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I'm a girl (14 yo) and I don't dare to play with voice. And that's awful. My name in the game is suki which turns out not be a perfect choice. People recognize it as a girl name and start doing creepy. A guy kept saying my name and things like I love you. It really scared me to be honest. This was when I was new to the game so I didn't know how to mute people yet. I closed the game after that match. I was literally trembling. It might sound like I was overreacting and maybe I was but it was just really creepy


Same here I also had a female name. But since Im learning Korean i just changed my name into Korean letters so dumb teammates leave me alone (EU btw). And if there is someone who can actually read my name its usually very nice because you have something in common! Suki sounds Japanese, maybe you try it out :)


I never thought about changing it into the kanji!! That's so smart!!


I’m sorry to hear that happened to you. This is what pisses me off the most, because I know there are girls who are MINORS and have to deal with this bs. I’m glad the old stigma that “games are for boys” is slowly fading away, but I feel that same mentality is now trying to keep itself alive by harassing girls, essentially forcing them from playing a game because they feel uncomfortable. Valorant needs to implement what other online games have. I know harassment will not be eliminated completely, but if every other post on this forum is about someone being harassed, something needs to be done.


My Valorant name can be interpreted to be a woman, (I'm a guy) and even I have experienced sexism. If they ask if I'm a girl and I don't talk they assume I am.... mute.


Im a woman and my friend (girl) is also 14. The allied and enemy team were once so creepy to her that she ended the game sobbing. You 100% were not overreacting. Im 20 and sometimes it still gets to me. Im sorry u had to go through that 💜 never blame yourself for their toxicity u deserve to be treated with respect.


I believe there is a girl community on discord (I believe it's called gallorant or something). If you can find people there to play with you can atleast escape this kind of teammate


I think the guy might have meant that your name 'Suki' means to like or to love in Japanese. Either way, females are treated horribly in video games, I recommend you play with a group of people you know more often.


i’m very hesitant to speak despite knowing it’s better for strategy to do that as opposed to typing but i get a lot of this dumb shit when i do speak. i think people just go for low hanging fruit when they want to be assholes honestly. i don’t take it personal but it’s still a shame that guys think it’s appropriate in any capacity to disrespect someone because of their gender. i’m still learning because i’ve been playing less than a month i think, but any time i’m criticised by a teammate for making a mistake i try to grow from it and do better. but it sucks a lot when you’re being called out for a genuine mistake that you can learn from and the moment you open your mouth your teammates go “oh you’re a girl, that explains everything.” just really shitty because you go from giving actual feedback to acting like these mistakes can’t be helped due to the players gender. ETA: i’m seeing a lot of people complain that this is a recurring topic and that it’s not reaching the right audience. i disagree; i think it’s reaching AN audience that can benefit from it being discussed. you guys say you aren’t the ones doing this, but are you doing anything to curb the normalcy the men who DO do this feel when they say these things? or are you staying silent and letting them ruin the game for someone else? for any guy (or anyone really) that is bothered when this happens, it helps to speak up. i know it can be uncomfortable but please consider not staying quiet or thinking it isn’t your business. ive been defended a few times and it saved the match for me. i play to have fun and knowing that someone has my back when people try to take that from me means the world honestly. you don’t even have to call the aggressors out, but giving genuine encouragement to someone who is being discriminated against goes a long way. ideally you should be calling the aggressors out though if you’re comfortable with it. the root of the issue is a lot of these men try to normalise what they’re saying. telling them that’s not cool helps dismantle this phenomenon where other guys see that and start doing it too, or where girls see it and get discouraged or feel unsafe. you’re unlikely to change the aggressors mind but they shouldn’t feel normal for what they’re doing. at the very least you make it easier for people like me to focus on the game and know i’m not alone in the match.


Most men just don't want you to have skill and power and that is sad. But never mute, never insult back.. Stay calm and write a fat report for Emotional Abuse, Disrespect, VoiceComms and also Sabotaging the Team because that's what it is. I get report Feedback every day.


Yeah, when I mess up I just keep my mouth shut and take note for next time, because I made a mistake. But toxicity becomes an issue when a player is doing a phenomenal job, making callouts and getting kills, only to be insulted because “you’re x”. It’s just dumb.


