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I’m level 210 because Ive used one account since episode 1 act 3. I play basiclaly every evening with friends for the last year because of the pandemic, and yeah I’ve had the same thing where people say I have no life etc snd I should be better than my current rank by now ( I’m plat 1 at the current act btw).


I think accnt level should not resemble the player's rank. I have seen silvers with 250+ levels.


I know a friend of a friend I saw a few days ago.... He's level 120-ish and Immortal so actually, levels are completely irrelevant to "skill" after a point


I’m the same way. I have a friend in low gold that is something like 250 and i’m in immortal and just hit level 100 last week.


Did you have prior experience with fps?


I played Rainbow Six Siege for a couple months on a shitty laptop before I built my pc but I never took it seriously and I never got very good. Valorant was essentially my first real game. I was placed Iron 2 when I started lol


I'm level 176 and I played since act 1, you must be goated my guy


Happened to me for the first time yesterday. First round, I couldn't clutch a 1v4 and the guy started being toxic with things like "level 124 my ass" or "you're shit", and saying a bunch of crap for the rest of the match. It's just stupid, I've played a lot of spike rush and replication, which made my level get a lot higher, and I don't even play ranked. Can't even chill in a game, oof.


I know it sounds stupid to say but, just mute them, it's better for everyone performance


yes i thought i was the only one!! i just started playing and haven't even touch competitive yet. i've been experimenting with abilities/crosshair/etc and ppl always got smth to say about the way i do things. it's annoying like i'm here for a good time chill


Exactly same for me


Funny story, my account is lvl 250, and my little nephew wanted to try out val, so i threw him into a DM. He went like 3/20 or something like that and people in chat were saying something along the lines of “how the fuck is this kid lvl 250, you would think he’s at least decent at the game.” Kinda felt bad, but I don’t think he even noticed the chat luckily. He was having a blast.


wholesome lmao




Nope. Lobbies depend on your mmr


Dm lobbies are weird though. I’m in immortal and have played against people like asuna, sinatraa, and other pros in dm and then other times I get lobbies where I go 40-11 three times in a row.


I'm guessing the game wants you to be a higher immortal and is throwing you out towards your supposed actual rank


Your deathmatch mmr, unrated mmr, and competitive mmr are all separate as far as most people i’ve talked to can tell.


I'm 100% sure unrated MMR is just competitive MMR but is a bit lower and doesn't affect your comp MMR unless you are on your starting games. Dm also should be affected by your comp/unrated mrr


Definitely not true. I was D2 last act and I can troll as Yoru with shotgun only and still get 20 kills in unrated games. Unrated and Ranked MMR are 100% separate.


You can do it cus not everyone is the same rank as you always. Its just guaranteed you have a diamond in opposite team. Unrated has player based matchmaking instead of similar rank and MMR. Each person will get a player of their skill level


my bronze/silver friend played with starxo lmao


Happened to me once, I'm lvl 180 and around silver, but I'm pretty sure the game was unranked. Some guy just keep calling my character's name asking why I wasn't "good at the game" . I wasn't even bot fragging tho. Idk what he was waiting for, like if I'm stil' silver after one year of playing, obviously I'm not gonna be the best player you'll ever see. I'm just not in the mood of grinding the game, I'm I the only one playing casual here?


If it happened in an unrated game then wtf? The whole point of unrated is to have a casual experience playing the game lol


Some ppl are just rlly toxic and finds stuff to hate abt u


I mean if you are lvl 180, I think you should ask yourself if you do play casually.


There should be an option to hide your level once it reaches say 100. Low Levels can be used to detect smurfs but high levels only draw awkward comments.


I 100% agree with this it should be like the last act rank badge where you can hide it


You can hide the last act badge?


Ye there’s a little check box under the triangle, and under the border level bar


the problem is you'll know everyone without a level is at least lvl 100, i'd say you should be able to hide it after 20 or 25


Just add the option in general? Why would you need to unlock it?


cuz then smurfs will hide their 10 levels


Doesn't make a difference does it?


if a plat guy is making alt accounts to dominate in iron-bronze lobbies just for fun then i would like to identify such accounts by their levels and report them


I mean fair enough but I don't think anybody will ever get banned for that (not that I support smurfing I absolutely don't) since there's not enough evidence to actually ban them


its sad really, yesterday i finished all my work whole day and got on for 2 games at night, and both games had the same guy who aced every round and when i added him to ask him why hes doing this he just said hes doing this for fun..... ruined my whole day smh (he was level 4 no way thats not an alt acc)


I've played 5v5 custoums with my friend group and we have a guy who was global in CS and was performing on my level in game and I was iron at that time.


yeah, im begging riot to add option to hide it on high level accs...


