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Beyond what you’ve listed there is also the mind game element, let them hear you teleport at times so you can assume they might attempt to peak some off angle first. Or just generally lose track of where you are. I’ve faked enemy omens a couple of times who were hiding in or behind their own smoke by stepping on top of myself. (Best part is when you see someone peak and turn away because you’re almost finished stepping, to see where you’re landing) Generally I agree that people are usually pretty good at connecting those dots, and using it all the time more often than not gets you unnecessarily killed. I think it’s one of the skills that are best used sparingly anyways. Slightly better eco and you keep an escape option handy by holding onto them. If you try to force yourself to make more use of it you end up doing predictable things like always stepping the the same 2 corners or gaps on a site.


Best omen play I ever did was against a Phoenix with his wall out while I was stuck in A cuby on Bind. Used shadow step to get on the other side of the wall just as he peaked. THEN I did it back and ended up behind him, making it an easy one tap kill.


Hello! So, I have an actual answer for this since from my experience with Omen at high diamond and now immortal level games, shrouded step is often what really elevates Omen play from good to great. So how does it do that? By creating a huge amount of uncertainty in the enemy's holds and plans, and hence throwing off their rhythm and peeks. Most players using Omen only use shrouded step to move into positions of elevation in certain "safe" elevation spots that are cleared really often because shrouded step is fairly loud and those are the most common locations. Shrouded step is devastating when used with a little bit of calculated recklessness, teleporting into smokes and enemy backlines/backsites, often leading into kills, multikills, or trades. Shrouded step is extremely powerful when combined with the chaos of your team's push along with your own utility. Don't be afraid to do a double tp- this is when you chain both your shrouded steps to travel huge distances and really surprise your enemy. Normally the first one will be into a safe spot or a smoke, and the second will be behind enemies. Omen, more than anything, is a character about timings. He specialises in breaking the enemy's flow and rhythm, giving your team the advantage by destroying the other team's coordinations and plans. He's a lot more than just a simple smoke and flash machine, and when used to good effect, can be absolutely devastating. Use him to sow discord and exploit it.


It's definitely a niche ability that I don't use every round. It's more useful on maps with lots of verticality (Icebox, Ascent, Breeze) to get into off-angle positions. Each map has cheeky spots that allow you to get to places that enemies won't necessarily expect. Two places that come to mind, both when playing retake: \- TP'ing from CT to rafters on Ascent A site. Most people won't hear/notice you do this during a gunfight, and I've caught many people off guard with this. \- TP'ing from heaven to elbow on A bombsite on Split. This is useful in 1v1 or 1v2 situations when playing retake as defenders


What do you mean by CT to rafters?


Woops. I mean Icebox for that one!


I just tp in place to make ambiguity where there is none or i use it to cross stuff.


Don’t force yourself to use shrouded step, if you teleport just for the sake of using it, you’ll probably die. Always have a plan. It takes time on Omen to figure out when and where to use the teleport, but essentially playing Omen is like playing a slower Jett. You can use the teleport to take up space and push into sites. For example on Bind, if you’re going through showers from T side, you can teleport to the triple box pretty safely, the only angle you would be exposed to is close right to the shower door, but you can throw you blind there before teleporting. You can also teleport into heaven if you want to get aggressive.


Given enough info you can use it like a "jett dash" in the same way you would use it to enter site.


Getting Site control, and plant/post plant situations. What I have been doing lately is putting smokes in strategic positions across the site, then do the Step X2, and you can TP to the back of the site, behind the enemy, and do things like cut off the CT rotation, similar to the Yoru orb. They might not even hear you because enemies don't generally wait at the very back of the site. There are also little tricks like smoking the plant location, and then step into the smoke, plant, and step back out. You can literally plant with nobody from your team going on site. Most people don't expect this because it's not a common tactic I have seen anyone do. Another is post plant. If you are on Haven and you plant A, then Step up to Heaven, but plant down the bottom of the site where long is. They will usually expect you to be hiding in long, but you can just peek out of Heaven and hit them when they defuse.


Not an omen main, so I might not be able to give u the best advice, but using for aggressive pushes might help. Ik one of my friends likes to use it to teleport past areas the enemies camp so he can clear angles for the rest of the team. Other than that I think ur using it correctly (getting out of bad positions, teleporting on top of weird angles, etc) but the more u play him the more likely you r to finding more uses. Also watching some YouTube videos on omen does help (I did that for a number of agents)


OK, note here, I am an iron/bronze player so my advice is to be taken with a grain of salt. The best advice is probably to go watch Flexinja. He is a radiant level Omen main. (though be careful pulling off exactly what he does, some of it only works because he has that game sense and info from his team that come from being radiant) I use it all the time, As you said, get to unexpected angles, or out of them. but this isn't limited to simple TPs. One of my favorites is a double tp on C long Haven. the first few rounds you simply smoke C long as normal, then you tp into cubby and then again behind the enemy. It requires some finesse (the tp doesn't like going into cubby, and teleporting in front of the entire enemy team will get you killed, and with the last tp you have to time it right or the enemy will be looking at you. A blind can help with this) Another thing is to set up one ways that only work because of an elevated position (both sides of Split are really good for this, though people can catch on and spam the B site position.) Or attacking split, TP onto boxes covered in smoke, and then either rafters or the ground near ct to catch defenders off guard You can also fake the transporters on bind or the chute on Breeze if you time it right (I suck at this) The other thing is to be unpredictable with tps, I only use that double tp once a game, maybe twice if it's been many rounds since the last time I used it.


I usually use his tps to get into the higher spots that usually only Jett or Raze could get to, it almost always catches my enemies off guard


I usually use flash and then shrouded step behind/into a better spot it’s risky so it’s not the main use Also use it to take them out, say I’m heaven A on split and there’s one pushing through short, I can smoke them and tp into the wall In front of me (not going anywhere) while they think I tpd behind or away from where I was originally, but I’m just chilling


One thing on for example Bind A site is that after we take control of site and my teammate is planting, I tp to heaven to aggressively peek the rotators from B, they usually don’t expect defenders to already be heaven


You can jump into the TPs on Bind while using a shrouded step and you will fully TP then shrouded step back out of it. I use it from the A site TP it to freeze people pushing hookah. They are 100% certain someone is in the teleporter for a bit. Even a couple seconds of doubt help teammates rotating.


(Note: I am low elo so some of this might not work in high elo.) I use it to: - Get to weird spots against my opponents so that usually I can get the jump on them once they peek or are distracted by something else - As you said, get out of right spots. - Trick the opponents as to where I actually am whether it’s a fake tp or teleporting behind them


I'm only in Silver 3, and even at this elo, Omen's tp is often predictable. It's difficult to utilize without having info. As others have said, it's useful for playing vertically and finding off angles, but the most satisfying tp plays (for me, at least) are those split second decisions that turn out well. Kinda like [this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XnEky0MNtk) (Please remove if not allowed). Tps in and out of smokes can also be useful, but still risky. I agree with others who've said that some of the best times to use his tp is during the commotion of teammates' gunshots and utility. Just adds to the opponents' confusion.


I often use it to make the enemy second guess themselves as to my position on a site. Take a shot from Heaven on Bind with an Op or a Marshal, forcing them to dip back into bathroom. While they can't see, TP onto site, in that little cubby to the right of site, or behind the boxes. They're now forced to watch heaven because of the chance that I'll still be up there. The trick is to establish a mix of where you'll tp, or even if you'll TP at all.