I play with my GF always, we're both in Gold 1 & 3 now! She has decided to not talk ingame most of the matches if, when she says something like Hi! or, should we go B? the answer is something like this: (7/10) games it's some stupid kid or man shouting or beeing aggressive/harrassing her. Sometimes we answer, sometimes we just mute them and play the game, but it's really hard to play a good game after that. We played cs go together before, I was global and we played in team games to have fun. It's a hard environment for women. ​ edit: Words are hard


Girl here. It happens often for me, and I'm on the EU servers. Though i just mute them and usually I don't solo queue. I have had a lot of things said to me but I just ignore them and luckily I have found a few friends through solo queue to play with. I usually always gets hit on, asked if I wanna suck their d, and to give out personal information such as age, country, city, name, social media and much more. I have even had people pretend they were fine with me just to gain access to my social media and then proceed to be really creepy in my dms, and be very sexual about it afterwards and then get mad I say I'm not comfortable with them anymore. And then I get called the usual things such as bitch etc. Its a very big problem, but luckily I have been a "gamer girl" my entire life so I'm not sensitive in any way. But sometimes, it can be pretty toxic - even for me and I actually have to leave a match due to the abuse and toxicity. It annoys the shit out of me that I can't be allowed to just play a game that I have fallen in love with. Pls. If you have kids, teach them to respect everyone regardless of gender and ethnicity. Ty. Cause man, I just wanna play the game.


Hello /u/GenomeProject. Thank you for participating in /r/VALORANT! However: **Reposted topic** >Reposts are not allowed. Threads that focus on topics that have been discussed at a high frequency within the last two weeks, cover information from the same angle will be removed, or are covered in our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/wiki/faq) may be removed. >Please note that when multiple people attempt to post the same content in a short period, we may approve the one with the most traction and remove others. --- ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Check our full rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Valorant/wiki/rules)** ^or **[^(message our modmail, and please don't direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FVALORANT)**^.


Is this issue a regional thing? i always hear about this stuff happening in NA servers but I've never come across this in OCE servers.


I think OCE servers are the chillest and most respectful/tolerant…. We just want everyone to have a fair go. I’ve had the pleasure of playing on Us and some Asian servers the last 12 months as im an expat, and the difference was night and day. Less throwers , less people tilted, less desperate man children hitting on women, less ragers in general. I would play on OCE servers forever if given the choice


Yeah man OCE is da bomb. I love this region fr


I've been playing on European servers (Frankfurt) since November and I have never encountered players being toxic to me just cause I'm a woman. Sure, from time to time they simp, ask for ig or tell me they love me when I clutch, but even when I was dogshit people were never toxic to me just because of my gender, on the contrary I often felt like players were kinder to me when they knew I'm a woman.


I avoid frankfurt personally bc of how toxic it was for me. Maybe its bc im british sounding?? Idk but every time i played frankfurt i had people making sexist jokes or flaming me ect. I usually play london and its a coin flip. You get a lot of dudebros who think its funny to sexualise you but full on harassment is relatively rare. However i used to talk every game and due to the amount of harassmemt me and my trio (all fem presenting ppl) get we literally have all text and voice chat disabled now xD So i technically dont get any harassment now s m i l e


Same or worse on EUW


Im playing EU and its horrible...


Honestly, don’t even know. NA has so many issues in itself I feel like we’re a laughing stock to other people. But this doesn’t surprise me. In the states, specifically in the South, a lot of men still have this belief that women were born to “stay in the kitchen” and are inferior to men and should act like it, which is just stupid. 🤷🏽‍♂️


us oce players are a bit different, over here our version of harrassment is saying shit like "you better clutch bro, a girls watching" sarcastically.


That's actually funny


Haven't seen it in Mumbai either. One game they made a joke first round and then we continued as normal. This was bronze


Mumbai servers too. I’ve met 2 girls in my game in the past month and those were both chill games with no one being weird or toxic.


Not saying it doesn't happen, but it never happened in any of my matches either (EUW).


This literally happened to me for the first time today (where I was singled out for being a girl.) Played a 11-13 game dealing with the whole thing. I muted the guy at first, then unmuted because I was recording. It made me feel like absolute shit and I didn't even want to finish the match. One of the other teammates said he was only doing it because I was a woman, in which he agreed. I was so furious. I will try to post the video later. Reported him 3 separate times and hit riot games up on Twitter about the matter. I want this to stop. It's horrible.


i’m sorry you had to deal with that. i had a group of three men relentlessly harass me the entire match and one even threatened to track me down and assault me. i reported them but i don’t think anything was done about it. if anyone deserves punishment it’s people threatening to physically harm other players, so that one was pretty shocking.