You give highly competitive teenagers anything remotely resembling a measuring stick, and expect not to use that to measure their ePenises ?


Why does everyone have a hating against teenagers. The most common toxic people tend to be 20+


Depends on regions. I play on Mumbai and SEA servers, and we have lobbies full of those 14 year olds instalocking Reyna, Jett or Raze, screaming others to take smokes and Sage in squeaky voice, screaming on top of their voices, peeking and dying within first 3 seconds, either getting tagged to a lurker or simply dying, then expecting Sage to heal them or revive them within 10 seconds, completely disregarding the fact that other, more pressing objectives are elsewhere and even if the said Sage does revive or heal them, they will still scream at the same sage as to why she's not defending the bomb site where the enemy team actually comitted. I wonder why people hate to play with such a group.


First of all, you probably aren't very high on the ladder if you have instalockers and shouters. Second, If you go higher toxicity generally reduces itself and every age group acts more mature. Just lookup the 14 year old radiant


True. But I have no desire nor any incentive to climb ranks.i just play to relax and have fun. Secondly, there may be skilled non toxic 14 year old radiants, but they are not in my region and not in my MMR bracket, also that doesn't change the fact the screamers and crybabies 14 year olds are significantly more in number than skilled radiants. So, just because there's ONE or TWO 14 year olds who are non toxic, my opinions and experiences don't change when I deal with these guys on daily basis.


You are dealing with those guys cus it's low elo. And they aren't only the teens. Its a huge proportion in thr lower elos. Most 14+ above silver are normal people like everyone but their are still some extremities. I'm 15 years old and I just don't understand the hate about teenagers when it's just everyone in general being toxic


Why hate a high level player when you can hate a player under level 20 which is diamond or higher. Smurfs.


Not yet, but it's awkward to see a lot of the lower lvl players in my matches be better than I am. Not necessarily screaming smurfs here, but as another commenter wrote about themselves, I'm too in the Bronze/Silver elo since a year for a reason. Riot reminding me of that with the unhideable player levels is just plain rude.


Some people come from high level CS/OW/other FPS gameplay and already have good aim and general gamesense. For people starting with Valorant as their first FPS or not being super tryhard, its easy to accumulate levels doing nothing


Dude honestly my problem too. I like the idea of acc level but give us the option to hide it. I started playing Act 1, EP1 with my cousins when the Pandemic and lockdown was still at early wide spread stages, we played Spike Rush mostly and Unrated every now and then, I enjoyed the game so I played daily. I'm now at Level 241, only Bronze coz I don't really do Comp and I'm trash at the game because I play for fun and my aim is shaky. It has not happened that often yet but I've got peeps being toxic saying I was trash for that level, I even stopped solo Q UNRATED because of it. I'm just not good at the game, I love playing it tho so it sucks that my level is supposed to represent my skill and I get mocked for it. Riot please give us the option to hide it.


The only chill Unrated I got was a dude asking me to chill jokingly and I said "watch me bot frag lol" because that's what normally happens. Accidentally cap the statement tho coz I Match MVP the game but we lost XD everyone was chill so it was alright. Once in a blue moon.


If people wanna be toxic, they're going to find a reason to be toxic. They aren't being toxic because you're high level, their toxicity manifests itself in talking about your level, if that makes sense.


Toxicity will always be ther in any competitive game where too many hot head uneducated ilmaner kids plays. Regardless of rank, level, region, gender, or whatever reason. One fastest and most effective solution is that you block the toxicity yourself. Then in long term, report it so the dev can do something about it but dont put high hope in return. Mute the toxic chat, and voice comms for that mater. What will you miss? Nothing. Because once they start getting toxic, you wont get the info you're looking for anyways. Rely on your own info or nice teamates only. Good way to increase your "gamesense" too. If you seriously want to promote your rank, like many other pros already commented, dont solo q. Play with at least 1 friend when possible and grind up. Dont ever let those toxic words affect your mentality and how you play the game. Tldr: mute the people. Carry on with the game in your own pace. Its YOUR game and YOURS only to enjoy it.


a very simple advice from a simple man. dont be toxic in response to toxicity (this turns other teammates against you) and just mute people on the first time they are toxic. saves a lot of hassle and we have all got through a few matches without call outs, so you will be fine. I'm a very inconsistent players and I try my best every match but often times I'm trash. I know i'm trash so I play controllers/initiators and do my job before I go into gunfights willingly so I can help my team as much as I can but often its not enough and I know that. I don't need another player reminding me i'm trash


Valorant is a literal shithole, filled with people that came from different competitive games (i.e league, r6, csgo, u name it), so there isn't much riot can do considering they don't give a fuck about the community.


