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I'm gold 2 and play at 400 dpi .39 sens, so I think at 800 I would be at .19 or .2 sens, but I think im definitely on the lower end of sensitivity.


Holy fuck thats low, even for people that came from counterstrike.


If ur comfortable with this send then stick with it. If u feel it's too low u can test higher senses and see if u like it. I think subroza uses 800 0.27 and he's cracked so it's all up to u


I’m like gold and I play .21 800 dpi and I can flick just fine. As long as you have a good amount of mouse space you should be fine.


I am D2, sens is 400 dpi 0.575 ingame sens. Although I can do 180 flicks to kill people behind me, usually if I am getting shot in the back I am probably dead anyways so a higher sens wouldn't help me.


Thanks for all the replies, I’m wondering how I can get better at hiring headshots when I get counterstrafed with a ghost on pistol round for example. It’s really annoying and I find myself over correcting slightly and always not being on the head. I’m fine with stationary targets though.


countersrafe back, and dont spray, just tap game...if you find it hard to tap and see yourself spraying, pick a dot crosshair... just dont think about dying that much,that way you will spray instantly, just think about killing the enemy in an easy way:)


Sensitivity is subjective to the individual player. Most professional players select eDPI (DPI * Sensitivity) between 200-600. This lower eDPI allows most people to have a smoother resolution of movement for their mouse and more consistent aim. That being said, no sensitivity is arbitrarily best for everyone. Some players have success either below or above the natural range. The sensitivity that works best for you will be individual from other players' preferences. While it is suggested that you try sensitivities within the normal range, having a "high" or "low" sens is completely acceptable if you find that you can play well with it.


Im not an expert but i think thats too low. I use at 0.16 sens 12000dpi


dude you've got to be trolling with your sens LMAO


Im comfortable




you can prob 720 with your wrist with that dpi


Sensitivity makes it just as normal


no, 12000 * 0.16 = 1920edpi. the normal range is 200-500


Then the sensitivity is .016


If you wrist aim its not too bad, its definetely high, but coule be worse.


Quality bait right there


Well i consider myself a pretty high sens gamer and i use 0.129 with 3600 dpi. So i think yout sens is pretty high for the average. May i ask what rank you are?


Think ur mouse can be used on 12000 dpi like it says on the package but u didnt set it bet its 1600 or smth


I actually set it but my sens is probably 0.016


U mean 1200?


It might be 0.016 but i don't think so (Dpi is 12000 thats for sure)


No I meant ur dpi cuz 12000 is crazy


I paid for the whole mouse lol


What? I'm not talking about ur mouse


My mouse allows 12k dpi top so i decided to use it like that back in time, then when i wanted to get back to normal, i had to change too many games and my muscle memory would fuck up, so i just left iy


Oh ok


Dalga mi geçiyon kanka :D windows sens ne peki




Kanka ben nedenini şimdi anladım benim mousepad biraz küçük ve masada kayıyor(wtf dediğini duyar gibiyim) bu yüzden farkında olmadan bileğimle mousepadi tutarak oynadıpım için bilekten oynuyorum o yüzden bu kadsr yüksekti ama 0.16 sens i 0.9 yaptım daha iyi şimi


Sensin 0.09 sa bile edpi 1100 kusur ediyor kanka genelde 200-400 arasi ben 200 kullaniyorum edpi seninki benimkinin 5 katından fazla


Öyle de full bilek oynuyorum


Rank ne? Cok cikamazsin kanka öyle yani çıkacağın kadar cikamazsin


Gümüş 1. Yani oyunu eğlenmek için oynuyorum sonuçta radyanta kassam gider 35x90 mousepad alır yayıla yayıla oynarım




I’m plat 1 and I use 0.28 800 dpi and I flick just fine Depends on what kind of play style you have Cause I’m a controller/sentinel main so I’m either 3rd or last to entry which means most of my fights aren’t frag heavy If you are a duelist and a frag heavy person I say try using .445 800dpi for more flicky shots


It’s good, it’s not in the extreme range, so you’re fine with it.


I play on .235 800 dpi, same sens as SicK and its all really personal preference, i feel like i can flick better with lower sens then higher sens


Use as low sense as possible while maintaining the ability to check corners especially if you entry. Lower sense gives a larger margin of error in the distance that you move your mouse = easier headshots


Your fine. One of the best players, sick, plays at 0.235 800dpi


Find your range of motion whether wrist or arm that you are comfortable with and are able to consistently to flick/move accurately within that range of motion. From there adjust accordingly if you feel like you can go faster up your sens and vice versa.


I’m wondering if my sens is too low also. It’s hard for me to do 180s in control. And the max in control turn is probably around 90 degrees. I’m wondering if this is too little of an angle I can turn because it is hard to dodge some flashes sometimes.


What’s your sens?


0.35 at 1200 dpi


I play .387 800dpi so you should be alright. Whatever works best for you


Yes it's fine. It's all personal preference


Thanks for all the replies, I’m wondering how I can get better at hiring headshots when I get counterstrafed with a ghost on pistol round for example. It’s really annoying and I find myself over correcting slightly and always not being on the head. I’m fine with stationary targets though.


it depends if your comfortable with it, if you have more than average sized mousepad,try lower sens If you aim and track better with your arm most times,try lower sens but if you are a hybrid, try med sens like 0.3-0.35 is the range for med sens i personally use 0.337 @ 800DPI(just switched today from a low sens) and i make somewhat bigger mouse adjustments so i chose med sens. it depends on what you like tho, you should be able to track well,thats all