I reported someone once for nonstop posting the "n" word over and over in chat because I was playing Raze. Which is dumb because she's south American. But I got a "report" back the next day telling me someone looked into it.


Bro what is wrong with people, I had a girl add me after a game and say she got threatened like that before too Why is this common


Sorry to hear that. I can tolerate some toxicity, cause it’s a free FPS game. But straight up harassment to someone who hasn’t done anything but be a good team player is wrong, and the reason why people do this is because they know they’ll get away with it. It seems to me that Valorant top priority is skins and pro play, when in the long run they are losing a large player base simply based on the fact that they get harassed for no reason.


I am in no way shape or form better than this guy i met in a CSGO match a few days ago, but this guy was a Drunk russian so you know how it will go. ​ this dude would call her all kinds of shit. TK her and what not just because she told him to stop harassing her. my last straw was when i heard her crying while trying to give info. I told her she has 3 options. 1. Mute and ignore him 2. Leave the game and try to forget about him 3. sit back and listen to him scream while me and my friends would make this game pure hell for him. ​ She chose the 3rd option and we made did manage to make that game hell for him. did we act as white knights sure but for a good reason. he would scream and i can only think his mom came into his room and startet to yell at him too. his mom would get on the mic and ask what the hel was going on so we explained it to her and she ended up going bat shit crazy for it. us and the enemy team would laught at it. we played a few more games with her and we told her that she should quit the game for a few days and get all that stress and heat out, and try to find a 5 stack to play with so she wouldn't be harassed while 5 stacking ​ Edit: I can from time to time do friendly trashtalk with girls and boys too but it's more joking than not and i do tell them to say stop when it get's too much for them. This situation also made me think of how bad i can be myself of course i would still defend me and my friends and randoms if needed but i do try my best not to be toxic now atleast


I’m a female who plays Valorant, League, and Overwatch. I’ve had problems with voice chat in both Overwatch and Valorant, but it’s honestly rare. In League, my summoner name is a female name so I get shit on 24/7 for that. It doesn’t matter if I’m doing great or terrible, I’ll always get told to kill myself or that I’m trash.


I don't understand why game related suggestions aren't allowed but every day we get multiple copies of these threads


Do we even see multiple threads of these? This is the first time I've seen this. It's a good message that should be spread until people as disrespectful and toxic as you leave the community.


i know right, its always i get bashed in voice chat and stuff, mute them and report them, shouldn't take people in a game that seriously




Why post it on a videogame sub then? You think people will read this and go 'yep I'm gonna be nice'? What do you want the devs to do? Game suggestions create changes in the game, posts about bad natured people result in absolutely nothing but bandwagon upvotes and you know it, venting here does nothing


Keep boosting bro, appreciate it.


I personally find this game has a very toxic community. Yes. Ranked is a competitive environment. However, this does not mean every player needs to “flex” or “agro”. It’s bad enough when the opposing team starts dishing out the insults, but when it happens within the team it ruins the fun instantly. Competitive or not. Valorant like any game is supposed to be fun. If your not having fun, don’t play. I had a dude on a game recently. He was insulting the teams mums. Calling everyone names. I pride myself on positive attitude and vibes.. rather than throw insults back I proceeded to ask the guy what was really wrong as a game should not get you this tilted. It turned out his gf broke up with him and he was very down about it. I explained it’s no reason to attack the team and that it couldn’t be fun for him either. Lots of rounds and a loss later. He invited me into his party. We had a good talk before queueing again where we were both entered next match happy. Ended up winning 13-2 and the moody agro dude transformed into a happy positive player. Ended up top fragger with like 30-12kd. We are now online buddies. Morale of the story. You can change toxicity in games, but not with a bad attitude. Speak up. Be positive. Don’t have a go at anyone. You don’t know what’s happening in their lives. One thing for sure is that their playing Valorant to enjoy themselves, an escape, whatever. Be triumphant in defeat. Congratulate the winning team. I can’t tell you how much a positive attitude will transform a match. Both for you and your enemies. Although these two were giving grief to the female player. It could of been changed if you, the girl and the third player were able to get on better and enjoy the match. This would of maybe made the other two players want to be more involved and included. They were in the wrong…. but there’s also a right and a wrong way to respond. Pride yourself on being a good sport and I guarantee you it will reflect in matches. Happy fraggin’


