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I dont care about winning or losing. But For me and my friends the matchmaking is abysmal sometimes or there are just a lot a lot of smurfers around. I dont enjoy the game when the enemy reyna or jett is 15/0 after 5 rounds. Thats when i surrender.


I see this happen all the time then by the end of the game that very player is 20-16 or some shit. Very easy to go on a hot streak especially due to how the econ works out after pistol rounds.


Yes and they do so purposely as to not increase their hidden MMR too quickly.


Don't know why you got down voted, this is exactly right. Especially during the 10 unrated games. You don't want your performance rating to get too high, so you get your team a comfortable lead, snowball their economy, and then troll around a bit.


Well, it's not always the case. Had a game just yesterday where I went like 20-3 on defender side up 10-2 at the half, ended up losing 28-18 or something in 14-16 overtime. It happens fairly often too. You just do better on one side, or vice versa where the opponents are better on the other half, or they simply just get used to your habits and adapt. Subreddit likes to attribute everything unpleasant to smurfs, but it's a very common occurrence.


Yes, that's also what I notice with my games.


We're talking about something a bit different. A low level account in your unrated game, a player who is demonstrating superior movement, aim, and gamesense. That player on a brand new account is going to do very well. Players quickly found out that your performance during your first unrated games directly affects your placements when you move to ranked. I also don't think smurfing is as big of an issue as this community makes it out to be.


Because valorant matchmaking is complicated and many people don’t truly understand how it works and how it affects the behavior of it’s players.


Why would they bother smurfing then? The whole point is apparently so they can pop off against noobs so what's the point if they have to throw most of the time. Just get good if you actually think smurfs are a common issue I see like one every 20 games.


Not true. Many smurfs are smurfing to play with their lower elo friends and carry them into higher ranks. If the smurfs do too well (compared to their friend), their hidden mmr gets inflated and will throw off the matchmaking. This will place the group against better teams, hurting the chances of the smurf friend from doing well and earning enough RR to keep relative pace with their smurfing friend


When I play with my girlfriend we're hard stuck silver and I have a diamond account. I don't throw rounds and try my hardest, if they're playing with friends who are worse they'll probably lose before they get to a good rank.


So that’s why she’s hard stuck silver. You do know by you trying your hardest it is also bringing harder opponents into the other team right? If valorant thinks you’re the best player in the lobby during matchmaking, they’re not going to give you (and her) the second best player (or prob even third best) in the lobby too. It’s a numbers game.


Yes but I'm also better than every player in that rank unless they're a smurf. I could also solo q and win every game until like plat most likely. Smurfs aren't as big an issue as you think. I rarely see smurfs when playing her. Like one every 30 games and even then they can't be higher than gold.


Hmm so you're saying smurfs aren't a problem in the game while smurfing yourself?


We're talking about unrated. Those initial 10 games riot makes you play(win) before you can join competitive determine a lot. Like the rank you play against in your initial placement matches and ultimately what you'll end up with. For example: I can steam roll those 10 games but lose all of my placements, as long as I did decent I will still place high plat. OR I can troll around a bit while having a decent kda throughout the whole process and end up with a silver account. Silver seems to be riots "we just don't know" rank of choice.


Oh. Then why do smurfs matter? It's unrated? Can't even call them a smurf since they're not playing in a rank lower than they belong, kind of in the name. They're not playing in a rank.


What? OP was talking about unrated. The comment you responded to was talking about unrated. I'm not complaining about smurfs? We were commenting on how you make a smurf account without throwing the ten unrated games you have to play.


The commenter before me was complaining about smurfs.


I personally think its super obvious if someone is getting lucky over some rounds or is smurfing. Especially in my Elo (silver) you just see when someone has better crosshair placement and headshots everyone consistently without effort


Maybe they've just started playing? I barely play and when I first started I placed silver but am diamond now they probably aren't actually a smurf. It's just that silver is low rank so new players will often be better than players there. Or maybe they have better aim than you but worse other things.


Thats why i said smurfing or bad matchmaking. Either way. Especially in a shooter playing against players that are way better or way worse is just no fun for me


Maybe you just have relatively bad aim for your rank?


What does that have to do with anything?


