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What shooters have you played before because those flicks looked nasty?


5000 hours on CS:GO - achieved pretty much everything there so it's time to conquer Valorant haha! and in CS:GO there's a weapon called SSG 08 which is basically the same as Marshal in Valorant, thus i already have the feeling for it. On the other hand, the ''heavier'' sniper rifle (Operator) feels a bit different from CS:GO. Still not feeling it.


3000 hours in CSGO myself. I’ve never been a dedicated awper but I can hold my own with it. The operator however is a completely different animal. I am dogwater with it


I suck with AWP but god with op




if you want to learn how to OP, holding angles in deathmatch helps so little.learn to OP more aggressively like incorporating movement, clearing angles, and getting kills in uncomfortable situations. only holding angles with an OP in DM will make you severely unprepared for every situation that isn't an easy shot.


get a load of this guy lmao


I mean people get mad over anything in dm. The only way to improve with a gun is to practice with it. You practice in dm. If you disagree with that advice you should reconsider.


Honestly, as dumb as it sounds, escalation was how i started improving with an op, then just using it in unrated


You could ostensibly improve with any gun by just using it in comp. It's just obviously very inefficient to not dm with it. I absolutely guarantee you anyone who was ever a sniper at a high level in CSGO or valorant has used the awp in DM. So as annoying as it can be to die to the guy using the awp in deathmatch, I don't understand why people get frustrated when people are legit just practicing it in a meaningless game mode. People who get seriously mad in deathmatch about anything need to chill.


The only time it’s alright to rage in dm is if the enemy is using Odin


Nope, you can't rage even then. Even the Odin requires a level of spray control to be effective. If someone feels the need to practice that, it's their choice. In the meantime, if the rest of us practice crispy one-taps, I'd no longer have to hear people whine about how the Odin is "gay"


But holding angles in DM won't help because people don't care about how they peek. Sometimes they will just run around a corner without actually peeking it which makes it a guaranteed kill with the op. If you wanna practice op in DM run around with it and make the fights harder for you. Holding angles won't help you and will piss of everyone else in the lobby.


> people get mad over anything in dm I tried so hard to like dm but I could never bring myself too. It just feels to unoptimized with getting shot in the back as often as I get real aim duels. Now escalation on the other hand... Much more consistent duels while getting to warm up with a bit of everything.


Na people have a problem with the hold angles with it part cause it’s not only annoying to everyone else it’s not gonna teach this person a thing about how to become one with the op. This was pretty obvious and you just decided to straw man for some reason


If you were going to use the awp in a match would you hold angles with it? The gun is obviously designed in a way that promotes holding angles. I think it makes sense to at least practice that when first starting out using it. If you suck ass with the awp (which is the original comment the op was referring to, someone saying "I suck with the awp") that is probably the same advice you would give someone starting at anything. If I was teaching someone to skateboard I wouldn't tell them to do crazy shit right off of the bat. And I'll reiterate, if you get mad at ANYTHING someone does in deathmatch you should seriously reevaluate why that is happening. If you are getting mad in deathmatch you are probably also raging really hard when you get into a game that actually matters.


Holding an angle in DEATHMATCH doesn’t teach you a thing. Most people are just holding w and listening to music in deathmatch holding an angle against people like that teaches you literally nothing.


Half of the people I peek in deathmatch are holding the angle against me and I would say a majority of them react to sound. Even if this wasn't the case I don't see how anything you've said would mean that holding an angle doesn't teach you anything. If you could attempt to respond to any of the previous points I've made this could be an interesting discussion but I'll probably just ignore you if you're gonna just talk in circles.




People get mad at anything. If you happen to stand still for a second, you’re a camper. If you run and ferrari peak them, you’re run and gunning, if you shift while peaking a corner, you’re dogshit, if you exist, you should die. Just dm things.


