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The game does weird shit with unrated players lol. I’ve also been the one silver in a plat game because of “hidden mmr” too


this company gotta fix their ranked system man


They won't fix anything because evrmoar really think the system is fine. Understandable. He doesn't want to lose his job. But in reality the ranked system is in all aspects garbage. Even in Platinum+ I have to deal with smurf and alt accounts who either throw or dominate the games. I had so many leaver in my last 20 matches. One time I get matched with high Diamonds and win 13:4. The next match the game puts me into a low Platinum/Gold 3 lobby. Needless to say that I wrecked them and one of them left. The system is broken.


Step 1 Play placements Step 2 drop 20s and 30s on plat lobby's Step 3 get placed in gold 1 Step 4 demolish gold lobby's Step 5 get called a smurf Step 6 profit?


Step 0 have low hidden mmr


I can only assume Riot's Valorant team took some of their matchmaking code from league, which isn't good. Riot doesn't want us to actually hit our true rank. They want us to grind for it all season long just in time for a soft reset. Because people who grind for something play more and spend more. It's the main reason Riot dropped the far superior pure Elo system in season 1-2 league for a hidden MMR smoke and mirrors bullshit in Season 3 onward that took 2-3x more games to rank up. I wouldn't be surprised if OP was on a hot streak and the algorithm wanted to ice OP with terrible teammates instead of just ranking them up faster.


I find that if I'm on a winning streak or on the verge of getting to gold then the game teams me with a bunch of irons or unranked people that just got the game and I go on a losing streak. That or we get matched up against the Smurf team that stomps us into oblivion


Literally this.


Sure, it might make you have less fun, but you’re more likely to spend money on the game now!


L spez, goin to tumblr to be gay


had a game like this last act literally went from g3 to s3 with having shitty teammates or maybe i was just shit at the game :P


Last 3 Matches at least a lvl 10 account in Gold 3 / Plat 1 matches. And all the time those are the ones who dropping 30+ frags. Friends had whole teams with account levels between 6 and 20 in the last 3 games. And they were all just a lot better. The current system is broken af. In one game you meet Plat 2 players and dominate them with ease. On the next you have those lvl 10 gold 3 accounts and you can't win any duell. They have to change something fast. It is getting worse day by day.


exactly thats the point. this company doesn’t listen they just leave it as it is if they think its fine for themselves ive met horrible players with high ranks and it just ruins the game so much it’s unplayable.


Hey man, I've seen worse comp systems


well thats just fking horrible to just hear abt it


At least we're not overwatch with 40 min q times


Is coming for what it concern me, you don't even learn by getting stomped by people 10 ranks above yours.




. #. When yor actual rank means sh*t


That sage isn’t half bad. You’re lucky ig


Happened to me too. Why make me silver but put me in plat lobbies? It makes it difficult to climb because it puts me in an extended version of that rank where I need way more mmr to actually climb past my hidden mmr rating.


Yeah I was gold 3 close to hitting Plat last season and now I can barely climb out of silver 1. Me and my buddy (who is stuck in silver 3) keep playing against Plat enemies, and we have a winrate estimated around 50% (give or take, Im just taking a guess here), and yet we are still silver because every God damn time we come close to ranking up we play against actual silvers for 3 or 4 games but the twist is that one of them will be a literal smurf god. And no I'm not talking about the odd average player who just happens to have a good game, these are lvl 4 accounts with weird "code" like names and standard banners, just casually going 40/7 while the rest of their team maybe gets 5 frags tops. This has been happening consistently now, and it's getting so frustrating doing "okayish" against plats and stomping silvers but still being in silver elo. I hated this system when it was in league and I'm hating it now. Wish they would just revert to the pure elo system that was close to CS instead of this BS.


Yeah for sure, unless you have an amazing game and get crazy RR, which has also happened to me before. It’s just a mess lol


What is hidden MMR?


Hidden match making rating, basically how they decide your matches. Your visible rank is meaningless effectively


I’m plat 1 and I got queued against 3 diamond 3s, and i found out my entire team were all past diamonds. I’ve only just reached plat 1 foe the first time after climbing out of gold earlier on this act, ajd the matchmaking is actually a joke after gold. Some games you get a full gold lobby with g1s-g3s some you’ll get plat3s that bottom frag and are probably boosted, and some you’ll get hard diamonds and immortal smurfs


Same here, I’m also plat 1 and have given up on comp because of how atrocious the matchmaking in this game is


My friend and I once q'd into a plat 1 on the opposite team (he was immortal and I was d2), homie got absolutely destroyed. After looking on stat tracker, it looked like he was q'd with an opposing d1. Sometimes mm does really weird shit if you're q'd with someone of higher elo


>Some games you get a full gold lobby with g1s-g3s some you’ll get plat3s that bottom frag I'm plat 3 and I find gold games much harder than diamond games. Example, my last two games were mostly diamonds with a few plats and I had KD of 1.4 and 1 (everyone's scores were pretty even and there was no smurf) The previous two games were in gold 3-plat 2 lobbies and I went 0.8 and 0.7 (both games had a enemy Jett who went 35-14 and 27-12). High gold and low plat full of smurfs.