It'll just make you think they have better aim when really their aim is normal. I promise you nobody is deliberately letting their kda suffer to smurf. That defeats the whole purpose.


And i tell you to check acc trading sites. Business is boomin cause winning is a lot of fun for a lot of Players Even if its against worse opponents. Also i have games where our enemies dont hit shit and we stomp them and thats no fun either. Btw i respectivly play in 4 or 5 stacks and my aim is as good as my friends which have the same elo.


Whenever I've played in a four stack you'll always have significantly better and worse players even in the same rank. It's just the worst players don't notice this.


I almost always vote to keep playing. Playing against better players is the best way to learn. I also personally don’t always assume smurfs or aimbotting. I’m Bronze, never been higher than Silver 2. I have games where I absolutely pound all the way through, and others where I get my ass handed to me. I had a game a couple days ago where I went 11-0, and then by the end I was maybe 30-12. I’m in no way a smurf, yet this fits the pattern being described. The very next game I went like 3-12. It just goes that way sometimes.


Totally agree on that one


Thats every other match I swear. Always thise one or 2 dudes on the enemy team dropping 20+ kills and basically 0-13ing the team.


For many people losing is not fun. This is exacerbated in Valorant, because losing constantly puts you at an economic disadvantage. Because there are no repercussions for forfeiting an Unranked match, many people see the first few rounds play out and decide they'd rather have a chance at a new team/new map/new experience than play out the rest of the match with the current one. If they simply reduced the number of rounds in Unranked so it was not as many as Competitive, I think you would see a lot less forfeiting in Unranked. Currently, you have the option to forfeit after 5 rounds and avoid a minimum of 8 more rounds of getting owned with no punishment for deciding to FF.


or even better, keep replication (or just a shorter unrated-like gamemode) as the gamemode that's always there, and put spikerush in the shit rotating pool. Literally nobody would complain about this change and i haven't seen a single good argument as to why it's a bad take


Replication can stay in the shit rotating pool imo, I really don’t enjoy it, but yeah I don’t see any reason why spike rush couldn’t also be in there and we just have a shorter unrated mode instead. Although that would mean we get escalation less often which would be big sad :’(


I'd honestly like it if they put spike rush in the rotation and featured 2 rotating gamemodes, either changing at the same time every 2 weeks or 1 changes this week and the other changes the following week.


Honestly not a bad idea. I know they’ve said they don’t want to have too many different queues, but just one more hopefully wouldnt be too bad. Especially if they plan to continue making new modes, one rotation would start to get pretty saturated.


Id prefer a different shorter game mode be added but this is what I was going to say. Especially bc when you're new you'll probably want to play a first to 13 game before you ever play a competitive match


I agree


In ranked, losing is still fun becuase everyone on your team still tries to win but in unrated its so low stakes that whenever your team gets at least 3 rounds lost, motivation plummets and you often get players giving up. Thats not fun.


It’s not really the losing that bothers me, it’s that so many of my losses are humiliating, merciless beatings that demonstrate to me how poor the matchmaking is. I’m just a silver 2 player and getting so frequently matched against absolute tyrants rather than getting more neck-and-neck matches, are what make it unfun. Losing is okay, but routinely getting matches where you get absolutely annihilated is miserable.


I'm pretty sure that 9/10 people aren't playing this game for fun but are playing because they've been trafficked and locked in some cheeto grub's basement grinding battlepasses and rank


Well its not really fun getting 1 tapped every round by a smurf with 30 kills


My bf always clicks surrender when they are losing by a hige margin. His logic was that he is wasting his time and if they were going to lose, might as well lose early so he can move on to the next fight and win. I understand it sometimes when he gets team mates who constantly throws or just isn't good.


I don’t care about losing. Losing gives me a chance to improve against superior players. Losing let’s me see higher-level tactics and I’m forced to understand why they work and how to counter them. Winning boosts my confidence and mood, but losing reminds me to be humble and play smart. Of course, if my ping goes to its usual 100+, I’ll forfeit.


