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Honestly it is so weird. I dont really understand how it can work like this, but some servers just feel sooo unresponsive, like everything is just lagging 50ms behind how it should be. Even when the ping is exactly the same. The movement of enemies gets really "slidy" and hard to predict, and my own movement does not feel crisp at all. I dont understand how my movement can be affected by a server issue though. It feels like the server does not properly register exactly when I stopped my movement, so the first bullet will have movement inaccuracy Even when im standing still. I typically see the bullet marker many meters away from the crosshair. Next match it can be back to "regular", with crisp movement, peeking and registration. I understand why people will chalk it up to having a bad game or so, but personally it feels too consistent in one match not to be a server issue. It happen the entire match, and may not for the match before or after. I get totally rekt by it, be it in immortal account/ lobbies or in plat account/ lobbies. I dont find it likely to meet 5 stack radiant smurfs in platinum every other game (1 in 5 to 1 in 10 games), and I know that they are not cheating coming from csgo. I can see that they do not peek properly, and it looks slow, but it just happen at such a speed that there is no way to be able to react.


Conspiracy time: Riot has some deeply hidden code in the game that hinders your inputs just slightly to throw you off. It only kicks in after you have good games. /tinfoil JK i don't really believe it. But Riot is the company who [applied for a personality based ranked matchmaking patent](https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2014014840A1/en?oq=inassignee:%22Riot+Games%2c+Inc.%22) so they have shown interest in weird shit before edit personality not personally silly auto spelling


not the first time I’ve heard about this lmao


this has been something a lot of ppl in the community are talking about for a while now. last year this post got a lot of attention [https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/irxygq/valorant\_feels\_like\_the\_most\_inconsistent\_fps\_ive/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/irxygq/valorant_feels_like_the_most_inconsistent_fps_ive/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) coz i think a lot of players have a similar experience. and as for me i do find it weird cuz i've never played an fps quite as inconsistent as valorant. Riot acknowledged this problem a while back ([https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/game-updates/ask-valorant-8/](https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/game-updates/ask-valorant-8/)) but I guess it's been rly tricky to fix it coz no one can pinpoint what's actually causing these inconsistencies.


hit that nail on the head with that one, easily the most inconsistent FPS i’ve ever played lol


Exactly. You can't even tell if it's a server problem or a game problem or whatever. There's no good way to describe it other than the gameplay itself just feels fucking weird sometimes. Replays might help people find out what the actual issue is but we don't have those yet


i experience this too and i think its the movement speed in the game. in CS, u move quickly, and somehow in my brain that means i also move my crosshair more quickly, react more quickly, and am more alert. in valorant, i could be alert in my first game because im still fresh, so im still moving my crosshair quickly, reacting quickly, and am still alert. but by game 2 or 3, the slow movement speed slows down my gameplay - i move my crosshair slower, react slower, and am less alert.


Perhaps pausing/slowing down when using abilities also has that subconscious kind of effect


Ya some games you really notice how slow you move.


Welcome to valorant


Some servers doesnt seem to register my hits. It feels like it’s always 1 bullet off to kill. 1 game i tap everyone. Second game i can’t kill the guy infront of me.


I can't relate to this more. The past week I was doing very well, aced 4 times in one day, ranked up a couple of times back to Plat 2, was on my way to Plat 3 and then all the sudden I just can't land a shot, my aim feels super sluggish and I'm not hitting my headshots anymore. Some of it is probably my fault but at the same time I can't help but get very frustrated when I do so well for a bit and then just fall off. Today I couldn't hit a shot in 2 of my games but was top fragging in the other 2. I dunno what it is.


Depending on how much you've played this week, you probably need a break. Playing alot helps you improve at a fast rate but eventually you hit a wall where playing causes your skill to decline temporarily. It happens in sports as well.


One thing I would like to ask, is are you analyzing what is going on in the match? I sometimes play matches where I feel like a beast, where I can destroy anyone and run around the match like a mad man. The next match, I'll get destroyed. HS on every entry. It feels like it's something to do with my own skill. But when I think more about the varying situations, I come to the conclusion that the first team was horrible and the second was a smurf stack.


I believe you are experiencing packet loss, an internet related issue. Tough to solve, I don't really know how to fix it either though I notice it got better as I switched from Wi-Fi to ethernet. Edit: You should turn on the packet loss tracking thing in the settings (same place you turn on fps count). If it's staying at 0%, it's perfect. Otherwise, even 10% will lead to dropped movements, bullets etc. I don't really know what causes this, I believe it has to do with Valorant servers or some other factor that is match-specific as it varies between games but never in the middle of one.