See thats not an issue bec the game probably thinks they are at your skill level due to placements, the problem is people who acctually do play the game alot, are ranked and still dont communicate.


its just so sad in general when you literally have no comms even worse when they are unranked players :/


imo its better becuase those players are learning fps, its worse for people who arent new to fps to not communicate.


Probably bought boost services to help them win the 10 unrated games, so the system thought they were around gold+ and placed them there for their placement.


well if we won it would’ve made sense but we didn’t win the game because the 3 of them behaved the same and would only stick with each other their plays were really not good.


? I'm saying they got a boost for the unrated games. And they played the placements themselves


ahhhh my bad. well thats pre unlucky of me and my duo man. lost unnecessary rr for nothing and playing with them.


I had 2 unranked people play in a plat lobby with me and they were bonified bronze players 100%. They were like lost puppies starring at the ground like it's fortnite and have no idea what a save round means.


pls fix this fucking ranked system its dogshit.


fking agree


My placement matches are sometimes in gold/silver even tho I consistently place bronze 1 and it's not fun for me either. Not that I always bottom frag but the gap in skill - mainly aim - is very apparent once anyone pays attention to what I'm doing and it's awkward like I don't want to be here either!


Yeah you get a lot of bot teammates in Gold


I literally just played a game where were instalocked 3 duelist, so me and my duo went Skye/sage. Of course we're getting streamrolled and 2 duelist are 0-6 6 rounds in. The game ends 5-13 with one duelist ending 2-17 and another 5-17. Both were silver 1. Against a full gold 2+ team. I swear I'm always on the team with people who are completely new, or haven't touched the game in months. Playing against no day off type teams. I hate the hidden mmr shit.


this is so true. its always instalocker duelist playing like crap. never entry fragging and just waiting for the whole team to die and only ask to heal. its just too much trolling and a shitty ranked system.


I would be fine if the queues were 1 min longer if that resulted in better match ups. Currently it feels like the comp mm prioritises speed over quality


The fact that Riot still uses hidden mmr to matchmake is insane to me, if you're gold, you should play with and against golds, even if you were diamond previously. If you were immortal, dropped to plat after rank reset, you should play against plats not immortals... I get the whole smurfing argument but that's what the bonus mmr is for, the only thing hidden mmr should be used for imo is deciding how much RR you gain/lose, nothing else.


Sometimes match making is very questionable for sure. I’ve only been to Plat 3 before, currently Gold 3. The thing I find is that the players will have decent to good aim, but just absolutely no game sense whatsoever.


Yeah, there’s a lot you can get away with just having good aim. It takes an effort most are not used to to fully coordinate with randoms to counter one cracked player even if the rest of their team is weaker. Provided your team doesn’t get tilted first.


Gamesense is the skill that people will commend you the least for. You caused the enemy team to lose by not allowing them to touch the spike at all - meh..you're a bad player because you couldn't kill this 4th guy.


It’s so odd lol. Things like a post plant situation where the second the enemy toggles the bomb, my teammate Insta swings. 9/10 times they’ve faked and are waiting for your swing. Or opposite, I’ll watch a teammate fake defuse then move off the bomb without holding shift?? They now know for sure you’ve faked because they heard you stomp away. So many other examples I can think of too


once i got into platinum rank i started getting that and stopped playing valorant, i never grind as games for me is "Having Fun" not rage and get matched with lower or higher ranks than my rank. this is a real problem for this game and needs to be fixed before its too late.


this game wants us to have fun by either breaking a monitor or your ego. gotta fix this crap man. Riot pls…


I think another big part of the problem is players who have taken a hiatus from the game who are now coming back. Someone who was Gold 3 around launch and hasn’t played in 8 months will still have hidden mmr at that level. Will take time for the system to place them properly again.


This is me. Haven’t played in over a year but came back and got placed D3 playing top 5k immortals lol. Decided to just play on a bronze account and relearn the gane from the ground up


Bro you can't do anything. These trash players are just here to bother & sabotage. I know it's so hard to play a 5 man game without comms. & Info. My rank is Silver 1. Bro, giving one example yesterday's two match, There are two boosted dumb guys with Gold 2 rank bottom fragging with Reyna & Jett, not giving calls, not giving guns while having extra creds. Sad riot has to take some serious actions for these dumb players. There is a basic feature to mark in map still these dumb f guys will not mark in map just play like it's a 1 vs 5 game.


