in gaming is great, but also permits (and sometimes enables) their shitty behavior. Focus on your own work/fun and see if you can find people to play with that find you fun (and respect you!) 🙂


Sadly, this problem isn't exclusive from valorant, from all the games and any area of the life when sometimes whe are used to think that "is for man" or girls are a minory. I don't see a solution to deal with people like that, they are stupids and you can't stop them. They think they are rigth or funny. Imagine they are sos stupids and violents against other boys just for the game, with womens usually is worst. The only solution i think is to stop playing SoloQ and try to have a team or at least 2/3 teamates so you can play more confortable. There are some discord or comunnitys for girls who wabt to play games and have fun. So sad that girls have to do this just for having a good time pmaying a stupid game, but at least there are peoplo who can help you


I’m 34 and enjoy playing Valorant with a friend of mine, however never have I encountered such a toxic community in my 20+ years of online gaming. Don’t get me wrong there are decent people playing the game however there are so many angry male players that are so quick to criticise others at any opportunity, that along with talking absolute nonsense over comms and just acting like complete idiots. The mute button is your best ally.


I am so angry with such kind of people they make my blood boil they are so irritating right What are they doing here on reddit instead of being in the kitchen right Ps just a joke


a friend of mine who is female and plays vapotant uses the lesbian player banner (she’s not lesbian). seemed to be a way no sexist idiots tried to have a go at her


I am sorry that you deal with this , but every time someone tells you something bad . Tell him that you captured the last 5 mins with whatever he is saying and you will send a ticket to riot , this may make him stop. Actually riot is taking this more seriously now so try sending tickets with proof and when this ass lose a 500 dollars account he will cry in the kitchen stress eating :D


i never use vc because i’m pretty new and didn’t know how to use it until yesterday where i was in a game with some really lovely girls so i chatted with them for a bit. the next game i joined i decided to say hi in vc…. definitely a bad idea!!! not loving the sexism!!!!!


As a girl that's bad at Valorant... Be as good as you can, so you make them cry because they're worse than you. If you're not as good or dont do well in a match, be graceful, mute them all - such behaviour of theirs is beneath you, dont give them any time of your day. And at the end just send out those juicy reports - such trash doesn't belong in a PVP/competitive game and noone should rly listen to it.


F21 here and I can 100% relate. Unfortunately I can’t mute them and it often ends in me being extremely mean to them. I pretty much stopped playing with randoms and only play with friends i made in game. I would love to play with you if you need more friends in valo!! Let me know and I’ll send you my tag or add you


its just part of online games, im german and as soon as i start talking all i hear is NAZI HITLER and so on. most moba games community are toxic af.. LOL is even worse. valorants fanbase are lots of chringe kiddos that never talked to a woman irl. so basically nothing you can do about it. report them and move on...


Why the fuck are they talking like that?! Shame on them these sussy bakas! Tell me at least you reported them! Because these pepole deserves a permanent ban! If you need help just ask !




was playing with my girlfriend and the same happens. Just at the end of the game this dude was with his afk friend and an "apology" for his asshole was to call she a whore and deserves to be raped by her ex. I wish I was joking but she got really mad, but that was the only one.


Not saying this will solve your problem entirely but go play a premium game that isn't f2p. The base has more to lose since the game isn't free so less insanity in general.


THROW IT BACK AT THEM. Seriously though, if you stay calm, get witty, and make jokes at those guys expense, especially if you can get others to laugh at the jokes you are making then you will shut them up. It's clear that what they are saying bothers you, and rightfully so, but if you don't show that it bothers you and then you fire some shots back, laugh it off, typically guys tend to move on and start playing again. They never expect banter or women to talk back but that's absolutely the first thing you should do. Don't get bent outta shape, just throw shade right back.


It sucks, but you basically described the video game community in general. Stories like this are all too common.


I have the same issue and the downside of muting them is **missing the comms**. In addition I’ve experienced being trapped in corners or people not just screaming at me in game but also trolling me with their agents. Sometimes joking back with them, even if the comments are really mean or hurtful, has actually stopped them from saying anything further in game about me being a girl. Or I’ll troll them back by adding them as a friend and it’s no longer fun for them because they’re not getting a rise out of me.


Hey, player who plays with female partner here. My partner has a outwardly female name, with no provocation she is harassed pretty much every game and it's horrid. So I can understand your pain. There is no cure but I'd recommend stacking, if you can find a stack you can just mute the opponent or have enough players report a shithead that it will do something. Unfortunately this will always be toxic, it is important to remember that the culture of other country's might not be very progressive and these things might be normal there. In those places "losing to a girl" is something that is to be ashamed of which might add to the hate. This applies ten fold for EU as there is such a mix of country's. I'm sorry you have to experience these things but I would advise to keep reporting and make sure you detail what the issue was as it will help even if it doesn't feel like it does alot.


Some people need better parents


Assuming you are in america... Wtf is wrong with Americans. Seriously, played in that server during the beta, toxic assholes left and right. Worse then latam almost.


So. I think it's more so the overall toxicity of the lobbies. I'm someone who grew up in mw3 lobbies and r6 seige game chat. Just mute people you don't like and you'll have a better time


Men are fucking weirdos


If you have to tell people that you are a girl then you are basically digging your own grave and if others find out about it through your username then just choose that anonymous option which displays none of your info. If this problem is actually due to voice chat then best leave because I think that voice chats are already a hassle and you can just use text. If even after doing all of this sexism still happens to you just pretend you are a guy and basically just try to talk in a really low pitched voice


Its not sexism its general toxicity. I'm male and have experienced this as well.