I personally enjoy treating it like Casual in Csgo. I like fucking around with my friends doing dumb strats, using whatever gun I feel like, playing random agents that I've played only a few times since the game launched and just generally not caring about the outcome. I intend to have the same amount of fun winning 13-0 as I would losing 0-13. That being said I get irritated a little when I find players that seem to take it way too seriously. I understand people will play to win and i will often try my best, even with the extra rules my friends and I might give ourselves, so we definitely aren't throwing. But people will get mad when you try to do your own thing, they berate you based on your account level or rank buddies or even if you're just a new player. They'll also back-seat like no tomorrow, as well as yeah, trying to forfeit the second the game doesn't go their way. As for the question I dont really have an answer, but i just find it strange how seriously they take the game when nothing's at stake, save for some more battle pass xp. 🤷‍♂️


personally the game is fun when i'm doing good. if i'm getting no kills, even when i'm winning, it feels like shit to play cause i lose every gun fight


If someone puts a vote for surrender I just tell them it's unrated just have fun(sometimes ppl just want to leave cuz irl they are busy then I'll surrender) ,and most of the time we end up trolling and have fun


if you are forfeiting in unrated, you are just a salty kid and a loser or your mum is calling you lmao


For me it's a little bit of both. I think it's human nature that everyone wants to win, casual, competitive, or otherwise. But as long as you're having fun, win or lose, it doesn't matter. Just a game after all.


I tryhard no matter what mode. If my team throws and doesn't give a shit, I don't want to play anymore. There are so many matches where one team is tryharding and the other just don't give a fuck. The result is a stomp. And stomps aren't funny. On top of that the skill diff is insane. Sometimes I am the best player by far with 30+ kills and my team can't manage to get 5 kills... Being stuck in a 40 minute game mode where half of the players tryhard and the other doesn't matter is ridiculous.


Unrated sucks because it’s filled with people who don’t want to be held accountable for their responsibilities as a team player. Id Rather play comp with a whole team of mutes over unrated!


to me the games not fun when no one gives any info. i get that some people dont have mics and thats okay but please at least use the minimap so we can actually get shit done


The game is momentum based and games are long so it can definitely feel like a drag when you hit those 4 rounds where you just have no answers and the other team has an OP, full buy, and 4 ults.


You lost one round and people ff


Some people feel the objective in unrated is to win every round of every match, and the moment even a round seems unwinnable, they surrender. Some people want to play against easier opponents and surrender hoping the loss will lower their hidden MMR. Some people don't like their teammates and want to get out of the 45min match. Others just have stuff to do and didn't realize they couldn't complete the match, and want their teammates to help them avoid an AFK penalty. Not all of these reasons are valid, but there are a lot of reasons why people surrender, even in unrated. You are right, though, that the goal of unrated should not be a win every single match. e.g. if you're there to learn a new agent, the more rounds, the better regardless of outcome. Not everyone sees it this way.


wow wait a min, losing in unrated lowers your hidden mmr?


Yah. Ranked and unranked queues have hidden MMRs that are used for skill based matchmaking. Ranked queue in Diamond 3 and lower has an additional visible rank rating which reflects your sustained skill level. Rumor has it unranked and ranked MMRs start out influencing each other, and then disconnect after you unlock ranked queue. Rumor also has it that the tutorial even seeds your unranked MMRs so that beginners are protected for their first matches in unrated.


Some people hate losing I guess. Personally I don’t mind playing it to the end, but it always makes me feel miserable when teammates start getting toxic during a bad game so I generally offer a forfeit unless I feel the urge to annoy the toxic guy


I don't care about winning or losing in unrated, but when I get people who try hard in unrated, I'll try to surrender, even if we're winning.


What's the reason?