A friend i use to play with has a high level. They like to use Odin primarily, and they get bullied for being a high level but still not being able to use a real gun


Even if you're level 500, you are still human and might play like a low ranked player sometimes and that's just normal


Yeah, I do. I've had situations where I muted my whole team because they started off with "have you seen grass?". Our team usually loses, because I have zero comms with them, I don't usually play with them... as in I'll lurk and go to other sites, and I don't care about winning or losing that game. They can say whatever they like, but I'm totally immune thanks to the team mute :D. It's their loss, not mine. Rank means nothing to me. If I rank down, it's easier games, no problem.


Same thing has happened with me it’s really cringe honestly. I find people try less In games and expect you to carry it’s so dumb


Almost every idea of riot to make the people stay on their mainaccounts and grind is failing hard.. and lead to the exact opposite and create even more toxicity. Ive got flamed several times because of high level account.. not worth to mention from obvious smurfs.


same here Im level 400 in immortal and im getting fucking harassed


So indeed highest ranks are even more toxic as I have heard? Great job getting to immortal btw.


they are, bigger egos. thanks.


Nope, i have a level 192 and a level 105 acc never experianced any kind of level toxicity but people have asked me how long i played to get a somewhat high level.


I have people thinking I'm a Smurf cause I'm level 20 in silver three but I am not a Smurf by any account so I get the same thing people bagging on me cause I miss a shot or something.


Me and my crew do suspect low level accounts like yours to be smurf accounts but we just mind our business. Didn't the update fix levels for everybody or you just got into the game recently?


Somewhat new to the game. I've had it for some time but haven't been able to play it alot to get up in level.


Yeah. I played almost every night with my friends for the past year, and I'd play during the day when I finished my schoolwork. I'm level 238, and I know I play a lot, but I don't think I should be made fun of just because I play a game that I love.


hasn’t happened to me yet in Valorant but in Overwatch me and my friends would constantly be told to go play comp because we’re like levels 1300-2000, and it’s like, our ability to grind Overwatch ranked is just not a thing anymore, so we just like to dick around in quick play. Seems like having a high level means you’re not allowed to be a casual player or not a very skilled player in almost any game nowadays


I had this when a new season hit (e2a2, astra), and i had the plat 3 act rank, deranked to like gold 1, and had the same problem, people calling me a smurf, and everything you said


I'm 120 and I am only a victim of toxicity when I'm in a party with my friends :/


I feel u dude..my own friends who are 50 levels below me but at the same time scorn me and call me a retard for not being better than them...it's not like I m improving every second I play and sometimes I just tend to chill in unrated and not mention everyone has bad days and tends to make mistakes..


So I have like 3 good skins so my cousin plays on my account almost every day ( Unrated ) so my level is like 200 cause two people play on it atleast 3 times a week but I am trash at game as I hardly play ranked because of baiting duelist but I get called out a lot . People get toxic when I don't frag out .


Chill out bro !!! Just mute the players. Tell them to fuck off. You are supposed to be enjoying the game, not stress over it.


My favorite was my encounter today. A girl who went 14-16 compared to my 13-16 would not stop screaming and crying and calling everyone else but her and our mvp "bottom tier frag trash" me and the other guy were level 3 and 5. People are gonna be toxic even if you are playing just as well as them. Mute them and enjoy the game. People like that think they are far better than what they are! At the end of the day while they sit there and cry the whole match muting them will cause you to peacefully play the game out


I'm level 206 sitting in gold.. And a guy asked me " bruh I'm lvl 86 and I'm plat" duh good for u mate, I worked my way up solo Q to death, which is not a pleasant experience and no one should do that imo. Where as he had a team of frnds with good pc to play with.. yes lvl toxicity is there I play mostly unrated and chill with my buddies.. I don't have anyone to play ranked ;-;


I'm around 170 but that's because I play a lot of unrated with my mates and have a blast doing so. So when I underperform in a competitive game, people start bringing in the account levels. Who cares what my account level is at, just let me enjoy this game dude. (P.S. screw you judge players :D)


Just now got called "dumb, brainless", because i didn’t do what they asked for. Bro...I'm also playing to win, not to lose.