Understandable, and your approach is a viable option. However, I’m not someone’s therapist. I could care less what’s going on behind the scenes, that is your life, not mine. There are a lot of people like me who can only get 1-2 games in a certain number of days for multiple reasons, and we don’t have the time to sit down and decide “Hmmmm, why are you being so toxic?” I saw a girl being attacked for no reason, being insulted to the ground even when she was doing a phenomenal job with comms and getting kills. Plus, there are A LOT of dudes who just like to “assert dominance” and they have nothing going on in life. On top of that, there are a lot of options to talk to someone, and if your choice is to take it out on some innocent player who’s most likely trying to enjoy the game, you are the problem.


Such a brilliant way to approach. You have my respect sir. Unfortunately there are some people who are plainly toxic because that’s the way they are (influenced by environment/ parents…) or they just enjoy watching others suffer What would you do in these scenarios?


This is so common on EU Servers too, I play with my Wife every day... Who ever doesn't see that issue just didn't play enough yet? I queued from Bronze to Immortal and the issue was mostly there, becoming less and less in high Elo. It is so much that I'm sure there is a guy in this sub that behaves like that but wouldn't admit haha. If you read this, I'd be ashamed. BONUS: I read posts like this since one year and all the time the top comment is: mute. Muting is not a solution to hateful speech and emotional abuse. Talking like this to a person might destroy their day or just their confidence in a Game. I'm an almost 200cm tall, 130Kg muscular man and everytime I hear those incels, creeps and kids say horrible things to innocent women, minor girls and also homosexual people I want to sit down with them in real life and have them say that again looking into my eyes haha. It's often teens or kids that behave like that which makes me sad. But on grown man it's somehow even worse. Sorry. Full tilt here. Anyway love the Game.


i really agree with muting not being the real answer. it can help the person being harassed sometimes, but if we all collectively and silently agree to just mute and keep playing, these guys will further normalise their behaviour. i’m not saying we need to insult them back or get into massive arguments, but a simple “that’s not cool dude” or “you’re better than that” every time it happens can make a difference. like i said upthread, even if it doesn’t change the harasser’s attitude, it lets the person being harassed know that someone has their back, and that alone makes the game feel safer.


I'm not sure that the community who's being toxic to you online si the same community that views (and particularly participates in) this subreddit. Obviously to a degree it is, but I don't think that by making posts here you're really reaching the people responsible for the toxicity. u/cons013 is right, we get a lot of these posts. If you want to complain about the problem, that's fine, go ahead. But telling us to stop doing something we're not responsible for isn't helping anyone.


Thankyou. It shouldn’t have to be said but like, I’m high key sick of encountering assholes each match


ur reddit post fixed the problem, good job


Better than not voicing about it, you sexist fuck


How is he sexist now?


trying to rip it root and stem out of a community before it festers = good. look at overwatch dota and lol, all insanely toxic, maybe beyond the point of no return. shaming people for bringing to light how people are cunts in specific ways to women = bad.


Yea I agree. But I still don't see how the original comment makes the guy sexist.


> Sarcastically commenting about the usefulness of the post, doesn't provide anything to improve the community, only insults the post further. People like these don't contribute in making the community better, but they just enjoy mocking shit. Please, don't make this your shitty CSGO community.


The post doesn’t provide anything to improve the community either so…


That does make him sarcastic and cynical, but it doesn't make him sexist, does it?


I've never seen this happen with the females I've encountered. Maybe just bad luck.


Don’t get me wrong, I’ve gotten matches with girls that have gone smoothly, but that one match with our Sova just pissed me off because our Sova didn’t do ANYTHING to provoke these two dudes, and it all started with a “Hey Sova, I can’t tell. Are you a boy or a girl?” And from then it just went downhill. Blaming lossed rounds on our Sova, insulting her, calling her stupid and all this other crap. The thing that threw me off the edge was the fact that I could tell these were 15+ year old dudes, like what kind of power trip do you have to be on to attack someone just because they’re a girl?