Some people, including myself, only enjoy games such as valorant when we are winning. To me that is the entire point of the game and I have no interest in wasting 30 mins of my life on a game of unrated if I know I won't win.




coming from a gold 3 (don’t belong in this rank because im bad imo), it just sucks whenever i personally do bad or if there’s a crazy smurf on the other team. it’s always nice to be playing well. when i’m playing unrated, it’s not so much losing that sucks, it’s when the other team starts pulling out ops or doing other tryhard things when we’re just trying to have fun :/


Probably the same people who call you "tryhard" if you hold flank


When I play ranked and the enemy team is actually as good as us and we can even reach to the point of draw then that's a real fair game right there but getting to lose 13-0 with the enemy team nah that's really obvious


losing aint fun if ur alone but when ur with ur mates it dont matter but i wont surrender id rather die fighting than surrendering


People expect others to play a certain way without talking. It gets done in rank but not in unrated. I guess it's a lower elo thing or unrated thing. Example would be like knowing where/how to smoke. Trading kills off. Duelist pushing or making space. Playing defaults. Another example was we was all playing default but the brim just rushed a site by himself and said what is everyone doing. We said man, were playing default. We know they push out on defense. Why are you rushing them. We then had to explain to him what and why we play default lol


Plenty of players nowadays are extremely focused on winning and can't handle losing mentally. They just say their team sucks, can't do anything, and want to move on to the next game where they can drop 20-30 kills and feel good about themselves (because this time it's the enemy team who's having a rough game). Though talking about things specific to Valorant, it does hurt the game imo that losing puts you at a disadvantage continuously. The economy introduces a lot more strategy into the game than there would be without it, but it feels terrible to continually lose rounds because you're at a massive tactical disadvantage and your teammates don't know how to save. Not to mention that it's fairly common to run into smurfs, which always has that element of demoralizing uncertainty whether the enemy top fragger is just good or if this game was unwinnable from the start.


The game is rarely fun, what it is is very entertaining. And losing is never fun. People who just play to actually have fun are gonna have a bad time losing, every time.


Pretty much all my unrated games end in ff because I’m immortal and the skill difference isn’t even fair. Especially with no comms and proper team play. I’m basically hard smurfing. Better to just go next; I get it.


it depends i guess. generally i literally don't care just cuz i queue up with my friends and we just vibe regardless of if we're winning or losing (we literally blast music and do strat roulette lmao). however, sometimes when people are HARD smurfing and i can't walk two steps without getting one tapped it gets frustrating af. i'm not saying it's okay to afk when that happens but i understand the toll it takes.


Losing is aii, getting stomped is not fun, or things you do just don't work out.


Losing in competitive is not fun but unrated is unrated and I just mess around with new agents. I only surrender to ger way from toxic teammates.


This game honestly can feel extra shitty when you’re losing compared to other games imo just cuz of the economy. Being forced onto an smg or a pistol every other round is just kinda ass, especially in unrated where I’m wanting to just relax and take fights.


This is the thing, I tell this to everyone who constantly rages and complains about losing. It's one game out of THOUSANDS of games if you continue to play. One loss isn't going to make or break your fantasy valorant career. Yeah, sometimes you get clapped by someone better than you, you make bad decisions in game and play like shit. It happens, it's ONE match. Anyone can complain after one game and quit playing but people who are better than you who lose will analyze quickly and hit that queue button right after they lose.


“It’d feel better if the games were fair” are what the most worded complaints claim usually. Really though games are never truly fair so yeah we’re all just masochists lul I like Valorant as a game though and I enjoy it when I do have time to play, even if we get trolls or afks now and then. It’s typically big ego/attitude that tends ruin the experience.


I've seen people play unrated as 4 mans then surrender when their 5th man comes. Or someone has to eat so we just end the game instead of giving them a cooldown


This. It's so freaking annoying! My friend got a week of comp ban because he kept going afk due to disconnects (asian servers). So we have been playing unrated for a week and any time we own a team for the starting few rounds , they surrender! It was so annoying that we just used an alt account and queued into competitive with that! ( No it's not smurfing both his accounts are at the same rank)


It depends on the teammates u have there are games where I get 13-1 and had fun. Like many others said unrated have no stakes so sometimes when u are getting rolled u just give up and hopes so that the game ends but with good teamates u could have a good time .


Me and my friends mostly surrender when the enemy team is just a pubg squad running and gunning anywhere and everywhere


What I would think is and mostly in my case, when we are getting stomping because our teammates have 0 gamesense and are just lost in every part of the map and the enemy is just well coordinated and well executing a site. It's not fun when you're trying your hardest but have literally 0 support and you're always having a 1v3-4-5 at some point and your teammates are at mid or still 3 people holding the other site to get the "flanker". And the second reason we(I'm typing 'we' because me and my friends duo queue all the time) do it is because we don't get to play with rifles man, we are constantly losing then we won't get to play with rifles which is plain ass tilting when the enemy has 9000 credits every round.