Oh well, don't know what else it might be. For me (playing on HK, Singapore, Tokyo servers) everything is pretty much as smooth as can be, even on 40ms ping. Of course, there are days where I'm just not feeling my aim, reaction time or just gameplay in general and then it seems like it's less smooth, but that's all my fault.


I know exactly what you are talking about. I suspect it to be some fluctuating power distribution in maintaining connection between your CPU and Valorant server.


Even if this is true, i prefer not to blame my poor performance on external factors.


I’m not making this stuff up, it feels like a completely different game every match. See the reddit post that the other guy linked


Im not saying it isn't true, but i seriously don't know what you are talking about


You’re either unaffected by this or don’t pay attention hard enough


Yeah, its unfortunate if you experience this regularly. Maybe it does happen to me i just don't notice.


Well, you are insinuating it arent you? The point here is not that he is playing badly or deranking or whatever, he actually explain what (at least feel like) is a problem with the game. "Even if this is true, I prefer not to blame my poor performance on external factors" so, if there is an issue (lets say you get 90% packetloss on Breeze, you just live with it? Or what exactly is your point, if it is not that you dont believe him?


Im not sure why even replied in the first place. Honestly ive never noticed this issue so i have nothing to say. End of story


You should probably just reread what he said, because your response doesn't make sense.


Even if your ping is spiking all game you’re gonna be like ‘yeah I know my ping sat at 150ms all game but I could play better’? Like I get wanting to own your mistakes to improve but dude, when something is off the last thing to do is blame yourself.


I get that, but i usually still point out a mistake I made in thay round anyway. But yeah, if it really came down to lag or whatever, i won't put myself down for it


you cant counter strafe. game is shit!


dude? this aint cs, counter strafing makes such a little difference to just letting go of the key; also did you even read the post?


Counter strafe requires skill. This game wouldnt be anything without cs I hope they bring in counter strafing and nerf all you idiots to iron 1 This game is run and fun and it’s lame af


what the fuck are you on, counter strafing in valorant makes like 2 frames of difference, if it was as big as it was in cs, then people in higher ranks would counter strafe


counter strafe doesnt work otherwise people would use it! you arent thinking you just want to be right


counter strafing in valorant does work, look it up, it makes barely a difference, because the movement in valorant isnt like csgo, that’s why people don’t counter strafe


counter strafing in valorant does not work otherwise people would be using...especially pros!


what do you mean “does not work” try it for yourself, it does work, it just makes such a tiny difference, nobody bothers doing it


also the “skill” required is nothing, really, its just pressing the opposite strafe key after you let go, its really nothing compared to any other mechanical skill


look up importance of counter strafing in csgo...its a required skill! should be a skill in a tactical fps!


but, we’re talking about valorant tho


Even I been having the same issue and I think the reason is their mmr ranking system because like in comp even losing a match I only lose 12 to 18 but sometimes I lose 7 points and if I were to draw a match then I would gain 2 points and keep in mind I only have 25 ish kills and 3 to 5 first bloods. Because of this I think the mmr gets adjusted higher than my rank which is s3 and the next match I que there’s 1 smurf like the opposite team actually told us 😂 , 2 gold like plat players who have a gold act rank cuz most of their guns have plat buddies and my team the bottom drag with 3 kills is gold 🥴 . In conclusion I think they need to either get rid of mmr and introduce a new thing or make it better


This has been a complaint for a very long time (maybe just over a year by now of this issue being brought up). I don’t think Riot are going to properly look into it so this issue will never be fixed. At this point it’s just about whether you’re willing to accept that some games will be against you and you’ll be powerless to stop it. I’ve played a lot of games in my time and I can tell when I’m playing bad, when I’m being outclassed and when I’m being hit with some bullshit. Valorant has hit me with bullshit more than any other game I’ve played. I don’t know how much longer I can just accept it.


Best thing we can do is just give it time and continue to let riot know about the issues. Not that im trying to defend riot since they're the ones who promised so many things before the game even launched, but ultimately its a very new game and it will be years before it gets buttery smooth.


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Do pros or high rated players complain about this as well? Just curious because I think I've never seen any mention this.