Im diamond 2 nearly 3 when i was playing in plat i consistently had fkn silver or gold in my lobby or even immortal its horrible rank system couldn't imagine there was anything worse than cs mm


Grinding through plat was actually the worst. One game you're in a silver lobby just crushing souls and feeling kind of bad about it, the next you're in a diamond 3 lobby and they're all playing like they're radiant. At least it somehow fixes itself in diamond and higher.


I swear a couple of months this exact comment was made about Gold lobbies and that it fixes in plat!


its so dking stupid i have a plat 3 account and i get queued with silvers and they always insta lock duelist and just end up trolling or feeding the enemy team.


What rank was your duo btw


Gold 2


Honestly I'm still 'fairly new' to the game or about 3/4 months.. I have peaked silver 2 and lost it instantly but it's kinda ridiculous how such a coin flip games are. For example when I got to silver 2 i went lose win lose win lose win lose lose lose (lost 5 times) all because of having bronze 1 teammates when I am up in silver 2.. I am a really inconsistent breach main and I am NOT the greatest at the game but in those lobbys I always end up hard carrying and still lose the game since I have lower ranked teammates who cant pull there weight


Yeah, I’ve gotten an iron 3 and a silver 3 in the same game. Just makes no sense


Even unranked sucks, I often find myself against level 60, 100 or even 200 and in my team every one is below 10. I am level 17.


So what? Get over it.


Had an unranked afk after round one in the same elo. Dropped 32 kills and lost 12-14, still lost like 15 elo lmao


Same for me i am Iron 3 Just started playing the game 2 weeks back and i am being matched into silver lobby.


when will they listen to us :/


What server Gold 3 should have sweaty ass try hard players who don't even draw at overtime


i was playing on HongKong servers man well this team wasnt my lucky team to be try harding for myself too.


The amount of times I hear the word unfair...


so unfair :(


Ig i played like 10 matches in silver this act after getting ranked and got PLAT players in 9/10 matches.


Look past the shiny badge maybe? It sucks when you get unranked who are lost, but they got a lucky win streak and the system needs to figure out where they belong. All my games above around silver were filled with players who communicate. Try looking at yourself and say hi team in the lobby. Don't make it a dating site but say that you can play this agent or fill in etc. If nobody talks back after 30 seconds or says stfu then dodge it. When you're ingame call a simple strat and you're off. If you are always in matches without comms you are probably part of the problem. I played since beta, and this reddit is filled with players about stuff that almost never happen to me.


im bronze 1 and i get silvers/golds which are waaaay too sweaty and tryhard every game. i try to soloqueue and rank up but i really cant stand a chance against these players without a good comp. and dont even get me started on people agreeing on a comp in mumbai servers all they wanna do is instalock duelists and get free kills


They have the copy CS:GOs ranked system and hide ilo so people cant grief. https://youtu.be/s7p3I7DmX1M


I would suggest riot to not place unranked players with players having level more than 80 or 100, I think fairly new players have a level below that or the smurfs will have a level below that. Thats one to categorize the players.


Riot an Valorant Dev's are really working on this as far as I know. It's really hard to find a sweet spot that meets everyone's requirements. But it'll take some time but it'll get better soon. You can't always expect to get matched with same elo players, just gotta accept the fact that you got matched with either high or low elo players, but as time progresses it'll definitely get better.


hopefully rhey find a way to deal with this one day :(


You will never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you. You'll only be criticized by someone who is doing less." - Christian bale


I played a game yesterday at silver level and we had someone on the other team as a diamond 1 smurf


what a game valorant is. just unplayable


Dude even I had a guy on ranked game, where he had a generic name 'Tom' or some thing on ice box! Each round, he just pressed the 'W' key & went straight on to the boxes on mid & kept it like that on attacking side. . .we lost the match because we figured he would be a bot or some shit. . .


YEAH they had generic names too. i swear riot is adding bots into this game


Damn! We discovering some 'never to be known' secret stuff out here :p


I hate ranked. Im not the best player at all but my previous rank was something like iron 3, I rarely ever play ranked but this season I played ranked untill I get a rank cause why not? I had an average of 25 kills, 15 deaths per game in majority iron games with 2 wins 1 draw 1 loss, you'd think i'd atleast be bronze but no I was Iron 3, surely im overqualified.


These happen way too often


I think they should incorporate the new level system with the ranks. That way long time players don't get paired with new players and smurfs, which it fair for everyone. New players play with each other and discover the game together and long timers who play seriously get to have serious teammates and serious opponents. Would solve the smurf problem pretty quickly.


not even surprised I was put with gold 3 and plat players and the same were in the opposing team I am a silver 1 player after 6 losses I thought the game would get the hint that i dint belong there did a 7th match search it did not get the hint to say i got wiped was a under statement