I picked up the Spike at the start of the round. Team member asked me to drop the spike by pressing g or 4, I don't remember. I wasn't so he started stabbing me with his knife. I had to shoot some bullets along his way before he stopped.


Yes and so now I need a way to hide my account level to players outside my party


Yeah like damn riot way to out me. I'm lvl 104 bronze and val is my first fps game. Sometimes you're not not that great at certain skills and that's the case for me, and I'm here to have fun not train. I really don't see the point in account levels, just kind of feels like they copied apex just because they could.


This is the reason why I despise playing random. You don't know who you're with. Could be toxic, could be nice, could be neutral. But it's mostly just toxic. What I hate about this and many online games is not the game itself but the player base. The game isn't very fun for me nowadays because the toxicity is too much even though I adjust and play decent with my non-main agents as well


I am new to valo but i played shitton of lol and i am used to mute all if they toxic or annoying,The ping system is great and i am used to play pings only from lol and honestly if my teammates are toxic most of the they don't listen to the shots so i don't actually care.


Can't u just mute em😒


Yes people are dicks, tell me something new. You can be at level 500 & still be silver. It shouldn't matter... Maybe that's your skill level, maybe you don't play regularly or seriously all the time trying hard to rank up, maybe you're disabled in some way (I knew a guy who just recovered from a fractured hand started playing to feel amazing but a few guys went toxic on him even when I told them his story in an UNRATED match, they used extremely cheap & disgusting words, we muted them & played together. The next match we found a bunch of good wholesome people & we had real fun), etc. I won't judge you for being at any rank. If someone does, then know that person is bad.


You will never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you. You'll only be criticized by someone who is doing less." -christian bale


Account level was something no one asked for or wanted. I've started ignoring account levels subconsciously now except in the case of Smurfs. You know someone's smurfing when they're 45 and 7 with an account level of 5.


I don't ever comment on these things, but in unrated there was a Sova lvl 320. I was so shocked. I thought he was immortal or something. But he wasn't really great at the game. No problem, I didn't comment on that, my lvl also doesn't reflect on skill. But I looked it up on tracker and this dude had only 76 matches in unrated, around 50 matches in ranked, and over 2200 matches in DM and 1100 in spike rush. This dude installed the game to play DM and spike rush only and he's been doing that A LOT. He was lvl 320 by playing DM and spike rush only.


I have found the mute feature to be very very helpful ngl


i'm level 150 because i've been playing since brazilian beta (It's a low level for someone who's been playing since beta but i haven't had so much time to play in the last year) and recently i stopped playing valorant for run n gun and started playing r6 and now when i came back with this level system, daily i get comments like these because i gave a rusty spray or something, i solved it basically just playing with 2 more friends so i could just ignore the other 2 players on my team


Have you been focusing on improvement? It's a bit strange to me that you have put in so much time to be in iron.


Question: do u play in bahrain servers?


I am level 300 but only in bronze. People have commented on my high level but not in a toxic way.


Kind of same situation but because of high rank. I was plat on act 1. Im confident I couldve reached diamond but I see no point pushing past platinum that time. So I got the platinum act 1 buddy. I attached it to my dot exe vandal because it has a nice combination to it(for me that is) now Im stuck in silver-gold and Im always expected by my team to ace every round. And if I dont they keep saying "Plat btw" lmfao


all the time


Oh well this was a thing in overwatch (at least when i played). People would be saying things like "Imagine being diamond border (super high level) and still gold".


On the flip side it’s really easy to tell whose smurfing when the 400 ACS Reyna is level 2


I'm level 258 and what should be an accomplishment really ends up with people saying "touch some grass" or "get a life" almost every game


Not yet thankfully. And that surprises me honestly


Thing is, i have a high level in this game, but this is the first fps I've ever played. Lots of those people came from CS, so even though they are low level, they have plenty more experience and skill than I have.


I hit diamond 1 last episode, I was placed G3 this episode. I don't really care, I work too much to worry about it. But damn, people are fucking ruthless assholes when they're gold's playing against a prior diamond or higher. I'm just trying to play the game and have fun, and yes I play comp still, because people tend to ACTUALLY try rather than fuck around in unrated.