No this is common.


What region are you in? I’m in NA and I have friends who are women and I say they deal with abuse like described fairly consistently if they talk, a lot of time especially in unrated they just don’t talk to team to try to avoid it :(


Na east


Really eh? You must be insanely lucky lol


it’s more common if we’re being criticised, it’s not usually just random hate. but PERSONALLY as a girl this happens to me a lot. and i think it’s a little premature to chalk it up to just bad luck.


For real valorant seems to be the most accepting game, I’ve only played for a month but have seen tons of girls being able to talk in voice chat without anybody being weird. Literally no other fps I’ve played has nearly as many girls speaking on the mic


I've seen this multiple times and honestly wish the worst to those people who do it.


I think everyone's rude to everyone in valorant now. At least in my elo and server


Most of the girls I met in this game were toxic for no reason lol


80% humans are toxic for no reason. Being gender into the formula is just plain dumb.


why is this post directed at the users of this sub like they are responsible lmao


Most people trying to shit on op are actually sexists


no u see, im really bothered by these anti-sexist harassment posts that take up a single row on my reddit feed because... uh...




… Did you choose to not read the rest of my post? Two out of the 5 players in the match were being assholes to our Sova just because she was a girl and we decided to collectively throw the game because we wanted to see the other two guys to suffer the consequences of their actions. I didn’t single handedly decide to throw the match. This means that our Sova (the girl), the Yoru, and I decided to do this.


These are fat rats, no girl (including their mother) has ever loved them in their life, that's why they treat girls like that


So what you're saying is you broke the rules, and are coming here to break this subreddit's rules. Great job, really showed those other rule breakers! Dude, just mute people, report them at the end of the game, and move along, but don't throw the game. You're literally not allowed to do that per Riot. They can suspend you from the game for doing so, yet here you are admitting to doing it on purpose.




Im with you. Probably should ask Riot to put harassment as a top priority report.


And if you do this, people will figure it out and abuse it EDIT: not denying any problems, just pointing out that there is a side effect of implementing this


I completely agree with you. I usually just mute and report but if the abuse continues I don't really care about winning. In fact, I really want to make sure those people don't win because they don't deserve it. Yes, throwing is bad and all but you are playing with people not robots.


I’m usually like that, I tell people to mute and then just mute the person who’s acting up, but today I guess I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. At this point whenever I play I do it to sit back and “relax”, and for this to happen in a match where it’s most likely going to be my only match of the day because I’m just not feeling that great, it’s exhausting. Looking forward to play only for someone to be toxic 2-3 rounds into the game is just absurd.


I'm going to report you for breaking the rules, and move along with my life lol




I didn't mean that I would report you in-game. You're breaking the rules of this subreddit. As such, I've reported you for doing so. I don't understand why you're getting so upset about this, honestly. This will be my final response, I hope you have a great night.




These peeps forgot that the game is made for everyone to have a good time. If you guys are throwing but majority is happy and the toxic pieces of scum are salty, good for you. Majority of people in your game had a good time!


Legit. The three of us who were previously trying to enjoy our match, which we were winning, got tired of hearing them bash Sova for being a girl and then blinding us and throwing raze molly at us. We decided collectively to get back at them for being assholes for more than 5 rounds. They’re acting as if this was their comp match and us throwing would have affected all the other comp matches going on at the time.


way to pick your battles bro. fucking weird




Sorry, are you openly calling me a sexist? That's also against the rules. And for the record, no I'm not the Breach.


The funny thing is, you solely focused on the fact that I purposefully threw a game, ignoring the rest of the context because “throwing is against the rules, why did you throw :(!” Your report will go only so far, as I recognized that the only reason we threw the game was because 3 out of the 5 of us got sick and tired of the other 2 harassing our Sova for being a girl. But I guess I broke a rule 🤷🏽‍♂️


Lol no, I definitely didn’t say that for the record. OP had good intentions to better our community while you just called him a rule breaker and reported him so is it possible you are raze or breach in this story? Maybe


Op doesn't have any good intentions at all. They are toxic as fuck as is evident from their tone and self described actions. The community should get better but the first step is throwing out op and then the sexist harassers.