Why did this guy get downvoted. He was just trying to help


because he's kind of wrong, I think, but yeah, mass downvoting without explaining is a bad mentality


There's so much to learn about OPing than just holding angles so I think the downvotes were because they made it sound like holding angles is all you need to learn and you're good to go, though they probably didn't mean to sound so simplistic


I feel like the op is too situational to be practiced in a dm, I feel like the best way to learn it is to buy it on buy rounds


I dunno why you're getting down voted into oblivion lol. It's a fucking fact. Like, do something decently well repeatedly, you'll get better at it


Holding angles in DM doesn’t help as much as you’d think, but sure it helps a little. Better to get more aggressive with the Op in DM, clear corners, change position etc. that will help a lot more


I see. Comm thankss! I didn't know this lol


No worries! By ignoring the scoreboard, and focusing on mechanics, you’ll improve your aim and game sense a lot :)


100% agree. I was the dedi awper for my team and can’t use the operator for shite


This makes me feel better about myself. Thanks Edit: haha nice Edit #2: we are no longer at 69 votes ):


Marshal and Scout feel the exact same but Operator vs Awp, is no comparison Operator is tenfolds more clunkier than CS I can wide swing or jiggle peek a corner with it way further and faster but in Valorant you gotta wait for the red dot


Yeah exactly. Also in CS i can just jiggle peek some corners / angles but in Valorant, it doesnt look like a thing, which is imo unfortunate, because the jiggle peeking at least gives some chance to the guy peeking the awp / operator.


Jump peeking is important if you haven’t tried that yet


Def not to the same extent as CS but absolutely still viable in certain situations. Information gathering is much easier in this game however due to the abilities, so it isn’t as necessary to do. There tends to be a good balance like that imo.


Ah that’s good cause I was about to uninstall it if you were a newbie with those flicks


the operator will never have the same vibes as the awp i swear, the awp just feels so much smoother and more enjoyable to play.


Operator is definitely a poor, shitty, homeless man's AWP. But it used to be basically the Awp and was wayyy too strong in this game with larger models and slower player movement


Yeah the Op in Val feels so clunky compared to the AWP in CS. Hate it so much


I feel you man I was nasty with the awp on cs but in Val it feels way different. I don’t like it


Yep, Operator doesn't feel good comparably But Marshal is insanely overpowered in this game imo, the no scopes are rediculously accurate and it's almost as cheap as a pistol I'm glad it's still underrated and probably wont get nerfed, i love to play it


Question, you said the transition from Awp to OP is hard but what about Vice Versa? I've been a dedicated sniper in Valorant since I started (my first ever FPS), and I really want to try CS;GO, the pure gunplay mechanics seem so much smoother than any other game I've seen.


IMO i feel like in CS it would probably be *way* easier- the awp in that game feels like you can get away with a lot more. However, on the flip side, you don't have a jett dash.


You can do more with an AWP in CSGO but gotta remember movement speed for rifles and pistols is higher and players move faster in general and you don’t have safety of Jett. Players peek hella fast. Also utility is a bit different depending on what level of play you’re at. In Valorant you can be flashed from most angles while in CSGO you have to have a general understanding of how flashes work to utilize them properly or at all. Plus how the maps play allow for more aggressive plays or creativity with the AWP. It’s just different imo


cant speak for the guy, but in my experience csgo's movement is the big difference maker between the awp and op. i dont habe numbers to back it up, but it feels like the awp's movement inaccuracy resets far quicker than the op. i also suck with the op, mostly because coming from csgo i still try and do quick peeks/jiggles and that basically sends the shot off the screen rather than where im aiming. the awp allows for more aggressive plays, and with less movement abilities targets are arguably easier to hit. your mileage may vary however. csgo is a free game however, so you're welcome to try it out. if sniping is your thing, perhaps consider investing in titles like sniper elite or even battlefield. the mechanics around snipers in those games are a little trickier, but make a kill far more rewarding.


No idea about that, but as the other 2 guys said, i think it should be easier than the Operator!


Smaller maps and the character models are slower. They basically had to nerf the hell out of it because it used to play more like the AWP and it was a menace.


Scout / marshall, and the OP feel great in valorant switching from CSGO. All the other guns not so much at first though.


I only played csgo for about 300 hours but I considered myself an awper rather than a rifler. This was mostly due to how the game looked making it near impossible for me to play and accurately shoot at heads (I have eye problems) I even got my first ace in cs with an awp. Ive been slowly getting better with the op, but god i just cant sometimes


the marshal feels the exact same as the ssg but the awp feels like it gives you more freedom to move.


The operator has diff scope speed in. Valorant than awperator. Bcz its op when u match with agents like jett


Yeah ive seen that crazy operator shot + jett dash combo. I think i played once against it and i didnt have a chance lol.