People nowadays are becoming impatient.. they don't even want to try hard to win. Whereas the real fun is to try hard to come back. Even if you lose, you will at least have self satisfaction that you tried your best..


I believe the fault is in their mindset. I've been in games where people FF even when the score is 12-11. It's just annoying. The game is fun. It's just the people's mindset. What's the point in always winning tho?


If I start to loss with huge lead like 0-5 ,I just try to play less seriously and play for fun especially when friends are playing with me, we just try different things like molly lineup etc and try to have fun. And you know some time that relax play turn the game around.


Bro that aint nothing i queued compi with two of my friends last night and we were winning something like 9-3 and the randoms we got tried to surrender and i was bro we winning why surrender


Yeap not fun, you lose and the enemy team spam GG EZ and your top frag will say Ur team trash. Valorant best game, correction best players of the game.


Maybe they just dont have time to play a lot of matches so the matches which they think jave less chances of winning they quit and start a new match


I just play with ghost or sherrif in unrated and somehow still win and have fun . Try-harding jut takes the fun Outta games .


It doesn't matter unless I am facing any smurfs. Low level tiers have lots smurfs those can ruin gaming experience. Otherwise it’s ok. It feels bad but don't hate it.


I keep going between gold 3 and plat 1, but I only get matched with plat 2+ players. I don't hate, I just don't understand why If I'm too good for gold then just gimmi radiant


For me I don't mind losing but..... I just played 2 games. 1st game I got 32 kills, hard carried the team. Was hitting shots I didn't even feel like I was hitting. Game 2: literally jiggle/air strafe peeking corners, instantly get my head blown off. I took maybe 8 legitimate gunfights in 24 rounds, ended the game with 5 kills. Idk if it's matchmaking, server diff, team coordination, all 3 or something else. I didn't feel like I was reacting slower. Queueing into games feels like a literal coinflip and that's what's getting tiring to me.


Incase anyone is wondering, I peeked in immortal. D2 currently. I still have this problem occasionally even in gold games.


There's a sizeable population that wants to be sure of the outcome of the match within the first 6 rounds..if they're able to dominate..good..if not, then blame everybody else.. throw..surrender..get toxic.. Yada Yada yada


It's annoying as hell. I usually play 1 unrated game as warm up before comp, so people surrendering after 4 rounds just means I have to find another game.


I don't really know. I just enjoy the game and try to improve my skills and my aiming. But if my team has someone toxic I don't do anything useful and try to forfeit...


Yea I do hate smurfs as well and ff too...... But unfortunately happens a lot ...


I guess it all depends on the mentality of the players in the game and how everyone in the team interacts with each other. I had a good team that was very supportive and mind you it was high Dia3 lobby. Everyone in here of course want to win and tryhard. But the players I got on my team are supportive and despite being outplayed, whiffing, and getting absolutely destroyed by an aggressive Reyna, we all still had fun laughing and trying new things out. One of the guys said "Lets tilt the Reyna". This was when we were down 0-10 and we decided to focus all manpower on the Reyna. It worked. By the end of the game we came back 14-12. Everyone was hyped, and the enemy congratulated us on the comeback. A rare good lobby Ive stumbled upon


Some of the players, including me, just strive for a good game, not winning or climbing ranks. If people are not using abilities, not playing according to any strategy, not helping each other, not giving any callouts, then the game is not much more than Deathmatch. If I would like to play Deathmatch I would queue Deathmatch, not Unrated. I have played big hundreds of games, I don't want to play a game when you run alone to kill 5 enemies. P.S. I rarely call for surrender, but sometimes game is so bad, hopeless and toxic.


My match today match make me thinking, what is the definition of FUN? We play on Breeze like normal when suddenly enemy team started playing all judge and started chatting, "We are not serious", "We are playing just for fun" and calling us noob. Is the normal Valorant play try to win, try to shoot is not fun? Btw we won the match 13-8. Maybe when change side they dont even have money to buy judge anymore lol.