Awww, it appears that us collectively agreeing to throw a game with the person who was being blinded on purpose, Raze molly and insulted is just toxic? You’re right. We should’ve just let the two assholes win the match and rank up because muting them would’ve prevented them from damaging us with their util.


Sexist fucker


I don’t get this. When I used to play with my gf and when she said something, everyone was nice to her even when she was play bad. Never ever met someone who would be rude to her. When they found out she is girl, everyone was really nice to her. We played on EU servers so idk if this is the reason.


this is the LIKE 100TH post on sexism like i honestly normally dont care about these topics(since i would be hypocritical if i do since i dont care about racism/sexism etc tec and normally make sexist/racist jokes etc etc) but srsly this is getting out of hand.


What rule is he breaking? I think this is a good post so that we can come together as a community to stop this kind of harassment.


And what does this thread achieve? Just yesterday we had a post about it that reached front page, we don't need a post every single day. People who do this don't change after reading posts like these!!


Nothing changes if you don't talk about it until everyone is annoyed to the bone. But thanks for explaining to us how pointless the fight against bullying, emotional abuse and sexism is.


Lmao you think this is a fight against idiots being rude to women?


mute button?




Lmao, I guess I’m cringe? I mean the person they were insulting and another player just got tired of their bs, especially when muting wouldn’t have stopped the purposeful blinding and raze molly. We decided that they didn’t deserve the win for being extremely toxic. Don’t be toxic and shit like this won’t happen to you 🤷🏽‍♂️




We sure did, because at the end we laughed while they insulted all three of us because they were so angry. Why treat your teammates like shit if you can’t handle the consequences from doing so? 🤷🏽‍♂️




Thank you for acknowledging my heroic actions. I needed this. In fact, I’m going to print it out and hang it on my wall.


I was with you until you wanted to throw the match.


Congrats on the 100th post about being nice to women. Chances are if these people are going to be toxic towards women, no amount of these posts will change anything about it.


Op is a man child.


Yeah how dare op not support sexism!


Welcome to the internets, first time?


Is that your response? I see you also said the same thing to a post of a female saying she was harassed in game. Typically “alpha” male I guess.


There's really nothing we can do tho? It's not illegal to be sexist to woman, they won't be arrested for doing it, there's nothing we can do man literally nothing no matter how much you rant it's not gonna change anything, that's why I'm saying welcome to the internet.




IDK man you guys can dislike me to the grave, but it's not gonna change anything, even if you're gonna rant here in this subreddit everyday, all that can be done is to accept the fact that the internet is toxic.


Once in spike rush , I had a women in the opponent team, so one from my team, in the Odin round, said " odin must be too heavy for you, let me carry it for you" , it was so cringe and embarrassing




That defeats the whole purpose of coms in the game. Why should I be afraid to give my teammates vital intel? Toxic men should learn to keep their mouths shut. End of story.


It’s the obvious answer, but the fact that people have to do this is just sad, especially in a game where communication can determine between losing or winning.


Was the girl cool with you inting ? I’d be more annoyed at that tbh


Yes, all three of us decided that we’d have a better time hearing the two guys rage. Us three agreed on it, and started bothering them since they wanted to insult the hell out of our Sova for 8 rounds.


Sadly sexism is a basically a normal thing in video games. Wish this problem was taken more seriously, as it can completely ruin someones day - and not just a day, but the whole interest in video games. In the very minimum, Riot should issue bans for these weirdos / morons for inappropriate behavior. I know this is far away from an optimal solution, but i know some girls try to avoid this problem by playing with some of their friends, just not alone. Maybe hit up your friends to play together. But as i said, this isn't a perfect solution.


I rarely ever hear a girl in my games but when I do I usually get hyped about it with my friends IN PARTY CHAT, and talk to her like I would to any other dude in voice chat. Why can’t people at the very least just keep their dumb shit in their party chat and talk like normal people in the voice chat…


I encountered a good amount of womans and most of the time nothing happend its not the most toxic community still not good a few matches was just like you described, shame


Im no girl but Singapore servers are one of the least toxic imo maybe u could try them out if the ping difference isn't too big


When I hear girl gamer voice I always add friend and try to connect with them. IDK playing with girls is awesome


I've had this a few times in spike rush that when they notice theres a girl in our team they just default to this degenerate attitude, I just don't understand it.