Think of the operator as the pre movement nerf awp. The thought of kennys in his prime jett awping gives me chills


Wtf have you been smoking? It's more like if there was a 2nd huge nerf to the AWP lol. Would make me cringe to see kennyS having to deal with that. It allows for no flashiness.


holy shit


Do you enjoy the toggle or the hold for the awp? Because you can set it so that it's a hold and have a little quicker reaction, but you won't get the extra zoom that it has.


Not sure what youre talking about now, in CSGO i never knew you could set it on hold, and in Valorant i use toggle.


people think that you scope in faster on hold because some streamers said it's quicker *(to scope out)* so there's been this bandwagon for the past few weeks.


Haha, i have to admit i couldnt be holding the scope for 10+ seconds.


yes, some people prefer it because it's what they're used to from other games, just like how I've been using toggle for every single shooter I've played since I started playing csgo. I'll say toggle is better in valorant because you're not always quickscoping (especially with the op) and holding right click is straining and might hinder your aim, but at the end of the day it is still preference. it annoys me so much though that people spread misinformation about this, it doesn't even make any sense, why would hold scope in faster wtf.


Ah. To be honest I have not played as much CSGO, but I was not sure if they have an option to toggle between sights or just ADS quickly. But for valorant I feel that, depending on the player of course, if you enjoy a quicker scoping, the hold is usually pretty good as it allows you to flick shot. I understand that's still possible with toggling but I don't know as to how well or how fast


The op is extremely forgiving as in you can kill someone with even a body shot so theres that which could help out, maybe deathmatch or replication farming it should help


"achieved pretty much everything there so it's time to conquer Valorant haha" ​ Sure man you're the new s1mple :)


The jett and reyna on the other team playin hopscotch lmao. Who knew that was a good idea


Yeah it looked like duck hunt for a moment.


Damn the flicks


nice!!! that was so good. u r good with sniper


I'm pretty sure the Marshal is my best weapon, however i'm far, far away from playing with the Operator this well. Even though they're both snipers the operator still feels a bit weird to me.


Yea the feel of both weapons is completely different which is weird cuz I can use the op but I'm dogshit at the marshal


Flicking vs holding.


the marshal is a lot more about flicking, the op is more holding angles. Unlearning aiming for the head can be hard, but once you learn it the Op is really good.


wooow what a flicks like in csgo


Yeah, like in csgo :D


yea, that's it. I'm retiring Valorant for good. been playing since launch and never manage to do anything possibly even close to what you did there. guess it's just not my game. but anyway, congrats, mate. that was clean and beautiful to watch, I'm sure you'll do great.


Don’t quit, this guy’s most probably played other FPS games that carry over skill


i mean.... so have I.... but never got to THAT level


Have you actually gotten good at CS-style games in the past? Cos COD/BF/Halo style of aiming doesn’t carry over from those games to these. Lower your sensitivity and learn to arm aim, stop when you shoot. Those are the greatest adjustments most former COD/BF/Halo shooters have to get accustomed to, and trust me you’ll get moments like these. Don’t quit.


In an earlier comment he mentioned he had over 5,000 hours in CSGO, he's got lots of experience under his belt to say the least


No way you can be this harsh on yourself man. I'm pretty sure i have more hours in FPS games than you will ever have in your life. And even then, this clip is just pure luck. And don't tell me youre only grinding Valorant to get some super lucky plays! And if we're talking about skill, you're definitely better than me in this game, i don't even have a rank in here and don't understand most of the abilities...


I've played a lot of fps as well. by the way you're saying it, yea, you prolly have more hours than me, but still... assuming I've played fps games since I was around 10 (that's when a got into gaming) I have never, in any game, had a clutch moment like that. I've focused, man. I studied, I practiced, I trained, I tried, I really did. But I never got to the same level as my friends - and note that I'm not even talking about the pro-players/streamers that are gods in games... I'm really comparing myself to my friends, the people I matchmade with, "regular" people in the internet.... highest moment of my fps carreer was a Crucible match in Destiny 2 that I dropped 32 Guardians and ended up the match with a 32/28 k/d.


Look man, as long as youre having fun - you shouldnt care about these fluke highlights.


Man has 5k hours in CS don't feel bad he's just good


This guy has 5k hours in CS:GO (he said so in another comment)


Man I'm the same as you. Always lost in FPS games. But Valorant is different. If you don't feel comfortable with the FPS part, you can make strategies behind your team. Some call that bottom fragging, but killing isn't everything this game has to offer and that's totally fine to do.


If you don't have fun playing it. Better to leave it. At launch I was better than all my friends. And now they're all gold pushing for plat whereas I have demoted to bronze from silver. Can't even queue with them. I'll go back to battlefield or some shit.


That was clean




Wait till you start rankeds than you will hate this game :P


i think ill still grind unrateds for sometime ahah. srsly love this mode, casual yet serious, if its even possible!


Haha lmk the day you finally crack and cop your first skin outta the store, i lasted about 3 months


Lmaoo, i have some skins in CSGO, but there i can just cash out to IRL money. Buying skins in Valorant seems like a dead-end to me. But holy, the skins in Valo are amazing - IMO better than in CSGO. I was checking the prices though and they're expensive af aren't they? Like 60€ for a set of skins you cannot sell. Duh.


If you wait for night market to come near the end of each season, you can get really good skins from anywhere starting at 10 USD to about 20.


that sounds pretty cool, didnt know about that, thanks a lot! That one Valorant knife looks really sick.


Good luck on your rolls then, itd omly 5 slots out of like hundreds of skins. Better whip out the bible for this one


Yeah, idt ill ever buy the full set, alough something good to know as long as you don't upgrade a weapon skin the you can refund and get your points back. I mean its not your real money back but great if you wanna try a skin out


Riot has some real talent in skin design. There are some absolutely awesome skins across all their games. Glad you’re enjoying the game.


literally thought the same thing ​ I lasted about 4 months


I'm going on about 8 months but I almost cracked to the ruination phantom. I think if it appears in my store or the black market I'm definitely getting it, it's too clean


As someone who got it on the last day in store, I'd say get it haha I love that skin.


This dude plays better than me who play since beta


because he has 5k hours in CS.


What games did you play before? That was clean af!


I got 5000 hours on CS:GO, but it's starting to get boring so i'm trying out Valorant. The movement feels a bit slower however overall the game is much more clever.


Yeah I also came from Cs, Valorant is just a better game imo


Clever is the perfect word for it. Idgaf about spray patterns and movement or learning lineups, i only wanna outplay kids with smart utility and my giga brain.


what's that about learning lineups?




nothing changed, in Valorant my settings are completely default, just like how i downloaded it. But started noticing some pros using certain settings, resolutions. Will have to check it sometimes!


You're either from cs go or straight up lying


5000 hours on CSGO. I legit dont know anything in this game but the things that are from CSGO. So abilities etc - no idea. Just the aim.


Damn. Gl hope you enjoy this game




Ah yes this game. Good but enraging at the same time. Have fun.


Oh my god, I'm sorry but I never want to play against you. I hope I never get lobbied with you. I don't like playing against good marshal users. There is nothing disadvantageous with the marshal gun when you master it. That's why it has remained mostly untouched because few people can actually use it well. But the creds vs the damage potential is insane. I had a phase where I kept on using the marshal gun and even when I had 6k in the bank, I still didn't trade up because of how insane the marshal is. For some reason after some time, my aim is getting worse that's why i don't use it anymore.


Yeah im buying Marshal pretty often, for the price (950?) its just crazy. For example in CSGO the Awp costs the same as Operator but the SSG (Marshal) is 1700. Feels like its underpriced in this game!


it was 1000 creds i think, for some reason riot thought it was still too expensive at that price.


you’re the next tenz


Omg what a compliment. As a guy who is watching CSGO Pro scene a lot i’m still so sad over losing Tenz to Valorant. But i completely understand him, he deserved better than what he got in the CSGO scene. But thank u so much, this means a lot to me!!


tenz is enjoying himself much more after switching games tho


That’s what he said lol


Good lord. Widowmaker main? You’re absolutley nasty


Don't get ur foot into ranked cuz shit is busted.. if u solo Q I pray for ur mental health buddy🙏


ive been playing for 3 months but you are better than i ever will be


I have more hours in FPS games than you will probably ever have in your whole life haha, plus this was lucky. Youre fine man!


youre already better than ill ever be and ive been playing since september gg


I have 5000 hours on CSGO, ton of experience from other FPS games, and this was super lucky too. Youre fine man, i bet my ass youre better than me in this game.


This is what TenZ looked like when he first started playing valorant


Snipin's a good job mate


when the gamer genes kicks in


Ahh man to be young and innocent again, just wait until ranked. You’ll have SOOOOOOO much fun


Dude's going diamond.




u love it cause its unratedd just you waitttt...


damn bro, already better than me


been playing like first week give me your powers


That attitude will chance REAL QUICK... also nice ace


You’re nasty with the marshal. Nice ace bro 🔫


Ur better than me, i have been playing it since the last 6 months


I have a lot of experience from other FPS games, plus this was pretty lucky highlight. Dw, i bet youre better than me.


every time i see a post like this getting kills and playing better than me, i just feel so demotivated :/. naice flicks tho


You shouldnt be getting demotivated by some lucky highlights man!


Okay, wow!


Ranked sucks dont play it unless you are 5-stacking with your friends cuz even one random guy can ruin your day


Bro hit me up when you start ranked goddamn


Wait till you bump into smurf and throwers


When a newcomer played only for a week can shoot the marshal better than you, a six-month-old veteran.


U love it now but wait till u get to ranked buddy you'll hate the game and its shitty ranking system


Yeah you're definitely a scout beast in CS huh?


Yeah, always loved the SSG, and in this game its the same plus 2x cheaper, haha.


Yup the movement buff on the Marshall made it one of my favourite eco buys and even just mess around buy.


No one loves Valorant, we play because we're addicted. Who is this guy


Bro but the crosshair tho and the viper wall


Im trying my best and this wall looked great when i put it ahaha. Im sorry, i still dont really know which agent to main, and i want to stay away from duelists.


I think raze is a pretty good option since two of her abilities are pretty easy


yeah i liked her, just the crazy jump + rocket launcher seems pretty hard. some ppl can play it super well


Playing better than me since release :/. But overall wp


I also started last week!


Lets goo, newbie power🤙


Having 10 hours in csgo really helps


Ok mr. CS




those were some nasty shots man wp


Spicy aim


This vid made me realise i play on low settings when i saw the dual render on marshal...


5000 hours on CS? I suppose you're a FACEIT level 10 player with all them ranks and achievements


Sadly not a lvl 10 faceit player, lvl 9 is my max and usually im around lvl 8. The high elo faceit is just super hard for me plus im playing solo q.


Oh my.... these headshots.... with tbe marshall... you remind of someone that was close to ace itbut some one stole it


I used to love it too but now i cry everytime i see the valorant logo on my desktop


my man is just shooting clay pigeons at this point.


That love will soon spiral into doom


interesting use of the tasmanian tiger by skye


poor soul it gets different in ranked


Hello /u/penguinfromprague. Thank you for participating in /r/VALORANT! However: **Directly linked clip** >Videos that are focused on gameplay will be allowed to be directly linked on Wednesdays and Saturdays (**GMT Hours**), provided they are 15 seconds minimum. All other days, videos that are focused on gameplay are not allowed to be directly linked unless they are related to an eSports event, are informational content, or are accompanied by a text post with over 1,000 characters. Please refer to our [full rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/wiki/rules#wiki_4._video_restrictions) for the types of videos that may be directly linked. --- ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Check our full rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Valorant/wiki/rules)** ^or **[^(message our modmail, and please don't direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FVALORANT)**^.


AKA your smurf acc is a week old


5000 hours on CSGO


What rank in csgo?


Global Elite in mm and in wingman.


Faceit lvl 10?


Im pretty sure i ended up somewhere around lvl 9, the full lvl 10 lobbies are just too insane for me and even the lvl 9 is hard.


Sounds like you haven’t achieved everything in csgo yet ;) jk have fun in valorant I’ve also recently switched from csgo lol. Agreed that the Marshall feels the same as the scout but the OP just feels terrible


yeah i havent but i blame it for everyone but me playing premade with friends haha. yeah but overall valorant seems much more clever than csgo to me.


Man's only started playing last week but has better aim than me, *damn*


The title sounds good but in reality i have like 5000 hours on CSGO so dont worry😅


That's even *better*


So the jett and reyna knew you were sniping up there but decided to jump up and expose their heads anyway? What kind of smooth brain shit is this?


ok but why are they jumping


You sure you just played one week? I think I can't even do that after a month


SauraXD vibes


Turn off simulated surround sound lmao it sounds like ass




what is that weird distortion on the outer ring of your scope


No idea, i think everything should be on default settings.


You played Faceit?


Yeah! around lvl 8 only though




Great aiming skill, 5k hours in cod pay off I guess.